Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 137 Wood Spirit Body Magical Effect, Accident (Two-In-One Chapter)

Chapter 137: The Miraculous Effect of the Wood Spirit Body, Unexpected Changes (Two-in-One Chapter)

Shameless! This was the thought that arose in the minds of all the Independent Cultivators and elite disciples of various sects present after hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words.

At the very least, he is a disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Can he really say such things? It's as if he's no different from openly robbing someone.

"Senior Brother Zhou! This Jade Branch of Emerald is the Law Treasure I painstakingly cultivated. It is my life and livelihood. I used my Wood Spirit Body to nurture it with great effort. I request that you return it to me," said Mu Lanzhou.

"Brother Mu, you can't put it that way. We're just exchanging treasures. Isn't my Profound Fire Cover also in your possession?" Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"Senior Zhou, please return my junior brother's Law Treasure. We are all righteous disciples. Let's not ruin our relationship," Gao Tiancheng said as he approached Zhou Tianfeng.

What's the difference between this and open robbery? But how did this kid manage to sever the connection between Mu Lanzhou and his Jade Branch of Emerald?

This Law Treasure was nurtured by his Wood Spirit Body. Normally, even if someone else obtained the treasure, they wouldn't be able to recognize it as their own.

But the current situation is a bit strange. This Zhou Tianfeng person, why did he suddenly disown the Law Treasure that Mu Lanzhou had nurtured for a hundred years?

"That's right, Senior Zhou, please return the Law Treasure to its rightful owner!" a righteous disciple spoke up.

"Just now, Brother Mu was joking with you. And he also said that he would return your Profound Fire Cover after the competition ends," Zhou Tianfeng explained.

Some disciples from the surrounding sects began to speak up, clearly indicating that they wanted Zhou Tianfeng to quickly return the treasure.

"Junior Brother Mu! Why don't you quickly return Senior Zhou's Profound Fire Cover? Senior Zhou, with your status, how can you take away his Law Treasure? He was just joking with you," Yun Long signaled to Mu Lanzhou with his eyes.

"Yes! Senior Zhou, I lost just now. I offended you. I apologize here and now. Please forgive me and return my Law Treasure. In the future, I will definitely offer you a generous gift," Mu Lanzhou immediately understood and went straight to Zhou Tianfeng, bowing and speaking.

Zhou Tianfeng remained silent.

Alright! They really came prepared! If he doesn't return it today, he definitely won't be able to get past this hurdle.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone who's smiling at you. They've already said it to this extent, and it wouldn't be good if he doesn't return it.

Damn it, this Mulan Zhou. If he could be a bit more stubborn and put on a strong front like Long Aotian, insisting on a showdown, then I would have ways to deal with him.

But with this submissive and apologetic attitude, Zhou Tianfeng really had no way to exert his power! Indeed, the cultivation world is filled with people who have lived for decades or even hundreds of years. Even if their brains weren't very smart before, they become smarter after living for so long. There's no one who is a fool.

I can't believe it! I obtained this thing through my own abilities, why should I return it to you? Just thinking about it makes me angry.

"Junior Brother! Don't make a scene, quickly return the Law Treasure to them. There's no one else like you." Lin Wan quickly came to Zhou Tianfeng's side, grabbing his arm and speaking.

What's wrong with this kid? They did receive your Law Treasure on stage, but they also said they would return it to you. Your actions are clearly robbery. Right now, you are not a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect anymore, you are a disciple of my Jade Water Heavenly Palace!

"Junior Brother Zhou, don't joke around, quickly return the Law Treasure to them." Cai Ling also walked over and spoke.

On the high platform, Xue Xinhai, the head of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Ming Yanshang, and a few elders, all had a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Hahaha! Junior Sister, your disciple is quite amusing. I heard from my disciple that they were originally from the Blood Shadow Sect. They are truly uncultured people from a small place, ignorant of the rules. Junior Sister, you'll have to properly educate them in the future." Feng Tian said mockingly.

Isn't it true? In such a grand event, directly snatching someone's Law Treasure in front of everyone, it's even more outrageous than the Demon Sect.

That's right, this kid was originally a member of the demonic path. Even if he joined the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, his nature is hard to change.

"Hahaha! Senior Brother Feng, it's just a joke between kids. I'll go down and have him return the Law Treasure." Ming Yanshang forced a laugh and spoke.

This bastard, I must teach him a lesson when we go back today. Don't you see the situation right now?

You also don't use your brain. You usually seem quite clever, but at critical moments, you act so recklessly.

"The matters between the younger generation, we as elders shouldn't interfere. Junior Sister Ming, you should wait here a bit longer. I want to see what this kid can do." The Sect Master of the Purple Sun Sect raised his hand to stop Ming Yanshang.


"Junior Sister, rest assured! Just like you said, it's a matter between disciples, it doesn't matter. Let them handle it themselves." Xue Xinhai also spoke up.

This is an opportunity to teach this kid a lesson. Otherwise, my Junior Sister will spoil him to the heavens.

Ming Yanshang sighed helplessly, sat back down, and realized that these guys clearly wanted to see Zhou Tianfeng make a fool of himself.

You have to deal with this yourself!

The Yao Water Heavenly Palace has already offended the Purple Sun Sect before, and now you've inexplicably snatched someone's Law Treasure. It's not good now. You can't take the Law Treasure, but you've given them ammunition to mock you.

"Hahaha! Mu Junior Brother, you're really easy to tease. I was just joking to make everyone laugh." Zhou Tianfeng laughed and said.

Fine! I'll admit defeat for now, but this Law Treasure is still related to me. I will naturally retrieve it later, and it will come back to me with just a wave of my hand.

Zhou Tianfeng handed the emerald green branches to Mu Lanzhou and used the power of the Virus Space.

He temporarily suppressed the connection between himself and the Law Treasure, otherwise, even if he went over, the Law Treasure would fly back on its own.

"Thank you, Senior Zhou," Mu Lanzhou quickly stepped forward and took back his green branch-shaped Law Treasure, then respectfully handed Zhou Tianfeng's mysterious fire hood to him.

"Haha, Brother Zhou is indeed generous, that's the way to go," Gao Tiancheng said.

It's a bit of a pity that his junior brother couldn't figure out the opponent's trump card. Besides having such terrifying recovery ability, it's obvious that he doesn't have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body or the Poison Spirit Body.

Could it be that besides these two special physiques, this bastard also has a third special physique? Is heaven really so generous to you?

This is not good. If this guy grows up, my future days will definitely not be easy. No, I have to think of a way.

"Brother Zhou, this emerald branch is a Law Treasure that I spent a hundred years nurturing. I used my own wood spirit body to nourish it. It was created from a severed branch of a divine tree. There is no second one like it. If Brother Zhou wants it, I will definitely give it to you," Mu Lanzhou said with a smile after receiving his precious treasure.

I don't know what method the other party used to cut off the connection between myself and the Law Treasure just now, but after getting it back, he can feel his Law Treasure again, which puts his mind at ease.

"So that's how it is. Brother Mu's physique is indeed special," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Naturally, I was born with the ability to manipulate the wood spirit energy in the world. I can even nurture herbs and accelerate the growth of Spirit Medicine that normally takes a hundred or even a thousand years to mature. Brother Zhou, if you need my help in accelerating the maturation of Spirit Medicine in the future, feel free to find me," Mu Lanzhou said.

Wow, this ability is amazing! Transcendent Level panacea. You already have this ability now. If you become an immortal or even reach a higher realm in the future...

Then accelerating the maturation of Spirit Medicine is a piece of cake, right? And since you can accelerate the maturation of Spirit Medicine, it should be easy to accelerate the maturation of poison as well!

The function of this wood spirit body seems to be even higher than the Heavenly Rage Battle Body in Zhou Tianfeng's perception.

What is the scarcest thing in this world? It must be someone who can continuously produce Spirit Medicine.

"Since Brother Mu has spoken, I won't be polite. I will definitely ask for Brother Mu's help in the future!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

This kid is talented. Just based on his ability to accelerate the maturation of Spirit Medicine? Manipulating the wood spirit energy in the world, he is a Transcendent Level talent.

It would be a bit unsightly to snatch his Law Treasure and kill him in the future. It would be perfect to recruit him for my own use.

Such a talent must be given some blood, brought into the Virus Space, and given a great opportunity.

Seeing Zhou Tianfeng change his face faster than flipping a book, Mu Lanzhou was a little uncomfortable.

Did you misunderstand something? I was just being polite. Do you understand what politeness is?

You shouldn't have said that there's no need to trouble me, right? Why are you not following the usual rules?

This bastard won't really come to me for help in accelerating the maturation of Spirit Medicine in the future, right? Once or twice is acceptable, but if it happens too often, it won't do!

"Cough cough! Brother Zhou, the wood spirit body can indeed accelerate the maturation of Spirit Medicine, but it will also consume one's own cultivation. So my junior brother can't accelerate too many Spirit Medicine, as it will harm his cultivation and even cause it to regress."

"How about this, I'll decide. In the future, my junior brother will accelerate the maturation of two Spirit Medicine for Brother Zhou, how about that?" Gao Tiancheng said.

This bastard doesn't think that accelerating the maturation of Spirit Medicine with the wood spirit body is as simple as eating and drinking, right? It requires the consumption of one's own wood spirit energy and the mobilization of scattered vitality.

"In that case, I won't be polite," Zhou Tianfeng said.

So there is consumption? It's okay, it's okay! I dare not say anything else, but letting you mutate a little and develop in a better direction is not too difficult.

Instead of letting your wood spirit body follow the Purple Sun Sect and simply become an immortal in the future, it's better to follow me.

"Brother Zhou, if you need me to accelerate the maturation of Spirit Medicine in the future, you can come to the Purple Sun Sect to find me. I will definitely help," Mu Lanzhou said.

"Definitely, definitely," Zhou Tianfeng said with a smile.

While the elite disciples were talking, no one noticed that Tong Lei quietly approached and set up some strange formations around them.

I didn't expect the opportunity I've been waiting for to come so soon. All the elite disciples of the sects gathered together, so close to each other.

The task my father entrusted to me, I can finally complete it.

A purple light suddenly lit up, turning into a hexagram and forming a purple cage that enveloped all the elite disciples present.

"What, what's going on?"

"We're trapped in the formation!"

"Hmph, who dares to be so bold?"

"It seems to be the Demon Sect's formation."

The people present were all elite disciples from various sects, each one a talented and outstanding individual in their respective sects.

"Junior Brother Zhou! Be careful, it seems to be a spatial formation," Lin Wan narrowed her eyes and spoke up.

This change also caught the attention of the sect leaders and elders who had come to watch the battle from the stands.

They immediately flew over.

"Tong Lei! It was you who set up the formation, I saw you setting up some formation discs around us," Zhou Tianfeng squinted his eyes and spoke.

He had just noticed that Tong Lei seemed to be sneaking around on the side, doing something suspicious.

"Hmph! So what if it was me? I'm not afraid to tell you, today all of you talented individuals here will have no place to be buried," Tong Lei said.

"You reckless fool, have you gone mad? Quickly release the formation and surrender, confess who gave you this formation. You're bringing shame to our Purple Sun Sect," Gao Tiancheng said with a grim face.

This useless person. Today was supposed to be a day to humiliate Zhou Tianfeng, but unexpectedly, this guy jumped in and interfered.

"Isn't this the Purple Sun Sect disciple who lost to Zhou Tianfeng a few days ago?"

"He's trapping us all here, does he want to kill us?"

"Hahaha! What a thought, but it seems like he's trapped with us as well. With just him, he thinks he can kill us?" One of the talented individuals in the field sneered and spoke.

With Tong Lei's Mortal Physique and Soul Cultivation level, anyone here could easily beat him up. Who gave this guy so much confidence? And did he think the sect leaders and elders in the stands were pushovers?

While everyone was talking, several sect leaders and elders flew over, using their respective Law Treasures to try and break the purple barrier.

For a moment, ripples appeared on the surface of the barrier, but it remained unaffected. The combined attacks of the sect leaders and elders couldn't shake this formation.

"Hmph! I told you, there's no need to waste your efforts. Today is the day of your talented individuals' death. I won't play with you anymore, I'll leave first," Tong Lei took out a white sphere, sneered, and then crushed it, intending to teleport away.

Just at that moment, Zhou Tianfeng's sixth sense was frantically warning him, danger, danger.

Zhou Tianfeng felt something was amiss and quickly opened his Xuan Fire Shield, pulling his two senior sisters towards him, then swiftly retreating to the edge of the barrier.

Gao Tiancheng also pulled his junior brother and activated a Law Treasure, retreating together with Zhou Tianfeng.

Mu Lanzhou's emerald green branch floated in the air on its own, forming a green barrier that enveloped Zhou Tianfeng and the others.

Just as everything was done, a dazzling white light appeared.

A loud boom! After crushing the sphere, Tong Lei's entire body was blown to pieces, his face filled with disbelief and shock.

The so-called Law Treasure in the form of a spiritual pearl given to him by his father was not a teleportation device, but a bomb.

Tong Lei was instantly killed by the explosion, even his Yin Spirit was blown to pieces.

A huge shockwave spread out, affecting all the talented individuals present. Several talented individuals in front were instantly blown to pieces, their Yin Spirits also shattered by the residual shockwaves.

The talented individuals in the middle didn't even have time to react and activate their own Law Treasures to protect themselves. All nine of them were blown to their deaths.

With his own life, Tong Lei accomplished the feat of slaughtering the talented individuals.

"Ah! You damn thief!"

"Damn evil thief, give me back my child's life."

"No! My disciple." The sect leaders and elders outside the barrier began attacking the purple barrier frantically.

These were the hopes of their respective sects, the true elite disciples of the major sects. Now, they were all wiped out by this bastard.

"Tianfeng! Tianfeng, are you alright?" Ming Yanshang said anxiously.

Who could have imagined that such a terrifying incident would happen at the Tianfeng Talent Conference?

The white light dissipated, and within the purple barrier, there were only severed limbs and broken arms, various pieces of flesh and organs scattered all over the ground. Only Zhou Tianfeng's Xuan Fire Shield and the green barrier created by the emerald green branch managed to escape unscathed.

But even so, Zhou Tianfeng himself was not in good shape! Half of his face was blown away, revealing white bones in his chest, and the flesh on one of his legs disappeared, exposing the white bones inside.

But the two people protected behind him were not injured, and the two senior sisters were well protected.

On the other hand, Mu Lanzhou was slightly injured by the explosion, but with the powerful vitality of his Wood Spirit Body, he managed to survive.

However, Gao Tiancheng was not so lucky. Half of his body was blown away, his face was covered in terrible burns, and he lay on the ground struggling to breathe. It seemed like he wouldn't make it.

"Senior Brother Zhou, Senior Brother Gao, you... you..." Mu Lanzhou looked at the two figures who were no longer recognizable due to the explosion and spoke.

The reason why the three of them survived was all thanks to Zhou Tianfeng and Gao Tiancheng, who had absorbed most of the explosion's impact.

But others were not so fortunate. All the geniuses were blown to pieces by the blast, and none of them survived.

"You should tend to your senior brother's injuries first, I'm fine," Zhou Tianfeng said as he activated his true essence and began to heal himself, regenerating his half-destroyed face and healing the wounds on his chest and legs.

Mu Lanzhou nodded and went to his senior brother Gao Tiancheng. He placed his hand on Gao Tiancheng's back and activated his Wood Spirit Qi to heal him.

"I didn't expect that you could survive under my Profound Yin Thunder. I underestimated you," a figure in a black robe appeared outside the formation and spoke.

"You scoundrel! I'll kill you!" Feng Tian roared, activating his long blade Law Treasure and instantly attacking the black-robed figure.

Ming Yanshang also snorted coldly and drew out a crimson immortal sword, slashing towards the black-robed figure.

The immortal sword and the long blade pierced through the black-robed figure's chest almost simultaneously.

"No need to waste your efforts," the black-robed figure said without any sign of fear despite being pierced through. "Be careful, he is not his true self. He used soul control to possess this body and control it remotely," the Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect spoke up.

"Hahaha! You're too polite, a Scattered Immortal like me actually making a move against these junior disciples," the Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect said coldly.

Being able to use soul control to remotely control a body in the Immortal Transformation realm, this person's cultivation was definitely top-notch, possibly even on par with an Immortal.

But to use such methods and manipulate a traitor from Purple Sun Sect to kill all the geniuses present was truly despicable.

"Hahaha! You speak so nicely, but weren't you the ones who used the same methods against us hundreds of years ago? I'm just returning the favor. We're even," the black-robed figure sneered.

"What you've done today, we will remember. We will come to your Star Domain to seek justice," the Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect said.

"Hahaha! Since when did we become so polite between our two Star Domains? Aren't we supposed to fight to the death when we meet? Come at me, I won't hold back," the black-robed figure said.

Inside the barrier, Zhou Tianfeng's face darkened.

Damn, that was a close call. The Divine Fire Shield was completely shattered.

If it weren't for the barrier created by the green branch, he might have been blown to pieces. He didn't know if Virus Space could save his soul.

But even if his soul was saved, Zhou Tianfeng would lose his greatest reliance in this world, his body from Earth.

"Wuwu! Junior Brother, are you okay?" Lin Wan hugged Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

Seeing his junior brother in such a miserable state, he was truly frightened, thinking that his junior brother was about to die.

"Junior Brother, be careful. We are still inside the enemy's formation. We must not let our guard down," Cai Ling released a blue ribbon-shaped Law Treasure and protected the three of them, speaking.

"Yeah! I'm fine. If things get too dangerous, I'll hide in Virus Space," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"These youngsters are lucky, but do you think I will let you off so easily? Surviving is just the beginning of your torment," the black-robed figure sneered and formed a seal with his hand.

"Not good! Quick, kill him!" The Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect's face changed and he spoke.

The Law Treasures of several Sect Masters almost simultaneously struck the black-robed figure's head, shattering his head and body.

But the purple formation was still activated, enveloping Zhou Tianfeng, Cai Ling, Lin Wan, Mu Lanzhou, and the barely alive Gao Tiancheng, and directly teleporting them away.

Leaving behind a group of bewildered Sect Masters and elders.

Chapter complete.

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