Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 144 The Hatred Between Immortal Emperors

Chapter 144: Hatred Between Immortal Emperors

After the domineering purple True Yuan appeared, the woman beside her, who served as her protector, showed a surprised expression.

"Honglei, keep going! As long as you get through the next step, you can successfully cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture."

Di Honglei, sitting cross-legged on the ground, began to emit strands of blood light, and the internal meridians of her entire body started to be transformed by the power of desolation.

If it were her previous self encountering such a situation, it could be said that she would be on the brink of death, and her body would definitely collapse. However, after obtaining the ability of super-fast regeneration from Zhou Tianfeng, her body gained strong adaptability!

Her body began to constantly jump back and forth between destruction and repair, and the domineering purple power of desolation began to manifest on her.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Di Honglei's body gradually began to recover, enveloped in a purple radiance.

"Good child! You did it, you finally did it. You have successfully cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture," the Heavenly Empress said with immense joy.

After so many years, she, who had no hope at all, once again saw hope.

"Mother! I did it! I now have the capital to seek revenge against that person," Di Honglei woke up and said.

As soon as she woke up, she checked her body. Although her cultivation was crippled and needed to be rebuilt, her current strength had just recovered to the level of an ordinary immortal. However, the power of desolation within her body couldn't be faked. She now possessed even greater capital than before, even the capital to aspire to become an Immortal Emperor.

"That person is indeed a reincarnation of an extraordinary being! To think that they have such earth-shattering means, allowing you to successfully cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture in this way," the Heavenly Empress said.

Just how difficult this cultivation technique was, she knew better than anyone else!

When she first obtained this cultivation technique, the Southern Heaven said that it was impossible for anyone in this world to successfully cultivate it.

For an existence at the level of an immortal, they needed to abandon their own cultivation and start from scratch to cultivate this divine technique.

Moreover, if they lost their Immortal Physique, a normal Mortal Physique wouldn't have the ability to regenerate limbs or even reshape the body if it was destroyed. But as long as the immortal's Primordial Spirit was still present in the Immortal World, they could reshape their Immortal Physique with the help of immortal spiritual energy.

However, if you were a mortal, you would definitely not have these abilities, and you wouldn't even be able to pass the first step of cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

Mortals couldn't cultivate like immortals, so this cultivation technique became absolutely useless.

As for the existence of an Immortal Emperor, this cultivation technique was truly tasteless and not worth keeping. Moreover, this cultivation technique only had seven levels and could only be cultivated to the realm of a Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

So this set of techniques was collected by its first discoverer and hidden in the Vast Desolation Domain.

"Mother, there is something I don't understand. I hope you can enlighten me," Di Honglei asked.

The words Zhou Tianfeng had said to her before were stuck in her throat! She couldn't hold it in any longer. Why would a daughter want to kill her own father?

What exactly happened between you and father?

"You can ask me anything!"

"Mother! What did Desolate Immortal Emperor do? Why must he be killed? What grievances did you have in the past? Can you tell me?" Di Honglei gritted her teeth and asked.

In the past, wanting to kill Desolate Immortal Emperor was just empty talk. They knew better than anyone how difficult it was to kill an Immortal Emperor. Even two Immortal Emperors might fight for tens of thousands of years without a clear winner.

"Why do you want to know all this?"

"I just want to know. Killing him in the past was just a vague thought, but now we truly have a chance. If I can successfully become an Immortal Emperor, with the help of that mysterious powerful being and you, Mother, the three of us should be able to kill him," Di Honglei said.

"You're thinking too much. I have no right to intervene in a battle at the Immortal Emperor level, even if I'm just one step away from reaching that realm. If you want revenge, it's up to you," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi shook her head and said.

"Mother, why won't you answer my other question?" Di Honglei pressed.

"Fine, if you are determined to know, then I can tell you. Your origins and the whole truth can be revealed to you, but you must promise me one thing: you must kill Desolate Immortal Emperor," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

"First, tell me the whole truth. Is it because he killed your original husband, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and forced you to bear me that you hate him so much and want to kill him? My biological father?" Di Honglei asked.

"Shut up! Shut up! Remember this, your surname is Di! You are the daughter of Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, not Desolate Immortal Emperor. He is your father's killer. Don't you understand?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi suddenly changed her expression and shouted angrily.

Since she was young, this daughter had always listened to her, but ever since she returned this time, she started questioning her own origins.

"It's just in name. Do you know who my real father is? Why did Desolate Immortal Emperor have to die? What happened between you two? Can you tell me?" Di Honglei asked.

During her upbringing, she had always believed that her father was Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and had been striving to avenge his death.

But she didn't inherit the bloodline of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor or his imprint of an Immortal Emperor. Instead, when her bloodline and the imprint of an Immortal Emperor awakened, it was revealed to be that of Desolate Immortal Emperor.

My own daughter, the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, is actually the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor! The Immortal Emperor imprint that awakened in me turned out to be from the Desolate Immortal Emperor!

On that day, when I awakened the blood of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor imprint, my entire worldview collapsed, even the old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

Those old subordinates who had always supported me, showed disbelief, unwillingness to accept, extreme anger, and even eyes that wanted to kill me!

The old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor began to question my mother, why did you give birth to the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor? They even called her a wild seed.

Just think about it, they raised the daughter with great effort to save the world, only to find out that she is the daughter of the enemy. The Heavenly Queen actually gave birth to a daughter with her husband's killer.

How can they accept this?

Uncles and aunts who used to be kind and friendly to me! Those who treated me as their own, their eyes towards me have changed, and they even picked up weapons to kill me in the end.

No matter how my mother explained, it was useless.

That day, my mother and I fought our way out from among the old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

In the days that followed, the two of us began to wander in the Six Realms, leaving behind the Heavenly Net World where I grew up.

For the next ten thousand years, the only goal for the two of us was to kill the Desolate Immortal Emperor who brought shame to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

But now, this idea of mine has wavered a bit.

"Who taught you to ask this? Have you secretly seen him?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's face turned cold as she asked.

We must not let the other party know the true identity of this girl. Your identity is the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"I haven't seen him. Mother, what do you mean by this? Didn't you say that if he saw me, he would try to kill me?" Di Honglei asked.

"Well, since you want to know, I will tell you everything.

Tens of thousands of years ago, because of some things, I grew tired of the life as the Heavenly Queen of the Heavenly World. So, despite the Southern Heaven's opposition, I resolutely descended to the mortal world and reincarnated.

At that time, I met the Desolate Immortal Emperor who was still a mortal. I watched him rise from obscurity.

Because I had no memories of my past life, I fell in love with him! When the two of us ascended to the Ascension Immortal World after cultivating as immortals, my memories awakened.

I didn't know what to do because if I stayed by his side at that time, if the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor found out about all this, he would never let him go. So, I had no choice but to leave him.

And in order to make him forget about me, I even hurt his heart deeply. I thought that the karmic relationship between us would end there.

But who could have expected! He actually entered the Vast Desolation Domain and cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture that no one had ever been able to cultivate.

In a short period of ten thousand years, he cultivated to become an Immortal Emperor, and completed the last two levels of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, turning it into a divine technique that can directly reach the Immortal Emperor realm.

Then, he came to the Heavenly Net World, learned about my true identity, and clashed with the Southern Heaven. The grudge between them over me is endless, so a great war broke out.

In the end, the Southern Heaven was defeated and died! Even the Heavenly Palace he built was completely destroyed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

Countless Heavenly Palace soldiers were killed by him, and the entire Heavenly Net World declined because of him! Even the other two Heavenly Net World Immortal Emperors were killed by him.

He killed too many innocent people, and with his own power, he made our Heavenly Net World a laughingstock among the Six Realms, the only upper realm without an Immortal Emperor." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

She had hidden some things for a long time, but now it was time to speak up.

Di Honglei didn't say anything! Instead, she silently turned her head and planned to leave, seeking revenge! Heh heh!

"Where are you going?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi stopped Di Honglei.

"It's none of your business!"

"Hmph! Do you think I only want to kill him for my own sake? It's not like that. His existence is a disaster for the entire Heavenly Net World.

He and our Heavenly Net World are in an endless battle. If our Heavenly Net World gives birth to a new Immortal Emperor, he will come and kill him." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

"Does the Heavenly Net World still recognize you as its queen? Those old subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor would rather kill the two of us than let us go! This grudge is meaningless." Di Honglei said.

"No! It has meaning! Since you don't want to, then don't blame me." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's face changed, and she used her hands to cast a spell, instantly trapping Di Honglei.

"You! Let me go!" Di Honglei struggled to say.

Although she had cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, her cultivation level now was much weaker than before! She was no match for her own mother at all.

"When you change your mind, I will let you go." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

This girl is becoming more and more disobedient!

(End of this chapter)

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