Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 143 Conquering Two People And Transforming Them

Chapter 143: Subduing Two Individuals and Transforming Them

So, what does Zhou Tianfeng really want from me? I am now just a disabled person with one arm and both legs crippled.

The only use I have is probably to be able to have a second generation of Profound Heaven's living beings with a female cultivator.

But Zhou Tianfeng shouldn't have come to me just for this, right?

"Brother Zhou, if you can save my senior brother, I am willing to offer my Law Treasure, the Emerald Jade Branch." Mu Lanzhou spoke up.

If saving my senior brother means offering a Law Treasure, even the Law Treasure that I would use for dual cultivation with Zhou Tianfeng, I am willing to give it up.

Zhou Tianfeng was very interested in my tree branch-shaped Law Treasure.

"Hahaha! Brother Mu, you have misunderstood! How could I snatch someone's love?" Zhou Tianfeng scratched his head awkwardly and said.

At first, he did want to snatch it, but later he learned from the Virus Space that he could use his Dao power to perfectly revive the withered divine tree.

There was no need to snatch someone's Law Treasure, it was completely unnecessary. Moreover, that Law Treasure had already been tainted with Zhou Tianfeng's blood and had formed a certain connection with the Virus Space.

Now, all its abilities and characteristics were understood by the Virus Space. Zhou Tianfeng just needed to find a suitable land to plant the already dead divine tree.

"Brother Zhou, please tell me what I need to do in order for you to save me." Gao Tiancheng said.

"Both of you are outstanding talents. I am interested in forming a bond with you, the dragons and phoenixes among men. How do you feel about joining forces in the future?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Brother Zhou, are you sure you're not deceiving me?" Gao Tiancheng asked incredulously.

It's not that he didn't believe, but what Zhou Tianfeng said was too shocking.

He began to doubt whether what the other party said was true! Could there really be great benefits for him?

"Of course not! And I won't let you do anything that betrays the Purple Sun Sect! We have no direct conflicting interests." Zhou Tianfeng said.

If what he said was true, then following Zhou Tianfeng would indeed have a brighter future than staying in the Purple Sun Sect. Moreover, he didn't mention leaving the Purple Sun Sect himself!

"What do you think?"

"We are grateful for Brother Zhou's acceptance! The two of us are willing to follow you." Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou glanced at each other and said to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Hahaha! Great! Welcome to join."

There was no time to waste. Zhou Tianfeng immediately gave them his blood to consume and then transformed their bodies through the connection in the Virus Space.

Mu Lanzhou didn't have any special changes, but his body became stronger, gained the ability of super-speed regeneration, and had the plasticity of the virus.

But Gao Tiancheng's transformation was huge. His face, which had been disfigured by an explosion, quickly recovered. His broken legs and one arm also grew back.

He returned to being the peerless talent, no longer a disabled person.

"Both of you must remember that your bodies are now full of plasticity. Absolutely do not let any venomous insects or strange substances enter your bodies, otherwise, some kind of Integrated Union might occur. Whether it will be for the better or worse, I cannot say for sure." Zhou Tianfeng said very cautiously.

In the Virus Space, the power of the virus can now be injected into any race in this world with great plasticity.

It allows them to have an Integrated Union with a bloodline and optimize it. But once chosen, it cannot be changed in the future. Moreover, the strange power they choose will also be recorded by the Virus Space and can be directly bestowed upon others in the future.

And the Virus Space has gained a new ability, which is to produce new viruses. Zhou Tianfeng's body is no longer just a breeding ground for viruses.

"Brother Zhou, rest assured, we already know. Moreover, if what Brother Zhou said is really so amazing, then we must find something extraordinary to integrate into our bloodline." Gao Tiancheng said.

Brother Zhou's ability is simply unbelievable! No wonder he has the aura of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body! It turns out to be because of this.

Under the automatic assumption, Gao Tiancheng naively believed that Zhou Tianfeng possessed the Heavenly Rage Battle Body because he had Integrated Union with the bloodline of a Heavenly Rage Battle Body, even a bloodline from a previous generation, which awakened it.

"If you find some extraordinary and side-effect-free bloodline, you can integrate it into your own body. Your body will automatically adapt to this new bloodline and preserve all its advantages, while optimizing its disadvantages." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Brother Zhou, I have an idea. If what you said is true, why don't we integrate the bloodline of a divine beast into ourselves when we go to the Immortal World in the future? If we can obtain the bloodline of a divine beast or a celestial beast, that would truly be a great boost!" Gao Tiancheng said.

In the Upper Realm, there are many extraordinary divine beasts and celestial beasts, each with incredible abilities, and in terms of physical strength, they are even stronger than those with special constitutions like them.

If they could obtain the complete bloodline of such a divine beast or celestial beast, and then optimize it, he couldn't imagine how powerful they would become.

Today, I made the most correct choice in my life. Not only has my body fully recovered, but my future will also reach new heights and reach a higher realm.

"This can be done! However, it's not easy to find a divine beast!" Mu Lanzhou said.

He is a Wood Spirit Body, and with this kind of original blood transformation, the most suitable divine beast for him should be of the Wood attribute.

There are many options for his senior brother! But it's extremely dangerous to draw blood from a powerful divine beast. Immortal beasts can handle it because they become immortals, but divine beasts, well, that's a different story.

"You only have one chance, so this original blood must not be wasted. You must find a suitable target. So, in the future, be careful and make sure no strange bloodline enters your body," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He is still looking forward to the growth of these two disciples. Their current state is very similar to the initial form of the four Blood Monster ancestors.

They are still in a state where they have not been infected by the blood corpse. Once they come into contact with an extraordinary bloodline, the virus in their bodies will solidify.

At that time, all the advantages they gain will be recorded by the Virus Space. Only then will it be the right time to bring their own world and important people into the Virus Space.

A new race will also be born. I wonder if I will receive the rewards of Heavenly Dao's merit this time? Zhou Tianfeng is very much looking forward to it.

This new transformation method can also ensure the loyalty of these two disciples. If they have any thoughts of betrayal, Zhou Tianfeng can directly eliminate them through the Virus Space.

Even the descendants they will have in the future will be connected to the Virus Space. They can receive the protection and blessings of the Virus Space, but they will also be controlled by it.

"Rest assured, Brother Zhou, we understand," they replied.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. Now that you have integrated my original blood, you should be able to absorb and transform the special spiritual energy of this world," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's a good thing. If we can't leave this place in the future, we can cultivate here and then ascend," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Brother Zhou, if that's the case, will we ascend to the Black Demon World? That's not a good place," Mu Lanzhou said.

According to the records of all the sects in the Spirit World, the Black Demon World is not a good place. It is a gathering place for demons and demonic cultivators, full of darkness, bloodshed, and slaughter.

"It shouldn't be. Your current ability is to transform the spiritual energy here, not directly absorb it. This ability is similar to the Innate Dao Body, but much more efficient. So even if you succeed in cultivation and have the opportunity to ascend, you should go to the Immortal World, not the Black Demon World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

However, Zhou Tianfeng is skeptical about whether the Black Demon World is as dark and bloody as they say.

After all, these records were passed down from the Immortal World, and of course they would try to defame their opponents in any way possible!

"If that's the case, then we can rest assured," they said.

The three of them chatted for a while before Zhou Tianfeng took his leave.

Although these two are essentially of the Human Race, as long as they come into contact with some mutated energy items, toxins, or bloodlines, they will become new ancestors of a different race, just like the four Blood Monster ancestors.

However, they will not be connected to the Virus Space like Wang Xiaobao, who turned the Human Race into half-demons.

Zhou Tianfeng can do it now, but this method requires the other party to be infected with the bloodline of the Monster Race.

After transforming them, Zhou Tianfeng's Virus Space gave him a huge surprise.

Now, as long as he is willing, by consuming a little bit of his own source power, Zhou Tianfeng can completely transform an ordinary Human Race into a Profound Heaven Sacred Body, a Wood Spirit Body, or even a new Blood Monster ancestor.

He really wants to include Cai Ling's Innate Dao Body and Ming Yanshang's fire spirit body in the Virus Space!

However, this kind of transformation does not establish a connection with the Virus Space for the other party. It is a one-sided transformation.

Now Zhou Tianfeng is considering whether to give his junior sister Lin Wan a special physique package and transform her in advance.

His junior sister cannot absorb the spiritual energy here like the others, which is her shortcoming among the group.

But there is a solution. Zhou Tianfeng can now completely transform a large amount of spiritual energy and let her consume it.

Now his speed of absorbing and transforming spiritual energy is quite terrifying. Let's wait a little longer!

They spent the night without speaking, and the next morning, Zhou Tianfeng took the four of them and flew in a random direction.

In a strange space, Di Honglei was sitting cross-legged, with a beautiful and mature woman in palace attire protecting her.

The two women looked very similar. The person beside Di Honglei was her mother, the former queen.

At this moment, Di Honglei's body began to undergo changes, and a domineering deep purple aura appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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