Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 110 The Poisonous Weeds And Flowers That Die, The Poisonous Insects That Survive

Chapter 110: Deadly Weeds and Flowers, Surviving Poisonous Insects

Early this morning, Zhou Tianfeng finished his daily sparring with his senior sister. Lately, sparring with Lin Wan, his senior sister, has been quite exhausting for Zhou Tianfeng.

Recently, Lin Wan has been quite resentful, especially after Cai Ling, another senior sister, arrived. She became suspicious of everyone, including the sect leader and her fellow disciples.

In response, Zhou Tianfeng expressed his helplessness. His senior sister has become fearful due to Ming Yanshang's manipulation.

She is afraid of falling into Ming Yanshang's trap again.

"Senior sister, you've been restless lately. Why don't you take a break and rest?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at Lin Wan and said.

"I'm fine, junior brother! I just have a feeling that the sect leader has ulterior motives. What she said to me that day was definitely not a joke. Something must have happened, which is why she didn't let me join the Heaven Inspiring Army," Lin Wan said.

His senior sister has become quite clever. There has indeed been some kind of incident, but it was his junior brother who covered for her!

If it weren't for his efforts, how could she have stayed?

"Senior sister, don't overthink it. The sect leader just likes to joke around. Besides, have you been with me all this time?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes! Junior brother, be careful. Don't fall into their trap," Lin Wan said.

Recently, he has also come to realize that constantly being on guard against these two has the potential to create inner demons. It's better to go with the flow.

"Don't worry, it won't happen," he reassured his senior sister. In fact, if the two of them were to take advantage of me, it would be the other way around.

After comforting his senior sister, Zhou Tianfeng entered the palace of the sect leader.

"You've made great progress recently. Cai Ling told me that your combat experience has become quite extensive. Now, unless she improves her cultivation, she won't be able to suppress you," Ming Yanshang said.

"To be honest, I think we can stop these daily sparring sessions. I believe my combat experience doesn't need any more honing. Among peers, there shouldn't be anyone who can match me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Instead of spending time sparring with them, it would be better to focus on cultivating deadly toxins and studying various secret techniques and spells. Ordinary battles like these don't help me at all.

With my brain overclocking and the combat enhancements from dynamic vision, I can perfectly suppress this senior sister without needing to activate the adrenaline mode or the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

One's own battle relies on the calculations of the brain and the capture of the eyes, and then comes up with the best solution, rather than relying on the instincts of the body to fight.

Such daily practice in the early stages is helpful for oneself. It allows the brain to gather more information. But now it is completely useless. As long as the two senior sisters make a move, Zhou Tianfeng can immediately predict their attack methods.

"Cailin also told me about this, so there's no need to continue daily sparring with your senior sister Lin. But you should continue with Cailin. You can also serve as a sparring partner for your senior sister. You should know that you two are the main force in the Tianjiao Conference this time," Ming Yanshang said.

This kid's talent is really amazing. In just a few months, he has completely drained his senior disciple. Without improving his cultivation, he can completely suppress him with absolute strength. There's no way this kid can win.

Although it's no longer helpful for you, it is helpful for Cailin. That's enough. You still have to continue.

"It's fine to help senior sister improve her combat experience, but I don't think it's necessary to fight every day. Senior sister already has rich combat experience, thanks to the training in the Heaven Inspiring Army. Once a month is enough, so she has time to digest and the effect will be better," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You really are a little monster. Alright, I agree to that," Ming Yanshang said.

After bidding farewell to the sect leader, Zhou Tianfeng flew on his sword to the medicinal field, intending to see how his poisonous flowers and plants were doing, as well as the current situation of the batch of poisonous insects he was raising.

Previously, in cultivating these highly toxic plants, Zhou Tianfeng directly added his own blood or saliva to the extracted toxins to enhance their power.

A few days ago, Zhou Tianfeng had a sudden idea. He mixed his saliva and blood into the spiritual spring and used it to water these poisonous flowers and plants to see the effect.

But the results he obtained greatly exceeded Zhou Tianfeng's expectations.

At first, the results were not bad. These poisonous flowers and plants were growing normally. But as time went on, various problems started to appear. The leaves turned yellow, the roots began to rot, and a few days later, they died directly.

All the poisonous flowers and plants irrigated with Zhou Tianfeng's blood and saliva died, not a single one survived.

As soon as he arrived at the medicinal field, Wang Xiaobao came up to greet him.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry. You asked Xiaobao to take care of the last few poisonous flowers and plants, but they all died. Xiaobao tried various methods but couldn't save them," Wang Xiaobao said with a disappointed expression.

It was really a failure. Mr. Zhou taught him how to raise these poisonous flowers and plants, so why did they suddenly die? This puzzled him. Could it be that he didn't take good care of them?

But he clearly followed Mr. Zhou's manuscript and took good care of these poisonous flowers and plants! Why did problems arise?

Zhou Tianfeng walked forward upon hearing this, touched Wang Xiaobao's head, and said, "It's not your fault, Xiaobao. It seems that there's something wrong with the method I used. I'll have to figure it out."

"Xiao Bao, you don't need to worry about the death of these poisonous flowers and plants. It's not your fault. In any case, it has nothing to do with you, so there's no need for self-blame," Zhou Tianfeng said.

These poisonous flowers and plants were killed by me while playing. It has nothing to do with you. It seems impractical to water them with a mixture of your own blood or saliva and the spiritual spring.

Not only will it not have any beneficial effects, but it will also quickly kill them.

"Mr. Zhou, you don't need to comfort me. It was Xiao Bao's fault. If you trust Xiao Bao, there won't be any accidents with the next batch of poisonous flowers and plants. I will take good care of them," Wang Xiao Bao spoke up.

He was really afraid that this matter would displease Zhou Tianfeng and cause him to no longer care about him.

"I understand. When I leave today, I will leave you some seeds. If these die, you can plant another batch," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, Xiao Bao understands."

"By the way, Xiao Bao, how are those poisonous insects I asked you to take care of?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Those poisonous insects that were fed with his own blood and saliva also underwent some kind of mutation. Zhou Tianfeng locked them together and let them kill each other, then selected the strongest one.

"Mr. Zhou, I was just about to tell you about this. Those batch of poisonous insects have been quiet recently. Xiao Bao thinks that the winner has been decided, or maybe, maybe they have all died," Wang Xiao Bao said.

He felt that the last possibility was more likely. Last night, he specifically went to check the cage where the poisonous insects were kept, but there was no movement at all. It was estimated that all the poisonous insects had already died out.

The poisonous flowers and plants are dead, and the poisonous insects are dead too. Mr. Zhou won't get angry, right?

"Ah! I understand. I'll go and see for myself," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Hopefully, these poisonous insects haven't died like the poisonous flowers and plants. My blood shouldn't be that poisonous, right?

Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and came to the giant iron cage where the poisonous insects were kept. He carefully stuck his head in and observed.

Although these poisonous insects were highly toxic, they didn't have any effect on him because he had already developed immunity. Therefore, he wasn't afraid of suddenly being bitten or anything like that.

The scene inside was quite miserable. There were various centipedes, spiders, scorpions, and some strange-looking poisonous insects. Their bodies were scattered all over the ground, some with half of their bodies eaten, and some lying on their backs with their eight legs in the air, dead.

No way! Could they really be all dead? Is my blood that powerful? But when I first started using it on them, there were no special conditions!

Zhou Tianfeng reached his hand into the cage, intending to remove all the corpses of the poisonous insects and then observe them carefully.

The bodies of these poisonous insects should not be wasted either. Their bodies also contain potent toxins that can be refined into poison. It can be considered as waste utilization!

Just as Zhou Tianfeng reached out to take out the bodies of the poisonous insects, suddenly a red figure flashed from his fingertips and then darted out.

Zhou Tianfeng narrowed his eyes, and his other hand reached out directly, but he only caught a red afterimage.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng keenly sensed that something else flew out of the iron cage, another surviving poisonous insect.

Impressive! These two poisonous insects actually deceived his perception and even played dead just now.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to be careless and immediately threw out a yellow bag specifically designed to capture poisonous insects, intercepting the mysterious poisonous insect that was about to fly away.

Then he went to chase after the other red poisonous insect.

A red figure on the ground was crawling quickly. Zhou Tianfeng, who was behind, finally saw clearly what it was. It was a small spider-like poisonous insect, about the size of a finger, with a black and red body.

"So there are still two survivors. Can you escape from me?" Zhou Tianfeng immediately stood up and chased after it.

I knew it! It's impossible for all of them to be extinct. Many of the bodies of the poisonous insects were gnawed, which means that many of them held onto their own blood, survived, and started killing each other.

This red spider-like creature was incredibly fast, moving quickly in the grass, evading Zhou Tianfeng's pursuit, wanting to escape from here as soon as possible.

"You damn spider, if I wasn't afraid of squashing you, could you have escaped from the palm of my hand?" Zhou Tianfeng cursed from behind.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhou?" Just then, Wang Xiaobao walked over and asked.

And that red spider-like creature also jumped onto the other person's neck.

"No! Xiaobao, get away quickly!" Seeing that the red spider was about to harm someone, Zhou Tianfeng rushed forward, threw out a red cloth bag, and caught the red spider.

But unfortunately, he was still a step too late. Although Zhou Tianfeng caught the red spider with the Universe Bag he threw out, the spider also bit Wang Xiaobao.

Wang Xiaobao convulsed all over and fell directly to the ground.

I wasn't quite satisfied with the daily content I wrote earlier, so I deleted it and rewrote it. I apologize for uploading it a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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