Chapter 162: Clues

The two individuals being examined at this moment felt no discomfort at all.

They only saw Zhou Tianfeng closing his eyes, as if entering a state of meditation, and neither of them felt any pain or discomfort.

According to the legend, during the Soul Searching Technique, they should be in extreme pain, right?

"Senior Brother, has it not started yet? Or has he already begun examining our memories?" Mu Lanzhou asked.

Why does this seem different from the legendary Soul Searching Technique? Wasn't it supposed to cause severe headaches and even damage to the soul?

"I don't know either, Junior Brother. Don't speak, let's just follow Zhou Brother's instructions," Gao Tiancheng said.

After a moment, Zhou Tianfeng opened his eyes with a very unpleasant expression. After searching for a while, he only found some useful information in Mu Lanzhou's mind, but the intelligence he obtained was too little.

"How is Zhou Brother doing? Did you find anything?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

"Your memory is fine, exactly as you described, and it hasn't been tampered with," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"In that case, Zhou Brother, you might be overthinking it. It's likely that some senior felt pity for the four of us and sent us back, and your two senior sisters should also be somewhere in the Spirit World space," Mu Lanzhou said.

"Mu Brother! There's nothing wrong with Gao Brother's memory, but yours has been tampered with. Your memory has been modified by someone," Zhou Tianfeng looked at Mu Lanzhou and said.

What are you thinking? If it really was some senior who sent the four of you back, why did they conveniently forget about me?

You should know that before facing the possession of the Qilin King, my cultivation was only at the Heavenly Ascension stage.

As long as a Scattered Immortal made a move, I could easily return to the Spirit World. After all, my cultivation hasn't reached the Celestial Immortal Realm yet.

"What! Zhou Brother, are you saying that my memory... my memory has been tampered with? Someone... someone used soul-related spells on me? Is my soul okay?" Mu Lanzhou's face changed drastically as he spoke.

No one would feel good knowing that their memories had been altered.

Spells that affect the mind would always cause harm to the target.

"Don't worry, your soul is fine. The methods used by the other party are extremely sophisticated and haven't harmed you in the slightest. They are a person at the Immortal level," Zhou Tianfeng said helplessly.

Of course, right? The methods used by the other party are extremely sophisticated. If I didn't have this bug-level thing called Virus Space, I wouldn't have been able to detect their methods.

The other party modified Mu Lanzhou's memory without leaving a trace.

But unfortunately, Zhou Tianfeng currently has no way to find any clues.

"Don't be nervous, Junior Brother. Since you're fine, it means the other party didn't harm you. Don't worry! Did Zhou Brother find anything important? Where are Lin Wan and Cai Ling, our junior sisters, now?" Gao Tiancheng asked.

"The current situation, I don't know how to explain it! There are two possibilities for our junior sisters. The first is that they were scattered like you guys and sent to different places in the Spirit World.

The second possibility is that the mysterious person has taken our two junior sisters captive, and they are not in the Spirit World space," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The other party's methods are exceptionally sophisticated. Within the Qilin Clan's territory, they silently sent Gao Tiancheng back to the Spirit World without attracting anyone's attention. This level of cultivation is terrifying to think about!

The other party's cultivation is likely at the Golden Immortal or Profound Immortal level, and it's obvious that they are targeting me.

Because the two junior sisters, as well as Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou, are obviously not worth the trouble for the other party.

So the only possibility is that they are targeting me. This is really frustrating!

Wait a minute, something's not right! The other party is not at the Profound Immortal or Golden Immortal level at all. These levels of cultivation, unless ordered by an Immortal Emperor, would never have the qualifications to descend to the mortal realm.

Only an Immortal King-level existence can freely descend to the mortal realm, and an Immortal King at this level cannot casually bring an immortal with them. They can only come down alone.

Damn it, it's another Immortal King.

This is unbearable!

Apart from Di Honglei, this girl, another expert has set their sights on me. This is really uncomfortable!

Zhou Tianfeng is very certain that the one who took away his two junior sisters is not Di Honglei.

Although the other party's cultivation is much higher than his own, Zhou Tianfeng can still sense some information about Di Honglei.

The other party is currently in seclusion and hasn't moved from their spot recently, so it couldn't be her.

"Zhou Brother, the expert who sent us to the Spirit World! They must be targeting you. Mu Brother and I will immediately return to the Purple Sun Sect. If your two senior sisters return, we can meet up and let you know that they're safe," Gao Tiancheng said.

If we can't find any leads, then the two of us can inform our seniors in the upper realm and ask for their help to figure out who is plotting against Brother Zhou. It's truly shameless for someone at the immortal level to target cultivators. The Immortal World will definitely not ignore this." Gao Tiancheng said.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhou. Let's return to our sect now. Maybe our two junior sisters have already gone back. Even if they haven't, we can use the power of our sect to search. If it's really someone at the immortal level, we can also seek assistance from the immortals in the upper realm of our sect." Mu Lanzhou added.

"It's useless. You don't understand. The opponent who targeted me this time is beyond your imagination in terms of strength. But what you said also makes sense. You two should quickly find a way to return to your own sect and see if my two junior sisters have gone back. If they have, inform me so that I can be at ease. If they haven't, inform Jade Water Heavenly Palace and let our sect inform the people in the Immortal World about my situation." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Both junior sisters, just like the two of their senior brothers, were sent back to the Spirit World. Zhou Tianfeng felt that the hope was slim. Now, he could only see how much influence Jade Water Heavenly Palace had in the Immortal World. If Jade Water Heavenly Palace couldn't help, he could only request assistance from the two Qilin Ancestors. These two Fire Qilin Ancestors were at the level of Immortal Kings and should be able to come up with a solution.

"Brother Zhou, rest assured. We will definitely deliver this message. We will set off immediately and find a way to return to our sect, Spirit Star. If Cai Ling and Lin Wan, our junior sisters, have really been abducted by someone at the immortal level, the immortals in the upper realm of my Purple Sun Sect will not sit idly by." Gao Tiancheng immediately spoke up.

"Hmm! You guys should hurry back and take a look! If there's any situation, inform me immediately," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now, this is the only way to handle it. If the other party is really coming for me, then they should take the opportunity to expose themselves by kidnapping the two senior sisters.

By then, I will ask the two Qilin ancestors for help! Or if it really doesn't work out, I'll secretly ask that girl Di Honglei to take action.

As long as her involvement is not known by the two Qilin ancestors, it's fine. Thinking of Di Honglei, Zhou Tianfeng's expression suddenly changed.

Wait! Something seems a little off!

Zhou Tianfeng confirmed from the perception in the Virus Space that Di Honglei has been in seclusion for the past few years and hasn't left at all. She's even deeply immersed in her cultivation.

So logically, she couldn't have given this Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token to the four Blood Monster ancestors!

According to the four Blood Monster ancestors, Di Honglei gave them this token from the Southern Celestial Immortal Land over half a year ago, but the timing doesn't match up at all!

Something is fishy about this! Could it be that someone impersonated her?

"Zhou Xiong, what's wrong?" Gao Tiancheng saw Zhou Tianfeng lost in thought and quickly asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about my two senior sisters. Gao Xiong and Mu Xiong, please hurry back to the sect and go to Jade Water Heavenly Palace to check on them. Also, please let them know that I'm safe. My Master's Wife and the Sect Master's Senior Brother must be worried." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Zhou Xiong, don't worry, I understand."

"Good, then I'll send you both away first. After you return to the sect, I will summon you." After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he sent the consciousness of these two senior brothers away from Virus Space.

Next, he wanted to verify his thoughts. His cultivation had already reached the Celestial Immortal Realm, and with the help of Virus Space, he could give it a try.

Could he pull Di Honglei's Primordial Spirit into here and ask her about her current situation, to see if she had any enemies or if someone was impersonating her?

Zhou Tianfeng now suspected that the other party might not be targeting him. His position might be just like those four Blood Monster Ancestors, all pawns.

They were after Di Honglei, and he might have been caught in the crossfire. If his two senior sisters had already returned to the sect in the Spirit World, then he could confirm that he was not the main target.

It was just because of his special relationship with Di Honglei that he was being targeted. The other party wanted to use him or the four Blood Monster Ancestors to lure Di Honglei out.

But if his two senior sisters had really been taken by the other party, then things would be different.

So now, he must find Di Honglei.

Zhou Tianfeng sat cross-legged on the ground, using the perception of Virus Space to locate Di Honglei, and then began to transmit messages to her.

After calling for a while, Zhou Tianfeng found that something was not right! Di Honglei was indeed cultivating, but it seemed unconscious. The Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture in her body was operating on its own.

This girl's situation was very wrong, as if she was being controlled! Even her divine soul was sealed.

Damn it! This girl has gotten herself into trouble. What's going on? I was counting on you for help!

Didn't she say she was going to cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture with her mother? What's with this seal now?

After all that, it turns out that the information I sensed earlier was a bit wrong! She is indeed cultivating, but it's the automatic cultivation of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, not controlled by her.

(End of this chapter)

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