Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 119 Things Change And People Change

Chapter 119: Things Have Changed, People Have Not

"You little bastard, I can't believe you don't recognize me, your master. I'll kill you." The young man with blood-red hair roared angrily and slapped Zhou Tianfeng, sending him flying.

This damn brat doesn't even believe that I'm his master. Thank goodness I've been watching over him all these years.

"You! Are you really my master? But why have you become younger? And aren't you supposed to be in seclusion?" Zhou Tianfeng asked with doubt.

But isn't his master in seclusion? What's his current situation? And why has he become so young? And handsome too?

In terms of appearance, his master was quite handsome when he was young!

"Of course! This is how your master looked when he was young. If he didn't have this appearance, how could I, Master's Wife, be attracted to him?" Just then, another voice came in. Fairy Shui Yun, dressed in a light blue robe, entered the room and spoke.

"I have broken through the Transcending Mortality realm and undergone a rebirth, which is why I have become younger. This is how I looked when I was young," Xue Feng explained.

"You, you really are my master! Master, please accept this disciple's bow." Now that Master's Wife has confirmed it, there's no reason for Zhou Tianfeng to be mistaken. He quickly knelt down and spoke.

So, how long has he been in seclusion? His master has already come out of seclusion, but what about the sect leader? And the two senior sisters?

According to reason, after he came out of seclusion, they should have rushed over immediately, right?

"No need for formalities. Your Soul Cultivation this time has caused quite a stir. Do you know? If you had woken up just one month later, it would have caused a huge problem for Junior Sister, the sect leader." Fairy Shui Yun said.

What does she mean by that? What's the situation with Ming Yanshang now? What does it mean to cause a problem?

"Master, Master's Wife, how long have I been in seclusion? And what has happened during this time?" Zhou Tianfeng quickly asked.

"You have been in seclusion for a full 50 years. There is only one month left until the start of the grand cultivation event in the cultivation world," Xue Feng said.

"What? But I only broke through the Soul Cultivation realm, how could more than 50 years have passed?" Zhou Tianfeng said in astonishment.

When he just broke through the Soul Cultivation realm, he was still conscious. At that time, he specifically sensed his body and achieved unity of consciousness, completely controlling his body.

But later, because of the appearance of the virus space, he fell into a state of seclusion and entered the virus space with his consciousness. So, in the virus space, it was only a short time, but outside, more than 40 years had passed?

He only summoned the four Blood Monster ancestors for a moment and dealt with a group of sixth-ranked bosses who wanted to steal from him. He even sealed the minds of two of those bosses.

But in terms of time, it should have been just a few tens of minutes! But outside! Outside! More than 50 years have passed!

Is this a joke? This time ratio is a bit excessive, isn't it?

"Master, what has happened during these years? Please inform your disciple. Where are my two senior sisters and the sect leader?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Just now, he heard Master's Wife say that the grand cultivation event in the cultivation world is still a month away, right?

Wait a minute, if he has been in seclusion for more than 50 years, what about his two little darlings, the venomous insects? Are they still alive or dead?

"Ming Junior Sister, as well as Wan'er and Cailing, have already gone to our sect's Spirit Star, Tianyao Star, to participate in the grand cultivation event in the cultivation world. They left ten years ago.

Before leaving, they specifically instructed me and your master to take care of you. If you were to wake up within ten years, we were to send you there immediately. You have no idea how serious the consequences of your seclusion were.

Originally, we thought you would only need one or two years to wake up and break through. But although you broke through in cultivation, we couldn't wake you up no matter what, and you were crazily absorbing spiritual energy." Fairy Shui Yun explained.

"I'm sorry, Master's Wife. I didn't expect it to turn out like this," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Damn it, luckily he didn't stay in the virus space for too long.

If he had stayed in the virus space for a day and a night, wouldn't it have been a thousand years in the world?

By that time, the sect leader and Lin Wan, his two future wives, would have already ascended, right?

"If it were during normal times, it would be fine. No one would say anything even if you were in seclusion for a hundred years. But this grand cultivation event in the cultivation world is different.

Our sect attaches great importance to it, and you, as a key player, closed yourself off at such a critical time. You're really causing trouble. Do you know how much pressure Junior Sister had to bear for you?" Fairy Shui Yun said.

In order to cultivate Zhou Tianfeng, the sect has approved a lot of resources. If this kid can't make it, then the pressure on Junior Sister can be imagined. She might even be removed as the sect leader.

"Alright, enough talking. Luckily, there's still time. We'll send this kid over immediately. There's still time," Xue Feng said, speaking up from the side.

"Master's Wife, rest assured! I have everything under control. My cultivation has already reached the Soul Cultivation realm. Unless there is someone at the Immortal Transformation realm, they are no match for me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's good, my disciple. Have confidence," Xue Feng said.

"Then get ready! Tomorrow at noon, we will activate the teleportation array and send you to the main sect. Don't delay any longer," Fairy Shui Yun said.

She had just informed the news of Zhou Tianfeng's awakening to her junior sister and was now waiting for this kid to leave.

"Alright, Shui Yun, this kid just woke up. I need to tell him about what has happened in these years. Why don't you leave for a while?" Xue Feng turned to Fairy Shui Yun and smiled.

"Alright, I'll leave. I won't disturb the two of you," Fairy Shui Yun said as she got up and closed the door on her way out.

"Master, is there something you want to tell your disciple?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"A lot has happened while you were in a deep sleep. First, those four Blood Monster ancestors escaped twenty years ago. I don't know how, but their strength suddenly increased, and each of them reached the Transcending Mortality realm."

"The Heavenly Universe Dynasty was completely destroyed, and the Heaven Inspiring Army was almost wiped out. Even the outer sect elder we sent over was sucked dry by one of the Blood Monster ancestors," Xue Feng said.

Those four guys are really powerful!

Twenty years ago! It must have been when I sent them away.

"There was one Blood Monster ancestor that I captured and gave to my second disciple. I knew about this, but I don't know what happened. He escaped from my second disciple's place. I asked him, but he couldn't give me a clear answer," Xue Feng sighed and said.

"Master, did those four guys harm you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"How could they not? They targeted the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and killed many outer sect elders and even some inner sect elders. They also killed countless outer sect disciples, as well as ordinary disciples."

"At that time, the Sect Master and the Supreme Elders were alarmed and activated the protective array, which managed to repel the four Blood Monster ancestors," Xue Feng said.

It was fortunate that I had broken through to the Transcending Mortality realm at that time, or else I would have been in trouble! Those four Blood Monster ancestors really held a grudge against me, but they didn't harm me much.

"What is the current situation, Master? Are those four Blood Monster ancestors still causing trouble?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No, after they destroyed the Heavenly Universe Dynasty and the Heaven Inspiring Army, they gathered hundreds of thousands of Blood Monsters. But for some reason, they suddenly disappeared," Xue Feng said.

The chaos caused by the Blood Monsters at that time was widespread, but it only lasted for a year or two. After that, those four Blood Monster ancestors and their descendants all disappeared.

They disappeared together. It's probably because the mysterious woman came back and took them away. That's the only possibility. Otherwise, those four guys would never give up.

"I see. Master, do you know about what happened between Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Ah! After I came out of seclusion, Second Senior Brother told me everything. I never expected Cheng Ji to do such a thing. He has already been expelled from the sect," Xue Feng sighed.

As a master, he didn't want to see his disciples killing each other, even if it was in the demonic path. He didn't want that.

"Master, did Second Senior Brother kill Senior Brother?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

After decades, his Second Senior Brother's cultivation should be quite strong, right? He practiced an exceptional technique.

"Hmph! He wanted to, but that guy, the eldest, has been hiding with the Fox Clan in Snow Domain Spirit Mountain! After your Second Senior Brother broke through to the Transcending Mortality realm, he went to challenge him. Although he injured several Fox Clan elders, he still couldn't find Cheng Ji," Xue Feng said.

"Master, what do you think about this?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What else can I think? After all, we've had a master-disciple relationship for over 200 years. I expelled Cheng Ji from the sect, but as for their grievances, let them resolve it themselves. I don't want to get involved," Xue Feng said.

Expelled from the sect, but you still act like the Blood Shadow Sect's sect master. My good master, don't forget that you are now just an outer sect elder. Of course, Zhou Tianfeng only complained about this in his heart and didn't dare to say it out loud.

"By the way, there's one more thing I need to tell you. When those four Blood Monster ancestors disappeared, your Second Senior Brother also disappeared. It was as if he evaporated from the mortal world. His senior disciple, Wang Xiaobao, also disappeared," Xue Feng said.

My Second Senior Brother definitely has some close relationship with the Blood Monsters, and it's even possible that he released the fourth Blood Monster ancestor.

. Zhou Tianfeng.

Well, it seems that both the master and disciple were captured together. I don't know where Wang Xiaobao and my Second Senior Brother have been taken by the mysterious woman. Fortunately, they didn't take me along.

"We've talked enough for today. Rest for now, and I'll come to see you tomorrow," Xue Feng patted Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder and left.

(End of this chapter)

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