Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 109 Innate Dao Body Senior Sister Cai Ling

Chapter 109: Senior Sister Cai Ling, Innate Dao Body

Jade Water Heavenly Palace was particularly lively today because the senior disciple who had been away for over a decade finally returned.

"Disciple Cai Ling pays respects to Master."

In the main hall of the sect, a woman dressed in a light purple gown, with skin as smooth as jade and delicate hands, her beautiful eyes shining, as if she was so ethereal that she did not belong to the mortal world, bowed gracefully to Ming Yanshang and spoke.

Standing beside Ming Yanshang, Zhou Tianfeng also nodded as he looked at this new senior sister.

There's nothing to say about her appearance. She truly lives up to being a disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, not inferior to Ming Yanshang.

"Good disciple, there's no need for such formalities. You have worked hard in these past ten years," Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

"Master is indeed joking. Your disciple has done her best for our sect. There's no hardship to speak of. It is you, as the sect's leader, who toils for the sect day after day," Cai Ling replied.

She toils for the sect day after day? I think she's just looking out for her own interests! This sect leader is quite cunning! From what I know, she has gained many benefits for herself.

Zhou Tianfeng silently complained about Ming Yanshang in his heart.

His days have been much better recently because of that mysterious woman. Ming Yanshang hasn't harassed him lately.

"It's good that you can speak like this. You should be aware of everything happening in the Heaven Inspiring Army. Elder Feihong has made it clear," Ming Yanshang nodded and asked.

"Reporting to Master, I have already handed over all military affairs and matters of attention to Elder Feihong. Master, I don't know what has happened that made you call me back early. I still have over 30 years left in my term," Cai Ling asked.

She had only been a Light Shaking Star for a little over ten years and had just established her own trusted subordinates. But now she was immediately called back to the sect. Clearly, she still had over 30 years left in her term.

"Calling you back early this time was also out of helplessness. After a century, the Spirit Star sect is going to hold the grand gathering of geniuses in the cultivation world. You should be aware of this event," Ming Yanshang said.

"The grand gathering of geniuses in the cultivation world, Master? It's still about 60 years away, a century from now! Why do you need to call me back so early?" Cai Ling asked.

Her term in the Heaven Inspiring Army was ending, and there should still be around twenty years until the grand gathering of geniuses. It should be more than enough time.

Listening to the girl's words, it seems like she's a bit unwilling to come back. Really, she doesn't want to go to my world. If I hadn't sacrificed a bit of my charm, I wouldn't have been able to keep my senior sister.

But now she doesn't want to come back? Is the treatment in the Heaven Inspiring Army that good? Or does this girl have something planned in the Heaven Inspiring Army and doesn't want to come back?

Zhou Tianfeng began to gossip deep in his heart.

"This time, the sect is counting on you, the Innate Dao Body, to achieve good results in this conference and redeem our previous disgrace. That's why you were called back early and asked to cultivate in the sect's mountain gate. In the last ten years, you and your junior brother who will also participate in the competition will go to the sect and receive training from the Elder." Ming Yanshang said.

"I understand, Master. Rest assured, I will definitely perform well and bring glory to our sect." Cai Ling said.

"Very good. I have great confidence in you. From now on, stay by my side and cultivate your Innate Dao Body." Ming Yanshang said.

"I will follow Master's orders."

"Alright, let me introduce your future colleagues. This child is Zhou Tianfeng, a disciple of your senior brother Shui Yun and also a disciple of his Dao companion. He possesses the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, two extremely rare special constitutions combined in one person. Among the two spots selected for the competition, one is for you and the other is for him. You two should get closer in the future." Ming Yanshang pointed at Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

"Zhou Tianfeng, meet Senior Sister Cai Ling."

"Nice to meet you, Junior Brother Zhou. I have heard of your name even before I came to the mountain. With the Apex Level Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, your future is limitless. You will definitely ascend to the Immortal World." Cai Ling smiled and nodded slightly.

"Senior Sister is too kind. Senior Sister possesses the legendary Innate Dao Body and is not inferior in talent at all. I will need to learn a lot from you in the future." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Innate Dao Body is only slightly inferior to the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, but it is still one of the top constitutions. Cultivating this constitution is incredibly fast, and with the favor of the heavens, one can quickly comprehend various Divine Abilities and spells, while also avoiding disturbances from inner demons. Even during the Heavenly Tribulation, the power of the tribulation is much weaker compared to ordinary constitutions and other special constitutions. It can be said that it has received the blessings of the heavens.

According to legend, the Innate Dao Body was the original constitution of the Human Race. When the Human Race was first created, all humans possessed the Innate Dao Body. It was only later, due to various reasons, that different special constitutions and the current Mortal Physique developed.

In terms of first impressions, Zhou Tianfeng had a good impression of this new senior sister. She was beautiful, articulate, and well-mannered. And most importantly, the way she looked at him was not as hungry or aggressive as other women!

Finally, a normal senior sister had arrived. Hopefully, this senior sister with the Innate Dao Body could resist his male hormones.

No, no, he needed to control himself. He should try not to let his male hormones stimulate her in the future.

Now, Zhou Tianfeng tried his best not to release his adrenaline in front of these female disciples, to prevent his hormones from causing unnecessary trouble.

Zhou Tianfeng, after a series of experiments, is quite confident in his own hormones!

Ming Yanshang, sitting on the high platform, also saw the performance of his disciple and nodded in satisfaction. This little girl has a naturally cold and indifferent personality.

It can be said that she is wholeheartedly seeking the Dao in terms of her character. She will never become a competitor to her as a senior disciple.

On the contrary, after this senior disciple returns, she can have her serve as a sparring partner for Zhou Tianfeng.

"Junior Brother Zhou is being modest. Junior Brother possesses the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. You will be the main force in this tournament," Cai Ling said.

"Sister Cai Ling is too kind. I have only been practicing for a short time and will still need your guidance in the future," Zhou Tianfeng said.

As long as you don't look at me with those wolf-like, hungry eyes, we can be good friends in the future.

"You two should get to know each other. After a century, it will be up to you to bring glory to our sect."

"Disciple obeys." x2

Ming Yanshang nodded and looked at Cai Ling, her eyes brightening as she spoke.

"Ling'er, although you hold a position in the Heaven Inspiring Army, your cultivation has not fallen behind. You have already reached the peak of Soul Cultivation. Well done, well done."

She hadn't looked carefully before, but her senior disciple had actually reached the peak of Soul Cultivation after more than ten years of absence.

This was an unexpected surprise.

Now, as long as this senior disciple takes the most apex-level Spirit Medicine, she can break through to the Transcending Mortality realm.

She must hurry and capture that Extreme Yin Body. Then she can ask the sect for a Spirit Medicine that can break through to the Transcending Mortality realm.

This matter requires the help of this young man.

No, wait. The sect wants me, as the disciple, to achieve good results in the Heavenly Pride Tournament, so they should definitely provide some secret techniques and Spirit Medicine. It's only natural.

I should listen to that young man and directly ask the sect.

Just like the reasoning that young man told me, the sect cultivates disciples, so naturally they have to give something for free. Early investments can bring about rich returns in the later stages.

I must learn and apply this. The various novel ideas this young man has about shamelessness and bargaining are very useful.

With the Extreme Yin Body, I should be able to get something better. My senior disciple is still lacking a handy Law Treasure!

I need to work harder and quickly deal with that Extreme Yin Body.

"Master, you flatter me. I am humbled," Cai Ling said.

"Ling'er, you must cultivate well and strive to reach the peak of the Transcending Mortality realm after a century. I will apply to the sect for a Spirit Medicine that can help you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm," Ming Yanshang said.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Ming Yanshang let Cai Ling rest and agreed that starting from tomorrow, Cai Ling would be responsible for Zhou Tianfeng's training.

Zhou Tianfeng wholeheartedly agreed to this. Finally, he wouldn't have to endure the torment of this sect leader anymore. Recently, this crazy woman even planned to use a whip on him.

After all, you guys at Jade Water Heavenly Palace still have a genetic inheritance for playing with whips! Who did my Master's Wife learn from?

"If there's nothing else, Master, I will take my leave," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I still need to go to the medicinal field to cultivate my poisonous flowers and grass! Whether I can win first place in the future, my poisonous blades are a great guarantee.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The sparring session for today isn't over yet. Come with me," Ming Yanshang said.

"Uh! Is it just a normal sparring session? Don't touch me!" Zhou Tianfeng's back was covered in cold sweat as he spoke.

"Don't worry! I'll be gentle,"

An hour later, Zhou Tianfeng once again changed out of his tattered clothes and sighed helplessly as he left the sect leader's room.

After that, Zhou Tianfeng resumed his routine life of training, sparring with his senior sister Lin Wan, sparring with senior sister Cai Ling, and sparring with sect leader Ming Yanshang.

Then he went to the medicinal field to teach Wang Xiaobao and cultivate his poisonous flowers, grass, and insects.

Zhou Tianfeng now uses his own blood to feed these poisonous insects, while his saliva and some blood are used for an Integrated Union with the poisonous flowers and grass.

The research on new types of toxins is progressing steadily. Several new highly toxic substances have been cultivated, but Zhou Tianfeng cannot determine their power because there are no suitable experimental targets.

I apologize for the slight delay in updating today!

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