Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 118 Suppressing The Two Lords, New Immortal World

Chapter 118: Suppressing the Two Lords, the New Immortal World

The things that the black-robed person could think of, the golden-robed old man could also think of. Both of them realized that Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation level was not high at all, but somehow he had obtained a spatial realm and became a Dao Lord.

However, in order to reach the level of understanding the Dao, the minimum requirement is to be an Immortal Emperor. So both of them collectively suspected that Zhou Tianfeng was just an ordinary Immortal Emperor.

Damn it, he's only an ordinary Immortal Emperor. Such an existence can be easily wiped out with a wave of their hands.

"Release me, and I can swear on the Great Dao that I will not harm you after I leave, and I will teach you the true method of annihilating me," the black-robed person said.

Zhou Tianfeng simply dismissed their promises. The black-robed person at least offered something practical, but the golden-robed old man...

Damn it, he's just a Transcendent Level old bastard who keeps making empty promises from beginning to end. If he had listened to him and released the two of them, or even just him alone, Zhou Tianfeng would have been completely annihilated.

As for the black-robed person's promise, Zhou Tianfeng didn't believe it either. There are too many loopholes in oaths.

"You can't attack me directly, but can your disciples, your wife and children, or your friends attack me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Therefore, releasing them is absolutely impossible, no matter how good their promises are. Zhou Tianfeng cannot release them, but killing them is also not an option, because if their consciousness is killed here, they will only suffer severe injuries.

If these two guys escape with some information and investigate him in the future, in reality, he won't be able to withstand these two big shots.

Zhou Tianfeng doesn't know the level of these two guys compared to that mysterious woman. That mysterious woman should also be from the Upper Realm. Previously, he speculated that she was from the Immortal World, but after obtaining information from the Blood Monster Ancestor...

Now Zhou Tianfeng basically deduced that this woman should be from the Vast Desolation Domain.

"Young friend, I have several sects in the mortal realm, and I can let my disciples serve you. How about that?" the golden-robed old man quickly spoke up when he saw Zhou Tianfeng's murderous intent.

"Oh, can you tell me the names of your sects in the mortal realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

First, let's clarify this. Find an opportunity to kill all your disciples. Since you have offended your ancestors, might as well wipe you all out together.

"The sword cultivators in the mortal realm are all my disciples. I am the Ancestor of the Sword," the golden-robed old man said.

You are the Ancestor of the Sword?

The name sounds intimidating, but damn it, it's as if you didn't say anything. Everyone who uses a sword in the world is your disciple. Am I also your disciple?

Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes on the spot. This old guy is really good at playing tricks. Let's see what other tricks he has up his sleeve.

"May I ask, in which realm are you? I can inform the junior disciples to come and pay their respects."

"Do you take me for a fool?" Zhou Tianfeng couldn't help but speak up.

Your intentions are too obvious, aren't they? You ask where my true body is, and then send your disciples to kill me.

"Young friend, what does this mean? I sincerely want to make friends with you! Just now, you agreed to let the two of us in to comprehend the Dao, but you didn't keep your word and imprisoned us here. I'm just trying to persuade you with kind words," the old man in the golden robe spoke up.

"Alright, you can just stay here honestly," Zhou Tianfeng didn't say another word and directly activated the most fundamental power, completely suppressing and sealing the so-called Ancestor of the Sword, even causing him to fall into a deep sleep.

Seeing Zhou Tianfeng not playing by the rules and directly sealing the Ancestor of the Sword, the person in the black robe hurriedly spoke up.

"Young friend, please listen to me. I am not a petty person like the Ancestor of the Sword."

"Is that so? What you said sounds reasonable, but I'm not too interested in your techniques or your Law of Annihilation. As you can see, I have a new path," Zhou Tianfeng said.

This kind of Law is too mysterious. Even if he obtained it, he definitely wouldn't be able to cultivate it at his current level, so he wasn't greedy at all.

Slowly studying the viruses and microorganisms in his body, developing various abilities of the human body, isn't that great?

"Young friend, in the lower realm, you should also be a figure at the Immortal Emperor level. I will give you a great gift. How about releasing me?" the person in the black robe said.

"What kind of gift?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's a new realm that I just refined. It's equivalent to an entire undeveloped Immortal Demon World. As long as you obtain it, it's equivalent to obtaining an entire Immortal Domain space," the person in the black robe said.

He was gambling, gambling to see if Zhou Tianfeng knew what the new realm was. If he knew, he would definitely sneer at it, because at their level, they could easily refine such a thing.

Upon hearing the person in the black robe's words, Zhou Tianfeng trembled all over. Damn it, I've already overestimated your abilities as much as possible, but it turns out I still underestimated you.

Creating an Immortal World casually, what level is this motherf*cker? I'm panicking now!

"Young friend, rest assured, I can give you the new realm right now. As long as you leave this place, you can immediately refine it and become the master of a realm. You can mobilize the power of the origin. Even if you face the siege of several Immortal Emperors, you can suppress them with the power of the origin," the person in the black robe said.

Seeing Zhou Tianfeng's surprised expression, the person in the black robe knew that he had made the right bet. This person really didn't know what the new realm meant.

As long as you go out and refine it, I will be able to sense you. I will go and slaughter all the living beings in your realm to vent my anger. You ants dare to plot against me.

"By refining that thing called the New Realm of yours, you can obtain a complete Immortal World. So, what are the conditions for refining it?" Zhou Tianfeng asked eagerly.

"The conditions are quite simple. As long as you are at the level of an Immortal Emperor, you can refine it. It's a piece of cake for you, young friend," the person in the black robe said, taking out a blue bubble-shaped sphere and handing it to Zhou Tianfeng.

Come, come, come, hurry up and take it!

"Okay! Senior, please rest early," Zhou Tianfeng said expressionlessly, activating the power of the origin within the space and sealing and suppressing the person in the black robe.

Hehe! The minimum requirement is to be an Immortal Emperor to refine it!

Damn it, this treasure has nothing to do with me, it's a new Immortal World!

Wuwuwu! Why did they let a rookie like me come into contact with such a treasure?

As the person in the black robe was sealed, the blue bubble floated in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

So, this thing is equivalent to a new Immortal World?

But from its appearance, it's just a blue balloon.

But now I can't use it myself. I'm not even an immortal, let alone an Immortal Emperor. I don't even know how many levels there are between an ordinary immortal and an Immortal Emperor!

And even if my cultivation reaches the level of an Immortal Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng dare not use it. It's better to be cautious. He doesn't know if the other party has done anything to it!

Wait, I don't know, but can't Virus Space know?

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianfeng immediately asked Virus Space if this blue bubble had been tampered with and if he could use it.

Master: After refining this realm, you can indeed use it, but your aura will be detected by the creator of this realm. This realm can be utilized.

Damn it, I knew these two bastards didn't have good intentions. You two just stay here honestly. When I can suppress you both, I'll let you out and then kill you both.

But fortunately, it can be used. Let's talk about the solution.

There is a solution: put this realm in Virus Space, use the spatial laws of the Dao to grind away all its original attributes, and turn it into a completely ownerless realm.

By then, the master can refine it or give it to others. The cultivation requirement is an Immortal Emperor.

Okay! It's fine as long as I can use it. As for giving it to others, well, that's a different story! I don't have the preference of being a good Samaritan.

Virus Space, how long do you need? To complete the purification of this realm?

Master: It will take 100,000 years. If the master's cultivation is on par with this space, this time will be shortened to just an instant.

100,000 years! So, am I the one holding you back? I'm really sorry, I'm just a Transcendent Level little nobody.

Zhou Tianfeng shook his head. 100,000 years is 100,000 years. Anyway, refining this thing requires the level of an Immortal Emperor, so I'm not in a hurry.

This breakthrough in Soul Cultivation has brought him too much shock.

Self-awakening, metabolism, super-fast regeneration. Completely unifying the body seems like a small matter compared to this Virus Space, which is the real big deal.

But there are too many big shots attracted by this big deal. Can't you be more low-key?

It's time to leave Virus Space. Staying here now is affecting my state of mind.

Before leaving, Zhou Tianfeng instructed Virus Space to seal itself completely, hide himself, seal these two old guys, and purify this new Immortal World space.

After giving the instructions, Zhou Tianfeng directly left Virus Space and returned to his original body.

"This breakthrough in Soul Cultivation was really thrilling!" Zhou Tianfeng stood up and muttered to himself.

For a short period of time, he won't enter Virus Space. There are too many old guys watching him there.

After finishing his seclusion, Zhou Tianfeng sent a flying sword message to inform the sect leader that his seclusion had ended.

After a while, the door to Zhou Tianfeng's seclusion was opened. A young man in his twenties with handsome features and blood-red long hair walked in.

Looking at Zhou Tianfeng, he spoke with great satisfaction, "You finally woke up? Do you know how long you've been cultivating?"

"??? Who are you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked in confusion.

"You bastard! Don't you even recognize your master?" Xue Feng said angrily.

You're kidding me, my master doesn't look as handsome as you! He looks like an old man! And he's still in seclusion!

(End of this chapter)

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