Chapter 153: Conditions, When Cao Zei

Zhou Tianfeng is currently feeling extremely annoyed! Damn Qilin King, you son of a bitch! If you didn't want to possess me, why make things so complicated?

So what should I do now? Should I just send them four back and stay here myself? Or should I let them four stay here with me?

So now Zhou Tianfeng is faced with a difficult choice.

"Why not stay in my Qilin clan and become the new Qilin King? Does your sect in the Spirit World have the same strength as my Qilin clan?

Just among the True Immortals in my Qilin clan, there are more than ten of them, and the Elders are even Celestial Immortals, totaling two." Mo Yunqi saw Zhou Tianfeng's changing expression and spoke up.

"There are two more Celestial Immortals? Why didn't they ascend to the Heavenly Net World? And why did those Qilin clan members who have already become True Immortals choose to stay in the mortal realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

The strength of this Qilin clan is indeed incredibly powerful! Just these true immortals in their sect can easily defeat any sect in the Spirit World.

You should know that the Jade Water Heavenly Palace only has a few scattered immortals as their trump cards, while a True Immortal can easily defeat these scattered immortals.

But why don't these True Immortals and Celestial Immortals choose to ascend? You should know that the spiritual energy concentration in the upper realm is much richer than in the mortal realm.

If you cultivate in the upper realm, your progress will be much faster.

"It's hard to explain! You also know the situation of our clan! The two ancestors warned us in the Heavenly Net World that True Immortals should not ascend to the Heavenly Net World. Only when ordinary clan members reach the Celestial Immortal realm are they allowed to ascend to the Heavenly Net World.

The two ancestors said that the current Heavenly Net World can be described as a state of warlords.

Because 20,000 years ago, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor was killed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor, causing the entire Heavenly Net World to be leaderless. And after that, some things happened.

The remaining members of the Southern Heaven faction also fell apart, so now all the Immortal Kings in the Heavenly Net World are vying for control, wanting to unify the entire Heavenly Net World and become the new Immortal Emperor.

The current Heavenly Net World is in a state of absolute chaos. Those who are only at the True Immortal realm have no place to survive in the Heavenly Net World and are just cannon fodder.

The divine beast, Fire Qilin, in the Heavenly Net World also has enemies, and the two ancestors also have to face strong enemies. That's why our clan generally chooses to ascend when they reach the Celestial Immortal realm.

And our Heavenly Qilin City's barrier is very special, personally arranged by two Immortal King-level ancestors.

The outside demonic energy is completely filtered out, only spiritual energy is absorbed, and the cultivation conditions here are even better than in the Spirit World.

Although it can't compare to the Heavenly Net World or the Flying Immortal World, immortals can still cultivate here." Mo Yunqi revealed some hidden information about the Qilin clan.

She told Zhou Tianfeng everything. The current Heavenly Net World is definitely the most intense place of conflict among the six realms because all the Immortal Emperors were killed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor, resulting in an unprecedented state of warlords.

This state will not change unless a new Immortal Emperor appears to unify the entire Heavenly Net World.

"Then why not choose other realms, such as the Flying Immortal World or the Heavenly Monster World? These two upper realms should also be suitable for the Qilin clan's survival." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

When cultivators ascend, they can choose to ascend to four upper realms: the Black Demon World, the Heavenly Monster World, the Flying Immortal World, and the Heavenly Net World.

Cultivators usually choose the Flying Immortal World or the Heavenly Net World to ascend.

"No! Although the situation in the Flying Immortal World is better, it is the territory of the Jade Qilin and the Water Qilin. We are descendants of the Fire Qilin, and if we go to the Flying Immortal World, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

The Jade Qilin is not a problem, but the Water Qilin clan and us are like water and fire.

As for the Heavenly Monster World and the Black Demon World, they are not very suitable for our Qilin clan's survival. So the only place we can go is the Heavenly Net World." Mo Yunqi said.

After all that, it seems like the relationship between the Fire Qilin and the Water Qilin is not very good! It seems that this Desolate Immortal Emperor has indeed caused a lot of trouble for the entire Heavenly Net World.

The Vast Desolation Domain and the Ancient Immortal Domain are completely closed off, leaving only the Heavenly Net World among the remaining four upper realms that can accommodate the Fire Qilin clan, so they have no choice at all.

"What benefits would I have if I become this Qilin King?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"After ascending to the Heavenly Net World, you will have the protection of two Immortal King-level ancestors. During your time as the Qilin King, the entire Qilin clan and the various Great Monster races under our command will all respect you.

Our Qilin clan has collected countless treasures for over ten thousand years, and you can choose whatever you want." Mo Yunqi said.

These benefits are indeed quite significant. If I return to the Spirit World, with my current cultivation level, I won't be able to continue cultivating as a junior disciple in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

Instead, I would have to immediately fly to the Flying Immortal World. The Sect Master of the Yao Water Heavenly Palace in the Flying Immortal World is probably not an Immortal King-level existence.

So no matter how I look at it, it seems like staying in the Qilin clan and becoming the Qilin King has more advantages!

"If I were to become the new Qilin King, would there be any opposition or someone challenging my authority among the Qilin clan?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No, if your cultivation is only at the Heavenly Ascension realm or the True Immortal realm, then it's hard to say. In terms of strength, it would indeed be difficult to convince everyone," Mo Yunqi said.

"But you are at the Celestial Immortal Realm, and your Qilin bloodline is so pure. Absolutely no one would say anything. Both our royal clans are eager for you to become the new Qilin King," Mo Yunqi continued.

"Moreover, many high-level beings in the Demon Realm spaces are aware of the situation with the previous Qilin King. They are all waiting for the previous Qilin King to die so they can divide the interests of our Qilin clan."

"Becoming the new Qilin King would be of great benefit to our Qilin clan. It would not only stabilize the hearts of our people but also suppress some restless forces in the surrounding areas."

"Otherwise, the two elders at the Celestial Immortal Realm would have to take action. But those two are our Qilin clan's trump cards, and it's best not to use them unless absolutely necessary," Mo Yunqi said.

"Originally, these two elders had planned to ascend to the Heavenly Net World decades ago, but it was because the previous Qilin King was seriously injured and dying at that time."

"If it weren't for the protection of the Celestial Immortals, our Qilin clan would have faced great difficulties in the Demon Realm spaces. That's why the two of them have been delaying their ascension."

"Now, with Zhou Tianfeng, a Celestial Immortal Realm Qilin King with such a pure bloodline, it can be said to be the best outcome."

"Our Qilin clan is different from other races. We value bloodlines the most, and Zhou Tianfeng's bloodline is the highest among all the Qilins. It can be said to be exceptionally blessed."

"One last question! What conditions do you have for helping me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. I just killed the previous Qilin King, who happens to be your husband, and now you're coming to me with such enthusiasm. Zhou Tianfeng is very suspicious of this woman's motives."

"I naturally have my own requests! If you agree to three conditions, both me and the Mo clan forces behind me will help you become the new Qilin King," Mo Yunqi said.

"You're right, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The heavens won't drop meat pies. They are helping Zhou Tianfeng so tirelessly because they naturally have their own motives."

"Tell me, what are they?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Having motives is a normal phenomenon. If there were no motives, Zhou Tianfeng would suspect the other party's intentions.

"The first condition is that after you ascend to the Qilin King position, it doesn't matter what your previous surname was, but now you must change your surname to Mo. And publicly declare that you are the descendant left behind in the mortal realm by our clan's ancestor," Mo Yunqi said.

"Tell me the second one," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Qilin King wanted to use "Xuan" as his surname, but the Queen insisted on using "Mo" as her surname. There are quite a few tricks between these two royal families!

"In the next few thousand years, you will protect my Qilin clan until a new Qilin King appears," Mo Yunqi said.

"Do you want me to deal with some powerful enemies?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No need. Just show your strength and intimidate other races. In general, you don't need to personally take action as the Qilin King," Mo Yunqi said.

What do you think the Qilin King is? In the Demon Realm, the Qilin King is a strategic weapon at the Transcendent Level, capable of directly annihilating a superpower.

An ordinary True Immortal is already a big shot in the Demon Realm or the Spirit World, not to mention the Qilin King in the Celestial Immortal Realm. And generally, the beings in the Celestial Immortal Realm are not opponents of the Qilin King.

"This condition is acceptable. As long as their cultivation level doesn't exceed Celestial Immortal, I can handle it. Even beings in the Celestial Immortal Realm, I can handle them. Tell me your third condition!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

This condition is not too difficult for him. Beings in the Celestial Immortal Realm can never be his opponents under any circumstances! The Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Qilin True Fire, Qilin Law Manifestation, gravitational magnetic field, and the power of desolation are absolutely unmatched by ordinary Celestial Immortals.

"The third condition! It is also the most important one. You have to leave your bloodline in my Mo clan, and I want to be your queen," Mo Yunqi blushed slightly and said nervously.

Zhou Tianfeng remained silent.

Looking at the Qilin Queen with a strange expression, to be honest, she does have good looks. Her appearance is more beautiful than Ming Yanshang and Cai Ling.

The beauty of a pearl may fade, but its fragrance remains!

She is even on par with Di Honglei. It seems like he's not at a disadvantage.

Really, does he have to learn from Boss Cao?

Seeing Zhou Tianfeng not responding, Mo Yunqi became anxious and spoke again:

"Don't worry! If you marry me, you won't lose out. I married the Qilin King more than a century ago when he was already seriously injured.

He hasn't touched me all these years, so you can rest assured. At most! At most, I will introduce my sister to you. I will be the queen, and she will be the queen consort. If you have other women in the future, we won't interfere."

There's no way. After becoming the Qilin Queen, she realized how much power she could enjoy in this position, and she couldn't bear to give it up.

(End of this chapter)

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