Chapter 120: Master and Disciple

After bidding farewell to his master, Zhou Tianfeng immediately took out his yellow Universe Bag in a hurry, wanting to see the current situation of the two poisonous insects inside. He hadn't taken care of them for 50 years, so he didn't know if they were dead or not.

But strangely, when Zhou Tianfeng opened the Universe Bag, it was empty. There was nothing inside, as if the two poisonous insects had mysteriously disappeared.

Zhou Tianfeng had expected to see the bodies of one or both of the insects, but there was nothing. This was very strange.

Wait a minute! If they had killed each other, there would have been a winner, and the winner would have eaten the loser's body to sustain its own life.

So it would be normal to find the body of one insect left behind. If both had starved to death together, it would also be normal to find two bodies. But it was abnormal to find nothing at all.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately activated his adrenaline mode and even released his Yin spirit, starting to sense his surroundings.

His eyes began to shine with a blue light as he observed the entire closed-off room.

But there was no sign of the two poisonous insects in the room. Could they have disappeared into thin air? That couldn't be possible!

Zhou Tianfeng broke into a cold sweat. If those two had escaped, it could lead to big problems!

Without any hesitation, Zhou Tianfeng quickly rushed outside and ran towards his master's room.

"Master, Master, please open the door! Your disciple has something to ask you," Zhou Tianfeng arrived at the door and spoke.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you to rest well? We're heading to Spirit Star tomorrow! Why did you suddenly come out?" Blood Shadow Ancestor came out and asked.

"Master, your disciple has a question. During my seclusion, did two poisonous insects escape from my room?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Poisonous insects? Speaking of poisonous insects, I remember now. Are you talking about a red spider and a flying centipede?" Xue Feng suddenly grabbed Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Yes, Master, those are the two. One is an invisible centipede, and the other is a red poisonous spider. I painstakingly cultivated them. I thought they had died during my seclusion, but today I checked and found that they were gone, with no bodies left behind. So I thought, Master, have you seen them?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Where did you find such creatures? These two are the ones you raised? You actually cultivated them?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"Yes, Master. These two guys managed to survive after countless battles by raising hundreds of poisonous insects together." Zhou Tianfeng said.

According to my master, it seems like these two guys might have actually escaped and haven't done anything good!

"You're amazing, being able to cultivate Apex Level poisonous insects like this. When we first discovered them, we thought they were ancient exotic species!" Xue Feng said.

"It's good that you found them, Master. Are they still in your hands? Please give them back to your disciple quickly!" Zhou Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief and spoke.

"If they were really with me, there wouldn't be a problem giving them back to you. But unfortunately, I didn't catch them, and even several elders were unable to catch them." Xue Feng said.

"Master, are you saying that they escaped?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes, about 30 years ago, these two poisonous insects suddenly appeared in the sect and bit two disciples. Those two disciples died within an hour."

In the end, the entire Jade Water Heavenly Palace started to catch these two poisonous insects, and they discovered that one could turn invisible, while the other was a large red spider.

But these two guys were very cunning, and one of them could turn invisible. In the end, they weren't caught, and they managed to escape." Xue Feng said.

Those two poisonous insects from 30 years ago did indeed cause quite an impact. It was another major event after the Blood Monster chaos.

He really didn't expect that these ancient poisonous insects, which even several Immortal Transformation realm experts couldn't handle, were actually cultivated by his disciple. No, since it was this kid who cultivated them, they couldn't be ancient poisonous insects or ancient exotic species.

Damn it, if you cultivated them, you should have kept them locked up properly. Instead, you let them escape.

"Listen, you little brat, don't spread this matter. Many disciples were bitten to death by these two guys back then. If it's known that you cultivated them, you'll inevitably be held accountable. Keep this matter to yourself, understand?" Xue Feng grabbed Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"Alright, Master, rest assured, your disciple understands." Zhou Tianfeng said helplessly.

What else could he do? They had already escaped, and he couldn't do anything about it. Fortunately, these two guys didn't survive with the virus, but they possessed powerful toxic abilities.

If people were to discover that they could transform ordinary humans into half-demons, it would be a big problem.

"You little brat, let me ask you something. Wang Xiaobao, your second senior brother's senior disciple, has a Monster Race true form of a spider. I've seen it before, and it looks very similar to that red spider. Do you have anything to do with this?" Blood Shadow Ancestor looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a dark expression.

After hearing what his disciple said today, he suddenly remembered that something was suspicious about his second disciple's senior disciple.

At least he can be considered a seedling of the Blood Shadow Sect. After leaving seclusion, he naturally went to see a half-demon body with decent aptitude. He can inherit the mantle of the Blood Shadow Sect.

And that disciple named Wang Xiaobao, with his eye-catching spider-like demon body, he remembers it clearly.

"Master, you're joking. Xiaobao was bitten by a poisonous insect and unexpectedly awakened the bloodline of our ancestors of the Monster Race. That's why he wasn't killed by that poisonous insect. How could it have anything to do with my disciple?" Zhou Tianfeng's back was covered in cold sweat as he spoke.

Damn, Master, you're really cunning. You even noticed this, but I won't admit it.

"Hmph! It's best if it has nothing to do with you, Tianfeng. Remember, even though you are now a disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, you must not forget your roots. Don't do anything that would harm the Blood Shadow Sect.

You should know that the kind of people I hate the most are those who betray their masters and destroy their ancestors, those who fight among themselves. When dealing with enemies, you can use any tricks or tactics, be as ruthless as you can be, but never kill each other among fellow disciples.

Your eldest senior brother has already been expelled from the sect, and I don't want you to be the second." Xue Feng said.

Although he is an old demon ancestor and is known for his ruthlessness, the Blood Shadow Ancestor has one final bottom line.

That is, fellow disciples must never harm each other. He has always protected his four direct disciples, showing them great care and affection.

The eldest brother violated his bottom line and was expelled from the sect, the second and third brothers disappeared, and he really didn't want anything to happen to this fourth brother. He was his last disciple.

Before, he found it strange that the four members of the Heaven Inspiring Army suddenly turned into Blood Monsters, and it seemed vaguely related to his four disciples.

And his second disciple suddenly obtained the Extreme Yin Body, while Tianfeng suddenly obtained the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. All these things were somewhat strange.

As for that disciple named Wang Xiaobao, he had inquired about him before. He was originally an ordinary disciple with average aptitude, responsible for planting poisonous flowers, managing poisonous insects, and so on for Zhou Tianfeng. But one day, he was accidentally bitten by a mysterious poisonous insect, which awakened his Monster Race bloodline.

But now things seem suspicious! How could that red spider-like poisonous insect that ran out look so similar to his little disciple's true Monster Race form? They were practically identical!

He even suspected that there was a mysterious figure conducting experiments on his four disciples, and that his own disciple was involved, but there was no direct evidence.

The mysterious disappearance of his second disciple had actually dealt a great blow to the Blood Shadow Ancestor. He had always suspected this second disciple, suspecting that he had gained some great benefits or received help from some mysterious powerful figure, which allowed him to obtain the Extreme Yin Body and create the Blood Monsters.

Even though this possibility seemed absurd, he had to admit that it might be the only truth.

"Master, I promise you that I will never harm my fellow disciples." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Obviously, his master had already noticed something, but there were some things that were too shocking for him to even imagine.

No one would actively speculate that Zhou Tianfeng's blood could change the physique of an ordinary Human Race.

"Let me tell you the truth! Your second senior brother's situation is suspicious. Based on his character, if he wanted to leave, he would never leave without saying a word. There are some things that I can't tell you right now." Xue Feng said.

It seems that there really is a mysterious person involved, and both his second disciple and fourth disciple are implicated.

If he really had to deal with this mysterious figure in the future, then only he, as their master, could take the lead. He didn't want to involve his disciples, even though Zhou Tianfeng might already be caught in the middle.

I, Xue Feng, will deal with you alone.

"Master! I understand." Zhou Tianfeng bowed to the Blood Shadow Ancestor and turned to leave.

There was no need for many words. He already knew what his master was suspecting.

With all the information connected, with his master's wisdom, it wasn't too difficult to discover something, especially since that mysterious woman was acting recklessly.

He also understood that the Blood Shadow Ancestor wanted to bear everything alone, even the future confrontation with that mysterious woman.

But just like you thought, my good master, your disciple also plans to confront her alone. I don't want to involve you.

As long as I can get first place in this competition.

The master and disciple left with their own thoughts.

A night of silence!

Early the next morning, Shui Yun and Xue Feng, along with Zhou Tianfeng, arrived at the forbidden area of the main peak of Jade Mountain. This was a room with a mysterious formation carved into it.

The four elders were already waiting here.

"You brat, you finally came. Come over here, we will teleport you to the main sect. The main sect is ready to receive you." Elder Yan Hongxue said.

(End of this chapter)

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