Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 133 Profound Heaven Sacred Body, Heavenly Rage Battle Body

Chapter 133: Profound Heaven Sacred Body, Heavenly Rage Battle Body

"It's really unlucky! I've encountered Junior Brother so quickly," Cai Ling said listlessly after coming down.

During these days, she occasionally sparred with Zhou Tianfeng. However, the results always ended with her miserable defeat.

Even after Zhou Tianfeng reached the Soul Cultivation realm, he could suppress her Innate Dao Body without even activating the Heavenly Rage Battle Body state.

The gap between the two of them was growing larger and larger. She remembered that when they first met, this Junior Brother was only at the Harmonious Spirit realm. At that time, she had to use some skills to defeat him.

Now, things had changed. In just a few decades, this Junior Brother had surpassed her by a wide margin.

She thought that when he advanced to the Soul Cultivation realm, at most, they would be evenly matched. But in these few days of sparring, she didn't even have a chance to win.

Zhou Tianfeng was also speechless. Would the first battle in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace really be a fight between fellow disciples?

But it was ridiculous to directly admit defeat. So, he could only inconvenience this Senior Sister. If he didn't encounter her, she could enter the top ten or even the top three. But luck wasn't on her side.

"When the time comes, let's give it our all in the fight. Even if I lose, I will accept it wholeheartedly," Cai Ling said.

"Senior Sister invites, how can Junior Brother not comply?" Zhou Tianfeng replied.

Among fellow disciples, there were quite a few who drew each other as opponents. Due to some special protection rules, during the preliminary stage, arrangements would be made to avoid fellow disciples facing each other.

But after entering the elimination stage, it couldn't be arranged anymore.

For a while, many people lamented. Just when everyone was worried about fighting fellow disciples, Xue Xinhai, who was standing on the stage, spoke up.

"Due to certain circumstances, a new rule will be announced for this competition. If two disciples from the same sect are drawn as opponents in this round and they don't want to fight each other, they can exchange opponents with members from other groups, but it must be agreed upon by both parties."

"We can exchange opponents?"

"This is great! Senior Brother, I don't have to fight you anymore," a disciple from the Purple Sun Sect looked at Gao Tiancheng and said.

In the previous matches, he had made it to second place and successfully entered the elimination stage. However, when drawing lots, he ended up with his Senior Brother, who had the highest cultivation level among their peers and had reached the Transcending Mortality realm.

This Senior Brother not only reached the Transcending Mortality realm, but also had the Apex Level physique, the Jade Water Heavenly Palace's Profound Heaven Sacred Body, the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Chaos Body, and Immortal Spirit Root, all at the same level. They were all the most Apex Level special physiques.

He himself was just an Innate Wood Spirit Body, and his cultivation level was only at the Soul Cultivation realm. There was no chance of victory against this Senior Brother.

Now, with the addition of a new rule, they could exchange opponents. This gave him a glimmer of hope. As long as he didn't have to fight against this Profound Heaven Sacred Body Senior Brother, there would still be a chance.

"I also don't want to fight Junior Brother. Let's go find someone to exchange opponents with," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Yes! Senior Brother, let's go find someone from the Profound Heaven Sect to exchange with. They also have a fight between Senior Brothers," the disciple replied.

"No! I have a better choice," Gao Tiancheng said, looking at Zhou Tianfeng standing on the side.

For some reason, when he arrived at the Jade Water Heavenly Palace through the teleportation array, he had a sense of unease. It was as if one of his opponents was here, someone he had to defeat or even kill, an archenemy.

This feeling was extremely strong, and it first appeared when the Junior Brother Tong Lei was talking to Zhou Tianfeng. At that time, he started paying attention to Zhou Tianfeng.

The second time he felt this way was when Zhou Tianfeng easily defeated Tong Lei. At that time, Gao Tiancheng, relying on his vague feeling, speculated that Zhou Tianfeng might have other special physiques besides the Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

He even went up to the stage to confirm it. As for standing up for this Junior Brother, it was just an excuse. Tong Lei's life and death had nothing to do with him, especially since he didn't even have any special physiques.

The real reason he went on stage was to confirm Zhou Tianfeng's condition.

After facing Zhou Tianfeng on stage, this feeling became stronger and stronger. It was so strong that he couldn't help but make a move against Zhou Tianfeng and immediately kill him.

Afterward, he told the elders of the sect about his discovery, and they were all shocked!

To have such a strong sense of opposition with the Profound Heaven Sacred Body, a battle desire that originated from the bloodline! A feeling of wanting to kill the other person.

The only thing that could create such a strong sense of opposition with his Profound Heaven Sacred Body was the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

One was a Sacred Body, the other was a Rage Body. The two were naturally opposed to each other. Every time the Rage Body appeared, the Sacred Body would also appear.

When the two met, it was basically a fight to the death, because the Chaos Body or the Immortal Spirit Root at the same level as them wouldn't create such a strong sense of opposition.

Could this person named Zhou Tianfeng, with his Transforming Poison Spirit Body, actually be the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body?

But the strange thing was that Zhou Tianfeng didn't seem to have this special sense of opposition towards him. Gao Tiancheng could tell when Zhou Tianfeng looked at him.

There was no hostility at first, until I spoke threatening words to him. I observed myself briefly, but it was definitely not a bloodline opposition, but rather disdain for myself.

This is strange. The fact that I can feel this way must be related to the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, but why doesn't he feel anything towards me?

In the past few days, I have watched all of Zhou Tianfeng's battles, and the results have been unexpected. The explosive state that Zhou Tianfeng uses, the elders of the sect speculate, may be an inherited angry body from a previous generation.

It is precisely because of this angry body that I feel a pounding heart and an extreme sense of hostility, but I don't think so.

Although my master said that he only awakened the angry body from a previous generation, combined with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, it resulted in a weak bloodline connection and did not generate that sense of opposition towards myself.

It is not enough to threaten me, the first generation of the Profound Heaven Sacred Body.

But Gao Tiancheng is 100% certain that this Zhou Tianfeng is the legendary enemy, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

This feeling cannot be wrong. You are my mortal enemy, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body! I must kill the successor of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body with my Profound Heaven Sacred Body.

Now I must expose his Heavenly Rage Battle Body to confirm my speculation, and my junior brother with the Wood Spirit Body is a good pawn.

Just now, I have already observed that Zhou Tianfeng drew the red sign number fourteen, while his senior sister drew the blue sign number fourteen, which is a duel between fellow disciples.

As long as we exchange, the other party will definitely agree. The Innate Dao Body poses no threat to me.

And my junior brother possesses the Wood Spirit Body and has reached the peak of Soul Cultivation.

If you really are the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then it will definitely be exposed. Otherwise, a small Transforming Poison Spirit Body, combined with an inherited angry body, is definitely not a match for my junior brother, Mu Shidi.

"Junior brother, it seems that senior sister and I still have a chance. Let's go find someone to exchange. I don't want to fight with you, I want to go further away!" Cai Ling said.

"It's up to senior sister's arrangement. As long as the other party is willing, I don't mind," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Zhou Xiong! If you want to change opponents, why not change with us? My junior brother and I happened to draw together," Gao Tiancheng walked over and said.

"Oh! Brother Gao's junior brother! So, Brother Gao will fight against my senior sister?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's natural. Since we don't need to fight each other, I wonder if you would be willing?" Gao Tiancheng said.

"Willing! Why wouldn't we be willing? Let's exchange, then I will face you, and your junior brother will face my junior brother." Before Zhou Tianfeng could speak, Cai Ling happily said.

Not having to fight with my junior brother is the best result. As for this Gao Tiancheng, although his cultivation is higher than mine, his Innate Dao Body is not to be underestimated.

"Hahaha! Since that's the case, let's go register later and exchange the qualifications for the battle. It's a pity that if we could have a duel between the top two, I would really like to spar with Brother Zhou," Gao Tiancheng's eyes gleamed as he looked at Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

. Zhou Tianfeng felt a little puzzled by Gao Tiancheng's gaze. What does this infatuated look mean? Is he seeking revenge for Tong Lei? But there's no need to look at me with such an infatuated gaze, right?

I wonder if he has a problem with his orientation! Oh no, could this guy have taken a liking to me?

"Please enlighten me, Brother Zhou."

"I dare not claim to be an instructor. May I ask for Brother's esteemed name?"

"I am Mu Lanzhou, an Innate Wood Spirit Body," Mu Lanzhou said.

An opponent with similar cultivation, a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and an inherited angry body is much better than my senior brother.

"So it's Brother Mu, please enlighten me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Miss Cai Ling, you are the legendary Innate Dao Body," Gao Tiancheng asked.

"Yes! I wonder what kind of physique Brother Gao has?" Cai Ling asked.

The matter of her Innate Dao Body has not been kept as perfectly secret as Zhou Tianfeng's Heavenly Rage Battle Body. The Innate Dao Body is only very suitable for cultivation, but not particularly strong in terms of combat power.

"It's nothing! I just remembered something. Cai Ling junior sister, you can rest assured when facing me. Even if you lose, you won't be hurt at all," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Hahaha, I don't need you to let me."

Zhou Tianfeng frowned on the side. This Gao Tiancheng seems to have some ulterior motives towards his senior sister! And his gaze towards me is also a bit strange.

After the four of them arrived at the registration office and exchanged opponents, Zhou Tianfeng and Cai Ling left.

After Zhou Tianfeng left, Gao Tiancheng released the hand he was holding, and his palms were already covered in sweat.

Indeed, it is the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. He almost couldn't help but make a move just now, but strangely, the other party seemed to feel nothing at all. What is going on?

(End of this chapter)

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