Chapter 117: New Dao, Dao Lord

The sudden sound startled Zhou Tianfeng, leaving him pale with shock. He even felt a bit panicked. What the hell is going on? I am the sole master of this special virus space! Why? Why did this information come through?

Moreover, the other party actually wanted to forcefully enter. Zhou Tianfeng immediately communicated with the virus space. Didn't you say that this space is absolutely safe? What the hell is going on?

The virus space quickly gave Zhou Tianfeng an accurate answer. As long as he doesn't open this space or invite anyone in, no one can enter here. He is the absolute Dao Lord.

Well, he didn't know what a Dao Lord was. After asking the virus space, he learned that a Dao Lord is equivalent to the master of the virus space. The controller of a path, the absolute owner.

But it doesn't matter. Now Zhou Tianfeng is full of confidence. You dare to shout outside the door, just come in if you have the guts!

"Fellow Daoist, quickly open the door and let us in. Let's comprehend the Great Dao together," another voice sounded.

"Fellow Daoist, why reject us from a thousand miles away? Everyone has the qualification to comprehend a new Dao," another voice said.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen figures surrounding the virus space, blocking all exits and eagerly looking at it.

Through the perception of the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng also knew the situation outside. Damn it, there's not just one person invading my territory.

Is it a group of people coming? However, what level of existence are these guys? Zhou Tianfeng was puzzled.

At the same time this thought arose, the virus space also gave Zhou Tianfeng an answer.

The cultivators whose consciousness can enter the space of the Dao are at least at the end of their path.

So what path are they walking? Damn it, it seems unsuitable for my current realm!

As a small fry who has not yet become an immortal, I may have come into contact with some, some top-notch experts.

"Since Fellow Daoist won't open the door, don't blame us for breaking in. A complete Great Dao cannot be guarded by Fellow Daoist," a voice said anxiously.

Today is a fortunate event that has happened in billions of years. A new Great Dao, a completely new Great Dao, has appeared here.

And it is a newly formed Great Dao, but unfortunately, this Great Dao has already been occupied in advance.

The entrance has been sealed, but all the powerful beings still don't want to give up on the idea of entering. Can't we do anything if you seal us off?

Unless you are a Dao Lord, it is absolutely impossible to hold onto this new Great Dao. But if you are a Dao Lord, why would you be afraid of us forcefully entering?

A new Great Dao is extremely important for these top cultivators, so much so that even those who have completely closed themselves off have sensed the birth of this new Dao.

Therefore, everyone is flocking to it, wanting to immediately enter this Great Dao space and comprehend the new Dao.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The first to enter the Dao space can gain more Dao insights.

Furthermore! This new Dao may not have its own Dao Lord yet. If one can become the new Dao Lord, that would be the greatest reward.

"Fellow Daoist, please open the Dao space quickly! I am of the Sword Dao, with a 40% Dao heart. I can recommend Fellow Daoist to enter the Sword Dao space and comprehend the Way of the Sword," someone spoke up.

"I am of the Demon Dao, with a 30% Dao heart. If Fellow Daoist is willing to let me in, I can guide Fellow Daoist into the Demon Dao space."

"I am of the Water Dao."

"I am of the Power Dao."

"I am of the Annihilation Dao." For a moment, countless powerful beings expressed their desire to guide Zhou Tianfeng into the new Dao space.

But damn it, I have no idea what Dao means, let alone what you mean by Dao space. Is it something like a virus space?

And what does it mean by a certain percentage of Dao heart? I completely don't understand. Should I try asking tentatively?

However, Zhou Tianfeng bit his lip and held back. If he asked the wrong question and let the other party discover that he was just a mere mortal, that would be bad.

"This is my Dao, and it is inconvenient to share it with everyone. Please leave!" Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

Anyway, with the assurance of the virus space, no one can enter, so he felt relieved and spoke confidently.

If things didn't work out, Zhou Tianfeng decided to let one or two people in. In this virus space, he would be the absolute ruler. No matter how powerful you are, I can suppress you.

"Fellow Daoist, there's no need for that. Everyone has the qualification to comprehend a new Dao in this space. Are you really going to block off a path by monopolizing it alone?" someone who had just said they would guide Zhou Tianfeng into the Annihilation Dao spoke up.

"Hmph, if you won't accept the toast, you'll have to drink the penalty. Let's all work together to break open this space and enter this new Great Dao. We'll drive out that cunning Fellow Daoist inside," said someone who had just said they would guide Zhou Tianfeng into the Annihilation Dao.

"Wait a minute, I agree to let you Fellow Daoists in, but only two at a time," Zhou Tianfeng suddenly spoke up.

Since you all want to come in and comprehend it, then I welcome you to come and play!

He had already confirmed with the virus space earlier that as long as he approached the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng could directly pull the other party in.

"Fellow Daoist, it's good that you've come to your senses. A brand new Great Dao, it's not beautiful for one person to monopolize it."

Several figures outside looked at each other, planning to kill the entity that occupied the road when Zhou Tianfeng opened the spatial path.

"I can let people in, but who will go first?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Fellow Daoist, are you trying to divide us? You underestimate our understanding. Anyone who can enter the spatial path has already reached the end of a road."

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry. We will select four people to enter the new spatial path and comprehend it together. After we succeed, we will keep our promise and guide Fellow Daoist into our path."

"Well, discuss it among yourselves. Once you've decided, you can come forward," Zhou Tianfeng said.

A Daoist carrying a sword casually set up a barrier, and several figures gathered together to discuss.

"In my opinion, let Dragon Fellow Daoist and Holy Fellow Daoist go. With their strength, they can suppress any tricks the other side might play."

"I agree with the two Fellow Daoists. One cultivates the path of the sword, and the other cultivates the path of destruction. They are indeed the most powerful in terms of attack among all of us."

"Fellow Daoists, rest assured. We will not disappoint you."

"We will definitely kill this person who monopolizes a new path."

After a while, two Daoist figures arrived in front of Zhou Tianfeng. One was dressed in a golden robe, and the other in a black robe.

"Fellow Daoist, open the door quickly and let the two of us in."

"Only the two of you are entering? Then welcome!" Zhou Tianfeng sneered and directly opened the virus space, instantly pulling their consciousness inside.

"Ah! This, this is!"

"Oh no! The other side, the other side is the Lord of the Path." Only the absolute master of this spatial path, the Lord of the Path, can pull others into it without opening the spatial path.

But how could it be a Lord of the Path? All the Lords of the Three Thousand Great Dao should either be unable to come out or have already perished. Many spatial paths have even shattered.

"No way! It's really a Lord of the Path?"

"Oh no, Dragon Fellow Daoist and Holy Fellow Daoist are in danger."

"Now we can't do anything. Let's wait and see. If it's really a Lord of the Path, it will be difficult for us today." The people outside tactfully retreated from the virus space and stood far away.

Inside the virus space, an invisible force directly imprisoned the two who had just entered, rendering them completely immobile.

"Oh no! We fell into a trap. Damn it," the person in the black robe said.

"This, this is the absolute origin. You, you are the Lord of the Path!" The person in the golden robe spoke in a terrified voice.

How could it be the Lord of the Path?

"I didn't force you to come in. You entered voluntarily. Yes, I am the Lord of this new path, the absolute controller here. Welcome to my world," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Young friend, you have only cultivated for less than an era, right?"

"Kid, don't be arrogant. With your meager cultivation, if I weren't trapped here, I could kill you with just a glance," the person in the black robe shouted.

Damn, how did they figure it out?

After restraining the two, Zhou Tianfeng originally planned to act like an old senior, show off his acting skills, and demonstrate his abilities.

But the problem was that these two seemed to have seen through him directly.

"Young friend, how about releasing us? We will immediately leave," the old man in the golden robe said.

"I can transmit the Annihilation Godly Scripture to you, assisting you in comprehending the laws of destruction," the person in the black robe said.

"How did you figure it out?"

"Hahaha! Young friend! We have cultivated for countless eras. Haven't we seen all kinds of people? Your temperament is indeed good, but you can't deceive me."

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? With a single thought, I can kill both of you," Zhou Tianfeng coldly snorted.

"Young friend, as the Lord of the Path, you can indeed use the spatial path to annihilate our divine consciousness. We will be severely injured, but we won't perish."

Damn, I can't completely kill them. Right, they only entered with their consciousness.

Now it's a bit difficult to make a decision! Should I release them or kill them?

"Young friend, as the Lord of the Path, as long as you promise to release us, we can discuss the conditions," the old man in the golden robe said.

Zhou Tianfeng hesitated. Damn it, this information is completely unequal! Cultivated for countless eras, spatial path, Lord of the Path. What does all this mean?

Are these two big shots from the upper realm?

"If you are willing to release me, I will offer you the Annihilation Godly Scripture," the person in the black robe said.

This kid is indeed a new Lord of the Path. I wonder which lucky little guy stumbled upon this.

But I don't know what his cultivation level is. But from the situation, it seems quite low! Could he be just an Immortal Emperor?

Can a mere Immortal Emperor reach this place? And become a Lord of the Path?

(End of this chapter)

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