Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 132 Stealing Lessons And Drawing Lots

Chapter 132: Stealing Knowledge, Drawing Lots

This matter may seem small, but in reality, it is not significant. The main grudge of the Purple Sun Sect is not against Zhou Tianfeng himself, but rather the challenge posed by the Jade Water Heavenly Palace to their leadership position.

Rome wasn't built in a day. The grievances between the two sects started thousands of years ago.

Moreover, over the past few hundred years, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace has indeed touched on the interests of the Purple Sun Sect in certain aspects. Otherwise, if Zhou Tianfeng had only injured a junior disciple, the Purple Sun Sect would not have been so furious.

They would have just laughed it off, saying it was just a playful fight between junior disciples, nothing serious.

Although they maintain a good relationship on the surface, there are inevitably some grievances between these Transcendent Level sects behind the scenes.

Previously, the Purple Sun Sect had five Scattered Immortals, which allowed them to maintain their dominant position. However, a few hundred years ago, two Scattered Immortals fell, along with many other experts, leading to the decline of the Purple Sun Sect.

On the other hand, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace has three Scattered Immortals. In terms of the number of Scattered Immortals, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace is not afraid of the Purple Sun Sect at the moment.

"Sister, don't spoil this kid. He has caused a great disaster this time and must be punished," Ming Yanshang said.

Xue Xinhai glanced at Ming Yanshang with a smile that seemed to say, "Are you willing to punish this kid, junior sister? It's obvious to everyone that you want him as your Dao companion."

In everything, you always consider this kid's interests. You bend over backward for him.

Really, if you hadn't discovered it in advance, I would have wanted to snatch this kid away! He will definitely become an immortal in the future, and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body has great investment potential.

In the future, when he ascends to the Heavenly World, he will definitely be a reliable ally.

"Junior sister, there's no need to say anymore. If we really want to punish this kid, let's wait until after the grand meeting," Xue Xinhai said.

If this kid can continue to win in the future and become one of the top three or even the champion, then his previous mistakes can be forgiven.

But if this kid is defeated early on, then it's hard to say. You won't have any good fruits to enjoy.

"Master, rest assured, I will do my best," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"As long as you have the intention, your competition venue is in Group Four. There are ten battles waiting for you," Xue Xinhai said before turning and leaving.

Next, as the sect leader, she still has many things to attend to. First, there are various matters regarding the Heavenly Pride Grand Meeting, such as scheduling the matches and arranging the battles. She must personally handle them.

And also, we need to deal with the Purple Sun Sect, although we have the intention to challenge the position of the leader of the Purple Sun Sect. But now is not the time. At least until Zhou Tianfeng, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Cai Ling, the Innate Dao Body, and the holy Spirit Body hidden in our sect have grown up, we still need to maintain a good relationship with the Purple Sun Sect and even listen to them. When they have grown up, it will be the right time to take action and elevate the status of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

Time flies by quickly, and the preliminary matches are in full swing. The 32 competition venues have started intense battles. Zhou Tianfeng's group has also had seven matches, and without exception, Zhou Tianfeng has easily and happily dealt with them in adrenaline mode.

There were no outstanding opponents throughout the entire process. It seems that the group he was assigned to was specially arranged by the sect leader.

Every day, Zhou Tianfeng finishes the fights at an incredibly fast speed and immediately goes to other venues to activate the adrenaline mode and start learning secretly.

The secret techniques and sword techniques displayed by these geniuses are all good things. Zhou Tianfeng has learned quite a few of them through observation, but there have also been some unexpected situations.

Zhou Tianfeng can naturally replicate some ordinary techniques, but he found that even when he activates the adrenaline mode and obtains detailed palace routes, meridian diagrams, and incantations, he still falls short of being able to perform some exclusive techniques of other sects.

These techniques require corresponding cultivation methods and special true essence. Zhou Tianfeng's true essence belongs to the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, so he can barely simulate some techniques from small sects, but when it comes to the apex-level major sects, Zhou Tianfeng is completely helpless.

Copying Lin Wan's techniques and the techniques of fellow senior sisters naturally posed no problem. He could quickly learn all of them. However, it became more difficult with techniques from other sects.

The attributes are completely different. Martial arts and immortal arts are relatively easier to understand, but some core sword techniques and techniques are completely beyond Zhou Tianfeng's grasp.

Forcing their release would cause chaos and instability within himself. In response to this situation, Zhou Tianfeng conducted numerous experiments, attempting to connect these transcendent-level major sect techniques.

He tried to replicate all of them, but as beautiful as the idea was, it was completely impractical. Unless he modified the techniques of other sects, the techniques of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace could not coexist with those of other sects.

Various techniques are like weapons, and the corresponding cultivation methods and true essence cultivated are the energy that drives these weapons.

Zhou Tianfeng can completely replicate the weapons, but he has no way of obtaining the accompanying ammunition and knowing how to operate them.

It seems that the ability to replicate opponents' techniques is not unheard of in the cultivation world. Each sect is still on guard against it.

Wait a minute, it is true that the heart method of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace cannot drive these techniques because they are at the same level. But what if it is a higher-level technique? For example, the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

If he cultivates this technique, then maybe he can drive these secret arts that he has learned and replicated.

But Zhou Tianfeng has never cultivated this technique because he is worried that he will spend decades or even hundreds of years in seclusion.

And who knows if this cultivation technique called the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture has any pitfalls? I just need to follow the instructions and absorb spiritual energy to improve my strength.

Forget about that for now, I'll just memorize these techniques first, there's no rush to practice.

On the tenth day of the preliminary competition, Zhou Tianfeng held a golden spear and used the Xuanhuang Spear Technique to defeat his opponent.

This was the strongest opponent he had encountered, just like him, they had both won nine battles before.

The outcome of their match today would determine the top spot in their group, and the top spot in each group would compete against the second place from another group.

"This senior brother is too modest," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You're being too humble, I can never compare to you," the person below said.

In these ten days of battles, what outrageous things did they do? Defeat their opponents and stop there, after all, there was no deep hatred or resentment, there was no need to go to extremes.

After these ten matches, none of the people who fought against Zhou Tianfeng were injured, but Zhou Tianfeng's reputation had improved. In the first match, outsiders thought Zhou Tianfeng was an arrogant and domineering person.

"Alright, senior brother, now that the outcome of our group has been decided, let's go to the main stage. They should be announcing the next round of matches," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior brother, I'll go with you."

The two nodded at each other, activated their radiance, and flew towards the main stage.

There were already more than ten disciples gathered here, all winners. The top two from each group stood together.

Zhou Tianfeng waited in place for a while for his senior sister Cai Ling and three other senior sisters from the Jade Water Heavenly Palace to arrive.

This time, all five disciples from the Jade Water Heavenly Palace who participated in the competition had achieved victory and advanced to the elimination round.

The other three senior sisters nodded friendly towards Zhou Tianfeng.

"Junior brother, you're here early. How did it go today? Did you get the top spot?" Cai Ling asked.

"I luckily won one match and advanced as the first place in Group Four," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Advancing is good! Unlike me, I only got second place," Cai Ling said.

"You lost, I wonder who defeated you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"A disciple from the Purple Sun Sect," Cai Ling said.

"Oh! Is it that person named Gao Tiancheng?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

If that guy appeared as the top spot, it would be a pity, he wouldn't be able to meet him.

"It's not him, it's another disciple. Junior brother, you have to be careful. Some people have already suspected that you're not just a simple Transforming Poison Spirit Body. They might have guessed your true physique," Cai Ling said.

In these past few days, Zhou Tianfeng's battles were all in an adrenaline mode, once or twice didn't matter.

But after multiple times, some Independent Cultivators and the heads and elders of various sects noticed that this was a burst mode, similar to a rage state. This led to the previous speculation that Zhou Tianfeng had an Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body, but awakened a rage state under certain circumstances.

But without activating the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, no one dared to guess that Zhou Tianfeng had this kind of physique.

"Yes, I understand, senior sister. Don't worry," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Apart from the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, I also have the stacking burst of adrenaline. If I want to firmly suppress myself, unless it's the Immortal Transformation realm, it's absolutely impossible.

Even without activating the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and stacking adrenaline, Zhou Tianfeng had the power to fight against someone in the Immortal Transformation realm.

At this time, the winners had all arrived one after another, and soon the 32 disciples were gathered.

"Everyone, please be quiet. We will now announce the matches for the elimination round. The first place from each group will compete against the second place. Everyone, come up and draw lots. The first place in each group will draw a red lot, and the second place will draw a blue lot. Those with the same number will be opponents in the next match. We will start with the first group, please come up one by one. First, draw the red lots," Xue Xinhai said.

Soon, the people from the first group started to come up one by one.

Zhou Tianfeng was the fourth to come up. He drew number 14 from the red box, and his opponent drew number 14 from the blue box.

However, the person with the number 14 on the other side hadn't drawn yet, so he had to wait for a moment.

Soon, the 16 first-place winners had chosen their lots, and it was time for the second-place winners to draw from the blue box.

But an unexpected situation occurred. When Cai Ling went up, she unfortunately drew number 14 from the second-place box.

In other words, his opponent in the next match turned out to be his senior sister Cai Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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