Chapter 139: Innate Dao Body, Impure Qi

The spiritual energy here is completely unsuitable for them to absorb. Not only is it impossible to make further progress in cultivation, but it's also possible that their cultivation might regress.

"Is this place really the Demon Realm? Why were we transported to the Demon Realm? The two realms should be completely separate, right?" Cai Ling's face turned pale as she spoke.

In this place, her junior brother and senior sister Lin Wan are unable to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, but she can. The Innate Dao Body has a miraculous effect that can convert any type of spiritual energy into the true essence she needs.

There is a small amount of spiritual energy here, but most of it is impure qi. However, her Innate Dao Body can filter out the impure qi and only absorb the beneficial spiritual energy for herself.

But others don't have this ability. They can't cultivate here, let alone their current condition is not very good.

"It shouldn't be wrong. If we were still in the Spirit World, there wouldn't be impure qi like this," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Perhaps we can temporarily take some spiritual pills to restore our cultivation, or use some spirit stones," Lin Wan suggested.

"So, how many spirit stones or spiritual pills do you all have?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng felt a bit embarrassed. He didn't have any spiritual pills or spirit stones on him.

Moreover, the spiritual energy he usually consumed during cultivation was provided by the special Immortal Weapon, the Immortal Weapon that Ming Yanshang used.

The amount of spiritual power that the special Immortal Weapon could absorb was much greater than any spiritual pill or spirit stone.

So he didn't need to carry spirit stones or spiritual pills at all. In his storage bag, there were only some poisons, toxic pills, and a few Law Treasures. Apart from these, there was nothing else.

Although Zhou Tianfeng was quite embarrassed and couldn't produce anything, the others did bring things. His two senior sisters were still two little rich women.

The two women had more than a dozen spiritual pills on them, and they had hundreds of spirit stones. The situation on the other side was similar.

After calculating all the spiritual pills and spirit stones they had, it was enough for them to absorb and use for more than two years. If they saved a bit and only maintained their cultivation, then four years would not be a problem.

"Don't think about improving our cultivation here. The most important thing is to survive and find a way to leave. In these four years, we only need to maintain our own cultivation," Gao Tiancheng said.

"I don't need it. Let Zhou Junior Brother have mine! My Innate Dao Body can absorb the special spiritual energy here," Cai Ling spoke up.

Although the speed of cultivating with her Innate Dao Body here would indeed be somewhat slower, it's not like there is no way at all.

If Zhou Shidi needs to cultivate spiritual energy in the future, I can even provide him with some spiritual energy from within my body, it's just that the method is a bit shy.

"I forgot about the miraculous aspect of the Innate Dao Body, but that's not a problem. In that case, we have enough time to persist for five years. Within five years, we must find a way to leave this place," Gao Tiancheng nodded.

The Innate Dao Body indeed has this miraculous filtering function. In this Demon Realm space, if anyone can survive the longest, it must be Cai Ling.

She can even let another person survive. Her Dao companion can obtain the refined spiritual energy through dual cultivation.

But I don't have any chance in my current state, and it seems that she is more fond of her junior brother Zhou Tianfeng.

"Gao Xiong, I wonder how we can leave this place," Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Zhou Xiong hit the nail on the head. The answer is, I don't know," Gao Tiansheng smiled bitterly and said.

Although I am honored as an unparalleled genius, I cannot achieve cross-realm travel. The minimum requirement for such a thing is someone at the Scattered Immortal level. Even cultivators at the Heavenly Ascension realm do not have this qualification.

The other party sent them here at great cost. Killing them should be relatively easier. Sending them to the Demon Realm is the greatest torment for them.

Just think about it, staying in a completely unfamiliar place, the spiritual energy environment here makes it impossible for you to survive. You can't even cultivate. As long as you inhale the spiritual energy, your soul will be contaminated.

But if you don't absorb it, there will be no spiritual energy to sustain your own consumption.

As a Transcending Mortality expert in Soul Cultivation realm, it is terrifying to watch your soul dissipate because you cannot replenish spiritual energy.

This is a very terrifying torment. The other party wants them to experience the most desperate torment and then die here.

"For us from the Spirit World, the Demon Realm is a completely unfamiliar place. We have no understanding of it, only knowing that it is completely opposite to our world, and here, demonic cultivation is the mainstream," Cai Ling said.

"Sister! I practiced in the Blood Shadow Sect before, which can be considered as a demonic sect. I wonder if our Blood Shadow Sect's techniques can absorb the spiritual energy here?" Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment and asked.

Speaking of the demonic sect, isn't our Blood Shadow Sect a demonic sect? Because of Tong Lei's relationship, it is no longer a secret that Zhou Tianfeng was a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect.

So there is no need to hide it.

"Junior brother! Although the Blood Shadow Sect is called a demonic sect in our Spirit World, it's just a difference in ideology. Although some of your spells are indeed closer to this place, I'm afraid you still can't absorb the spiritual energy here," Cai Ling said.

"The cultivation techniques in Blood Shadow Sect mainly absorb spiritual energy," Cai Ling said.

"You're thinking too much, junior brother. It's not that simple! Blood Shadow Sect is a sect in our Spirit World, not the Demon Realm."

The various spells in Blood Shadow Sect only utilize a bit of Yin Qi and evil energy. But to say that they can completely absorb them is impossible.

Otherwise, practicing these evil and sinister spells wouldn't damage the lifespan of disciples in Blood Shadow Sect.

In essence, we are all cultivators, and our ultimate goal is Ascension to the Immortal Domain.

"Why not give it a try? What if it works? Here's the plan: since there's still time, I'll give my resources to Senior Sister Lin Wan, and I'll go into seclusion for a while. I ask all of you to protect me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Indeed, the techniques in Blood Shadow Sect are not effective. However, if it's the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, there shouldn't be a problem. This kind of cultivation technique requires a higher level of demonic and celestial energy.

There's no reason why we can't survive in the Demon Realm, the lower space of the Black Demon World. Saving my own share of spiritual stones should allow the remaining people to hold on for a longer time.

If I fail to cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, I still have a way. When I first arrived in the Spirit World, I was on the verge of death, but my body adapted.

My current situation is much better than when I first transmigrated. At least I can move freely.

So I'll spend some more time adapting to the environment here. It should be feasible.

Cai Ling has no problem absorbing spiritual energy here, and as for Lin Wan, I'll feed her some blood in the future.

Using the characteristics of the Virus Space, it shouldn't be too difficult to help her adapt to this environment.

The more troublesome ones are Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou. To be honest, Zhou Tianfeng really wants to recruit them, but they are both geniuses, so it won't be easy.

But it's not impossible. If I say that I can heal Gao Tiancheng's injuries and let him absorb the impure energy here for cultivation, he shouldn't refuse. He's a smart person.

The same goes for Mu Lanzhou. If we can't find a way to leave in the future, then we'll have to find a way to cultivate and ascend.

And all of this depends on my help.

"Brother Zhou means that we should find a place and protect you while you cultivate, right?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

"Yes! If I can successfully cultivate, then I can infiltrate the Demon Realm alone to gather information and find a way to leave. If the five of us go out in our current state, anyone will be able to tell that we are cultivators, not demon cultivators.

Think about it, what will we face? Not to mention gathering information to leave this realm, it will be difficult just to survive!

For us cultivators, demon cultivators won't treat us kindly, will they?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Upon hearing this, Gao Tiancheng fell silent. It was indeed as Zhou Tianfeng said.

Here, they five are like rats crossing the street.

There will probably be a large number of demon cultivators who wouldn't mind killing them.

What cultivation level are they? The highest is my Transcending Mortality realm, and the other four are all in the Soul Cultivation realm. But now, in their current state, even a casual Harmonious Spirit realm demon cultivator could easily deal with them.

If Zhou Tianfeng can really cultivate demonic techniques, then he is the most suitable one to go out and gather information.

However, there is still one drawback that Gao Tiancheng didn't mention.

While it is indeed most advantageous to cultivate demonic techniques here, how will you face your own sect after leaving this realm? Will you abandon your cultivation and start anew?

But what does that have to do with me? As long as I can successfully leave.

"Do you have confidence, Brother Zhou?"

"I have a fifty percent chance, and even if I have to start anew, I won't need to consume spiritual pills anymore," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Joking aside, I have a hundred percent chance of cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

"Alright! If Brother Zhou doesn't need spiritual pills, then these resources are enough for the three of us to sustain ourselves for over six years. If we save a bit, we might be able to last for seven years. How long do you plan to go into seclusion for cultivation?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

"Fastest would be one year, slowest would be two years, but it won't exceed three years," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"So let's set it at three years. Within these three years, let's find a place to hide. After three years, regardless of whether Brother Zhou succeeds or not, we must find a way to gather information outside," Gao Tiancheng said.

"That's the plan. Let's find a place to hide for three years," Zhou Tianfeng said.

After making their plan, the group quickly left the forest where they were staying and found a rare deserted mountain. They established a Cave Mansion inside and concealed the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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