Chapter 151: Devouring, Ascending to Immortality

You are mine now. With such pure Qilin bloodline and your Heavenly Rage Battle Body, I will become even more powerful after obtaining them.

When his own Primordial Spirit left his body, he used a special secret technique of the Qilin clan to inform his trusted elders and the most trusted queen about his plan to possess someone else's body, instructing them to appease the Qilin clan members outside.

This possession was a bit rushed, but there was no time to prepare much. Not only his Primordial Spirit, but also all the Qilin True Yuan in his body had to enter this body to directly obtain his Celestial Immortal level cultivation.

The true form of the Qilin King also appeared in front of Zhou Tianfeng, placing both palms on his chest and continuously injecting Qilin True Yuan into Zhou Tianfeng's body.

As soon as this immense power entered Zhou Tianfeng's body, the Qilin Primordial Spirit immediately sensed it. He planned to control this power, otherwise, all the True Yuan of a Celestial Immortal level would burst this kid.

But something unexpected happened!

After his True Yuan entered Zhou Tianfeng's body, the black-purple inner core in his dantian unexpectedly started spinning frantically, absorbing all of his Celestial Immortal level True Yuan.

The Qilin King's face changed drastically. He immediately tried to control his True Yuan, but strange things kept happening, and he couldn't control the True Yuan in his body.

"Hmph! At this critical moment, you're still causing trouble. I'll destroy your Primordial Spirit first." The Qilin King snorted coldly and directly rushed into Zhou Tianfeng's Niwan Palace in his mind.

But there, he didn't see Zhou Tianfeng's Primordial Spirit. Afterwards, the Qilin King searched Zhou Tianfeng's entire head and dantian, but still couldn't find Zhou Tianfeng's Primordial Spirit.

"What's going on? Where is his Primordial Spirit? Where did his Primordial Spirit go?" The Qilin King anxiously exclaimed.

This situation was extremely unfavorable for him! His True Yuan was being absorbed by that black-purple inner core, and he couldn't find Zhou Tianfeng's Primordial Spirit.

"It's quite strange, isn't it?" Just then, Zhou Tianfeng's voice entered the Qilin King's ears.

"Who are you? Who are you exactly? What's wrong with your body?"

"Hehe! I am the ultimate life that you cannot comprehend. I am completely different from you. Honestly, you shouldn't have attacked me, and you shouldn't have casually entered my body." A ethereal voice came through.

When the Qilin King entered his body, Zhou Tianfeng immediately escaped into the Virus Space.

Then tell Virus Space that someone wants to possess themselves.

However, Virus Space's response left Zhou Tianfei a little confused. Even if it's another Dao Lord, they wouldn't dare to easily provoke someone within their own Dao space, let alone a mere Celestial Immortal.

He didn't even need to use the power of Virus Space. Zhou Tianfeng could completely crush the Kirin King by manipulating the power of desolation within his body, combined with his mutated black-purple inner core.

Once Zhou Tianfeng's Primordial Spirit entered Virus Space, the instinctive counterattack from his body was already overwhelming the Kirin King.

Now Zhou Tianfeng was doing nothing. As time passed, his black-purple inner core would absorb all of the Kirin King's true essence, and then it would be his Primordial Spirit's turn.

Seeing the situation turning unfavorable, the Kirin King immediately gave up its immense true essence and tried to escape Zhou Tianfeng's body.

But Zhou Tianfeng misunderstood its intentions. The power of Virus Space unfolded, turning the entire body into a prison.

At this moment, the Kirin King truly felt helpless and powerless.

Meanwhile, outside, the Kirin King's body gradually withered. All of its true essence was completely devoured by Zhou Tianfeng's body.

In just a moment, the Kirin King's body had turned into a withered corpse.

"Impossible, impossible! You, you are only a Heavenly Ascension realm existence, why! Why can you devour all of my true essence that I cultivated throughout my life?"

"To be honest, I'm also very surprised. Let me tell you, before this, I was just a cultivator in the Soul Cultivation realm. But due to an accident, my cultivation level became equivalent to the Heavenly Ascension realm."

"What's even more astonishing is that the original three Heavenly Tribulations did not descend. My Heavenly Tribulation, Earthly Tribulation, and Human Tribulation, none of them occurred," Zhou Tianfeng said.

After practicing the Great Desolation technique and undergoing a mutation, it seems that my Body Refining cultivation has completely disconnected from this world. I didn't even sense the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Normally, a master in the Heavenly Ascension realm would experience three or more Heavenly Tribulations, but I didn't encounter such a situation at all.

"Who exactly are you? Please, spare my life! I can acknowledge you as my master, serve you as a slave, and do whatever you command," the Kirin King pleaded.

"Serving me as a slave? That might be a bit difficult. Even if I were to release you now, you wouldn't be able to return to your original body. Moreover, you only have seven days left to live, so I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything for me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Not to mention that you only have seven days left to live, even if you had your body, it has already turned into a corpse!

Actually, if this Qilin King had a better attitude, Zhou Tianfeng wouldn't mind using his own blood to save him. Even if he suffered heavy injuries, with the miraculous effects of the Virus Space and his own blood, it would be easy to heal him.

But unfortunately, this kid chose the most foolish way and actually wanted to possess Zhou Tianfeng. As a result, Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation of over a thousand years and his Celestial Immortal-level true essence were completely absorbed by himself.

"No! I am the Qilin King! I haven't Ascended to the Heavenly World yet. I am only over 1500 years old, I have just become the Qilin King! I refuse to accept this, I refuse to die here!" The Qilin King let out an extremely angry roar.

However, Zhou Tianfeng didn't give him a chance to regret. He simply enveloped his body with the Virus Space, preventing him from escaping, and the black-purple inner core had already started to devour him.

His final divine soul, first the Yang Spirit, and finally the Primordial Spirit, were all absorbed by the black-purple inner core.

After some time, the Qilin King's Primordial Spirit completely disappeared, and everything he had was completely absorbed by the black-purple inner core.

After devouring all the true essence of a Celestial Immortal, the black-purple inner core also provided feedback to Zhou Tianfeng. Now his strength was even stronger than the previous Qilin King.

However, the Heavenly Tribulation did not come, even though he had become a true immortal. The so-called Heavenly Tribulation did not arrive.

"Virus Space, why? Why hasn't my Heavenly Tribulation arrived? Could it be that I don't have a Heavenly Tribulation at all?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Master, you are already the master of the Dao Space, equivalent to a master of the Dao. No Heavenly Tribulation from the lower realms dares to harm you. Before becoming a Dao Level existence, you will not experience any Heavenly Tribulation.

Right now, you only have the identity of a Dao master, but you don't have the strength and cultivation of a Dao master. Only when your strength, cultivation, and divine soul reach the level of a Dao master will a Dao Tribulation arrive.

"I see. So, can I go to other realms now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Who could have expected this! Before entering the Bathing Space, he was just a cultivator in the Soul Cultivation realm. It would take thousands of years of cultivation to become a true immortal according to the normal practice. But with the help of the Virus Space and the selfless dedication of a Celestial Immortal-level Qilin King, Zhou Tianfeng became a Celestial Immortal.

After becoming a Celestial Immortal, Zhou Tianfeng also absorbed some of the Qilin King's memories and learned some secrets of the Six Realms and the divisions of realms after becoming an immortal.

First of all, just after Ascension! After entering the Upper Realm, whether it's the Heavenly Net World, the Flying Immortal World, the Vast Desolation Domain, the Black Demon World, the Heavenly Monster World, or the legendary and ethereal Ancient Immortal Domain, the power is divided into six realms.

True Immortal, Celestial Immortal, Golden Immortal, Profound Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor.

After absorbing all the true essence and Primordial Spirit of the Qilin King, Zhou Tianfeng's current cultivation is equivalent to the Celestial Immortal Realm, and the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture has reached the fourth level.

After the Primordial Spirit returned to his body, Zhou Tianfeng took control of his body. With a thought, the five red chains that bound him instantly disappeared.

Looking at the dried corpse of the Qilin King on the ground, Zhou Tianfeng sighed. Isn't it better to be alive?

Why did he have to come to his body and seek death?

Now he has lost his life and his cultivation and divine soul have become his shroud.

However, the next thing is a bit difficult. Originally, Zhou Tianfeng planned to leave.

But after reading the Qilin King's memories, Zhou Tianfeng gained a completely new understanding of the Qilin Clan's strength.

Every elder of the Qilin Clan is at the True Immortal level, and all the royal members reach the Heavenly Ascension realm after adulthood. With a little cultivation, they can become True Immortals.

In addition, several Great Monster races attached to the Qilin Clan, their clan leaders are also in the Heavenly Ascension realm, and there are even two at the True Immortal realm.

Moreover, the Qilin Clan has a connection with the divine beast Fire Qilin Clan in the Heavenly Net World. After each generation of Qilin Kings Ascend, they can officially join the Fire Qilin Clan. The remaining Qilin Clan members or ordinary Qilin Clan members who Ascend can receive the protection of the divine beast Fire Qilin.

Living around the divine beast Fire Qilin, the two Fire Qilin ancestors of the Qilin Clan did not get captured or killed as rumored! Instead, they returned to the Heavenly Net World.

The cultivation of those two Fire Qilin ancestors has reached the terrifying Immortal King realm.

Even the previous five generations of Ascended Qilin Kings have reached the Profound Immortal realm, and they can transform into the true form of the Fire Qilin.

If he were to leave now, when the elders of the Qilin Clan enter the palace, they would discover the dried corpse of the Qilin King and would surely suspect that the Qilin King's possession had failed. It might even lead to a pursuit and attract the previous generation of Qilin Kings at the Profound Immortal realm.

Should I pretend to be the Qilin King for now?

(End of this chapter)

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