Chapter 123: The Throne of the Extreme Path

"I am the butcher's knife, and you are the fish! What exactly do you want?" Zhou Tianfeng calmly asked.

Just now, he had asked the Virus Space if it was possible to pull this woman into it, but the answer from the Virus Space was a bit disappointing to Zhou Tianfeng.

The best way to pull her into the Virus Space turned out to be infecting him with the virus as well, otherwise, with Zhou Tianfeng's current strength...

In reality, it was impossible to pull anyone stronger than oneself into the Virus Space, and as long as someone weaker entered the Virus Space, their consciousness would immediately collapse.

The reason was simple: the minimum requirement to comprehend the Extreme Path domain was to be at the Emperor Level, or to have a virus hidden within the body. Otherwise, entering the Virus Space would be a dead end, and the entire will would be immediately eroded.

So the situation now was really difficult, but the good news was that this Immortal Emperor's daughter had a request for him, and he could still maneuver.

"What you said is quite right, but this piece of fish does have the power to resist. After all, you used to be an Extreme Daoist." Emperor Honglei said.

Now she finally believed her mother's words that this kid was indeed the reincarnation of an Extreme Daoist. The counterattack from the Extreme Path domain just now almost made her faint.

As long as this kid could awaken the wisdom of his past life, it would be easy for him to regain the throne and become an even more powerful existence than an emperor.

Coincidentally, there hasn't been a new Immortal Emperor in this world yet, so this kid has a great opportunity. After so many years, she finally saw a glimmer of hope. Only an Immortal Emperor could deal with an Immortal Emperor. If she wanted to get rid of that bastard of a father, she had to cultivate an Immortal Emperor, no matter how slim the chance was. Both she and her mother had to try, they must make that man pay the price.

"..." Zhou Tianfeng.

I used to be an Extreme Daoist too, how come I didn't know? Well, it seems that the other party has some kind of misunderstanding about the Virus Space, maybe they mistook me for the reincarnation of some powerful being.

Just now, when I tested the counterattack from the Virus Space's power, it should have convinced her that I am indeed the reincarnation of someone important.

Very well, now there are bargaining chips for negotiation.

"In the early stages, I will help you, assist you in becoming an immortal, assist you in becoming an emperor. After you achieve the status of Immortal Emperor, help me once, I won't force you to marry me or anything," Emperor Honglei said.

"Senior really thinks highly of me. Right now, I am just a small cultivator in the Soul Cultivation realm. It will take me thousands of years to even become an immortal, let alone become an emperor among immortals," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Indeed, she has a request for me! Let's see what she's up to.

"Why belittle yourself? The abilities you have displayed already make me admire you. You have the qualifications to become an Immortal Emperor," Emperor Honglei said.

Immortal Emperor! Another Immortal Emperor! So what cultivation level is this Immortal Emperor? The name sounds impressive, the king among immortals, should be the strongest immortal, right?

The two big shots I suppressed seemed to have mentioned that the minimum requirement to enter the space of the Dao is Emperor Level.

So how powerful is this Immortal Emperor, or rather, this Emperor Level expert? Are the two big shots I sealed also Immortal Emperors?

"As the daughter of an Immortal Emperor, if there is anything, shouldn't your parents be able to help you? Why do you need to ask me?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

He planned to ask from the side, what is the purpose of this so-called daughter of an Immortal Emperor?

"Hehe! My mother will naturally help me, but my father probably won't be able to, because what I want you to do is to kill my father," Emperor Honglei said with a hint of killing intent.

Kill her father? Damn! How did a heartless little brat like her come out of nowhere? There are quite a few heartless little brats these days.

And from what you're saying, it seems like killing your old man was also at the behest of your mother. This is a grudge! Could it be that your old man caused trouble and then abandoned you?

"You're joking, with my meager cultivation, I'm afraid I won't be able to help at all. It's better for you to find someone more capable!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Joking! Your old man hasn't offended me, why should I help you with this thankless task? I haven't become an immortal yet! You want me to offend an Immortal Emperor first? I'm full and content!

Your task is really not easy! I won't take it!

"You can set a condition, as long as I can do it, I will agree to whatever you ask," Emperor Honglei gritted her teeth and said.

If it were someone else, she would have slapped them and turned them into ashes. Who dares to refuse her words?

But facing Zhou Tianfeng, she really couldn't do that.

Her mother had told her that she absolutely must not deceive, conceal, or coerce someone like Zhou Tianfeng, who was a powerful reincarnation. She could only find a way to get on his good side, otherwise, when he rises in the future, he will definitely not help her, and might even become enemies.

Her actions today have already caused his dissatisfaction, so Emperor Honglei wants to try her best to repair her relationship with Zhou Tianfeng.

But making friends, playing politics, she's sorry, she's really not good at it, really not good at it!

After leaving his mother, he came to the mortal world and secretly imprisoned the woman named Ming Yanshang, then disguised himself as her.

He planned to wait for Zhou Tianfeng to finish his seclusion. He would then pretend to be him and accompany her, waiting for the Ascension Immortal World to awaken his memories of his past life.

But unexpectedly, when checking Ming Yanshang's memories, he discovered that this kid had actually noticed him a long time ago, completely ruining her plan.

However, she was still not willing to give up. She used the most powerful transformation technique she could perform to try to deceive Zhou Tianfeng.

But as soon as they met, the moment this kid was stunned, she knew that she had been exposed. So now she had no choice but to come clean.

But no matter how she tried to persuade him, this kid just wouldn't listen! What should she do? She couldn't even threaten him.

Empress Honglei's expression became increasingly ugly.

"You release my sect leader and promise to help me unconditionally in the future. After I become an Emperor Level existence, I will help you once," Zhou Tianfeng immediately spoke to ease Empress Honglei's displeasure when he saw her expression.

He couldn't push her too hard, otherwise she might resort to desperate measures, and he wouldn't feel good either. So he pretended to agree, just helping her once.

As for how to help, whether it would be a heavy or light favor, he would be the one to decide.

"Help me once? No, I agree," Empress Honglei was about to refuse, but for some reason, she changed her mind and agreed.

"Then let's make a deal, senior. You help me become an Immortal Emperor-level existence, and I will help you once," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright! But I have one condition, you must swear on your Dao Heart."

"Alright, then how do you plan to invest in me, senior?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Good! Don't worry! I will take care of all your future cultivation resources, and the cultivation technique you are currently practicing is too low-level. I will give you a new set of techniques." Seeing Zhou Tianfeng swear on his Dao Heart, Empress Honglei said happily.

To pass on her cultivation technique to him, it couldn't be the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture that the four Blood Monster Ancestors cultivated, right? That technique is a trap! Besides, I already have one.

"I wonder what cultivation technique senior wants to pass on to me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The cultivation technique I will pass on to you is called the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture! It is a technique that surpasses the six realms," Empress Honglei said.

This kid is at least a reincarnation of a powerful figure in the Extreme Dao Domain, so there shouldn't be too much difficulty in cultivating this technique.

"Oh! Then thank you, senior, for bestowing me with this technique." Alright, let's just go with the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture! This technique is indeed very powerful.

And I meet the requirements for cultivation, with my metabolism allowing me to regenerate at an accelerated rate. Although I'm not as powerful as the Blood Monster Ancestors in terms of recovery, I still have some confidence in this aspect.

The only thing I lack for cultivating this technique is the spiritual energy of the Upper Three Realms.

"Alright, I will now pass on the complete Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture to you," Empress Honglei said, pointing at Zhou Tianfeng's head and transmitting the complete version of the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture to him.

After watching it in his mind, Zhou Tianfeng discovered that the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture given to him by this girl had a total of seven layers.

This technique is indeed powerful, with the power of the Desolate formed being extremely domineering. However, if it only has the first seven layers, it would be difficult to cultivate to the level of an Immortal Emperor, as the ninth layer represents the level of an Immortal Emperor.

So the remaining two layers, is this girl trying to play it safe? It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry anyway.

"Don't misunderstand, I have given you all the techniques of the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture that I know. As for the remaining two layers, the eighth and ninth layers, even I don't have them, nor does my mother. The techniques of the eighth and ninth layers are with my father, and I will find a way to get them in the future," Empress Honglei said.

Since she had decided to invest in Zhou Tianfeng completely, she wouldn't hide anything. She completely handed over the first seven layers of the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture to Zhou Tianfeng.

But she truly didn't have the techniques for the remaining two layers.

"Since this technique is so powerful, why don't you cultivate it yourself? If you cultivate this technique, you might have the power to fight against your father in the future!" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I also want to cultivate this technique, but I can't. This technique is too special." If it weren't for you being a reincarnation of an Extreme Daoist, you wouldn't be able to cultivate it either.

"Is that so? If I have a way to let you cultivate the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture, would you be interested?" Zhou Tianfeng suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? You, you have a way to let me cultivate this technique?"

"Of course! I have a way to let you cultivate the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture," Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

Of course, it's very easy. I can infect you with a virus and turn you into a host infected with the virus, then you can cultivate. But once you are infected with the virus, I will be in control, and you will have to swear on your Dao Heart, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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