Chapter 152: Princess Mo Yunqi

There is no other way now. If I were to leave directly, it would confirm the accusation of murdering the Qilin King.

But the method of impersonation still needs to be discussed. The first method is to impersonate the Qilin King that I have already possessed and play the role as him.

The second method is to directly confront the elders and members of the Qilin clan, clearly stating that the Qilin King wanted to possess me but failed, and instead made me his scapegoat.

But regardless of which method is used, the external claim would be that Zhou Tianfeng has inherited the position of the Qilin King. This is because if the ordinary people of the Qilin clan, or even some Great Monster tribes that are attached to the Qilin clan, were to know about the possession of the Qilin King, it would not be good for the reputation of the Qilin King. The upper-class individuals are well aware of this, but they would not openly speak about it.

Really, I originally came to find a way to return to the Spirit World. Why did I end up becoming the Qilin King in a muddled way?

However, it is not the time to dwell on these matters now, because Zhou Tianfeng has already sensed that there is someone outside the door.

The doors of the palace were pushed open, and a woman wearing a pale golden robe, with her hair coiled up and wearing a golden laurel crown, walked in.

This woman is indeed beautiful, but there is a hint of sorrow between her eyebrows. From the shattered memories of the Qilin King, Zhou Tianfeng knows that this woman is the Qilin King's princess.

A member of the Mo clan, Princess Mo Yunqi.

After Mo Yunqi entered, she glanced at Zhou Tianfeng, then looked at the dried corpse on the ground, sighing helplessly.

"Is this your choice, to abandon your own physical body and possess someone else's? Tian Luo?" The woman in the golden robe spoke, looking at the dried corpse on the ground.

"Yes! This is my choice!" Zhou Tianfeng imitated the appearance of the Qilin King and replied.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Mo Yunqi furrowed her brows, stood up, and came in front of Zhou Tianfeng. She stared into his eyes for a while, and then her expression suddenly changed.

She took a few steps back and pointed at Zhou Tianfeng, saying, "Who are you? Tian Luo, he... he didn't succeed?"

As the Qilin King's confidante, she could still tell that the person in front of her was not her husband, the Qilin King, Profound Heaven Luo.

Before coming here, the Qilin King had communicated with her through voice transmission about this matter. The original plan was to keep Zhou Tianfeng here for a few days.

Then he would prepare and publicly announce Zhou Tianfeng's situation, informing all the people that he would soon be injured and that Zhou Tianfeng, a pure-blooded individual, would inherit the throne.

After that, he would take Zhou Tianfeng to visit the entire territory of the Qilin clan, and then proceed with the possession.

But unexpectedly, his plan was exposed right from the beginning. There was no other choice but to activate the possession technique in advance.

After receiving the news, she hurriedly rushed over. At first, when she saw the dried corpse on the ground, she thought that the Qilin King's possession plan had succeeded.

But she didn't expect that it was her own husband, the Qilin King, who ended up dead. A Qilin King with the cultivation of the Celestial Immortal Realm, even though he was seriously injured, possessing a Qilin clan member at the Heavenly Ascension Realm should have been easy.

"How did you figure it out?" Zhou Tianfeng said with a bit of speechlessness. Did he expose himself so quickly?

Well, it seems that his disguise plan has failed directly. Women have strong observation skills after all.

"Come, umm!" Princess Mo Yunqi was about to speak, but Zhou Tianfeng suddenly rushed forward and hugged her, covering her mouth.

Then, he used his own gravitational magnetic field and the power of the wilderness to directly suppress her cultivation. This Qilin Princess's cultivation level is not very high, only at the Heavenly Ascension Realm. It is easy for the current Zhou Tianfeng to subdue her.

After suppressing her cultivation, this Qilin Princess had no power to resist in Zhou Tianfeng's hands and could only struggle in his embrace.

"To tell you the truth, your husband's possession technique didn't succeed on me. Instead, he made me his scapegoat. I have obtained all the cultivation of the Celestial Immortal Realm. Are you sure you want to call out and attract all the Qilin clan members? How do you plan to explain the failure of the Qilin King's possession? After all, he tried to possess me, and if he failed, he can only blame himself. Possession is not a glorious thing, and you should be able to sense the strong Qilin bloodline in me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Princess Mo Yunqi looked at Zhou Tianfeng with her watery eyes, then forcefully tried to remove his hand covering her mouth.

What do you want me to say? You have to let go first! My cultivation has been suppressed by you, and I can't even transmit my voice!

"I'm just afraid of trouble, not that I'm afraid of your Qilin clan. If you provoke me, I can easily defeat the entire Qilin clan with my cultivation at the Celestial Immortal Realm. I don't think there is anyone in the entire royal city who can match me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

墨云绮 let out a sobbing sound from her mouth, forcefully patted Zhou Tianfeng, and then pointed to the large hand covering her mouth, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Ahem! I'll let you go now, don't think about calling for help. Let's discuss things first." Zhou Tianfeng released the Kirin Queen and set up an undetectable barrier with his own magnetic field.

With this barrier in place, Zhou Tianfeng wasn't afraid of the other party doing anything, especially since I have sealed her cultivation!

"Hoo! Hoo! How did he fail? There's such a huge difference in your cultivation levels?" After regaining her freedom, Mo Yunqi covered her chest and took a few breaths before asking.

"The concentration of Kirin bloodline in my body is far superior to that of the Kirin King. With the suppression of the bloodline, his soul was destined to fail once it entered my body," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I can't expose the gravitational magnetic field of Virus Space, so I'll use the bloodline as a cover!

And I didn't lie. Mythical beast clans like the Kirin place great importance on bloodlines. If your bloodline is inferior to the other party's, you will definitely be suppressed.

"Is that so! I never expected that the reason was this! To think that there is a Kirin bloodline in this world that rivals the two ancestors. If the two ancestors knew of your existence, they would definitely be very happy," Mo Yunqi said.

"Don't you hate me? After all, I indirectly killed your husband," Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Even if I hate you, what can I do? Your cultivation in the Celestial Immortal Realm is something I can't resist at all," Mo Yunqi said.

"Don't talk about useless things. I have one question for you now. If you answer honestly, I will let you go and won't harm the entire Kirin clan. If you don't answer, then I have means to control the Kirin clan," Zhou Tianfeng said.

If you're willing to cooperate, then everything will be fine. If you're not willing to cooperate, then I can only use some means to completely control the Kirin clan.

"Hehe! You are also a member of the Kirin clan, and your bloodline is so strong, almost on par with the two ancestors. If you come to control the Kirin clan and become the new Kirin King, it wouldn't be a bad thing. What do you want to know? I will tell you as long as I know," Mo Yunqi smiled and said.

"I want to know how to leave the Demon Realm space and enter the Entering Spirit Realm or go to the Immortal World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You want to go to the Immortal World? You are a member of the Kirin clan, and the gathering place of the divine beast Fire Kirin is in the Heavenly Net World, not the Immortal World. Over there, it's the Water Kirin and the Jade Kirin's territory," Mo Yunqi said.

"I didn't ask you to question me. Answer me, do you know how to go to the Immortal World or the Spirit World?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Now that you have reached the cultivation level of a Celestial Immortal, you can directly sense the Ascension Heavenly Net World or other realms, such as the Flying Immortal World, through your own Kirin bloodline."

Apart from the Black Demon World, Vast Desolation Domain, and the ancient Immortal World, you can freely choose to ascend to the Heavenly Monster World, Heavenly Net World, and the Flying Immortal World.

As for wanting to go to the Spirit World, you must at least have the strength of an Immortal King to freely travel between the Six Realms and all mortal realms," Mo Yunqi said lightly.

"Strength of an Immortal King? Are you kidding me? Going to the Spirit World shouldn't be this troublesome," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The teleportation array we used when the five of us came here couldn't have been crafted by an Immortal King-level existence.

Is it necessary to bother dealing with a group of cultivators for someone at the Immortal King realm? At most, that person would be a Scattered Immortal.

"I'm not lying to you. If you haven't become an immortal yet, our Qilin clan has the means to send you to the Spirit World. Whether it's through a teleportation array to the Spirit World or directly using the Crossing Realm technique by a True Immortal, they can all send you there.

But now that you're a Celestial Immortal, a Celestial Immortal-level existence cannot freely go to the mortal realms. You can go to the Upper Realm, but if you want to go to other mortal realms, I'm sorry, it's impossible.

This is a rule set by all Immortal Emperors in the Six Realms. Unless you reach the Immortal King realm, you cannot freely travel between realms. Other than that, True Demons, True Monsters, and True Immortals cannot freely descend to the mortal realm.

Even if you're a high-level expert at the Immortal King realm, you can only travel in the mortal realm and absolutely cannot attack cultivators in the mortal realm.

Your current cultivation is at the Celestial Immortal level. Even if an Immortal King takes action, they cannot bring you to the Spirit World. An Immortal King can only go to the mortal realm themselves or bring non-immortal cultivators to other realms," Mo Yunqi said.

"..." Zhou Tianfeng.

So, there is good news and bad news now.

The good news is that with my current strength, I can easily send the two senior sisters, Gao Tiancheng, and Mu Lanzhou back to the Spirit World.

But it will be more troublesome for me to go there myself, and I might not even be able to return.

"I can teach you the Crossing Realm technique. Only those at the True Immortal realm can perform this technique, but it can only send others over, not oneself," Mo Yunqi said.

This kid doesn't seem to be from the Demon Realm space but rather from the Spirit World. Could it be that he is a member of their royal family who went to the Spirit World and left behind a bloodline?

"Are there no other methods? Does that mean I can only freely go to the Spirit World when my cultivation reaches the Immortal King realm?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Sorry, unless your cultivation reaches the Immortal King realm, it's not possible," Mo Yunqi said.

(End of this chapter)

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