Chapter 154: Giving You an Heir

As the queen of the Qilin clan, she possessed immense power, and countless races in the Demon World that relied on the Qilin had to obey her every command.

Once you have experienced this power, you will never want to give it up!

Zhou Tianfeng was a bit speechless! This woman had a strong desire for power. No wonder she had no feelings for the deceased Qilin king.

She even wanted to immediately crown him as the new Qilin king.

Fortunately, he considered you his closest person, so he informed you as soon as he wanted to possess me.

"Now that you have stated your conditions, let me state mine! First of all, I will not change my surname in principle. Either you accept it or forget about it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

His surname and name were impossible to change. At most, he would reveal his true name.

"But your Qilin bloodline in your body comes from my two ancestors. What's wrong with having the same surname as them, the two divine beasts?" Mo Yunqi asked with great confusion.

In this world, anyone with Qilin bloodline would be eager to have the same surname as the two ancestors. But you are unwilling.

"It's just a matter of principle. As for the second condition, I can fully agree to it. I will help you intimidate other races and fulfill the responsibilities of a Qilin king."

"For the third condition, how about I give you a child, and he can have the surname Mo?" Zhou Tianfeng proposed a compromise.

"Alright! But can you guarantee that the Qilin bloodline in you and our child will be as strong as yours, or at least slightly weaker?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"Don't worry! I have my ways," Zhou Tianfeng said.

With the existence of the Virus Space, there was nothing he couldn't do!

"Well then, am I still the queen? Or perhaps the queen consort?" Mo Yunqi tentatively asked.

"Since you want to be the queen, then continue being the queen. Forget about being the queen consort," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Then who do you plan to crown as the successor?" Mo Yunqi's expression changed as she asked.

"You don't need to worry about that. Didn't the previous Qilin king also not have a successor?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! He may have thought about becoming the successor, but the conditions do not allow it. Remember what you promised me. Our Wang Clan with the surname Mo will be completely loyal to you.

As for the Wang Clan with the surname Xuan, leave it to us to handle. You just need to release your cultivation in the Celestial Immortal Realm and your strong Qilin bloodline." Mo Yunqi said.

"Alright, I'm happy to have some leisure time."

In the following period, the entire Qilin Clan underwent earth-shattering changes. First, the previous Qilin King, Profound Heaven Luo, passed away due to worsening illness.

This matter was basically understood by everyone in the Qilin Clan, and it did not cause much of a stir.

But another matter caused a huge commotion among all the members of the Qilin Clan and even the Great Monster race that depended on the Qilin Clan.

"Have you heard? Our new Qilin King has a bloodline purity that can rival two of the ancestors! Even higher than the bloodline of the previous Qilin King."

"I heard that. It is said that he is a descendant of the Mo Clan Wang Clan who was exiled, and he happened to return at the critical moment of the previous king's passing, so he inherited the position of the Qilin King."

"It is said that the new king's strength is not bad."

"A few days ago, do you remember the anomaly in the palace? The two giant Qilin shadows."

"Of course I remember. I estimate that at that time, the old and new generations of Qilin Kings were completing the handover. It is said that our king passed on all his lifelong cultivation to this new Qilin King before his death, allowing his cultivation to reach the Celestial Immortal Realm."

"It is true that our Qilin Clan values bloodline, but to say that the bloodline can rival two small ancestors, that is indeed a bit exaggerated. In my opinion, it is similar to the previous king."

"When the new king ascends the throne in a few days, you will know. Why are you in such a hurry?" Not to mention the discussions among the ordinary people of the Qilin Clan.

Internally, the Qilin Clan was engaged in intense discussions. Who exactly is the new generation Qilin King? Why was he left outside the clan?

Inside the palace, a shocking discussion erupted. All the adult members of the two royal clans of the Qilin, as well as all the elders, were present.

"I don't know where this wild kid came from, but he actually wants to become the new Qilin King. I, Xuan Ge, am the first to object." A young disciple from the Xuan Clan of the royal clans spoke up.

"What's your objection? In terms of bloodline purity, the new Qilin King is far above all of you." Mo Yunqi said.

"Hmph! I don't think so! If you say his bloodline purity is similar to the previous king, we can understand, but to rival two ancestors, are you joking?" An elder from the Xuan Clan of the royal clans spoke up.

The previous two generations of Qilin Kings were both from the Mo Clan of the royal clans. It was not easy for the position to fall to their Xuan Clan, but unexpectedly, after only a few hundred years, this Qilin King actually fell.

Now, your Mo Clan has once again put forward a Qilin King. How can they accept this?

"The bones of the former king have not yet turned cold, and a new Qilin king has been enthroned so quickly, and he is not even the son of the former king. Is this appropriate?" An elder attached to the Xuan clan of the royal family spoke up.

"Our Qilin clan has always chosen our kings based on bloodline. The branch with the highest concentration of bloodline will become the new Qilin king, and this tradition has not changed for over ten thousand years. When did it become necessary for the king to be the son of the former king, especially when the former king did not leave behind any heirs?" Mo Yunlong said.

He was the leader of the Mo clan of the royal family! He was also Mo Yunqi's father. He had already obtained all the information about Zhou Tianfeng from his daughter and had met Zhou Tianfeng in person, knowing the level of his bloodline concentration and cultivation.

Helping Zhou Tianfeng compete for the throne today was a sure thing. The Xuan clan had no chance of turning the tables.

Moreover! The Mo clan could obtain the rich Qilin bloodline from Zhou Tianfeng. In the future, the Xuan clan would have no strength to compete with them, and the Qilin kings of future generations would all be surnamed Mo.

"Regardless, we cannot let an outsider, a bastard, inherit the throne. You said his bloodline concentration is on par with two ancestors. Let him come out and meet us, and then we can ask the two elders to judge." Profound Heaven Huan said, looking at the two elders sitting on the high platform.

The deceased Qilin king, Profound Heaven Luo, was his eldest legitimate son. His son's bones had not yet turned cold, and they were already arranging for a new Qilin king.

"Since the Mo clan of the royal family has such a character, let him come out and meet us!" one of the elders said.

"Yes, let him come out! If his cultivation is truly at the Celestial Immortal Realm, and his bloodline concentration is on par with not just two ancestors, but also the previous Qilin kings, then we agree to him inheriting the throne."

"In that case, let us welcome the new Qilin king, King Tianfeng." Mo Yunqi spoke up loudly.

She had been waiting for this opportunity, the chance for Zhou Tianfeng to appear and awe everyone.

As soon as Mo Yunqi finished speaking, the doors of the palace opened instantly, and Zhou Tianfeng appeared before all the high-ranking members of the Qilin clan, dressed in a golden Qilin king's robe, making his first appearance.

As soon as he appeared, everyone sensed Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation. The elders and members of the royal family who had True Immortal cultivation all had their expressions change. He was indeed a master at the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Moreover, the oppressive feeling emanating from his bloodline, they all felt it. It was a suppression on the bloodline, the concentration of his Qilin bloodline.

It was actually so high! It even made all of them have an irresistible impulse to kneel and worship.

"This, this kind of Qilin bloodline! This cultivation! How is this possible?" The members of the Xuan clan of the royal family fell into silence.

If they were competing for the throne against the Mo clan, some of the members with extremely high bloodline concentration in their clan still had a chance to compare and compete. But as soon as Zhou Tianfeng appeared, he shocked everyone.

All the elders and members of the royal family, upon seeing Zhou Tianfeng and sensing his cultivation and bloodline concentration, showed expressions of astonishment.

Apart from the previously seen Zhou Tianfeng's Fire Profound Child and the father-daughter duo of Mo Yunqi, everyone was stunned, including the two Supreme Elders of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

"Greetings, everyone! As the inheritor of the Qilin King position, do any of you have any objections?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The concentration of your bloodline is indeed comparable to that of the two ancestors. It is a joyous occasion and a blessing for our Qilin clan. You are deserving of becoming the new Qilin King," the two Supreme Elders exchanged glances, nodded, and spoke.

With this Qilin King of the Celestial Immortal Realm, they could rest assured and ascend to the Heavenly Net World.

"I, I refuse! My elder brother is dead, and the throne should rightfully be inherited by me," Profound Heaven Ge stood up and said.

He was the younger brother of Profound Heaven Luo, and his bloodline concentration was only slightly lower than his elder brother's. Since his elder brother was injured, he had also been receiving training to become the new Qilin King.

If nothing unexpected happened, he should have inherited the throne after his elder brother's passing.

But now, this guy who appeared out of nowhere had actually taken away the throne that was within his grasp.

"Your cultivation is only at the True Immortal level, and your bloodline concentration is inferior to his. You are not suitable to be the Qilin King," the two Supreme Elders said in unison.

"But he, he, he, a bastard who appeared out of nowhere, he..." Before he could finish his sentence, Profound Heaven Ge was directly slapped away by Zhou Tianfeng, crashing into a golden pillar in the hall.

"Disregarding your elders, if I am a bastard, then what does that make everyone present?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Although the Profound surname royal family wanted to refute, they had no good way to do so.

What the other party said was the truth. If someone with such a strong bloodline concentration was considered a bastard, then what were they? Mixed breeds?

Moreover, according to the rumors from the previous Qilin King, he had originally planned to possess someone else's body but failed.

This also made it difficult for their Profound surname clan to save face, so they could only accept the fate of Zhou Tianfeng becoming the new Qilin King.

After the clan meeting ended, Mo Yunqi, wearing only a transparent golden veil, came to Zhou Tianfeng's room.

"My king, tomorrow is the day of your enthronement. I have come to serve you before you retire," Mo Yunqi said, removing the thin veil draped over her body, revealing her smooth and white jade-like body, and casually closed the door!

You promised to have a bloodline heir. It's time to fulfill your promise.


(End of this chapter)

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