Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 131 Purple Sun Sect, Scattered Immortal

Chapter 131: Purple Sun Sect, Scattered Immortal

Is this the old one coming after the young one? But do you think I'm afraid of you?

This man, who appears to be in his twenties, has a smile on his face. Zhou Tianfeng sensed the opponent's aura.

His cultivation level is higher than mine, reaching the Transcending Mortality realm, but that's it. Even if you have the special physique of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, I can still suppress you.

He still had confidence in himself.

"Then I will ask for your guidance at that time," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's for sure. Although my junior brother is not very mature, he doesn't need outsiders to teach him. I am Gao Tiancheng. Remember this name," Gao Tiancheng said, then carried the unconscious Tong Lei and jumped off the stage.

Immediately, Zhou Tianfeng also jumped off the platform.

"Very well, the fireworks are already in full swing from the beginning. I think this Tianjiao Conference will be quite interesting."

"Indeed. In previous Tianjiao Conferences, there was never such excitement!"

"Hahaha! I heard that this person named Gao Tiancheng also has a special physique, but I don't know the specifics." An Independent Cultivator spoke up.

"This person named Zhou Tianfeng is said to have the Transforming Poison Spirit Body."

"Although the Transforming Poison Spirit Body can be considered a special physique, it can only be regarded as a Low Grade special physique. It still falls short compared to those Apex Level physiques. I don't think this kid will go far."

"Don't even think about it. With your meager cultivation level, do you dare to compare yourself to others? Others are at least Tianjiaos, what are you?" An Independent Cultivator said disdainfully.

Zhou Tianfeng left with a pat on his butt, but the atmosphere on the spectator stands became a bit awkward. Xue Xinhai was also somewhat speechless.

Indeed, the atmosphere had been set. This Tianjiao Conference was a great start, winning the victory and stirring up the emotions of the audience.

But they had offended the people from the Purple Sun Sect.

Today's events were a complete humiliation for the Jade Water Heavenly Palace towards the Purple Sun Sect.

Both sects belonged to the same major sect, and their relationship had always been good. But the way they won today was humiliating, causing the Sect Master of the Purple Sun Sect and two elders to have unpleasant expressions.

"Hmph! Junior Sister Xue, your disciple is quite something. He only knows how to hit people's faces. We, the Purple Sun Sect, will remember this. Let's wait and see."

"Elder Lei! These are just junior disciples. Besides, your disciple only suffered some superficial injuries. You wouldn't personally take action, would you?"

"Don't worry, our Purple Sun Sect won't stoop so low. We will send out elite disciples from our sect to deal with this kid." The Sect Master of the Purple Sun Sect, Lei Fengye, said.

"Elder Lei, calm down," Xue Xinhai quickly interjected.

This brat really knows how to cause trouble. I did him a favor, but he just finds trouble for me. Xue Xinhai's anger towards Zhou Tianfeng increased.

The other sect masters and elders were just enjoying the show, with expressions of watching a good show, especially the Sect Master of the Profound Heaven Sect. Originally, this stepping stone and unlucky guy was a disciple of their sect, but he ended up becoming a member of the Purple Sun Sect.

From the looks of it, could it be that the Jade Water Heavenly Palace wanted to challenge the position of the leader of the righteous path held by the Purple Sun Sect? Suddenly, the sect masters began to speculate.

This time, there really was a good show to watch. As the leader of the righteous path, the strength of the Purple Sun Sect had indeed declined over the past few hundred years, while the strength of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace had been continuously increasing. But it would still be difficult to surpass the Purple Sun Sect, right?

Could it be that the Jade Water Heavenly Palace had some secret weapon? Are they directly challenging the position of the Purple Sun Sect?

"Sister, take care of yourself. My Purple Sun Sect is not someone anyone can bully." Lei Fengye said before leaving with a wave of his sleeve.

Several elders of the Purple Sun Sect, including Feng Tian, had unpleasant expressions.

After everyone dispersed, Xue Xinhai, with a dark face, called Ming Yanshang over.

"Junior Brother, you... you actually fought against a disciple of the Purple Sun Sect in the first match?" Lin Wan immediately spoke up as soon as they returned to the disciples' seats.

"It was arranged from above. I just followed the orders," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hehe! I don't think so! Junior Brother, that person seems to have a grudge against you! He only hits people's faces, which completely humiliates the other party." Cai Ling said.

"Hahaha, I... ow!" Zhou Tianfeng had just wanted to boast a little, but a jade hand grabbed his ear and lifted him up into the air.

Leaving behind a trail of screams, Zhou Tianfeng was carried away in the air by Ming Yanshang, who had grabbed his ear.

"I told you to be a little more restrained, but you had to cause so much trouble. Do you know how much trouble you've caused us?" Arriving at a mountaintop, Ming Yanshang stood with her hands on her hips, her eyes spewing fire as she spoke.

"Please, I've already shown mercy. He only suffered some superficial injuries, and he'll be fine after some time of recovery," Zhou Tianfeng rubbed his reddened ear that had been pulled and spoke.

This woman really went all out! You didn't let me kill him, and I didn't kill him or humiliate him. I just turned him into a pig's head. Is that not allowed?

"If you had just defeated him, it would have been fine. Why did you have to humiliate him like that? It's one thing to hit him, but even when hitting a dog, you have to consider its owner. He is a disciple of the Purple Sun Sect. Do you know the power of the Purple Sun Sect?" Ming Yanshang sighed and said.

"What kind of power is it? Is it very powerful?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

How powerful is it? Is it as powerful as me, a Dao Lord, or as fierce as an Immortal Emperor?

Ming Yanshang widened his eyes, sighed helplessly again, and thought that this kid was less than a hundred years old, so it was understandable that he didn't know some of the secrets of the cultivation world. He decided to enlighten him.

"Among the hundreds of sects in this Star Domain, the Purple Sun Sect is the most powerful one and the leader of all orthodox sects. Although it is also a Transcendent Level sect like the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, it is much stronger than our Jade Water Heavenly Palace in terms of size, heritage, and experts."

"In the Immortal World, its power is far beyond what the Jade Water Heavenly Palace can compare to. It is said that the founder of the sect ascended to the Immortal World tens of thousands of years ago and was considered a grandmaster in the Immortal World."

"The sect also possesses two Immortal Weapons that were bestowed from the higher realm. In addition, there are many Scattered Immortals in the sect. You have read many classics, so you should know what a Scattered Immortal is, right?" Ming Yanshang said.

A few hundred years ago, there was an incident that resulted in the death of four Heavenly Ascension elders of the Purple Sun Sect, which led to a slight decline in their strength.

In recent years, the Purple Sun Sect has also faced challenges from other sects, but they have withstood them all. Now, with the actions of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, it is likely to cause misunderstandings.

"Scattered Immortal? I see, no wonder you guys are so afraid! But I only injured one of their disciples, they wouldn't send a Scattered Immortal to deal with me, right?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Scattered Immortal, also known as Scattered Immortal, is one of the possible outcomes when a cultivator fails to transcend the Tribulation after reaching the Heavenly Ascension realm.

When a cultivator reaches the Heavenly Ascension realm and undergoes the Tribulation, the chances of success are very slim, with only a 1/10 chance of successfully transcending the Tribulation and cultivating an Immortal Physique to ascend to the Immortal World.

If they fail to transcend the Tribulation, they will turn to ashes under the Heavenly Tribulation, and their life and death will be extinguished. However, if they can preserve their Yang Spirit under the Heavenly Tribulation, there is still a glimmer of hope.

The Yang Spirit that survives after transcending the Tribulation can cultivate for thousands of years and become a Scattered Immortal. The status of a Scattered Immortal is lower than that of an Immortal, but higher than that of the Heavenly Ascension realm.

They possess a complete Primordial Spirit of an Immortal but do not have an Immortal's physical body. However, after achieving the status of a Scattered Immortal, they only have a lifespan of ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, a more powerful Celestial Immortal Tribulation will descend.

If you can cross over, then you can go to the Immortal World to reshape your Immortal Physique and have a second chance to achieve Celestial Immortal and ascend to the Heavenly World.

If you can't cross over, then you will be completely dead, losing even the slightest chance of survival.

If there are no Immortals to intervene, theoretically, in this realm, the Scattered Immortal is basically invincible. But if my Heavenly Rage Battle Body can reach the Heavenly Ascension realm, then killing a Scattered Immortal shouldn't be a problem.

"And don't forget, I also have a trump card. Do you remember that mysterious woman? I can't tell you the specifics, but believe me, she can handle several Scattered Immortals." Zhou Tianfeng said.

If they send a Scattered Immortal to deal with me, I will immediately call for Di Honglei to make an appearance. According to her own words, she is second only to the Immortal Emperor.

"The Scattered Immortal won't come to deal with you, they don't have the time for that. But you should also restrain yourself a bit." Ming Yanshang said.

The Scattered Immortal won't come to deal with you, you little brat. They came here to suppress our Jade Water Heavenly Palace!

If my cultivation can reach the Heavenly Ascension realm, and with that Immortal Weapon, I might be able to fight against a Scattered Immortal. But right now, I'm only at the Immortal Transformation realm.

"Don't get too cocky. I am, after all, the appointed sect leader of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, equivalent to a senior elder here.

There are some secrets that I know and can tell you. Purple Sun Sect still has three Scattered Immortals. In the great calamity hundreds of years ago, Purple Sun Sect lost two Scattered Immortals, but even one Immortal might not be their match when the three Scattered Immortals join forces." Ming Yanshang said.

He wanted to tell Zhou Tianfeng that you shouldn't rely on external forces for everything. Sometimes, you have to solve problems on your own.

"Alright, alright, I got it. If I encounter disciples from Purple Sun Sect again, I will show mercy." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Sigh! It's not about whether you show mercy or not now. You just need to give it your all in the upcoming competition. If you face disciples from Purple Sun Sect, they won't show mercy to you." Ming Yanshang said.

While the two were talking, a sword light flew over from a distance. The person who arrived was Xue Xinhai, the sect leader of Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

"Senior Sister Xue, I have already taught this kid a lesson." Ming Yanshang said.

"Well, brat, because of you, we have offended a Transcendent Level major sect and lost face for them. If you can suppress the disciples from Purple Sun Sect throughout the entire competition, then we can talk. But if you are defeated, they will definitely take the opportunity to humiliate you. I hope you can hold on." Xue Xinhai said.

So, kid, give it your all!

I made a slight change to the previous setting and added the Scattered Immortal setting.

(End of this chapter)

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