Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 122 Immortal Emperor The Queen’S Daughter

Chapter 122: Immortal Emperor's Daughter

Zhou Tianfeng's spine shivered instantly, and he thought to himself, "This is not good."

This silly girl, Ming Yanshang, might have been manipulated by someone. While others couldn't see through the disguise of this mysterious woman, Zhou Tianfeng could. No matter how she disguised herself, his eyes could see her truest side.

This mysterious woman had secretly replaced Ming Yanshang at some point. But that wasn't the scariest part. The scariest part was Zhou Tianfeng. He had previously told the mysterious woman about Ming Yanshang, and they even discussed many ways to handle the situation.

They even staged a play. Did this mysterious woman use soul-searching techniques on Ming Yanshang? Did she know about his existence?

And the most important thing Zhou Tianfeng cared about was whether Ming Yanshang was alive or dead. If she had already died, then this grudge would be huge.

"Junior Brother, you finally came. Do you know how worried Senior Sister was?" Lin Wan came to Zhou Tianfeng's side and spoke.

"Senior Sister, don't worry, I'm here now," Zhou Tianfeng absentmindedly replied.

"So, you're the one assigned to the Heavenly Rage Battle Body? Breaking through one realm of Soul Cultivation and going into seclusion for 50 years! We thought you were scared and wouldn't participate in the competition. But unexpectedly, you made it in the final period," the woman in palace attire standing next to the fake Ming Yanshang said.

"Feng'er! Let me introduce you. This is the sect master of the main sect, Xue Xin Hai. Come and greet Sect Master Xue," the mysterious woman pretending to be Ming Yanshang said.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the sect master of the main sect."

"No need for formalities! To be honest, without ten years of training, I don't expect you to achieve much. But at least perform well as a Heavenly Rage Battle Body. I'll leave my junior sister to you," Xue Xin Hai seemed indifferent towards Zhou Tianfeng and left after giving instructions.

Also leaving were the four elders responsible for activating the teleportation array.

With only Soul Cultivation realm cultivation, even with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, their expectations of him were not as high as before. They had originally planned to train him and raise his cultivation to the Transcending Mortality realm, and even prepare some secret techniques for him. But now there was no time for that. He would have to rely on his own luck.

"Senior Sister Lin! I guess I won this bet, right? Look, Junior Brother really looks dumbfounded. He must have been scared by the scene in the teleportation array," Cai Ling said.

"Hmph!" Lin Wan snorted and threw a bag of spirit stones to Cai Ling. It was the bet they had just made, and Lin Wan had lost.

What's wrong with this Junior Brother today? He's usually very calm and wise, but why does he look so absent-minded today? He seems burdened with something, which is really strange!

"Hahaha! Thank you, Senior Sister Lin. Yes, the starry sky must be beautiful, right? When Senior Sister Lin and I took the teleportation array, our master accompanied us. Otherwise, we would have suffocated," Cai Ling said, putting away the spirit stones she won.

"Yes! The starry sky is incredibly beautiful, with colorful hues. I even saw various Spirit Stars. Who would have thought that we all live on a huge sphere?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright, there's no rush to chat and reminisce. Let me familiarize our Junior Brother with the place. You two from the main sect can go back to your rooms!" the mysterious woman pretending to be Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle, I can take Junior Brother around. You don't have to trouble yourself," Lin Wan hesitated and said.

The mysterious woman didn't even look at Lin Wan and directly grabbed Zhou Tianfeng, flying away, leaving Lin Wan biting her lip on the ground.

Lately, this sect master had become more and more dominant, to the point of being extremely overbearing. She used to be a little scheming, but now she had an indescribable sense of dominance.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's heart was in his throat. What the hell, where is she taking me?

The mysterious woman brought Zhou Tianfeng to a mountain peak and then threw him on the ground.

Then, she revealed her circular purple hair, wearing strange battle armor, and sat casually on a rock, looking at Zhou Tianfeng with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Master Uncle, what brings you here with your disciple?" Zhou Tianfeng got up from the ground and asked.

"Stop pretending, kid. Technically speaking, today should be our first meeting, right?" the mysterious woman directly said.

"Master Uncle is joking. We have met many times before. What's wrong with you today? Is it because I stayed in seclusion for too long and made you angry?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! Enough! I was planning to pretend to be that girl, but after acting for a while, it was difficult to deceive the people around me, let alone you. Besides, I can't deceive you, can I?" the mysterious woman laughed and said.

Zhou Tianfeng's forehead was covered in sweat. He quietly released the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade from his palm, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time.

At the same time, she quietly cut her own palm and smeared her blood on it, waiting to see if it would work.

"Who are you? What happened to Ming Yanshang?" Zhou Tianfeng stopped pretending and directly asked.

"Hmph! I thought you were going to continue pretending! But your eyes are really unique. Do you know how brilliant my transformation technique is this time? Yet you saw through it at a glance."

Don't worry, that little girl is fine. I didn't harm her," the mysterious woman said.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she wasn't killed, he still had a chance to find a way to save her.

"Ming Yanshang has been captured by you. If you have used the soul-searching technique on him, then you should know our conversation. So, there's no point in lying to you," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! You have quite the audacity, seeing through me the first time we met. You even pretended so convincingly that I was deceived by you. If it weren't for using the soul-searching spell on that girl, I wouldn't have known about all this!" the mysterious woman said.

Never did I expect that a mortal I underestimated would one day turn the tables on me. This kid actually intends to report my affairs to the Immortal World. But hehe! Do you think someone from the Immortal World can really do anything to me?

But this kid's eyes are indeed quite extraordinary. This time, I have used an extremely brilliant transformation technique. Even immortals wouldn't be able to see through my true appearance. Yet this kid saw through it at first glance.

I really have the urge to gouge out his eyes!

As for the poisonous knife hidden behind this kid, she also noticed it. However, a mortal's weapon, no matter how powerful, she didn't care about it. You have no idea how big the gap in strength between us is.

"What is your purpose, senior? As a respected immortal, why bother with a mere mortal woman? It would be better to let her go. If you need any help, I will do my best," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Vast Desolation Domain's Immortal Emperor, Heavenly Net World's Empress Honglei. As for my cultivation level, you only need to know that it is second only to the Immortal Emperor," Empress Honglei said.

Immortal Emperor and Empress? This identity seems a bit special. Your father is the Immortal Emperor of Vast Desolation Domain, and your mother is the Empress of Heavenly Net World. So, whose Empress are you?

This identity seems quite special! Instantly, Zhou Tianfeng's gossip fire was ignited.

But this mysterious woman's background is indeed powerful. Immortal Emperor, Empress's daughter. So, with such an identity, why did she come looking for me?

"Hmph! I know you're curious. I can tell you everything, but you have to promise to help me with something. If you succeed, I will marry you," Emperor Honglei said.

"Senior, why don't you tell me what you need first? Let's forget about the marriage!" I can't afford such a high status!" the young man replied.

"You bastard, am I ugly? In terms of appearance, how do your two senior sisters and the little girl I captured compare to me?" Emperor Honglei stared, exerting a terrifying pressure on Zhou Tianfeng.

"It's not about appearance. I'm tired of the dynamic where women are strong and men are weak! First, there was Master's Wife, then the senior sisters, and now it's Ming Yanshang. Now it's you. I don't want to be constantly suppressed by women," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Just as Zhou Tianfeng was about to be overwhelmed, a power suddenly erupted from the virus space that was connected to him, allowing him to instantly adapt to the pressure. The virus space also rebounded the opponent's pressure back at them.

Emperor Honglei felt dizzy and took a few steps back, struggling to maintain her balance.

Zhou Tianfeng understood that he couldn't miss this opportunity. He poured all his mana into the Poisonous Immortal Blade and swung it towards the opponent's neck.

With a loud bang, the Poisonous Immortal Blade made intimate contact with Emperor Honglei's snow-white neck, but it broke into two pieces.

"You're ruthless, trying to kill me directly. But you underestimate me. Even if I let you cut me while standing, you can't break my defense," Emperor Honglei rubbed her neck, stood up, and looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a playful expression.

This kid has no idea how big the gap between mortals and immortals is. Even if an immortal is severely injured, unconscious, and unable to move, a mere mortal cannot harm them in the slightest.

However, the counterattack just now was definitely real. It was proof that he had touched the realm of the Great Dao, something only powerful beings in the Great Dao Realm possessed.

His mother's speculation was correct. If his mother hadn't come to observe, he wouldn't have noticed that this kid had entered the realm of the Great Dao during his seclusion.

He had entered the realm that only Immortal Emperor-level beings could explore to a small extent. This confirmed for the mother and daughter that this kid was definitely a reincarnation of an Apex Level Immortal Emperor.

His strength even surpassed that of an Immortal Emperor.

His only killer move had failed, but fortunately, he still had the virus space.

(End of this chapter)

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