Chapter 12: Practicing Poison Techniques

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's body was completely soaked in sweat, weak from head to toe.

His immune system did not disappoint him. He successfully dealt with the highly toxic substance in this world. Great, he could now be immune to it the first time. So, he could also be immune to it the second and third time.

As long as his cultivation continued to improve and his body continued to evolve, his body could completely mimic this world's Transforming Poison Spirit Body. Isn't that just neutralizing the poison?

My immune system can achieve the same thing, and in the future, it will be many times stronger than your Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

"Not bad, not bad, my obedient disciple. In the future, you will take one kind of poison every month to neutralize this highly toxic substance. From then on, you will no longer fear it," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Master, can we do it every two months? I feel a bit weak, and even if I recover, it may take a month. I'm afraid continuous intake of highly toxic substances will have an impact on my body and future cultivation, ruining my foundation," Zhou Tianfeng quickly said.

Taking highly toxic substances every month would require my immune system to work at full capacity, leaving almost no time for rest.

How can this work? Let's at least delay it to every two months, so my body can have some time to recover.

"Two months is fine. Anyway, we have plenty of time. Here, I have an Origin Returning Pill and a Fasting Pill. Take them first to adjust your body," Blood Shadow Ancestor took out two pills and fed them to Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't hesitate and immediately swallowed the pills given by Blood Shadow Ancestor. If I'm not afraid of highly toxic substances, why would I be afraid of ordinary pills?

After the two pills entered his stomach, they immediately turned into two warm streams, flowing through Zhou Tianfeng's body. The fatigue and weakness in his limbs disappeared instantly.

Well, I have to admit that the pills in this world are really a kind of cheat, and they have all-around effects.

"In the future, your means of dealing with enemies will be using various poisons to attack them. Many experts in poison cultivation also suffer from their own poisons, with their bodies filled with various toxins. It's not a pleasant feeling at all.

So, people who cultivate poison techniques usually harm themselves before harming their enemies. But you, with your Transforming Poison Spirit Body, are different. In the future, you can cultivate various poison techniques, even hiding highly toxic substances in your body, catching your opponents off guard and launching attacks that they can't defend against," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Cultivating poison techniques, like the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, is the most suitable. Others who cultivate poison techniques need to worry about the harm the toxins may cause to their bodies or any negative effects.

But the Transforming Poison Spirit Body doesn't need to worry about these things at all because it has already neutralized the toxins and is no longer afraid.

The Transforming Poison Spirit Body can be considered the most suitable Apex Level special physique for cultivating poison techniques, and Blood Shadow Sect is particularly skilled in using various poison techniques. The sect's records contain countless poison techniques, and Blood Shadow Ancestor himself is an expert in using poison.

"Yes, Master, I understand. Please teach me poison techniques," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Who wouldn't want to play with poison techniques? It's like being a long-range spellcaster, and I don't want to engage in close combat with others.

Moreover, it's said that medicine and poison are two sides of the same coin. After reaching a high level in poison techniques, my medical skills will also improve.

"Good! In the next few years, I won't leave the sect or go into seclusion. I will teach you poison techniques every day. You must work hard and learn from me," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Disciple obeys," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright, you're tired today. Go rest and tomorrow, during the day, I will teach you various poison techniques and knowledge of pharmacology. At night, you can practice in your room," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"It is Master, disciple takes leave."

"Go! Rest well! When the sun rises tomorrow, come find me." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Bowing respectfully to Blood Shadow Ancestor, Zhou Tianfeng left the main hall.

After leaving the main hall, Zhou Tianfeng didn't linger and went straight back to his own room, falling asleep on the bed.

His body was currently under a heavy burden, fighting against the virus with all his might, which consumed a lot of his body's energy. He needed a good rest.

A night passed without any words. Early the next morning, Zhou Tianfeng finished washing up, dressed himself, and went to Blood Shadow Ancestor's room.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the teacher."

"Good! Since you're here, let's begin today's lesson! First, you need to understand the effects and growth cycles of various poisonous insects, poisonous flowers, and poisonous plants. You also need to learn the methods of capturing and breeding poisonous insects, as well as the planting and harvesting methods of poisonous flowers and plants. You need to know which parts contain strong toxins and which parts are harmless, as well as how to detoxify. In the first year, we will start with the basics. You must remember these theoretical knowledge." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

No matter what you learn, laying a solid foundation is the most important. If you want to pursue the path of poison arts in the future, you must firmly remember the knowledge of these poisonous insects, flowers, and plants.

"Reporting to Master, during these days, I have been studying the knowledge of poison arts. I have read through all the books on poison arts in the first and second floors of the library." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Joking aside, his memory now was not to be underestimated. The books on the first and second floors combined were only a few dozen, maybe a hundred at most, and he had already finished reading them all.

"Oh! You have read them all. So, how much have you memorized?" Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded in satisfaction and asked.

In just one month, he had read and memorized all the books on poison arts in the first and second floors. This kid was really talking big!

"I have memorized all the books related to strong toxins." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"All of them? You have only been in my sect for two months, and I gave you the key to the library only a month ago. If you have read all the books, I am pleased, but don't make empty boasts." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"I dare not deceive Master. If Master doesn't believe me, you can test me freely." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good, then let me ask you, where does the Blood Green Vine, a type of poisonous plant, grow? What are its medicinal properties and how should it be handled?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"The Blood Green Vine grows in places with spiritual energy. Its leaves are round, oval, or egg-shaped. During its growth, it requires a large amount of blood essence.

Naturally, it grows in places like mortal battlefields or where a large number of fierce beasts have died. It usually takes seven years to mature. When touched by a mortal, their whole body immediately breaks out in pus-filled blisters, containing blood poison.

If you want to artificially cultivate it, you need to find a place with abundant spiritual energy and water it with mortal blood or the blood of fierce beasts. However, if you water it with the blood of low-level Demonic Beasts, its growth can be accelerated, and it can mature in about three years.

When harvesting, you need to use special shears to cut it from the root. Apart from the vines, the other petals are harmless.

In the records of my Blood Shadow Sect, there are a total of seven recipes for refining poisonous pills that require the Blood Green Vine. There are three methods of detoxification." Zhou Tianfeng said.

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