Chapter 130: Profound Fire Barrier, Brutal Beating

As the two stepped onto the stage, a blue transparent barrier enveloped the entire martial arena.

After all, this was a battle between geniuses of the cultivation world. Even the lowest level of combat would be at the Soul Cultivation realm. If proper protection was not in place, it could cause significant damage.

The martial arena itself was the size of two football fields, but even so, it was still a bit small for cultivators at the Soul Cultivation realm.

The arena was made of a rare material called Qinggang Stone, which was a rarely seen refining material. Generally, only experts at the Immortal Transformation realm or above could melt this material.

In addition, various formations were set up on the arena, and there were four main flags on the sides that could be used to jointly set up a protective barrier. This barrier, for safety reasons, could not be broken unless one reached the Heavenly Ascension realm and wielded a quasi-Immortal Weapon.

The Qinggang Stone arena was actually assembled by various sects of the cultivation world thousands of years ago, using materials gathered together and refined by an immortal. There were four such arenas, and they were all made to be movable.

Therefore, this competition arena was constantly moving and did not belong to any particular sect. After all, just the materials from this arena alone were enough to create thousands of Spiritual Weapons, and even the core and eye positions of the formations were made of Transcendent Level Supreme Grade materials.

It would be sent to the hosting sect, and then maintained and preserved by them for hundreds of years until it was used for the competition. After it was used, it would be handed over to the next hosting sect.

As the blue barrier completely enveloped the arena, it also signaled the start of the match between the two.

Although Tong Lei talked tough, he didn't rush forward recklessly. After all, his junior brother had a Transforming Poison Spirit Body. If he played with poison, it would be hard to say what would happen.

Although he had practiced some sword techniques during his time in the Blood Shadow Sect, he had not cultivated any of their poison techniques or sinister spells.

"What's wrong? Aren't you coming up?" Zhou Tianfeng sneered and asked.

"Hmph! All you rely on is poison techniques. I'm not afraid of you." Tong Lei took out an antidote pill and put it in his mouth, saying.

This was an antidote pill refined by the Ziyang Sect, capable of neutralizing any general poison. If this kid secretly poisoned him, as long as he bit into this pill, he could detoxify himself. If it couldn't be completely detoxified, he could at least suppress it.

"Hehe! Rest assured, no matter what, I am now a disciple of a reputable sect. I don't need to use poison to deal with you this time. Just come at me." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

Dealing with trash like you, do you think I need to bring out the Hundred Poison Immortal Slasher? I don't even need to use the Xuanhuang Spear Execution. I can beat you to the point where you can't take care of yourself.

After stepping into the realm of Soul Cultivation, Zhou Tianfeng's overall strength has improved. These past few days, he has also sparred with two junior sisters. Although both of them are in the realm of Soul Cultivation, and even Cailing has an Innate Dao Body, they still have no chance of winning against Zhou Tianfeng. He doesn't even need to activate the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, just the adrenaline mode is enough to suppress Cailing. As for Lin Wan, Zhou Tianfeng can handle her in his normal state.

So, even as a disciple of the Purple Yang Sect with a family heirloom, you, a mere Mortal Physique in the realm of Soul Cultivation, may not necessarily be able to defeat me.

"Hmph!" Tong Lei no longer speaks and draws a blood-colored long sword from behind. He performs a spell, creating four clones attacking Zhou Tianfeng from four directions.

Zhou Tianfeng raises an eyebrow, activates the adrenaline mode, and his eyes emit a blue light. He instantly sees Tong Lei's true body.

Even the transformation techniques at the Immortal level are useless against me. How can your petty transformation technique as a mere mortal deceive my eyes?

In his eyes, the other three illusions are purely composed of spiritual energy, while only the one on the left is Tong Lei's true body.

Zhou Tianfeng could now instantly appear in front of Tong Lei with his terrifying speed and explosive power, and easily defeat him. However, if it ends so simply, it would be too boring.

There is plenty of time, I want to play with you slowly.

"Sword Shadow Splitting Light." Tong Lei shouts loudly, and the four figures simultaneously execute a sword technique, attacking Zhou Tianfeng.

"Hmph! Profound Fire Shield." Zhou Tianfeng forms hand seals and releases a bell-shaped Law Treasure, forming an orange defense shield around his body.

This is a fire attribute Law Treasure that his main wife, Ming Yanshang, refined for him in the past few days. It is called the Profound Fire Shield. This treasure can be used for offense and defense, and because it was refined from an Innate fire spirit body, it is extremely powerful in terms of fire attacks.

The sword lights strike the Profound Fire Shield and instantly dissipate, causing Tong Lei to retreat.

This Profound Fire Shield cannot be attacked head-on. Not only does it have strong defensive power, but it also burns the opponent. If one gets too close, they will be burned.

"Do you think that having a turtle shell-like Law Treasure will keep you safe? Nine Swords Unite."

The sword case behind Tong Lei opens, and nine flying swords appear, rotating around him. The nine flying swords merge into a deep blue giant sword and attack Zhou Tianfeng.

This move is not a technique of the Purple Yang Sect, but a sword technique passed down in his family. The Cloud Slashing Portrait records the burial ground of his Tong clan, and there was once a Heavenly Ascension realm expert in their clan.

In the treasure trove of the Cloud Slashing Portrait, he obtained a large number of Law Treasures and inherited sword techniques. These nine flying swords are one of them, a Law Treasure that can be used in the realm of Soul Cultivation.

Facing the incoming blue giant sword, Zhou Tianfeng has no intention of dodging. He still has confidence in the Profound Fire Shield refined by Ming Yanshang.

Clang! The blue flying sword and the orange Xuanhuo shield collided with a terrifying shockwave, exploding around the two of them.

However, to Tong Lei's disappointment, the Xuanhuo shield remained motionless, and Zhou Tianfeng was completely unaffected.

How is this possible? Just with one Law Treasure, he can render me helpless?

Just as Tong Lei was astonished, Zhou Tianfeng unexpectedly removed the Xuanhuo shield.

"To be honest, I have tried my best to underestimate you, but I found that I still overestimated you a bit," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Indeed! Zhou Tianfeng realized that this kid was all talk. He couldn't even break through the fire attribute defense Law Treasure casually crafted by Ming Yanshang, let alone the remaining cards up his sleeve.

"You bastard!" Tong Lei roared, charging towards Zhou Tianfeng with his sword, creating a sky full of sword shadows.

All show and no substance! Now my eyes can see through all illusions. Your attacks are as slow as a tortoise in front of me, and you are full of flaws.

Zhou Tianfeng crossed his arms and dodged back and forth. Tong Lei's seemingly fierce and violent attacks didn't even touch a single strand of his hair or the corner of his clothes.

"Is all you can do dodge and evade?" Tong Lei shouted loudly.

What does this mean? What does this mean? Are you looking down on me?

You damn thing! Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are?

"You used to be my third senior brother, so I let you have three moves, three chances to attack. Now that the three moves are up, it's my turn," Zhou Tianfeng said, without using any Law Treasure or weapon, but instead swinging his fists towards Tong Lei.

Amidst the sky full of sword shadows, he accurately hit Tong Lei's face, then grabbed his collar and slammed him hard onto the ground.

Lifting his right foot, he stepped on Tong Lei's face. During this time, Tong Lei tried several times to resist, using spells or Law Treasures to counterattack, but no matter what, Zhou Tianfeng was always one step ahead.

He accurately deciphered his spells, evaded all damage, and then hit him in the face.

All of his moves, all of his preparations, all of his spells, in the eyes of the other party, seemed to be nothing but flaws. How is this possible?

And what annoyed him the most was, why, why did every single hit land on my face?

Several minutes passed, and Tong Lei, who had used all his tricks, hadn't caused any harm or trouble to Zhou Tianfeng. Meanwhile, his face had swollen into a pig's head.

There was not a single trace of injury on Zhou Tianfeng's body. All of his attacks were aimed at Tong Lei's face.

"This kid is ruthless! He doesn't just hit people, he specifically targets their faces," an Independent Cultivator in the stands commented.

"Indeed! I think there must be some personal grudge between the two."

"I overheard something earlier. It seems like he called the other person his third senior brother?"

"I just asked around. They were both disciples of a small sect before joining Jade Water Heavenly Palace and Ziyang Sect. However, that small sect was destroyed, and they went their separate ways."

"They were still senior brothers at some point, so why did they start off so harshly when they met?"

"Let's keep watching. This appetizer is quite interesting!" The Independent Cultivator in the stands and disciples from various sects were all watching with great interest.

"Sister, this kid is going too far. Ziyang Sect is at least a major sect, and our relationship with them is not bad," Xue Xinhai whispered to Ming Yanshang.

The people from Ziyang Sect didn't look too pleased either. Although he was just an unimportant disciple, being beaten up like this was embarrassing for them.

"Sister, don't worry. Nothing will go wrong. I have warned this kid multiple times, and he hasn't even used his Heavenly Rage Battle Body yet. He has been holding back," Ming Yanshang said.

How can I not worry? Can't you see how dark the faces of the people from Ziyang Sect have become?

As the battle on the stage came to an end, Tong Lei had been beaten to the point of losing consciousness. He was swaying on the stage, unable to stand on his own. If Zhou Tianfeng hadn't been supporting him while hitting him, he would have already fallen to the ground.

Just as Zhou Tianfeng was about to continue tormenting him, Xue Xinhai voluntarily removed the barrier around the arena.

"The winner of the first match is Zhou Tianfeng from Jade Water Heavenly Palace."

After the barrier dissipated, a figure quickly jumped onto the stage and approached the unconscious Tong Lei. After checking on him and confirming that he was not seriously injured, the figure looked at Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

"My incompetent junior brother, thank you for taking care of him. I will definitely repay this favor tenfold in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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