Chapter 14: Lawsuit, Beast Core Matter

My three disciples, the eldest disciple is skilled in various poison techniques and alchemy. I should have him teach this junior disciple a lesson.

Hehe! Senior Brother Zhou Tianfeng's mouth curled into a cold smile. I remember the Beast Core matter very well!

Today, he specifically carried the bottle of Beast Core given by Senior Brother. If he couldn't withstand the intense poison today and was saved by Blood Shadow Ancestor, he wouldn't have taken out the bottle of Beast Core.

But if he could withstand this intense poison today with his immunity, Zhou Tianfeng planned to bring out the bottle of Beast Core and see how Blood Shadow Ancestor would handle it.

From Blood Shadow Ancestor's behavior today, it can be inferred that he values Zhou Tianfeng greatly, even more so than the other three disciples.

After all, Blood Shadow Ancestor believes that Zhou Tianfeng possesses a special physique, the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, unlike the other three senior brothers.

These past few days, he also investigated and found that the other senior brothers have ordinary Middle Grade spiritual roots, while only the third senior brother has a High Grade spiritual root.

Enduring silently may not lead to concessions from the other party, but rather exacerbate the situation. So, if Blood Shadow Ancestor truly values him, Zhou Tianfeng, he would definitely suppress his senior brother.

"Master, there is something I want to report to you." Zhou Tianfeng knelt on the ground and spoke up.

"Oh! What is it?" Blood Shadow Ancestor showed a very kind smile and asked.

"Master, not long ago, Senior Brother gave me a bottle of elixir. He said that after my cultivation reaches the Qi Condensation stage, I can take one pill every seven days to enhance my cultivation. I didn't know what kind of elixir it was before, but these past few days, while reading in the library, I found out that it is a kind of Beast Core." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? The eldest one actually gave you a Beast Core." Blood Shadow Ancestor widened his eyes and his face turned very unpleasant.

"Disciple dare not deceive Master. This bottle of Beast Core is with me." Zhou Tianfeng took out the bottle of Beast Core from his embrace and handed it to Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Blood Shadow Ancestor received the bottle containing the Beast Core with a gloomy expression, opened it, took a sniff, and his expression immediately changed.

There were actually some aroma-inducing powders inside. Once opened, cultivators or ordinary people would have an extreme desire to consume it. If they couldn't resist, they would immediately consume the Beast Core.

This aroma-inducing powder wasn't something highly toxic. It was only formulated as a seasoning used in restaurants operated by Blood Shadow Sect in remote areas.

Some larger sects and ordinary sects also use this kind of thing, but if it is sprinkled on a Beast Core to tempt the fourth disciple to consume it, then it is definitely malicious.

"Good disciple, have you consumed this Beast Core? Tell your master immediately. If you have, I will immediately give you some medicine to stabilize your foundation." Blood Shadow Ancestor urgently asked.

If Zhou Tianfeng had consumed this contaminated bloodline at this stage, Blood Shadow Ancestor could only use some precious materials to restore Zhou Tianfeng's origin.

"Master, I didn't consume it. After opening the bottle, I did feel an impulse to consume it, but I resisted." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Not consuming it is good, not consuming it is good. Remember, in the future, you can reward this bottle of Beast Core to outer disciples.

But you absolutely cannot consume it yourself. Also, if you go outside, never bring this kind of Beast Core to any cultivation sect's auction house. It will bring disaster upon you." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

This kind of low-level Beast Core, if it falls into the outside world, will definitely be discovered by the Tianci Army or the prestigious sects. They will then trace it back to its source and deal with the one who refines this kind of Beast Core.

Because this kind of Beast Core is a specialty of their Blood Shadow Sect, and Blood Shadow Ancestor knows better than anyone else about the situation of their Blood Shadow Sect outside.

This senior disciple of mine has used a series of killer moves!

If this junior disciple consumes the Beast Core without being told, he won't be able to tell until the Foundation Building Stage, and he will miss the best period for consolidating his foundation and cultivating his essence.

Even if he successfully builds his foundation, his origin will be depleted, which will have a great disadvantage for his future cultivation.

If this kid doesn't consume it and sells it outside, he will also be discovered by the Tianci Army, and he will definitely die at their hands.

And this senior brother of mine can easily push this matter away. Even if I discover it, I don't think I will have any trouble.

However, I forgot one thing. If this disciple really has an accident, I will be the first one to kill him.

This is the future, the hope of my Blood Shadow Sect!

"The disciple knows, Master." That was close. I was actually planning to sell this pill outside. If it really sold, there would probably be a large number of disciples from prestigious sects or the Tianci Army coming to kill me.

Damn it, this senior brother really has evil intentions! I just started, and I have no grudges with you. Is it necessary to be so ruthless?

"Don't worry, my disciple. Leave this matter to me. You just stay in your room and cultivate well for the next few days," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

This senior disciple indeed needs some discipline. As long as I think about it, Blood Shadow Ancestor understands that this senior disciple is afraid that this fourth disciple will take his position as the sect leader.

Hmph! Even without this fourth disciple, the position of sect leader would not fall to you, senior brother.

Don't you know what kind of person you are? I've been with the old ancestor for over 200 years, and my cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Harmonious Spirit Realm.

"Master, I will take my leave," Zhou Tianfeng said respectfully.

"Wait, regarding the grade of your spiritual root, don't tell anyone. Let me tell you a secret now. Your spiritual root is very special, but it's not good for you to know too much at the moment. If someone asks, just say you have a high-grade spiritual root," Blood Shadow Ancestor thought for a moment and said.

It's better not to let others know about the spiritual root that can grow on its own. Although it must be personally investigated to determine the grade of the spiritual root, it's still necessary to provide some insurance for this kid just in case.

"Yes, Master. I understand. If there's nothing else, I will take my leave," Zhou Tianfeng said.

It's definitely not as simple as having a high-grade spiritual root. It seems that my spiritual root is very special! But this is even better. This way, my position in Blood Shadow Ancestor's heart will be higher.

Next, let's see how the old ancestor will handle this senior brother.

After Zhou Tianfeng left, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately called an outer disciple.

"You go and summon Cheng Ji to see me," Blood Shadow Ancestor said with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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