Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 121 The Cosmic Starry Sky Of Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 121: The Universe and Starry Sky of the Immortal Cultivation World

It turns out to be a teleportation array! Well, he thought it would be some kind of spiritual boat or a cultivation version of a spaceship!

After all the fuss, it turns out you guys are playing with teleportation arrays. To be honest, when Zhou Tianfeng first found out about this Immortal Cultivation World where he transmigrated several decades ago, there were talks about planets. Zhou Tianfeng was quite surprised at that time!

The giant sun hanging in the sky, the earth beneath his feet, they are both planets. So Zhou Tianfeng is very curious about what the universe and starry sky of this world are like.

Is the sun in this world also a star? If there are stars, then neutron stars, white dwarfs, and even terrifying celestial bodies like black holes, do they also exist?

Is it like the pitch-black universe before transmigration, or is it a bright one?

Yes, Zhou Tianfeng thinks that the universe of this world is likely to be bright. Before transmigration, according to the theories of earlier Earth scientists, the entire universe and starry sky should not be pitch-black, with only scattered stars. It should be a dazzlingly bright expanse, and white should be the original color of this universe.

Why? Because the universe has countless stars, and each star is constantly emitting light and heat. This light and heat do not disappear but continue to propagate. Based on this, one can draw a conclusion.

That is, the entire universe should be covered by brightness, filled with the light of stars. But in reality, the universe is pitch-black.

Finally, scientists discovered the truth about why our universe is pitch-black.

It is because of the existence of black holes, because of the push of dark matter. All galaxies, stars, are constantly moving, and the universe is expanding. That's why our world is pitch-black, with only scattered stars.

Because the speed of light propagation cannot catch up with the expansion speed of the universe, our world is pitch-black.

But this universe should not have these things. The Mortal Realm, the Immortal Cultivation World, and even the Upper Six Realms above them, and even the new Immortal World given to him by that mysterious big shot.

These worlds are all of fixed size and do not change. Zhou Tianfeng confirmed this when he obtained the new Immortal World.

They are not expanding like the known universe in his previous life. All galaxies are constantly moving away from each other, and planets, stars, and all celestial bodies are redshifted.

After understanding this information, Zhou Tianfeng boldly speculated that this world should be a bright one in the cosmic space, at least not pitch-black like the Earth's universe before transmigration.

Originally, taking this opportunity, Zhou Tianfeng wanted to observe the universe and starry sky, but it seems that there is no chance now.

It's a pity that I can't see the universe and the starry sky of this world. I wonder how vast the universe of this world is.

Can these cultivators, even higher-level immortals like Heavenly Demon and Monster Immortal, survive in the cosmic space?

Besides teleportation arrays, how do they move? How can they teleport across planets? How far apart are the planets in this world?

What is the principle behind teleportation arrays? Are there any other ways of interstellar travel besides teleportation arrays?

Zhou Tianfeng is full of curiosity about everything, a curiosity that stems from the nature of being human from Earth.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Hurry up and go, don't waste time, it's time for teleportation," Fairy Shui Yun looked at Zhou Tianfeng, who was in a daze, and pushed him from behind, urging him to move.

What's wrong with this brat? How dare he be in a daze even in front of the Elder? Has he grown a thick skin?

"Alright, it's normal for a child to be curious when seeing a teleportation array for the first time. Okay, hurry up and stand in the center, we will send you to the headquarters, Spirit Star," Yan Hongxue said.

Which disciple who encounters a teleportation array between Spirit Stars for the first time wouldn't be amazed? Who could have imagined that the land they live on is actually a sphere? Who wouldn't want to see the starry sky outside?

"Thank you, Elder, for your understanding. It's disciple Meng Lang," Zhou Tianfeng bowed to the Elder and said.

He now has endless questions in his mind, itching to know all the answers.

He is really curious, too curious. What does your planet look like? How big is the planet? Can cultivators fly from one Spirit Star to another?

But Zhou Tianfeng held back and didn't ask the Elder. It's not quite appropriate at the moment!

"Come here, child, stand in the center of the spiritual array. Later, I and four other Elders will activate the formation together. You will be enveloped by the energy of the formation and sent to the main sect's Spirit Star. This process may take two days. During this time, you will see some amazing sights, the starry sky of our world. Don't be afraid, none of these things can harm you. It will safely send you to your destination. These two days, you will just feel a little lonely," Elder Yan Hongxue said.

For the first time using a teleportation array, he must explain it to him in advance, so that the child won't be scared. When he first used this kind of teleportation array, he was also startled. The fear of flying in the starry sky for those two days is something he will never forget in his life.

Other things are not a big deal, but that feeling of loneliness and solitude can drive a person crazy.

If a few people are teleporting together, it's not too bad, but this time this kid is teleporting alone, so he must explain some things to him in advance. Otherwise, this kid's spirit might not be able to handle it.

"Does that mean, under the protection of the teleportation array, disciples will fly in the starry sky for two days and two nights before reaching the headquarters on Spirit Star?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

What a surprise! I originally thought that teleportation arrays would instantly take you to your destination, but it turns out you have to fly in the vacuum of space. Isn't that like a different version of a spaceship?

If it takes two days of flying to reach the destination, then how far apart are the Spirit Stars from each other?

"I am humbled and frightened, may I ask, Elder, how many Spirit Stars are there in the starry sky? Besides Spirit Stars, what else is there in the starry sky?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Hahaha! Look at how scared you are, the starry sky is not as terrifying as you think, on the contrary, it is very beautiful, just a little lonely. You will see it soon. As for the question about Spirit Stars, you will know once you see them," Yan Hongxue mysteriously smiled and replied.

"." Zhou Tianfeng.

Alright, Elder, if you want to keep it a secret, can't I just see it for myself?

Zhou Tianfeng resolutely stepped into the center of the array.

The four Elders nodded at each other, activating the teleportation array. Massive amounts of true energy were inputted into it, and the surrounding spirit stones instantly turned into powder, completely consumed.

A blue light enveloped Zhou Tianfeng and shot up into the sky.

Zhou Tianfeng felt his head spinning and a nauseous feeling. Then his body experienced a moment of weightlessness, and he found himself looking down at the sky.

He saw the shrinking land at the foot of Yaoshan slowly turning into a circle. In just a few seconds, he entered the universe.

"It's so beautiful!" After seeing the true appearance of the universe, Zhou Tianfeng couldn't help but exclaim from the depths of his heart.

It was a magnificent starry sky, with faint and colorful lights around. The color of the sky was not black or white, but a colorful one.

The entire universe was incredibly bright, and Zhou Tianfeng was moving rapidly on the blue light.

This scene reminded Zhou Tianfeng of some sci-fi movies he had seen before transmigrating. There seemed to be something called a rainbow bridge, which was similar to this situation.

Zhou Tianfeng finally saw the true appearance of the Spirit Star he lived on. It was a beautiful planet emitting a blue-green light.

It was no less impressive than his mother Earth.

Suddenly, Zhou Tianfeng widened his eyes and looked incredulously at the sun shining in the sky.

It was a giant white luminous sphere. What frightened Zhou Tianfeng was its size.

It was only one-third the size of the Spirit Star he lived on.

This sun was not even as big as a single Spirit Star!

There were two black spheres around it, and the area covered by these two black spheres was pitch black. However, because they blocked the light source, these two spheres emitted a faint light.

The area covered by them was plunged into darkness. This was the night, and this world had two moons, which Zhou Tianfeng knew.

Well, so this is how the night is formed in this world.

However, the teleportation array didn't give Zhou Tianfeng much time to observe. He was quickly moving away from this Spirit Star, heading towards another one.

During this monotonous journey, Zhou Tianfeng also observed several other Spirit Stars. The configuration was basically the same, with a small sun and one or two blocking spheres to plunge the planet into darkness.

Well, this is completely different from the rules of my own world, even the most basic laws of physics are different.

After two days and two nights of flying, Zhou Tianfeng finally arrived at his destination.

As soon as he landed, Zhou Tianfeng heard a very familiar voice calling out to him.

"You finally came! You really made us wait. Hurry up and come out."

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the Sect Master's Senior Uncle." Zhou Tianfeng's body trembled imperceptibly as he lowered his head and spoke.

There were eight women standing in front of him, four of them maintaining the teleportation array. The other palace-dressed woman stood side by side with Ming Yanshang, and behind them were his two senior sisters.

But what was strange was that this woman, who was dressed like Ming Yanshang and had the same mannerisms and appearance, even the same voice, had the face of that mysterious woman.

She was smiling and greeting him!

(End of this chapter)

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