Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 142 Junior Brother, What A Cultivation Level You Have

Chapter 142: Junior Brother, Your Cultivation Level is Extraordinary

Big Brother, these are not just any random cultivators. They are four Transcending Mortality realm cultivators and over ten Soul Cultivation realm cultivators!

The four Transcending Mortality realm demonic cultivators haven't made a move yet, but just the few Soul Cultivation realm demonic cultivators have trapped them inside the Cave Mansion, preventing them from leaving.

But after you arrived, with a wave of your hand, these people died instantly, even turning into ashes. It's as if they never existed. Even the Law Treasures on their bodies disappeared completely.

Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou exchanged glances and swallowed nervously. It's too terrifying! Even with my Profound Heaven Sacred Body at its peak, facing this lineup, I can only retreat. But this senior brother of ours casually waved his hand and said, "Kill them all," as if he were crushing a group of ants.

Big Brother, have you switched to cultivating demonic techniques? Have you really switched to cultivating demonic techniques? It seems like you've become an immortal directly!

Don't bully me like this. Can you tell me what cultivation technique you're practicing? I want to practice it too.

"Cough cough! Senior Gao, Senior Mu, are you two alright?" Zhou Tianfeng landed in front of the four people and coughed lightly before speaking.

The power was truly shocking, even scaring Zhou Tianfeng himself. Damn, I only used a little bit of force just now. Why do you guys look so miserable?

Originally, he wanted to control all the demonic cultivators, bring them over, and defeat them one by one. But unexpectedly, with just one move, he killed everyone on the spot, even turning them into the most primitive state of spiritual energy, with no trace of their bodies left.

The power of this gravitational magnetic field is greater than expected. Even with the support of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture's power, the power shouldn't be this terrifying, right?

No, the power of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture that I cultivated seems to be somewhat different from the records. Di Honglei mentioned that after successfully cultivating the power of desolation, the true essence should be a deep purple color.

But what I cultivated is black-purple, which is somewhat similar to the blood-red desolate power cultivated by the four Blood Monster ancestors. However, what they cultivated is a kind of mutated ability that can only be compared to immortal and demonic powers, but it is far inferior to true desolate power.

What I cultivated is different. This power should be much stronger than the original version. I'll ask Di Honglei about it when he comes back.

"Junior... Junior Brother! What exactly have you cultivated? Why? Why did you suddenly become like this? What is your cultivation level now?" Cai Ling asked.

"Well, how should I put it? Except for a small accident, I cultivated an ancient scripture hidden within the Blood Shadow Sect. I didn't expect to succeed in cultivation. As for my current cultivation level, it's hard to say. I don't know what it should be considered as now," Zhou Tianfeng vaguely replied.

"Being able to wave your hand and kill more than ten Soul Cultivation experts and four Transcending Mortality realm masters, your cultivation level must be at least Immortal Transformation realm!" Lin Wan said.

But after only a few years of seclusion, Junior Brother has undergone such a huge change. What exactly happened to him?

The ancient collection of the Blood Shadow Sect, who are you trying to fool? If the Blood Shadow Sect had such powerful techniques, they wouldn't have been suppressed like that.

But since Junior Brother doesn't want to say, he won't ask anymore. After all, there are outsiders present now, and some things are not convenient to say.

"No, even experts in the Immortal Transformation realm cannot do this. To turn people into ashes with a wave of their hand, it is very likely that only those in the Heavenly Ascension realm can do it," Mu Lanzhou said.

The Immortal Transformation realm definitely cannot achieve this level. While the Immortal Transformation realm can indeed defeat several Transcending Mortality realm experts, it is absolutely impossible to kill them so easily with a wave of their hand.

Even experts in the Rising Dawn realm cannot do it. Only a full-force attack from someone in the Heavenly Ascension realm can achieve such an effect. But is that possible?

Before you went into seclusion, you were clearly at the same level as me, in the Soul Cultivation realm. But when you came out, your cultivation level had reached a terrifying realm.

You were inside! You were inside! What kind of amazing technique did you practice? It has such miraculous effects!

"Cough cough! Junior Brother, there's no need to ask further. This is someone else's private matter, and we shouldn't interfere," Gao Tiancheng quickly reached out to stop Mu Lanzhou, shaking his head to indicate that he shouldn't ask anymore.

Although both sides are now in the same camp, they are not brothers from the same sect. If you keep asking questions, what if you anger the other party?

Gao Tiancheng's heart was cold at this moment. He was really afraid that Zhou Tianfeng would suddenly rise up and kill the two of them directly here.

After all, everyone has secrets, and it is definitely not a wise choice to easily expose one's own secrets. Zhou Tianfeng has every reason to kill them.

"Brother Zhou, when can you take us back to the Spirit World?" Gao Tiancheng cautiously asked.

"Don't worry, Brother Gao! We will rest for one night now. Tomorrow, we will inquire about the Demon Realm space and see if there is any way for us to return to the Spirit World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! I entrust my life and fortune to Brother Zhou," Gao Tiancheng said.

Now he must lower his posture very low, absolutely cannot provoke any displeasure from the other party, otherwise he would be in danger.

Zhou Tianfeng's performance just now was too terrifying!

"Brother Gao, and Brother Mu, let me comfort the two senior sisters first. We have something to discuss tonight," Zhou Tianfeng said.

It's time to lay it all out! Tonight, we will see the choices of the two of you.

Upon hearing this, Gao Tiancheng felt uneasy and didn't know what Zhou Tianfeng was up to.

"Brother Zhou invites, how can I not comply? I will await your arrival tonight," Gao Tiancheng replied.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded in satisfaction and returned to the Cave Mansion with the four others, arriving at the room of the two senior sisters.

"Junior brother, what are you planning to do? You're not thinking of killing them, are you?" Cai Ling asked as soon as they returned.

After all, they have been protecting you for so many years. It wouldn't be good to kill them.

"Junior brother, Brother Gao, and Brother Mu, you have all taken care of me and junior sister these years. If possible, please spare their lives," Lin Wan also spoke up.

"What are you thinking, senior sisters? Do I look like a ruthless person? Since joining the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, I haven't killed anyone, not even once. Today, I will eliminate these demonic cultivators, and it will be the first time I take a life," Zhou Tianfeng said somewhat speechlessly.

Do I look like such a ruthless person? Even in the Blood Shadow Sect, despite doing terrifying things to the four Heaven Inspiring Army members, I didn't harm them and even gave them a chance.

After joining the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, until now, I have never taken a life! It's only today that I broke this rule by dealing with these dozen or so demonic cultivators.

Today is truly the first time I have taken a life!

"Junior brother, as long as you have no intention to kill, that's good! Are you planning to force them to swear on their Dao hearts not to speak of today's events after leaving here?" Cai Ling asked.

This method is indeed the best, to force them to swear on their Dao hearts not to speak of Zhou Tianfeng's actions. Otherwise, they would face backlash.

"Rest assured, senior sisters. Not only will I not kill them, but I will also give them a great opportunity," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"A great opportunity?" The two senior sisters exchanged glances, looking at Zhou Tianfeng with confusion.

"Both senior sisters will have a share in this. It's a tremendous opportunity, but you will have to wait for a while," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior brother, stop keeping us in suspense. What is it? Are you planning to pass on your cultivation techniques to us?" Lin Wan asked.

"Not at all, not at all. You will know in the future," Zhou Tianfeng said mysteriously.

He really wanted to bring the two senior sisters, Ming Yanshang, Second Senior Brother, and Master's Wife into the Virus Space right now.

So they could comprehend a new Dao. But Virus Space had made it clear to him that unless his cultivation reached the Immortal Emperor realm, entering Virus Space would only allow him to passively accept its modifications.

Currently, Virus Space was not yet perfect, with only the ability of super-speed regeneration and the ability to change one's own race, but it was filled with randomness and uncertainty.

If an experiment went wrong, it could create an entirely new race, or there could be defects.

So for now, Zhou Tianfeng didn't plan to use it on the people around him temporarily.

He would wait until it was more perfected in the future before bringing them in.

"Junior brother, you're teasing us again?"

"In any case, junior brother, we both believe in you. Go ahead and do what you need to do."

"Rest assured, senior sisters!" Zhou Tianfeng reassured them before leaving and heading to Gao Tiancheng and Mulan Zhou's room in Gaotian City.

Zhou Tianfeng was confident that Gao Tiancheng would agree. After all, who wouldn't want to stop being disabled? And he was probably the only one who could help him.

As for Mulan Zhou, it was even simpler.

"Brother Zhou, please have a seat."

"Don't be so polite, Brother Gao."

"Brother Zhou, if I'm not mistaken, you want the two of us to swear on our Dao hearts not to reveal what happened today, right?"

"Rest assured, Brother Zhou. My junior brother and I will immediately swear on our Dao hearts not to reveal anything we saw or heard today," Gao Tiancheng said before Zhou Tianfeng could speak.

"Brother Zhou, I know there's no such thing as a free lunch. How can you be willing to help me?" Gao Tiancheng asked after a moment of silence.

Being able to restore his body was indeed a huge temptation for him.

(End of this chapter)

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