Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 160 Grudges And Disappearances (2-In-1 6,000-Word Chapter)

Chapter 160: Grudges, Disappearance (A 6,000-word chapter)

There's no way I can't hide properly! These two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin, have shown such terrible attitudes towards the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

But fortunately, my mutated purple-black Desolate Qi can be hidden well within my body.

And when needed, I can convert it into pure Qilin True Essence through my inner core, without causing any unnecessary trouble.

"Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture! How do you, how do you all know this cultivation technique?" The four Blood Monster Ancestors' expressions changed drastically as they spoke.

"Now it's my turn to ask you, not for you to ask me if you've cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture." The Qilin phantom became angry again, and a terrifying pressure descended upon the heads of the four Blood Monster Ancestors.

Their minds were heavily impacted, and a True Immortal facing an Immortal King was truly powerless.

"We have only cultivated the first layer of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, and we are unable to cultivate the second layer at all.

The True Essence we currently cultivate is a mutation that combines our own aura with the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture." There was no other way. The four Blood Monster Ancestors had to tell the Fire Qilin about their situation.

"Heaven has eyes! It's really the descendant of the Desolate Immortal Emperor! And it has fallen into our hands. Heaven truly has eyes, haha!"

Who could have imagined that they would catch hold of someone who could cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture here? Although it was only a mutated version, it had tremendous potential.

Moreover, as long as one cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, they would definitely be connected to the Desolate Immortal Emperor. That despicable woman was indeed the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor, not only possessing his Immortal Emperor's mark but also his exclusive technique, the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

"Elders, we have indeed cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture Dan, but we haven't completed it. We can only cultivate the first layer. We have no way to cultivate the remaining Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture. The cultivation technique we currently practice is called Blood Shadow Demon Technique." The four Blood Monster Ancestors looked at each other and immediately spoke, sensing that things were not going well.

What kind of situation is this? They originally thought they were the remnants of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, but it seems that it's not the case. Did these guys rebel?

Until now, the four Blood Monster Ancestors still naively believed that Di Honglei should be the daughter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and it was just these two Fire Qilin divine beasts who had rebelled.

"Where is that despicable person who taught you the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture? Tell me, I will tear her into a thousand pieces!" One of the Fire Qilin phantoms roared in anger.

Their hatred towards Di Honglei and Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, the mother and daughter, even surpassed that towards the Desolate Immortal Emperor to some extent.

The reason why the Desolate Immortal Emperor and the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor fought was because of that despicable woman, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi!

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, it was clearly only you as the Empress of Heaven. For hundreds of thousands of years, you have remained faithful, not even having any other celestial concubines. But you betrayed him! You betrayed your own husband! You betrayed the Southern Celestial Palace!

When you were being chased by the subordinates of the Desolate Immortal Emperor while pregnant with six children, it was us, the former subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, who risked our lives to protect you. Several old friends died in battle, not even a frown on your face. Even several Immortal Kings from my Qilin Clan died, all to protect the future descendants of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor in your womb.

After the birth of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's descendants, we, the former ministers of the Southern Heaven, firmly believed that she would avenge the Immortal Emperor, restore the glory of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and rebuild the Southern Celestial Palace.

Everyone spared no effort to teach her, care for her, and protect her! She was spoiled to the heavens. But then, a bolt from the blue came! This girl awakened the imprint of the Immortal Emperor and the bloodline of the Immortal Emperor.

Shockingly! Shockingly, she is not the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's descendant, but the feared Desolate Immortal Emperor's. How can they accept this?

We risked our lives to protect the descendant of our former master, only to find out that she is the enemy's child.

When that little bastard awakened the imprint of the Immortal Emperor, didn't all of the Southern Heaven go crazy? They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The scene from that day is still vivid in their minds. It is an indelible shame, a heart-wrenching sorrow. Their master, the one they revered as the number one Immortal Emperor in the Heavenly Net World, didn't even leave behind a successor and perished like this.

"Two seniors, we really don't know when Her Majesty will appear. We have no way to contact her, let alone know where she is. It has always been her finding us," said the Blood Monster Ancestor.

"Is that so? Then, where did you get this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token? When did she give it to you? And what did she say to you?" the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin Ancestors, asked.

"Seniors, we dare not hide anything. This token was indeed given by Her Majesty, about half a year ago. She suddenly appeared and met the four of us, praising us for our good work. Then she gave us this token, saying that if we need any help, we can come to the Qilin Clan. That's why we came here," the four Blood Monster Ancestors said in a hurry.

They were afraid that if these two Fire Qilin Ancestors got angry, they would kill them all. Your Majesty, did you give us this token just to trick us? You must be tricking us, right?

"Big brother, there is indeed a problem. That little bastard deliberately made them come to us," said one of the divine beasts, the Fire Qilin Ancestor's phantom.

"No matter what conspiracy or trick he has, we will continue, and we have not done anything wrong to them, only they have wronged us." The ones who were deceived are the ones who are extremely miserable, having taken care of Desolate Immortal Emperor's daughter for tens of thousands of years.

After tens of thousands of years of hard work and emotions, who will compensate them?

"Oh, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor! We apologize to you!" The two Fire Qilin ancestors sighed and spoke.

"Two seniors, we, we must be under the daughter of Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. Since you still remember the old relationship with Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, why not let us go? We promise not to trouble the Qilin clan again, and if the Qilin clan needs help in the future, our Blood Monster Race will definitely assist." One of the Blood Monster ancestors spoke.

You have all betrayed Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, why are you still talking so much nonsense?

"You bastard, how dare you describe us like that? We will never betray Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, even until death. If she is truly the descendant of Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, we will pledge our loyalty. But she is not, she is Desolate Immortal Emperor, a wild seed born to Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, a wild seed!" The two divine beast Fire Qilin ancestors angrily exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, the four Blood Monsters' expressions changed drastically! This damn information is quite significant.

Your Majesty, you are clearly trying to deceive us! Then don't blame the four of us.

"Seniors, please calm down. We, we were just being used, it was that Your Majesty, no! That despicable person who used us."

"Two seniors, we were just being used. If you need our help, we can assist in dealing with that despicable person." The four Blood Monster ancestors immediately displayed their opportunistic nature and decided to sell out Di Honglei.

You were the one who acted unrighteously first, so don't blame us brothers for being unjust.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng furrowed his brows. What exactly is Di Honglei up to? Is she just trying to trick these four losers?

It shouldn't be like this, right? Dealing with these four losers is effortless for her. Their lives and deaths are completely in her hands.

Di Honglei shouldn't need to deceive them.

"Hmph, we are not unaware that we were being used, but since you four have come, stay for now! Regardless, you are all still connected to Desolate Immortal Emperor, after all, you have cultivated his Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture." One of the divine beast Fire Qilin ancestors coldly snorted.

When the enemy comes, we will meet them head-on. I want to see what you mother and daughter want to do!

"Two seniors, the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture we cultivated is not complete, only a fragmented version, and we have only mastered the first layer. It has also undergone mutations. We cannot be considered as the descendants of Desolate Immortal Emperor." The four Blood Monster ancestors hurriedly spoke.

But they don't even know who the Desolate Immortal Emperor is! It's really a bit too innocent.

"Hmph, no need to say more. Since you have cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture and yet dare not admit your connection with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, you four rats." The phantom of the Fire Qilin said.

The four Blood Monster ancestors are a bit innocent. It's not that they don't want to admit the relationship, they really don't know this Desolate Immortal Emperor!

"My descendants, for now, imprison these four bastards. Remember to keep a close watch on them. You two will take turns guarding them, and there must be no mistakes. Stay in communication with us from the upper realm." The two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin, looked at Zhou Tianfeng and the two elders of the Qilin clan and spoke.

"We will obey the orders of the ancestors." Zhou Tianfeng and the two elders said.

"You two, for now, don't go to the Ascension Heavenly Net World. Keep an eye on these four Blood Monster ancestors for me. If you encounter a woman with purple hair, wearing strange armor, or a beautiful woman in a white robe, immediately notify us." The two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin ancestors, said.

The two elders looked at each other and saw two words in each other's eyes.

It's tough! There's no way around it. Since the ancestors have spoken, they can only comply.

Remember, if you find those two women, do not conflict with them. You are not their match. Both of them are at the Immortal King level.

"Understood, Ancestor." The two elders said.

"Hmm! Don't worry, she won't attack you without any reason. This communication ends here." The two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin ancestors, cut off the communication and disappeared.

Even if those two women don't care about their reputation, they won't attack the disciples of the True Immortal Celestial Immortal Realm.

Now they must immediately go to the old subordinates in the southern Celestial Immortal lands of the Heavenly Net World and inform them of the discovery of the two women, as well as the capture of a suspected descendant of the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

Finding those two women is secondary. Capturing the suspected descendant of the Desolate Immortal Emperor is the most important thing.

"Sorry to trouble you, two elders." Zhou Tianfeng said.

They could have gone to the Ascension Heavenly Net World, but now they can't leave because of these four Blood Monster ancestors.

"Ah, this is fate! Let's wait a little longer!"

"Qilin King, we will go and guard those four Blood Monster ancestors." After all, it was a task entrusted by the two ancestors, and they dare not be negligent. If they were told to watch over them, they would definitely not have any other thoughts.

"Thank you, two elders, for your efforts," Zhou Tianfeng said.

After chatting for a while, two senior elders escorted the four Blood Monster ancestors into the Qilin Clan's prison and began to closely guard them.

Zhou Tianfeng returned to his own sleeping quarters and played poker with his queen, Mo Yunqi, until late at night.

After so long, Zhou Tianfeng finally satisfied his craving for playing cards. It was truly irresistible!

Once you start playing cards, it becomes an obsession!

Early the next morning, Zhou Tianfeng gently pushed away the arms and legs wrapped around his chest and got dressed.

He went alone to the Qilin Palace.

"Someone come!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?" a Qilin Clan guard immediately ran in and knelt down in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

"Well! About seven or eight days ago, there was a new member of the Qilin Clan, a Human Race named Gao Tiancheng. He was an old friend of mine. Go find him," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please wait a moment. I will go find him," the Qilin Clan guard said and immediately ran out.

Zhou Tianfeng picked up an unknown spiritual fruit, wiped it with his hand, and took a bite. It felt wonderful to have someone to boss around!

Now that he had some free time, he could finally deal with Gao Tiancheng, his two senior sisters, and Mu Lanzhou.

It was strange that he didn't see Gao Tiancheng during the coronation ceremony yesterday. Although the Snow Demon ancestor caused trouble, Zhou Tianfeng had carefully observed the crowd before that.

He didn't see Gao Tiancheng among the people.

According to reason, Gao Tiancheng should have attended such a grand ceremony! After all, he had just joined the Qilin Clan, and it was such a grand event.

It was unreasonable for him not to attend. Where did this kid go?

Once Gao Tiancheng arrived, Zhou Tianfeng planned to take him to meet his two senior sisters and Mu Lanzhou.

Now he needed to quickly find the remaining four people and ask for their opinions on whether to stay here or return to the Spirit World.

He couldn't go back to the Spirit World now, so he wanted to ask the remaining four for their opinions first.

Of course, Zhou Tianfeng really hoped that his two senior sisters would stay and become his queens. He used to be hesitant, but now, hehe!

His two senior sisters were already decided as his queens.

After a few hours passed, when Zhou Tianfeng was getting impatient, the soldier who had been ordered to find Gao Tiancheng came back.

"How is it? Did you complete the task I gave you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Reporting to the Qilin King, I did find someone named Gao Tiancheng in the clan records. He joined our Qilin Clan as a Human Race disciple eleven days ago and successfully passed the Qilin Snow's test.

But I don't know what happened. I haven't seen him for about four days. I don't know where he went. The general who brought him into the clan and the elders are also looking for him, but they haven't found him," the kneeling guard said, bowing to Zhou Tianfeng and speaking.

Damn it, the first task the Qilin King gave himself, and he didn't handle it properly. This guy named Gao Tiancheng...

"What? You said he disappeared, four days ago? What happened?" Zhou Tianfeng was shocked and asked.

"Reporting to the Qilin King, according to your orders, I and the general who brought him in, as well as other soldiers, searched the entire Qilin King City, but we didn't find him," the guard knelt on the ground and said.

Zhou Tianfeng frowned.

How could this guy disappear? Did he hide somewhere? There was no need for that. Even if he wanted to hide, he should have told me first!

"We have already searched with the help of the elders. We have searched the entire Qilin Clan's territory, but we haven't found Gao Tiancheng. It's as if he suddenly disappeared. But don't worry, Your Majesty, I have arranged for people to search the surrounding areas. I will report immediately if there is any news," the guard said.

"Alright, you may leave now!" Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and said.

Something seemed off. He went missing within the Qilin Clan's territory.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I take my leave," the guard bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and carefully exited the room.

At this moment, Mo Yunqi, who had just come from the sleeping quarters, wearing a thin robe, yawned and lazily sat next to Zhou Tianfeng, sticking to his embrace. She picked up a grape and put it in her mouth.

"What's wrong with you, Wang? Why are you frowning so early in the morning? Did someone make you angry?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"Well! You know that I came from the Spirit World. I have a few companions, and since I can't go back myself, I thought I would ask for their opinions. If they are willing to stay and develop in the Qilin Clan's territory with me, I'll let them stay. If not, I'll send them back to the Spirit World. But one of them mysteriously disappeared," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Disappeared? How could that happen? Could he have gone to your other companions?" Mo Yunqi said.

"It's unlikely. If he wanted to leave, he should have told me in advance. We had an agreement," Zhou Tianfeng shook his head.

"Then go and see your other three companions. You can also bring them here. The palace of the Qilin Clan is much more comfortable than living in the wilderness," Mo Yunqi said.

"Alright, you stay here alone for a while. I have to leave and see if he has returned. If he has, I'll bring all four of them over," Zhou Tianfeng said, pushing away Mo Yunqi who was leaning against him, and preparing to go to his two junior sisters.

"Why do you have to personally intervene as the Qilin King? Just order two soldiers to bring them back," Mo Yunqi said.

"I need to make some preparations to show your two confidantes who the boss is and make them realize who is in charge," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I'm not at ease. I'll go there myself!" Zhou Tianfeng said, leaping into the air, turning into a red light, and disappearing.

"Hmph! Heartless, leaving after we're done," Mo Yunqi muttered.

Zhou Tianfeng quickly arrived at the cave where his two senior sisters and Mu Lanzhou were hiding.

He was worried about Gao Tiancheng's disappearance and hoped that his two senior sisters were safe and that the four of them could be together.

But when he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Zhou Tianfeng frowned. The defensive barrier here had disappeared, and he couldn't sense the presence of the three of them either.

Zhou Tianfeng muttered to himself, "This is not good." He immediately rushed into the cave and began calling out loudly.

"Sister Lin! Sister Cai Ling! Brother Mu! Where are you?" Zhou Tianfeng called for a long time, but no one answered.

After entering the cave, he couldn't find any trace of the three of them, only some remnants that proved they had lived here.

His two junior sisters and Mu Lanzhou were all gone, and Gao Tiancheng hadn't been here either.

The lingering aura here was from a few days ago.

Something was wrong. Could it be that someone attacked his two junior sisters while he was away?

Zhou Tianfeng flew into the sky in a hurry and spread his divine sense throughout his Celestial Immortal Realm, covering an area of thousands of kilometers. Even in the Spirit World, his divine sense would be enough to cover a Spirit Star.

This movement even alarmed some of the Qilin Clan's Great Monsters and nearby races, but after sensing that it was the Qilin King from the Celestial Immortal Realm, they didn't dare to make a sound.

After searching for a while, Zhou Tianfeng furrowed his brows. He couldn't find them, not at all!

It was as if the four of them had vanished into thin air, and he couldn't sense even a trace of their presence.

Zhou Tianfeng landed on the ground, sat cross-legged, and let his soul enter the Virus Space.

As long as they weren't dead and accepted his blood, he could pull their consciousness into the Virus Space.

He couldn't control those with higher cultivation than him, but for those with lower cultivation, Zhou Tianfeng could decide their life and death, pulling them into the Virus Space anytime and anywhere.

After entering the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng instantly located Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou. They were both fine and alive.

With a thought, he immediately pulled them into his consciousness space. The two of them, still in a daze, entered the Virus Space, looking around at the hazy surroundings, shocked and unaware of where they were.

"Senior Brother, where are we?" Mu Lanzhou asked.

"I don't know, Junior Brother. Let's wait and see," Gao Tiancheng sighed helplessly.

The events of the past few days had completely shattered his imagination.

"Don't worry, I brought you here. This is one of my small Divine Abilities. I want to ask you, where are you now? Why can't I find you? Are my two senior sisters with you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

The two of them were startled to hear Zhou Tianfeng's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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