Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 156 Blood Monster’S Goal, Immortal Emperor Token

Chapter 156: Blood Monster's Target, Immortal Emperor Token

Zhou Tianfeng really didn't expect that these four bastards would dare to come at this critical moment when he was about to be crowned king!

Even the remaining members of the Qilin clan and some Great Monster races who came to witness the ceremony were a bit surprised.

This... the Blood Monster Race is really audacious. They directly came uninvited on the day of the new Qilin king's ascension, claiming to bring gifts.

Haha, is that possible?

These four bloodthirsty individuals have never stopped growing their power since appearing in the Demon World space. They have been constantly expanding their influence, and their cultivation has progressed from the initial Immortal Transformation realm, completely disregarding the major forces.

They have gradually grown into a Transcendent Level force in the Demon World space, and can even contend with the Demon Spirit clan.

"My king, are you confident in dealing with them?" Mo Yunqi leaned close to Zhou Tianfeng's ear and asked quietly.

"I can easily handle these four guys. If they really came to bring gifts, then I naturally welcome them. If they came to cause trouble, I will take care of them." Zhou Tianfeng confidently replied.

I dare not say anything else, but if it's these four guys, then heh, it's a piece of cake!

They may seem strange and formidable in the eyes of others, but in front of him, they are nothing more than subordinates suppressed by bloodline.

"Since we have guests who have come from afar, why not invite them in quickly?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes, my king. I will go and bring them in." The guard bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and quickly ran out.

"My king, today is the day of your ascension. You shouldn't dirty your hands. The two of us old folks are about to leave for the Heavenly Net World. Before we go, shall we help you deal with these four troublemakers?" Two elders came before Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

Although these four Blood Monster ancestors are strange, the difference in cultivation is there. It wouldn't be too difficult for a Celestial Immortal to deal with them, especially since this is the territory of the Qilin clan.

"Hahaha! Why would the two elders need to take action? These four troublemakers dared to cause trouble when my Golden Lion clan was presenting gifts. I will handle them myself as the Golden Lion King." The leader of the Golden Lion clan stepped forward, bowed to Zhou Tianfeng, and spoke.

He was a majestic humanoid giant lion, standing over three meters tall, with golden-brown fur and vertical pupils. He had a sturdy and powerful build, and his cultivation was at the True Immortal realm.

"Hahaha! Thank you, Golden Lion King, for your kind offer. This is an internal matter of our Qilin clan. Since they dared to cause trouble today, I will take care of them myself. The Golden Lion King can just watch from the sidelines." Zhou Tianfeng said.

This Golden Lion is quite sensible! Jumping out at this time to show loyalty to him, not bad, not bad, he has potential.

Just as everyone was talking, four figures were escorted in by the guards. All four of them were wearing blood-red robes, walking and stepping in unison.

After arriving at the throne hall of the Qilin King, they saw Zhou Tianfeng sitting on the platform and bowed respectfully.

"We have heard that there is a new Qilin King? This is a great joy, so we have come to congratulate the newly appointed Qilin King."

"Since you have come to congratulate our king's ascension, why don't we see any gifts?" One of the Qilin Clan's True Immortal elders stood up and asked.

"Hahaha! Of course, there are gifts, and they are extraordinary. I believe the Qilin King will not refuse." One of the Blood Monster ancestors laughed heartily.

After several decades of not seeing each other, the four Blood Monster ancestors did not recognize Zhou Tianfeng as the person who had captured them and subjected them to various poison tests, resulting in their current appearance.

At that time, when dealing with these four Blood Monster ancestors, Zhou Tianfeng always wore a bronze mask, and his cultivation level was not high. The cultivation levels of the four Blood Monster ancestors were also average. Therefore, whether it was aura or appearance, they did not recognize Zhou Tianfeng.

"Where are the gifts? Why don't you present them for our king to see?" Mo Yunqi said.

"Qilin King, we heard that the previous Qilin King of your clan was injured by a Heavenly Demon from the Demon Spirit Clan and eventually died. Our Blood Monster Race intends to join forces with the Qilin Clan to deal with the Demon Spirit Clan." The Blood Monster ancestor said.

The Qilin Clan members and the Monster Race were puzzled when they heard this.

What's going on? Is the Blood Monster Race here to seek an alliance with the Qilin Clan to deal with the Demon Spirit Clan?

"What do you mean by this? The Qilin Clan has always maintained neutrality and does not want to offend any noble clans, including the Demon Spirit Clan." One of the Qilin Clan elders snorted coldly.

At the same time, the auras of over ten True Immortals and two Celestial Immortals, pressed down on the four Blood Monster ancestors.

"It's ridiculous. An outsider wants to sit on an equal footing with our Qilin Clan. I think you are almost attached to our Qilin Clan." One of the Qilin Clan elders spoke up.

"That's right! But you have to rank after our Purple Gold Lion Clan."

"And after our Stone Clan."

"After my Red Snake Clan." Some of the Great Monster races attached to the Qilin Clan also started to make a fuss.

"You have no right to speak here. If you are not convinced, you can test your skills against us, the Blood Monster Race, instead of hiding here." One of the Blood Monster ancestors snorted coldly.

"Speak up if you have something to say, otherwise, stop farting." Zhou Tianfeng snorted coldly.

These four guys are quite audacious. There are at least ten True Immortals present, not to mention the three Celestial Immortals, including myself.

Even if the four of you have immortality and terrifying mutated blood powers, you wouldn't dare to be so arrogant, would you?

"Hahaha! King Qilin, don't refuse just yet. We have something to show you," said one of the Blood Monster ancestors.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Hmph! King Qilin, pay attention." Snow Demon proudly took out a blue and white token and waved it in front of the Qilin tribe and Zhou Tianfeng.

Then, the scene fell silent for a few seconds.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. What is this thing? Zhou Tianfeng claimed he had never seen it before!

All the Monster Race present were confused. They had never seen it either. Even the Qilin elders, including the royal family, looked puzzled.

Just as Zhou Tianfeng was about to ask, a senior elder waved his hand at him and approached the Blood Monster ancestor, taking the blue token.

"Take a good look," said the Blood Monster ancestor.

After inspecting it, the two senior elders nodded and hurriedly came to Zhou Tianfeng. They set up a sound barrier, even isolating Mo Yunqi, the queen of the Qilin tribe.

The members of the Monster Race and the Qilin royal family were all shocked. After all that, it seemed like this token didn't have much significance!

The two senior elders were so cautious.

"Senior elders, do you recognize this token? What is its origin?" Zhou Tianfeng frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, this thing is not ordinary. I don't know how to explain it to you. Originally, this matter should have been passed down by the previous Qilin kings through word of mouth. However, the previous Qilin king had an accident, so he couldn't tell you. But the two of us know what it is."

"Please speak plainly, two senior elders," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"This blue token, if I'm not mistaken, should be the token of the previous Immortal Emperor of the Heavenly Net World, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor."

The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? The one killed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor? So, what use does a token of a dead Immortal Emperor have?

"I heard that this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has already fallen. Is his token still effective?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Your Majesty, you don't know! The two senior elders were previously subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Our Fire Qilin lineage has always been loyal to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. However, due to some events in the upper realm, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor died. Over ten thousand years ago, the two senior elders did receive an order. If a descendant of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor comes with this token, then our Qilin tribe must unconditionally obey any command from the other party and act as their subjects."

Damn, really? I can't accept this. If you want to serve a master, go ahead.

But these four guys are my subordinates, even though they're currently down and out.

"Two senior elders, you don't want our Qilin tribe to serve the other party, do you?"

"If this happened before, we would have to consult the two senior elders. But now, it's not necessary. About 7,000 years ago, the two senior elders passed down another message."

"Oh, what is it?"

"If someone comes with this token, claiming to be a descendant of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and is a woman, we must immediately inform the two senior elders in the upper realm. We must not act rashly, and we absolutely cannot recognize the other party as our master," one of the senior elders said.

Interesting! If a woman comes, we must immediately inform the upper realm? Absolutely not recognize the other party as our master.

It seems like these two Qilin ancestors know about Di Honglei's identity and have a very unfriendly attitude towards her.

"So, are we enemies or friends?"

"The two senior elders said that we used to be friends and masters, but now we are enemies, mortal enemies," said the senior elder.

"In that case, it's easier. We will keep these four Blood Monster ancestors and inform the upper realm," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Your Majesty's words make sense. We will each deal with one of them. After we capture three of the Blood Monster ancestors, the entire True Immortal of our Qilin tribe will take action to capture or delay the remaining one," said one of the senior elders.

"No need for that trouble. Dealing with these four guys doesn't require all that. I alone am enough. Leave it to me," Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and said.

The two senior elders were satisfied with his words and removed the barrier.

"Four of you, we do recognize this token, but because of the enmity between its owner and our Qilin tribe, we ask that you stay as guests," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Don't tell me you don't recognize the token of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? The owner of this token is the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor," the Blood Monster ancestor's expression changed as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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