Chapter 138: Spirit World, Demon Realm

The mysterious figure in the black robe is dead, but almost all the elite disciples from various sects were killed in the explosion. The only five survivors were also transported to an unknown location.

The sect leaders and elders from various sects had terrifyingly dark expressions. This time, not only were the elite disciples affected, but also many disciples who came to watch the competition, resulting in a complete disaster.

They shouldn't expect to recover their vitality in the next hundred years.

"Don't panic, everyone. When disciples from each sect join, they are given a spirit token. As long as the token is not shattered, it means the disciple is alive. With these tokens, we can track them down," said the Sect Leader of Purple Sun Sect.

When disciples from major sects join, they extract a bit of divine consciousness and use it to create a spirit token placed within the sect. If a disciple is killed during their journey, the token will shatter.

If a disciple is captured or goes missing, the spirit token can still be used to locate them within the nearby Star Domain.

However, this only applies to the nearby Star Domain. If they are far away, there is nothing they can do.

"Hmph! Find your own people, Purple Sun Sect. And Jade Water Heavenly Palace, the only survivors this time are from your two sects. All the elite disciples from our sects have already perished," said the Sect Leader of Profound Heaven Sect with an unpleasant expression.

How could he have a good expression? This time, the grand event held by Jade Water Heavenly Palace in the cultivation world was a complete failure.

How did your security work end up like this? Our disciples from various sects have all died.

"Fellow cultivators, we won't interfere. You two sects can find your own disciples!" said the Sect Leader of Immortal Sword Sect.

"We, Heavenly Star Sect, won't interfere either."

"Lei Yun Sect takes its leave!"

"Fellow cultivators! We have been manipulated this time. We absolutely cannot let it go like this. If we disperse now and return to our own sects, won't we be ridiculed by others?" said the Sect Leader of Purple Sun Sect.

He didn't have much hope in finding their disciples. The enemy knows about spirit tokens just as well as their own people do. How could they not be prepared?

But now is the time to unite all the sects. They absolutely cannot let it go like this.

"Fellow cultivators, Jade Water Heavenly Palace has also suffered heavy losses this time. Please stay and help us," Xue Xinhai said, but before she could finish speaking, the sect leaders of the other sects had already left in beams of sword light.

Xue Xinhai was about to call them back, but the Sect Leader of Purple Sun Sect stopped her and shook his head.

Now he understood that the other sects had no intention of helping them. Even the idea of counterattacking the Spirit Star Domain was basically impossible.

"Junior Sister Xue, there's no point in talking more. Bringing back those people, what benefit does it bring to our sects? Their disciples have already perished. If those five little brats can come back, it would only benefit our two sects. Other sects would be putting in effort for no gain," said the Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect.

"Senior Brother, are we just going to let this matter go? Now everything is in disarray, let alone launching a counterattack on the Spirit Star Domain," Xue Xinhai said.

"A counterattack? What do we have to counterattack with? The incident hundreds of years ago was the result of our Purple Sun Sect being at the forefront. We lost two Scattered Immortals and still haven't recovered our vitality. Junior Sister, is your Jade Water Heavenly Palace willing to send Scattered Immortals to join us in the counterattack on the Spirit Immortal Domain?" the Sect Master of Purple Sun Sect sneered.

Upon hearing this, Xu Xinghai fell silent. Hundreds of years ago, all the elite disciples of the Spirit Star Domain were killed by their calculations, resulting in a massive attack by the various sects of the Spirit Star Domain.

At that time, all the sects participated in the battle, but it was Purple Sun Sect that truly stood at the forefront.

But what was the result? Out of the dozen or so Scattered Immortals who participated, only two from Purple Sun Sect perished.

After returning to the sect, Xue Xinhai immediately took out the spirit plaques of Zhou Tianfeng, Cai Ling, and Lin Wan. There were no signs of them being broken, indicating that the three of them were not in any immediate danger.

However, upon sensing it, there was no trace of their aura leaking out. It was clear that the three of them were no longer in their own Star Domain.

One damn thing after another, Zhou Tianfeng and the others were thrown out of the teleportation array by a purple light and landed in an unknown land.

This time's teleportation seemed completely different from the previous teleportation array!

The surroundings were a pitch-black jungle, with some faint black-gray gas floating around. But this was the color in Zhou Tianfeng's eyes. In the eyes of the others, it was just an ordinary forest.

"Sisters, and Senior Gao and Mu, how are you all?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"We're fine, Junior Brother," Cai Ling and Lin Wan said.

The previous explosion had basically no effect on the two of them. They were well protected by Zhou Tianfeng, so going through a teleportation array was not a big problem.

"Senior Brother Zhou, my Senior Brother is not in a good condition, he..." Mu Lanzhou said.

"Let me take a look!" Zhou Tianfeng came to Gao Tiancheng's side and crouched down.

Gao Tiancheng was currently in a miserable state. Both of his legs were completely blown off, one arm was gone, and half of his face was destroyed, suffering severe burns. His entire face looked like it had been smeared with avocado.

If it weren't for his strong vitality and the nourishment of his junior brother's wood spirit energy, he would have died long ago. His current appearance was simply pitiful to the extreme.

"Cough cough! There's no need to waste your efforts. I'm afraid I won't make it. Even if I were to be healed, with this disabled appearance, how can I face the world?" Gao Tiancheng said.

What face do I have to continue living? My whole body has been blown to pieces.

Even if I can barely survive in the future, there will be no progress in this lifetime.

Unless, unless I use the technique of body possession to obtain a new physical body.

But to use the technique of body possession, I have to give up my unparalleled Profound Heaven Sacred Body, which I am reluctant to do.

Losing the Profound Heaven Sacred Body means losing the capital of being a genius.

And using the technique of body possession only allows me to possess an ordinary Mortal Physique, which is of no help to me.

As for those special constitutions, haha, it's impossible. Even future heavenly tribulations can kill me.

My cultivation has already reached the Transcending Mortality realm. If I possess another body, it would be equivalent to starting over.

"Brother Gao, don't be so pessimistic. Remember, as long as we're alive, there is hope," Zhou Tianfeng quickly interjected.

This guy is really miserable. Even if his sect finds him in this state, he probably won't achieve anything in the future.

But maybe my blood can help him.

Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Gao Tiancheng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this person to be quite interesting, comforting him at this moment.

"Brother Zhou is right. As long as we're alive, there is hope. I will survive," Gao Tiancheng said.

It's better to cling to life than to die. If I lose all hope, then I am truly nothing.

After all, I am a master at the Transcending Mortality realm. Living for a thousand years is not a problem. Besides, there are many miraculous medicines in this world that can regenerate limbs.

Just because I am disabled doesn't mean I have lost the Profound Heaven Sacred Body.

"Now that everyone is fine, let's meditate and restore our mana. We can figure out a solution later."


The group nodded at each other and began to sit cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy to restore their cultivation.

After the spiritual energy entered Zhou Tianfeng's body, he felt a slight discomfort. The spiritual energy here was slightly different from what he had absorbed before.

There was a strange reaction in Zhou Tianfeng's meridians. The spiritual energy here was problematic. In addition to the original spiritual energy, it was mixed with some other substances.

Moreover, the concentration of spiritual energy here seemed to be extremely thin! It was so thin that he was having trouble adapting.

Zhou Tianfeng suddenly woke up from his meditation. He couldn't absorb the spiritual energy here!

The spiritual energy here, when entering the body, would actually contaminate the original soul in an inexplicable way.

The other three also woke up, their faces filled with shock.

"Junior Brother, there's something wrong with the spiritual energy here. When I absorbed it into my body, it actually caused damage, as if it's impure," Lin Wan said.

"I feel the same way, but my Innate Dao Body is slightly better. It can filter out these impurities, but the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is not comparable to before," Cai Ling said.

"I also feel it. The spiritual energy here is completely different from what we absorbed before," Mu Lanzhou said.

"Brother Zhou, I'm afraid I know where we are now," Gao Tiancheng said with a pale face.

Unexpectedly, they have come to this place. Whether they can survive here is a question.

"Please tell us, Brother Gao, where are we now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Brother Zhou, the realm our sect is in is called the Spirit World. It is an extremely suitable realm for cultivation, corresponding to the Immortal World. It has abundant spiritual energy, numerous Scattered Immortals, and countless experts in the Immortal Transformation and Heavenly Ascension realms.

There are also many Demonic Beasts and Spirit Beasts living here.

Even the immortals from the upper realms can come to our realm. The spiritual energy in the Spirit World is extremely abundant and unique. Below us is the Mortal World, where the spiritual energy is scarce," Gao Tiancheng explained.

"We are in the Spirit World? So, is this another realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Brother Zhou, as you know, for every upper realm, there is a corresponding lower realm. The Immortal World corresponds to our Spirit World and the Mortal World.

The Heavenly Net World corresponds to the Dust World, the Heavenly Monster World corresponds to the Beast World, and the Black Demon World corresponds to the Demon Realm.

The place we are in right now is likely the Demon Realm, and those impurities we can't absorb are the demonic aura," Gao Tiancheng said.

The Demon Realm still contains a large amount of demonic aura. This is a place where only demonic cultivation is possible. If you want to cultivate immortality here, I'm sorry! The spiritual environment here is not suitable.

In this place, their cultivation speed will be extremely slow, and they may not receive any replenishment of spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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