Chapter 161: People in the Spirit World

This Zhou Tianfeng is truly gifted with divine abilities. Not only was he able to heal his injuries, but he also successfully integrated the Qilin bloodline, changing his junior brother's physique. Now there is even a spiritual space.

Facing Zhou Tianfeng, Gao Tiancheng no longer sees any hope of catching up. He used to think that he and Zhou Tiefeng were both geniuses and competitors.

But now, ha! The other party's growth speed is too fast.

"Brother Zhou! I don't know where our two junior sisters are now! How could you bring the two of us into this spiritual space but not bring your two senior sisters?" Gao Tiancheng said.

Do you think I don't want to? They didn't consume my blood, so I can't sense them at all!

"I can't bring the two senior sisters in. As for you, it's because you consumed my blood," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Gao Tiancheng nodded in response. This Brother Zhou's blood has a miraculous effect.

Accepting his blood is both an opportunity and a terrifying restraint!

Since consuming Zhou Tianfeng's blood, his body has undergone some strange changes, but he has become increasingly in awe of Zhou Tianfeng.

The reason he didn't give his two senior sisters any is probably because of this. If his guess is correct, he now holds the lives of himself and his junior brother in his hands.

"Senior brother! Are you also in the Spirit World now? Where are you? I've come to find you," Mu Lanzhou said.

He was also suddenly transported to the Spirit World. He had just confirmed that the world he was in was no longer the Demon Realm space, but the Spirit World.

"Junior brother, I inquired about the Star Domain I'm in now. It's called Tianxun, with Spirit Star in the north. You don't need to come find me. Find the original location of our Purple Sun Sect and then go back," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Senior brother, I haven't figured out which Star Domain I belong to now. I'll find the specific location first and then figure out a way to return to Purple Sun Sect. Take care on your journey," Mu Lanzhou said.

"Alright, junior brother. You take care too. I'll set off now and find a way back to Purple Sun Sect," Gao Tiancheng said.

In the Demon Realm space, his Profound Heaven Sacred Body at the Transcending Mortality realm can only be considered an average expert.

But in the Spirit World, he is now a high-grade expert. With the addition of the Qilin bloodline, even ordinary Immortal Transformation realm cultivators may not be his match. Returning should be no problem.

Hearing their conversation, Zhou Tianfeng frowned. It seems like they were separately transported to different locations in the Spirit World.

Are his two junior sisters in the same situation? Have they been randomly sent to a location in the Spirit World?

If he had known, he would have used his blood to transform his two junior sisters as well, so they wouldn't be so hard to find now.

"Do you not know what happened? You suddenly returned to the Spirit World? Was there no sign of anything unusual? You just suddenly returned to the Spirit World like that?" Zhou Tianfeng asked with a furrowed brow.

"I dare not hide anything. Brother Zhou, a few days ago, I was cultivating in the Qilin Clan, but I don't know what happened. I was suddenly transferred and ended up back in the Spirit World.

The speed of the teleportation was astonishingly fast, even I didn't react in time.

If Brother Zhou hadn't brought me here, I wouldn't have known where my junior brother is now! I even thought you were still in the Demon Realm," Gao Tiancheng said.

At this moment, he was quite frustrated. He was doing fine in the Qilin Clan, planning to gather some information, but inexplicably ended up back in the Spirit World without any preparation.

"Mu Xiong! Are my two senior sisters not with you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Brother Zhou, I am currently alone. That day, I was cultivating in the Cave Mansion when suddenly, I don't know what happened, I was transported back to the Spirit World. I don't know the situation of the two senior sisters. Brother Zhou, could they be in the same situation as us? Sent to some random location in the Spirit World?" Mu Lanzhou said.

Now these two brothers think that Zhou Tianfeng and the others are in the same situation, being suddenly sent back to the Spirit World.

Damn it, these four people were separately transported back to the Spirit World, and they are in completely different locations, completely scattered.

Zhou Tianfeng was speechless. Is this some kind of mind game?

"Brother Zhou! Since my junior brother and I have been transported to the Spirit World, it's likely that our two junior sisters are fine and still in the Spirit World. Where are you now?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

Since they were suddenly transported back to the Spirit World, Zhou Tianfeng should be in a similar situation, right? He arrived at the Qilin Clan one day later than them and doesn't know what's going on.

(Here, it should be noted that when Gao Tiancheng was transported back, Zhou Tianfeng was still fighting the Qilin King, so he didn't know that Zhou Tianfeng had become the new Qilin King.)

"I'm still in the Demon Realm space and haven't been transported back to the Spirit World. Only the four of you were transported back," Zhou Tianfeng said with a very unpleasant expression.

"What? Zhou Xiong, you, you were left alone in the Demon Realm space, what, what should we do?" Gao Tiancheng said.

Their lives and fortunes are closely related to Zhou Tianfeng! If something happens to Zhou Tianfeng in the Demon Realm space, will they also be buried with him?

"Both of you! I apologize, but I need to check your memories to see how you were transported back to the Spirit World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He wasn't worried that they were lying to him, because these two brothers had no reason to. They were all in the same boat. But he was afraid that their memories had been tampered with.

Being suddenly transported back to the Spirit World was obviously intentional! The person behind this had done it flawlessly, but I have a better way to find you.

With the divine power of the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng could freely observe the memories of his bloodline subordinates. Even if they had been modified, Zhou Tianfeng had a way to see the original true images.

So now, he needed to examine their memories.

"Zhou Xiong, do you not trust us? Senior Brother and I did not deceive you!" Mu Lanzhou said.

To observe memories, is he going to use the Soul Searching technique on the two of us? But if he uses the Soul Searching technique, our spirits will definitely be harmed!

"Zhou Xiong, please go ahead. If it helps us find our junior sister, it would be a good thing," Gao Tiancheng said calmly.

Zhou Tianfeng's words were just a polite notification to them. In fact, there was no space for them to choose.

The other party had already been very polite. He held the power of life and death over himself and his junior brother, so there was no need to ask for their opinions.

"I don't distrust you two, but this concerns my two senior sisters, so I have to do this.

And rest assured, my method of observing memories will not have any impact on your souls! I don't distrust you two, but I'm worried that someone skilled has tampered with your memories," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"If it doesn't harm our souls, then please go ahead and observe, Zhou Xiong! If someone has truly modified our memories, it would be good to know who the mastermind is," Gao Tiancheng said.

"Alright, I apologize," Zhou Tianfeng said, then directly used the power of the Virus Space to enter their spiritual worlds and began observing their memories.

First was Gao Tiancheng. From the moment he entered the Demon World space, Zhou Tianfeng watched all his memories one by one. How he entered the Qilin Clan, absorbed the Qilin bloodline, and then went into seclusion to cultivate.

Finally, on the most crucial day, Gao Tiancheng was practicing in his room as usual when suddenly everything went black, and he found himself back in the Spirit World.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianfeng knew that Gao Tiancheng hadn't lied to him, and his memories hadn't been tampered with. He had simply been inexplicably transported back.

The bloodline memories observed by the Virus Space could not be faked in any way, not even by an Immortal Emperor-level expert or higher.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't gain any useful information from Gao Tiancheng, so he started observing Mu Lanzhou's memories after he left.

Mu Lanzhou and Cai Ling, as well as Lin Wan, had been cultivating in the temporary Cave Mansion since Zhou Tianfeng left. But on the day Zhou Tianfeng fought the Qilin King, something changed.

At this point in time, Mu Lanzhou had two memories. One was as he described, just daily cultivation, but suddenly he found himself back in the Spirit World, not knowing anything.

But the other memory was interesting. It was a memory that had been deliberately erased using special means, but Zhou Tianfeng's Virus Space managed to find it.

In this memory, Mu Lanzhou had just finished his cultivation and was talking to his two senior sisters.

Suddenly! A blurry figure appeared in front of him and with a wave of their hand, Mu Lanzhou was frozen in place, unable to move, and even his spirit was sealed.

He was like a puppet, and his two senior sisters were in the same situation, instantly restrained by the other party.

Then, the mysterious figure took away his two senior sisters and opened a spatial rift, throwing Mu Lanzhou into it.

Before leaving, they also tampered with some of Mu Lanzhou's memories, completely erasing the image of seeing themselves. But in front of the power of the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng was able to see all of this memory.

Unfortunately, Mu Lanzhou's eyes were not as special as his own, so all he saw was a blurry figure.

He didn't know anything else, and through Mu Lanzhou's perspective, Zhou Tianfeng couldn't see who the blurry figure was.

This is troublesome. Did that blurry figure throw his two senior sisters into the Spirit World space, or did they take them away directly?

And who is that blurry figure?

(End of this chapter)

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