Chapter 13: Abnormal Memory

"Ziluo Scorpion, tell me how to capture these poisonous scorpions and their habits," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Ziluo Scorpion is a type of venomous insect that likes to live near Purple Vine Grass. The scent emitted by Purple Vine Grass attracts some insects, and when these insects smell the scent of Purple Vine Grass, they enter an extremely excited state (similar to a cat being exposed to catnip). Ziluo Scorpions take advantage of this opportunity to prey on these insects.

The venom of a Ziluo Scorpion, if fully extracted, can kill an entire village. The person who is poisoned will first develop large purple spots on their body, which will then spread throughout their entire body. If an antidote is not formulated within three days, the poisoned person will undoubtedly die.

To breed these Ziluo Scorpions, you need to cultivate some Purple Vine Grass and regularly feed them a large amount of food. The growth cycle of these Ziluo Scorpions is generally one year. In our sect, we need to refine four types of poison pills using the venom from these scorpions. The detoxification method is..." Zhou Tianfeng recited the knowledge he obtained from books.

"As for Purple Vine Grass, it is actually a medicinal herb, but it is non-toxic. It can only make the person who consumes it mentally excited. If consumed in large quantities, one may enter a certain kind of illusion." Zhou Tianfeng was very familiar with this thing called Purple Vine Grass because several evil formulas required this ingredient.

It can create a pleasant sense of excitement in people without any side effects. It is a good thing and also one of the auxiliary medicines for the evil formulas. I remember it very clearly.

"Xueling Butterfly, tell me how to capture this spiritual butterfly and how to breed it." Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded in satisfaction and continued to ask.

"Xueling Butterfly is a type of spiritual butterfly that lives in extremely cold regions. It can survive in any cold area, but it cannot be artificially bred in other regions.

For a Xueling Butterfly to fully mature, it takes nearly three hundred years. Its pollen contains a powerful cold poison. If one is poisoned by it, the poison can only be removed with a fire attribute treasure or a spiritual pill. Additionally, its wings are an extremely perfect material for ice-type refining tools," Zhou Tianfeng said.

This thing is both a refining material and a highly toxic substance. It can also be used to prepare some spiritual pills.

However, Zhou Tianfeng did not study the specific prescription for preparing the spiritual pills, so he was not clear about the pharmacological characteristics of the Xueling Butterfly.

"Then let me ask you, Nine Star Poisonous Grass. Tell me about its growth and characteristics," Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"Nine Star Poisonous Grass is a..." Zhou Tianfeng didn't find it difficult at all. As long as it was related to knowledge about poisonous flowers and plants recorded in the first and second floors of the Blood Library, it was all clear in his mind. Just a little recollection and everything would appear clearly in his mind.

Next, Blood Shadow Ancestor asked about the characteristics of more than ten poisonous insects, flowers, and plants, and even asked some tricky questions, but Zhou Tianfeng answered them all.

"You answered well. Now let me ask you, how many poison pill formulas do we have in our sect? How many types of poisonous flowers, insects, and plants are recorded in the Demonic Beast's poison?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

It seems that this kid's talent is indeed very good! But being grasped by his own disciple is obviously not what Blood Shadow Ancestor wanted, so he asked a tricky question.

If he were to ask about the pharmacological properties of other poisonous insects, flowers, and plants, this kid would definitely be able to answer. Since that's the case, I'll change my question. I don't believe he can remember all of this.

When a master teaches his disciple, at the beginning of the teaching, the disciple claims to have already learned everything. Isn't this slapping the master's face?

"Reporting to Master, disciple is not sure." Zhou Tianfeng lowered his head and humbly spoke.

Seeing that Zhou Tianfeng could ask such a question, Blood Shadow Ancestor was a little angry.

But he could indeed answer this question. His Transcendent Level memory was not a joke. Although it had only been half a month, he had definitely finished reading it. And if he had focused wholeheartedly, it probably wouldn't have taken him half a month.

There are a total of 724 types of poisonous pill prescriptions, with 697 of them having detoxification methods. There are 1,200 types of poisonous flowers and 1,434 types of poisonous herbs.

Poisonous insects are divided into seven categories, with a total of 1,568 species.

There are 976 species of Demonic Beasts with high toxicity, as well as Demonic Beasts and wild beasts with mild toxicity, making a total of 976 species. This question can't stump me.

"Well! It seems that you have really finished reading all the information on the first and second levels. However, knowing them doesn't necessarily mean you are proficient. Next, you will learn how to cultivate poisonous herbs and flowers, breed various poisonous insects and beasts, and collect their venom. Start by preparing the simplest poison powder according to the prescriptions. Each time you prepare poison, you must also prepare the corresponding antidote." Blood Shadow Ancestor turned his back and said.

At this moment, Blood Shadow Ancestor had some sweat on his forehead. This kid was simply a monster. Even an ordinary person would not be able to finish reading all the books on poisonous substances in the first and second levels in a few months, let alone remember them all in detail.

But this kid actually remembered all of them, and in great detail. He answered all the questions about tricky poisonous insects, flowers, and herbs that Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

In the end, Blood Shadow Ancestor had no choice but to change to a more tricky question, which finally stumped this kid. Jokingly, he mentioned all the types of poison techniques and the number of pill prescriptions. Could he even do that himself?

When he first started practicing, it took him a year just to finish reading the books, and another two years to memorize them all. It took him three years to accomplish what this kid did in half a month.

Indeed, he was a peerless genius! With a self-growing spiritual root, a special physique like the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and such a clever and agile mind, this child's future is limitless.

"Thank you for your guidance, Master," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Well! I will instruct the outer disciples to bring you ten types of poisonous insects, flowers, and herbs. Your task is to cultivate them all, extract their toxins, and prepare all the corresponding poison pill prescriptions. You must also have the antidotes. If there are any auxiliary medicinal materials you can't find, you can ask the outer disciples to help," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Disciple understands," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"When practicing poison techniques, you must focus, but you must not neglect your own cultivation. Remember, as cultivators, our cultivation is what we rely on the most," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Disciple will remember your teachings."

"Well! You may go now! If you have any questions about cultivation, you can come to me. For poison techniques, you can ask your senior brother, who is also an expert in this field," Blood Shadow Ancestor waved his hand and said.

Please bookmark, recommend, and invest in the three consecutive chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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