Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 159 The Ancestor Of The Divine Beast Fire Qilin

Chapter 159: Ancient Beast Fire Qilin Ancestor

They had been waiting for this day for far too long, over twenty thousand years to be exact. It's worth noting that in the Heavenly Net World, there are only two remaining ancient beast fire qilins.

Tens of thousands of years ago, when the Desolate Immortal Emperor ravaged the entire Heavenly Net World, the fire qilin clan, as important supporters of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, also participated in the battle against the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

The result was devastating. Hundreds of fire qilins fought together, but only these two survived. The rest of the fire qilin clan, regardless of age or gender, were slaughtered by the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

If it weren't for the last moment sacrifice of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, they would have been killed as well.

In order to ensure the continuation of their race, they came up with an unconventional method - to continuously enhance the fire qilin bloodline by utilizing the compatibility of the Human Race's bloodline, hoping to create a true fire qilin in the future.

This method was elusive and had no chance of success, but they had to try because if they didn't, the fire qilin clan would truly be extinct after their deaths.

So far, the highest purity of the bloodline is the Qilin King with five auspicious clouds. They are equivalent to the lowest qualified existence among the divine beasts, like disabled people who can only reluctantly unleash the fire qilin's Divine Ability.

A true ancient beast fire qilin can possess the strength of a Profound Immortal as soon as it reaches adulthood, and with a little cultivation, it can become an existence at the Immortal King realm. During the peak of their fire qilin clan's power, they had seven Immortal Kings.

But all of this disappeared with the rise of that man.

They never expected to encounter a descendant of the seven auspicious clouds today. This is truly a great joy!

They never expected that in just over ten thousand years, less than twenty thousand years, a new ancient beast fire qilin would be born.

Once there is the first one, there will be the second, the third... The fire qilin clan has finally seen the hope of revival, and it's only a matter of time now.

And time is nothing to beings like them at the Immortal King level. They can wait, even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years.

"Wait! Do you also have the aura of the Human Race and a special physique?" After observing carefully for a while, one of the qilin ancestors frowned and asked.

"I dare not hide it. I do possess the Heavenly Rage Battle Body of the Human Race," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmm! It seems that you are not the purest fire qilin. There's nothing we can do. We have always relied on the Human Race," one of the qilin ancestors said.

"Big brother, there's no need to underestimate him. The concentration of his bloodline is already not inferior to ours. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Moreover, this child has the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, combined with our qilin clan's Law Manifestation and true fire, it can be said to be a tiger with wings."

Future! Future! Maybe I can avenge the Immortal Emperor," another Qilin ancestor spoke up.

The seven-colored auspicious cloud of the Fire Qilin bloodline is enough to support him in becoming an Immortal King. Coupled with the Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, this kid has a chance to become an Immortal Emperor.

Perhaps this kid is the one who will end the current chaos in the Heavenly Net World and become the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor of the Heavenly Net World.

"Is your current strength only at the Celestial Immortal Realm? Are you still in your youth? This is indeed a bit strange," another Qilin ancestor looked at Zhou Tianfeng for a while before speaking.

Normally, as long as the divine beast Fire Qilin reaches adulthood, its strength should reach the Profound Immortal realm. But this junior, although his bloodline level has reached that point, his strength is only at the Celestial Immortal level, similar to the other Qilin kings.

But this is understandable. After all, this kid still has half of the Human Race bloodline, so it's not surprising that his strength doesn't match that of the Fire Qilin.

Zhou Tianfeng was a bit speechless. So they're complaining that my strength is low? Well, in front of you two Immortal Kings, my strength really doesn't count for much.

But just now, you mentioned avenging the Immortal Emperor. It should be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, right? It seems that this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor had good popularity during his reign. His subordinates were quite loyal to him.

"Child! You're quite good. Remember, you must leave your bloodline within the Qilin clan. After reaching the Golden Immortal Realm, you can Ascend to the Heavenly Net World. Don't be impatient to Ascend. At that time, the two of us will protect you." Obviously, the two divine beast Fire Qilins were very surprised by Zhou Tianfeng's appearance.

The two Qilin ancestors showed various concerns for Zhou Tianfeng and even passed down a secret technique of the Qilin clan.

"This is a secret technique of our Qilin clan called Qilin Fury! After manifesting the Qilin Law, cover your body with the true fire of the Qilin to instantly enhance your combat power. It's a move that can enhance your overall strength." The projection of one of the Qilin ancestors spoke.

"Thank you, two ancestors, for passing down this technique," Zhou Tianfeng said.

This move is indeed good, especially when combined with my Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the adrenaline burst mode. It's really powerful, a necessary move for challenging opponents of higher levels.

These two Qilin ancestors are quite generous.

Well, if you want to cultivate a true divine beast Fire Qilin, I can help with that.

"Well, you must cultivate well and not disappoint our hopes. Besides ascending to the Qilin King position, is there anything else that can summon us?" The two Qilin ancestors suddenly remembered that there was another matter!

"Please take a look, two ancestors!" A senior elder took out the tokens brought by the four Blood Monster ancestors today and presented them to the projections of the two Fire Qilins.

"This is... the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token!"

"Where did you get the Immortal Emperor's token? Who brought it? Was it a woman? What does she look like?" The projections of the two Qilin ancestors were clearly excited.

"That woman, where is that woman?"

"Big brother, don't get excited. Ask clearly before speaking."

"Elders, calm down. When the new king ascended the throne today, four mysterious Blood Monsters came to cause trouble. They were captured by the Qilin King. This Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token was brought by them. I think they should be related to that woman." A senior elder stepped forward and said.

"Blood Monster? What is that? Is it a kind of Monster Race?"

"Elders, the Blood Monster Race is very peculiar. They seem to be..." The two senior elders did not dare to hide anything and revealed all the information they had collected about the Blood Monster ancestors of the Qilin Clan.

"It's strange. There is actually such a miraculous race in the world that can infect other races and turn them into their own kind. It works on both Monster Race and Human Race?"

"Could the Blood Monster be created by that despicable person?"

"It's possible. That despicable person has always been good at creating different races and seeking merits." The two Qilin ancestors began to chat among themselves.

"So, is it really the mother and daughter?"

"They have been missing for more than 20,000 years. We finally found them."

"Could it be other former subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? Besides that despicable mother and daughter, there should be others who possess the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token, right?"

"Let's see first."

These two Qilin ancestors harbored deep resentment and even murderous intent towards Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and her daughter Di Honglei.

Something seems a little off! According to Di Honglei's character, she shouldn't have given the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token to those four.

She's not someone who likes to show off! She gave the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token to those four Blood Monster ancestors and let them come to the Qilin Clan. It seems like an obvious trap!

Zhou Tianfeng had a strange feeling.

"Where are those four Blood Monster ancestors? Bring them here," said the phantom of one of the Qilin ancestors.

The two senior elders immediately brought the four lying Blood Monster ancestors in front of the Qilin phantom.

And they woke them up.

"We, we..."

"Qilin King, what do you want?"

"You four shut up. I will ask, and you will answer. If you say a single wrong word, I will make your souls scatter." The four Blood Monster ancestors wanted to say something.

But the phantoms of the two Fire Qilin ancestors were not interested in listening to their nonsense. They directly released their own Immortal King-level aura, pressing down on the four Blood Monster ancestors.

Even though they were just summoned phantoms, the four of them couldn't bear it.

"Senior, may I ask..." The voice of one of the Blood Monster ancestors trembled.

"Who gave you the token?"

"It was given to us by Her Majesty."

"Who is this 'Her Majesty' and what does she look like?"

"We don't know Her Majesty's name, nor do we know what she looks like. Every time we meet, her face is blurry, but she wears a strange armor and has purple hair." The Blood Monster ancestor spoke.

The two Qilin ancestors exchanged glances and nodded. It was almost certain. That despicable person's hair was indeed purple, but they still needed further confirmation.

"When she gave you the token, did she say anything?"

"Her Majesty said she is the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Your Qilin Clan is the former subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. If we encounter trouble, we can come to the Qilin Clan for help." The four Blood Monster ancestors said.

Damn it, Her Majesty, you clearly have a trap! You deliberately led us to the Qilin Clan, didn't you?

"That despicable person, who gave her the courage to appear in front of us?"

"Big brother, could there be something wrong? She should know our attitude towards her and her daughter. By bringing these four idiots here, could there be some conspiracy?"

"Hmm! Wait a minute! Something seems off about the second brother. The true essence they cultivated seems to be a bit strange." One of the Qilin ancestors suddenly changed his expression and looked at the lying Blood Monster ancestors, asking through the phantom.

"This... This is the power of desolation?"

"No! If it were the power of desolation, they wouldn't have been so easily captured, but it does resemble it. Let me ask you, have you cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture?" The phantom of one of the Qilin ancestors asked.

Zhou Tianfeng silently hid his own black and purple power of desolation into his dantian.

(End of this chapter)

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