Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 124 Virus Infection Optimization, Creation

Chapter 124: Virus Infection Optimization, Creation

Come on! Little girl, jump in! Hehe! Zhou Tianfeng's heart burst into a strange chuckle.

Let me swear on my Dao heart to help you get rid of your old man! It's just a little investment and cultivation in the early stages, go deceive someone else!

If I involve you and your mother, it would be almost the same as involving myself. We absolutely won't do this thankless task.

"Do you really have a way to help me cultivate the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture? Do you know how difficult it is to cultivate this technique? Even you may not be able to succeed in one go. This technique is very special," Di Honglei shook her head and said.

The pain of reshaping the meridians, even reshaping the entire body, is definitely not something an ordinary person can endure. And even if you can endure it, you will definitely perish!

Even with her current cultivation level, she doesn't dare to easily touch the power of the desolate.

The conditions for cultivating the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture are extremely harsh. During the time she was just born, her mother tried it and almost killed her.

She has experimented countless times over the years.

She managed to barely cultivate those four Blood Monster ancestors, but only a mutated version was cultivated, completely lacking the formidable and domineering power of the original version, but with a hint of strangeness and bloodiness.

In terms of power, it is equivalent to Immortal Yuan Power, Demon Yuan Power, or Heavenly Monster Power, but it is far inferior to the terrifying power of the desolate.

"Since you have observed me for so long, you should know that the appearance of the four Blood Monster ancestors is related to me!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Are you suggesting that you want to turn me into a Blood Monster ancestor?

Hehe! You probably don't know that I have already had them cultivate the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture. Although they managed to cultivate it, it can also be said that they didn't.

They cultivated a mutated version. What they cultivated was not the power of the desolate, but something filled with blood and darkness," Di Honglei frowned and said.

Indeed, the Blood Monster race can perfectly avoid the shortcomings of the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture, but the peculiar infectiousness of the Blood Monster race also caused the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture to mutate. The originally pure and domineering power of the desolate undergoes some kind of change, so it is not worth it at all.

I thought it was a good solution, but it turns out to be this. However, I really didn't expect that the Blood Monster race was created by this kid. No wonder he obtained sixty percent of the merit.

"No, no, I mean to give you the same ability as the Blood Monster ancestors, not to turn you into them. You have to understand the difference. Turning you into them and gaining one of their abilities are two different things," Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

The virus space also has the ability to optimize and transform. His perfect super-speed regeneration is also partly due to the virus space.

Simple metabolism alone cannot achieve super-speed regeneration, at most it can only enhance one's recovery ability.

The reason why he can achieve super-speed regeneration is because the virus space extracted the terrifying recovery ability of the Blood Monster ancestors, optimized it, and removed the flaws before giving it to Zhou Tianfeng.

This optimized ability is applicable to all races infected by the virus, as long as the virus can infect them.

So everything will be connected, your strengths will become the strengths of the virus space, and your weaknesses will be perfectly eliminated by the virus space.

As the master of the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng can freely strip away a talent, survival of the fittest, and transfer it to himself or others.

Once you join the virus space, once you join the glorious evolution, you are one of us.

"You mean to give me the terrifying recovery ability like the Blood Monster ancestors? But can you remove their fear of weapons as strong as the utmost yang and utmost yang, as well as their dependence on blood?" Di Honglei asked eagerly.

The reason why those four Blood Monster ancestors succeeded in cultivation but did not produce the power of the desolate is mainly because the blood and dark aura in their bodies are too strong.

It is equivalent to their origin. If these are removed and only their terrifying recovery ability is retained, then it is indeed very suitable for cultivating the Great Desolate Heavenly Scripture.

Do I really have a chance to obtain that kind of power, to obtain the terrifying power of the desolate?

"That's right! But it's not about turning you into a Blood Monster, it's just giving you their terrifying recovery ability. I believe you have witnessed the recovery ability of the Blood Monster ancestors," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Of course, she has witnessed it. Those four guys are under her control now!

"Good, what I want is their recovery ability. I don't care about their other abilities! How do we proceed?" Di Honglei asked excitedly.

"It's simple." Zhou Tianfeng smiled, cut his wrist, and then handed his hand to Di Honglei.

"You mean... I have to drink your blood?" Di Honglei frowned and asked.

This bastard doesn't think I'm a fool, right? Just by drinking his blood, I can succeed? Is he kidding?

"That's right, if you don't want to drink it, then forget it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

First, let the virus adapt to your body and survive inside you. Then, with the power of the virus space, give you super-speed regeneration.

Speaking of which, after obtaining the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng is like receiving a Goldfinger that transmigrated over!

"Hmph! What's the price? Kid, you wouldn't just give me these things for no reason, right? What's your conspiracy?" Emperor Honglei said.

"What conspiracy could there be? You should know that I have a realm of extreme dao behind me. I can guide you there, but you must be infected with some of my aura, otherwise how can I bring you in?" Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

To make this girl willingly fall for it, he had to reveal some of his trump cards. A realm of extreme dao, becoming an Immortal Emperor, was the greatest temptation. Even if she knew there were some pitfalls, with her confidence and arrogance, she would jump in without hesitation.

"You! You! You can let me enter the realm of extreme dao? Let me comprehend the realm of direct dao! Are you sure?" Emperor Honglei's face suddenly changed drastically as she looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

Are you kidding me? Letting someone enter the realm of direct dao, are you joking? Even the peak Immortal Emperor can't do that.

Only after reaching the level of Immortal Emperor can one barely sense the existence of the realm of extreme dao. Only the veteran Immortal Emperors can freely enter the realm of extreme dao.

This kid, this kid, could it be that he is not a reincarnation of a peak Immortal Emperor, but a reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse above that?

At this moment, Emperor Honglei's heart couldn't help but beat faster. Even with her temperament, knowing that the other party is a reincarnation of an ancient god, she was still excited, even a little fearful.

Zhou Tianfeng also noticed the acceleration of the other party's heartbeat. It seems that the so-called Immortal Emperor is not as powerful as his own Dao Lord. Could it be that the two guys he caught are not Immortal Emperors?

So, how big is the gap between Dao Lords and Immortal Emperors? Is it a whole realm or half a realm?

"I can let you enter the realm of extreme dao. Whether or not I give it to you depends on you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! I want it." Emperor Honglei gritted her teeth. She walked over, grabbed Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder, and pressed her mouth against his, starting to suck his blood.

It was an indescribable taste. After taking Zhou Tianfeng's blood, Emperor Honglei felt an incomparably sweet taste. Unconsciously, she began to suck it greedily.

This kid's blood, it seems, is quite delicious!

Indeed, as the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, she had the capital to be arrogant.

"Alright, that's enough. Just take a small sip." Zhou Tianfeng pushed Emperor Honglei away and said.

Damn it, she treats herself like a blood bank! The way she thirstily sucked, it seemed like she wanted to suck all his blood dry.

Zhou Tianfeng quickly mobilized his spiritual power and healed his wounds. Then he took out two large replenishing pills and swallowed them. After being sucked by this girl, he needed to replenish himself.

"Your blood! Your blood has a strange feeling, as if, as if something has entered my body. What did you do to me? What is inside my body?" Emperor Honglei asked anxiously, feeling uncomfortable all over her body.

"For God's sake! Don't say such misleading words, okay? I'm guiding you to accept a new path. Relax, since you can feel them, don't kill them, don't obstruct them, and then accept them." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Indeed, she was an immortal. She actually sensed the tiny virus. Could it be that she didn't need to feed her blood for a long time, and just one time was enough for her to succeed?

Sure enough, immortals and mortals are two completely different life forms.

"What is this thing inside me? Explain it to me." Emperor Honglei grabbed Zhou Tianfeng, her face turning red, and asked anxiously.

No matter which woman suddenly feels that there are many strange things inside her body, it would be strange if she wasn't afraid!

"I already told you, you must be infected with some of my aura. Don't worry, I won't harm you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Ugh! I, you..." Emperor Honglei's expression at this moment was very strange, and even her whole body was trembling.

But in the end, she chose to believe Zhou Tianfeng's words and did not use her full power to expel these things from her body.

"Are you deliberately playing with me?" Emperor Honglei blushed and said with a shy expression.

That feeling of tiny things crawling all over her body, it's embarrassing, okay?

Damn it!

"Absolutely not! It's just that there is a big gap in strength between you and me right now. It's a bit difficult for you, an immortal, to be infected with my aura. It takes a bit of time." Zhou Tianfeng said awkwardly.

Damn it, does my blood really have this effect? Why does this girl act like a nympho, as if she has been played with?

I don't know how long it took, but Emperor Honglei's body gradually began to return to normal, and her face started to calm down. Zhou Tianfeng also felt that he could bring her into the virus space.

(End of this chapter)

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