Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 157 Four Evil Blood Formation Vs Qilin Law Manifestation

Chapter 157: Four Blood Monster Ancestors vs. Qilin Law Manifestation

The sudden change in the situation made the four Blood Monster Ancestors panic. What's going on? When you saw the token of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, shouldn't you have been waiting for our arrival?

Why, why would you want to capture us?

This situation seems a bit different from what they expected!

When that lady gave them the token, she didn't say it like this. She even said that she was the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

She even gave them four tokens of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and said that they could use them in case of emergencies.

After investigating through various channels, the four of them obtained information that the two Tiger Qilin Ancestors of the Qilin Clan were the mounts of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and the Heavenly Empress when they were in the Heavenly Net World.

The Fire Qilin mount at the Immortal King level was not just a free labor for the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, but a true high-ranking official of the Heavenly Court.

In the recent battles with the Demon Spirit Clan, the Blood Monster Race has gradually started to fall behind. The Demon Spirit Clan is a semi-energy life form that cannot be converted by them.

The only ones they can convert are the Human Race and the recently discovered Monster Race. However, after learning about the current situation, both races have fled from the influence of the Blood Monster.

Without fresh reinforcements, their battle with the Demon Spirit Clan has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Moreover, a Heavenly Demon from the Demon Spirit Clan has just come out of seclusion, and the four Blood Monster Ancestors can only barely ensure their survival when facing this Heavenly Demon.

Yes, they can't even maintain invincibility, they can only barely stay alive.

This has led to their urgent need for external assistance! And the Qilin Clan happens to be their best choice.

First of all, the Qilin Clan has a large number of Human Race and Monster Race under their command, and even ordinary Qilin clan members can be converted into Blood Monsters by them.

The Qilin Clan also has a large number of True Immortals.

Even if they can absorb the blood of the Qilin King, they can advance to the level of Celestial Immortal, and they will have three more subordinates at the Celestial Immortal level, as well as more than ten experts at the True Immortal realm. At that time, they can suppress the Demon Spirit Clan in turn.

So the four of them came to the Qilin Clan on the day of the Qilin's enthronement, and showed the token of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, hoping to regain control of the Qilin Clan.

"What's going on? I'm asking you, did a woman give you this token?" The elder of the Qilin clan snorted coldly.

"That's right! It was indeed given by that girl. That girl is the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, our master. Why haven't you surrendered earlier?" One of the Blood Monster ancestors spoke up.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng became a little uneasy. You four idiots! Figure out who your true master is!

Damn it, I need to find an opportunity to force these four into the empty Virus Space again and give them a good beating, so they know who the master is.

"Hmph! The Upper Realm Ancestor has given orders that if we encounter someone holding the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor token, we must handle it with caution. So please stay here, all four of you! Qilin King, please make a move." Two elders exchanged glances and said to Zhou Tianfeng.

Just now, the three of them had already discussed it. Two elders would hold the line while Zhou Tianfeng would deal with the four Blood Monster ancestors alone, showcasing the might of the Qilin King.

Zhou Tianfeng showed no intention of being polite. He enveloped himself in powerful Qilin True Fire, manifested the Qilin Law, and attacked the four Blood Monster ancestors.

In the Qilin clan, Zhou Tianfeng had no intention of using the power of the Wilderness. He only used Qilin True Fire, Qilin Law Manifestation, or gravitational magnetic fields for comparison.

Because the power of the Wilderness represented something too significant, symbolizing who they were, everyone here was well aware of it.

If this were to reach the ears of the two Qilin ancestors, two experts at the Immortal King realm would come to hunt him down.

The four Blood Monster ancestors exchanged glances, feeling a bit helpless. It seemed like they had been tricked.

But now there was no chance for regret. The four of them formed a formation, connecting their auras together, and manifested a blood-red giant to fight against Zhou Tianfeng's Qilin Law Manifestation.

The formation they practiced was called the Four Killing Blood Formation, a combined attack formation passed down to them by that lady.

After casting it, the power of the four of them would combine and erupt with several times their original strength, forming a giant Law Manifestation.

And relying on their four indestructible bodies, this formation, when executed by the four of them, was definitely a tiger with wings. It was also with this formation that they could contend with the Heavenly Demon of the Magic Spirit clan.

The giant fire Qilin that Zhou Tianfeng transformed into and the blood-colored giant engaged in a fierce battle in the sky!

The Qilin True Fire burned fiercely, incinerating the skin and even the bones of the blood-colored giant. However, the blood-colored giant quickly recovered and raised its huge fist to strike the head of the Qilin.

Facing the Qilin Law Manifestation, the four Blood Monster ancestors surprisingly did not fall behind.

"This, this should be a formation from the Black Demon World, right? They can actually condense Law Manifestations. Where did these four come from?"

"I'm not sure, these four Blood Monster ancestors are indeed quite capable. With this formation and their terrifying recovery ability, they can actually match the Qilin King of the Celestial Immortal Realm!" Jokingly, after the Qilin King of the Celestial Immortal Realm displayed the Qilin Law Manifestation.

Ordinary Celestial Immortals would only be suppressed and killed, but this blood-colored giant, although unable to defeat the Qilin Law Manifestation, also did not fall behind for the time being, relying on its terrifying recovery ability.

"Should we make a move?" One of the elders asked as they saw the stalemate in the battle.

"Let's see how the situation develops. This new Qilin King is also from the Celestial Immortal Realm! Although not very stable, there shouldn't be a big problem dealing with these four guys. Moreover, the Qilin King hasn't used the King's Sword yet!" Another elder spoke up.

In Heavenly Qilin City, the Qilin King wielding the King's Sword can unleash unimaginable terrifying power. This is the headquarters of the Qilin clan, with extremely terrifying formations.

The Qilin King hasn't revealed all of his cards yet! He's only relying on his cultivation and fighting against the four Blood Monster ancestors.

Without using any Law Treasures, only relying on the Qilin Law Manifestation and the Qilin's true body, the four Blood Monster ancestors have already brought out their trump cards to fight against Zhou Tianfeng.

After some time passed, it was obvious that the true essence of the four Blood Monster ancestors was starting to run low. Although they possessed immortality and terrifying Blood Desolation power, maintaining the Four Fiends Blood Formation consumed a lot of energy.

After a while, the giant fire Qilin transformed by Zhou Tianfeng remained fierce as ever, but the blood-colored giant was no longer as fierce as before and gradually suppressed by the giant fire Qilin.

The giant fire Qilin let out an angry roar, charging forward and knocking down the hundred-meter-tall blood-colored giant to the ground.

Opening its blood basin, it bit down on the blood-colored giant's arm, tearing it off in one go.

The four Blood Monster ancestors from the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission all turned pale. It was obvious that they had suffered heavy injuries.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the giant fire Qilin spewed out raging flames, and the powerful Qilin True Fire burned the blood-colored giant beyond recognition.

The blood-colored giant's recovery ability was no longer as strong as before. Even the arm bitten off by the Qilin Law Manifestation did not grow back for a while.

The four Blood Monster ancestors nodded, and a purplish-red power began to spread from their bodies, blessing the blood-colored giant.

The blood-colored giant was revitalized as if injected with chicken blood, kicking the giant fire Qilin away. The giant fire Qilin stood up again, and its body turned purplish-red.

These purplish-red powers gradually transformed into a set of giant armor, enveloping the blood-red giant's body, and manifested a double-sided giant axe.

"Qilin King, if you surrender now, there is still a chance. Otherwise, today will be your death day," one of the Blood Monster ancestors spoke up.

This is their trump card, incorporating their own Blood Desolation power into the formation, greatly enhancing the power of the formation.

"What is this? I didn't expect these four Blood Monster ancestors to have such a trump card."

"I don't know! It seems like we've never seen this kind of true element before."

"Elders, do you know?" Mo Yunqi asked with some concern.

"I don't know, but this power seems very powerful. It shouldn't be much weaker than Immortal Yuan or Demon Spirit power. These four guys are quite remarkable!" One of the elders said.

After using the power of the Desolation, the purple-red giant became noticeably stronger, and its armor was no longer afraid. The giant fire qilin's impact and the giant axe could also inflict damage on the fire qilin.

I didn't expect that these four guys would have this move. This should be a mutation of their Desolation power after cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture!

However, Zhou Tianfeng could feel that compared to his own Desolation power, the blood-colored Desolation power of these four guys was obviously not as good.

It even had a gap compared to the original authentic Desolation power.

Zhou Tianfeng calmly activated his adrenaline, then injected it into the bones of the Qilin Law Manifestation, and then used his own gravitational field to interfere with the purple-red giant.

The four Blood Monster ancestors suddenly felt increased pressure. They didn't know what was happening, but they felt their bodies becoming very heavy, even when the purple-red giant used its great axe, it felt a bit difficult.

And the huge fire qilin also seemed to be a bit different. At first, their blood Desolation power could cause terrifying damage, but now it seemed that it could only tear some skin.

And this giant fire qilin seemed to be a bit too fierce.

Under Zhou Tianfeng's control, the black-purple Desolation power was converted into Qilin true element through the Qilin Law Manifestation, and then transformed into a set of giant Qilin armor.

The two giant Law Manifestations clashed again, but this time Zhou Tianfeng began to gain the absolute upper hand.

Under the interference of the gravitational field, the purple-red giant's movement speed began to weaken, and it could only barely support itself with the terrifying recovery power of the Blood Monster.

You can take a hit! Then let me give you some more! Zhou Tianfeng directly activated the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

A golden-red power appeared on the fire qilin, and a terrifying phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared. The Heavenly Rage Battle Body combined with the Qilin Law Manifestation.

(End of this chapter)

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