Chapter 111: Treating Wang Xiaobao

Zhou Tianfeng hurriedly rushed to Wang Xiaobao's side and helped him up. He first sealed the acupoints on his neck to prevent the highly toxic venom from spreading throughout his body via the bloodstream. Then he placed his hand on Wang Xiaobao's back and activated his own true energy.

He protected Wang Xiaobao's heart pulse, attempting to slow down the poison using this method.

Unfortunately, after just a few seconds, Wang Xiaobao's body began to turn purple, his heart rate became rapid, and his pulse became unstable.

Zhou Tianfeng's emergency measures had no effect, and the venom quickly penetrated Wang Xiaobao's entire body.

As the toxin deepened, Wang Xiaobao's body started convulsing, and foam came out of his mouth.

"Damn it, big brother, pull yourself together! When others get bitten by a spider, they turn into Spider Heroes, able to fly and do anything. But when you get bitten, you're on the fast track to death!" Zhou Tianfeng anxiously exclaimed.

However, it was evident that Wang Xiaobao couldn't understand what Spider Heroes meant. Even if he could, he couldn't respond now because he had already started rolling his eyes.

Clearly, Wang Xiaobao couldn't hear Zhou Tianfeng's sarcastic words. Most likely, he would soon be on his way to the underworld.

There was no corresponding antidote for the mutated red spider, and even if there was, it might not be able to counteract the current poison.

After all, Zhou Tianfeng knew better than anyone how terrifying the things nourished by his own blood were. Even if he found the corresponding antidote, it would be useless in saving this kid.

There was only one thing in this world that could save him now.

Zhou Tianfeng was in a dilemma. The only thing that could save Wang Xiaobao's life was his own blood.

He had conducted many experiments on the Heaven Inspiring Army before, and it was proven that as long as he immunized himself against the highly toxic substances, he could detoxify them. However, due to the changes in the Heaven Inspiring Army, Zhou Tianfeng dared not use his own blood to detoxify anymore.

Damn it, what if he created another strange thing?

Wait, maybe the situation wouldn't be so bad. Those Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers had used hundreds of different toxins.

After consuming his blood hundreds of times, their bodies underwent some kind of mutation, and it was only after Second Senior Brother's blood corpse that they completely mutated into Blood Monster ancestors.

Perhaps one or two drops of his blood could neutralize Wang Xiaobao's poison without turning him into something strange.

Moreover, after the four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers recovered, he would warn them to be careful not to be infected by any toxins that could cause their bodies to mutate.

But now, he couldn't care about all that. He couldn't just watch this kid die, could he?

Zhou Tianfeng sighed helplessly. He used his flying sword to cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood into Wang Xiaobao's mouth.

Now, he couldn't care about anything else. He hoped that this kid wouldn't undergo any mutation, or if he did, it would be a benign one.

After consuming Zhou Tianfeng's blood, Wang Xiaobao's body didn't immediately detoxify as Zhou Tianfeng had expected.

His symptoms only improved slightly, but he still foamed at the mouth, rolled his eyes, and the purple color on his body had diminished somewhat.

His blood had some effect, but it didn't completely detoxify him.

This time, Zhou Tianfeng was a little surprised. How could just one drop of his blood not neutralize the poison in him?

Wasn't it the case that no matter what toxins the previous Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers consumed, as long as he immunized himself, he could save those four kids, and the effect was always the same?

Wait, maybe it wasn't that simple. The poisons he had used before were already refined poison pills or powders, to which he added his saliva and blood separately, making the toxicity even stronger.

But this time, the red spider that bit Wang Xiaobao was completely different. Firstly, the spider itself had consumed Zhou Tianfeng's blood and undergone some kind of mutation.

Then it fought against hundreds of other venomous insects that had also consumed Zhou Tianfeng's blood, and it was the only one that survived.

Before that, Zhou Tianfeng had only immunized himself against the venom of this spider in a normal state. So, his drop of blood couldn't neutralize the spider's venom?

"Could it be that the quantity is not enough? Then let's try some more." Zhou Tianfeng once again dripped his blood into Wang Xiaobao's mouth, one drop, two drops, three drops, four drops.

It wasn't until more than ten drops of blood were consumed that Wang Xiaobao's complexion began to improve, his heart rate returned to normal, his pulse stabilized, and the purple color on his body began to fade.

But the whole person is still unconscious. Zhou Tianfeng anxiously waits by his side. While waiting, he also sends a flying sword message to his senior sister, saying that he has something to do in the medicine field today and won't be going back in the evening.

Wang Xiaobao remained unconscious for a whole day and night.

And Zhou Tianfeng also stayed here for a whole day and night. During this time, Wang Xiaobao's body did not show any severe adverse reactions, but he continued to sweat profusely. It wasn't until the early morning of the second half of the night that there was a slight improvement.

At noon the next day, Wang Xiaobao finally woke up.

"I, I have a headache and I feel cold all over." Wang Xiaobao sat up in a daze and spoke.

His mind is now extremely confused, and he only remembers that after Mr. Zhou gave him the poisonous grass and flower seeds to plant, he immediately went to report to the other party. But as soon as he saw the other party, he only heard Mr. Zhou shout "don't" and told him to run, and then he didn't know anything.

"You finally woke up! You're lucky this time. If you're not careful next time, you'll be dead." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Mr. Zhou, what happened to me? I'm very anxious to know." Wang Xiaobao asked urgently.

"Two of the poisonous insects I asked you to take care of survived. One of them escaped while I wasn't paying attention and happened to bite you when you came over. If I hadn't intervened in time to treat you, you would have already passed away." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Ah! Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you. Xiaobao didn't do it on purpose." Wang Xiaobao immediately wanted to get up and kneel down to apologize to Zhou Tianfeng, but his body was too weak to even crawl.

"You, just lie down properly. You've been unconscious for a whole day and night. I finally managed to pull you back from the gates of hell." Zhou Tianfeng held Wang Xiaobao down and said.

He doesn't know if this kid has undergone any special mutations now, so he should just stay put for now.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for saving my life. Xiaobao will never approach those poisonous insects easily in the future." This was really dangerous. If it weren't for Mr. Zhou here, he might have been done for.

In the future, when facing those poisonous insects, he must be careful. They are different from poisonous flowers and grasses. They can move, run, jump, and actively attack you.

"You're welcome. By the way, how do you feel now? Is there any special change in your body? Like a significant increase in strength, or your eyes can see far, or your perception has become stronger?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Uh, Mr. Zhou, I feel weak all over now. I don't feel that my strength has increased significantly. As for what you said about my eyes getting better and my perception becoming stronger, Xiaobao doesn't feel that way. It's the same as before." Wang Xiaobao scratched his head and said.

What does Mr. Zhou mean by asking this? He was poisoned and treated by him, so can there be any good things happening?

Being able to save one's own life is the best thing, right?

"If there's anything wrong with your body, immediately let me know, understand?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, I understand. If anything happens to Xiaobao's body, I will definitely inform you right away," Wang Xiaobao replied.

When it comes to his own life, if he has any adverse reactions, of course, he will inform Zhou Tianfeng immediately. He even wants Mr. Zhou to stay here and observe his changes at all times. But he feels embarrassed to say it.

"Well! Forget it, I'm still worried. I'll stay with you for the next few days. Until I'm sure you're completely fine, I'll keep an eye on you," Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

After all, with the example of the four Heaven Inspiring Army turning into Blood Monster ancestors, Zhou Tianfeng really dare not be careless.

After confirming that Wang Xiaobao was temporarily fine, Zhou Tianfeng immediately returned and explained to Senior Sister Lin Wan and Ming Yanshang. He said he would stay in the medicine field for a month to study the new type of poison.

The Sect Master didn't say anything, but Lin Wan ran over and insisted on staying here. Unable to resist her, Zhou Tianfeng had no choice but to agree.

Half a month later, Wang Xiaobao's body finally fully recovered, and Zhou Tianfeng planned to give him a full-body examination.

"Xiaobao, be more careful next time. Don't touch those poisonous insects again. Come here, let me examine your body," Zhou Tianfeng said, placing his hand on Wang Xiaobao's pulse and using his true energy to probe into his body, starting the examination.

Suddenly, Zhou Tianfeng's face changed, and he subtly signaled to Lin Wan.

Sensing her junior brother's signal, Lin Wan inwardly exclaimed, "Oh no, could this kid have another problem?"

"Xiaobao, there's nothing major wrong with your body now. Rest well for now," Zhou Tianfeng said, then pulled Lin Wan and went outside.

"Junior brother, tell me, what's wrong with Xiaobao? Did the poison not completely dissipate? Or did it leave some aftereffects?"

"Don't worry, Senior Sister. Xiaobao's body is fine, the poison has been eliminated, and on the contrary, this kid has gained some benefits," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Whether there are any aftereffects, he really can't be sure. In any case, the development of the situation is a bit unexpected!

"As long as the poison is gone, that's good. Xiaobao was entrusted to me from the mountain, I can't let anything happen to this child. Did you find any problems during the examination?" Lin Wan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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