Chapter 163: The Arrival of the Immortal King

Zhou Tianfeng immediately wanted to use the power of the Virus Space to see if he could save Di Honglei, or at least pull her Primordial Spirit over.

But at this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's Virus Space notified him that someone outside was trying to awaken him.

Wait, the last time he was in the Virus Space for a few dozen minutes, it seemed like several decades had passed.

This! This! Hasn't it been a very long time? Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to be negligent and immediately withdrew his consciousness from the Virus Space.

Just now, he had brought Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou into the Virus Space, and their conversation had only taken a dozen minutes, according to the previous calculation method.

Could it be that more than a dozen years had passed all of a sudden?

Zhou Tianfeng opened his eyes, and beside him, Mo Yunqi and a group of Qilin Clan guards were anxiously looking at him.

"My king! Why did you suddenly come to this desolate place for seclusion? And we couldn't wake you up no matter how we called you." Mo Yunqi said with deep resentment.

He said he was going out to meet someone, but he didn't come back for several days. I couldn't help it, so I had to come out and look for him.

As a result, I saw the Qilin Clan's Qilin King Zhou Tianfeng, who was actually in deep seclusion in some desolate place.

"I was delayed a bit, how long have I been in seclusion?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It has been 16 days since you left the Qilin King City, and you have been sitting here for 16 days. Fortunately, you woke up, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." Mo Yunqi said.

"Sorry for worrying you, let's go back to the palace first." Zhou Tianfeng said.

This time, it was only a short dozen days, not the dozen years he thought, so what exactly affects the flow of time? Could it be because the Spirit World and the Demon Realm exist in different time and space?

But that's not right! The time in both places should be interconnected, and there shouldn't be any time difference.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately asked the Virus Space and obtained the answer he wanted.

Previously, his cultivation was too weak. He had just entered the Soul Cultivation stage, so the Virus Space took those time measures to protect him.

But now, Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation has reached the Celestial Immortal Realm, and his divine soul has reached the level of an Immortal. He is in the Virus Space.

In the future, there won't be situations like spending a few days in the mountains while thousands of years have passed in the world. At most, the flow of time will be slightly slower, but it won't cause any harm.

"You said you were going out to meet your friends? Where are they now? Have you found them?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"Yes! Something happened to my friends. I don't know who sent them back to the Spirit World." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"They were sent back to the Spirit World? That's a good thing after all. If Human Race cultivators don't cultivate demonic arts, it's difficult for them to survive in the Demon Realm. It's not a problem in our Qilin Clan's territory, where the demonic energy can be isolated." Mo Yunqi said.

That's good! In that case, his position as the king can be solely focused on her.

"It's not what you think. One of my friends had joined our Qilin Clan before, but now he has disappeared in the internal territory of the Qilin Clan. Think about it, someone who can enter the internal territory of the Qilin Clan and tear through space to send my friend to the Spirit World without being noticed, what cultivation level could they be?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"?? Tearing through space and sending someone who hasn't become an Immortal to another realm? This is not difficult for an Immortal, but if it's someone at the level of an Immortal, they can deceive our Qilin Clan's True Immortals and two Celestial Immortal Realm elders and send someone away, then their cultivation level must be high." Mo Yunqi said.

Could it be? Is there an Immortal King lurking in the Qilin King City?

"Ordinary Golden Immortals or Profound Immortals can't do it, and Golden Immortals and Profound Immortals wouldn't come to the mortal realm. So there is only one possibility." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"My husband! Are you saying that there is an Immortal King secretly infiltrating the Qilin City?" Mo Yunqi's expression changed as she spoke.

She wasn't a fool either. Ordinary Golden Immortals or Profound Immortals wouldn't be able to come to the mortal realm without the will of an Immortal Emperor.

And even if they could, a Golden Immortal would never be able to silently tear through space in their Qilin Clan's territory and send someone away.

The only beings that can freely travel between the mortal realm and the immortal realm are Immortal Kings, who are on the same level as their ancestors.

"Not good! My husband! Could it be the enemy of the two ancestors?" Mo Yunqi said.

"That's what I think too, so I plan to tell this to the two ancestors and have them come to the mortal realm." Zhou Tianfeng smiled slightly and said.

This is the desired effect. I am currently extremely lacking in a sense of security, so we must quickly bring down the two Heavenly Net World's Divine Beasts, the Fire Qilin, who are still there.

"We can't delay! Husband, let's leave immediately and inform the two ancestors about this matter. We need to ask them to send down an existence at the Immortal King level to our Qilin clan's territory. It's definitely not a good thing." Mo Yunqi said.

Anyone would feel uneasy if they knew that an Immortal King-level existence had come to the city they lived in.

Under the escort of a group of Qilin clan guards, Zhou Tianfeng and Mo Yunqi quickly returned to the Qilin Palace and immediately summoned the two elders.

"Your Majesty! When did you summon us, the old ministers?" The two elders bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Elders, no need for formalities. This is the situation: my friends are likely to have been sent back to the Spirit World. And one of them has already obtained Qilin blood and joined our Qilin clan." Zhou Tianfeng immediately explained the whole story to the two elders.

As for the matter of the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng naturally kept it hidden and only mentioned that he accidentally discovered some spatial traces.

In terms of strength, the two elders might not be his opponents, but in terms of experience and knowledge, they were more knowledgeable than Zhou Tianfeng.

"Such a thing happened? Your Majesty, your guess is correct. To be able to infiltrate our Qilin clan's city and silently tear through space to send a clan member to the Spirit World, one must have a cultivation level of at least a Profound Immortal or above."

"But without the will of an Immortal Emperor, one cannot descend to the mortal realm. So it's highly likely that the other party is an Immortal King. I never expected that Your Majesty would be able to discover him." One of the elders spoke up.

"Your Majesty, there's no need to panic. Our Qilin clan also has its own prestige. We have two ancestors at the Immortal King level, and there are five Qilin Kings who have already ascended to the Profound Immortal level. An ordinary Immortal King wouldn't dare to offend our clan." Another elder spoke up.

With two ancestors at the Immortal King level, five experts at the Profound Immortal level, and even a large group of Monster Race beings attached to the Qilin clan, in general, there wouldn't be many Immortal Kings willing to make a move against the Qilin clan.

"We shouldn't delay. We should immediately inform the two ancestors. It could be the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor or the Heavenly Empress involved in this." The other elder spoke up.

"Solitary King also thinks so." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The three nodded and once again entered the secret chamber, activating the formation that could contact the higher realm.

"Why have you called us so soon again? Have you discovered something?" Soon, the two Fire Qilin ancestors were summoned and, upon seeing Zhou Tianfeng and the others, immediately asked.

"We dare not deceive the two ancestors. We suspect that a high-level expert at the Immortal King level has infiltrated our Qilin city." One of the elders stepped forward and spoke.

"Oh! Could it be those despicable mother and daughter? There's no need to panic. If it's them, the two of us will immediately descend to the mortal realm. Did you get a clear look at the other party?" The Divine Beast Fire Qilin ancestor asked.

"Reporting to the two ancestors! This matter was discovered by the Immortal King." The two elders then recounted Zhou Tianfeng's speculation in detail.

"It is indeed a master at the Immortal King level. Hmph! There's no need to panic, we will descend to the mortal realm immediately. Please wait." After the two Qilin ancestors finished speaking, they abruptly ended the communication.

Truly worthy of being the divine beast, Fire Qilin. Their temper is quite fiery, saying they will descend to the mortal realm and doing so immediately, without any delay! I wonder when they will arrive.

No, I must take this opportunity to quickly enter the Virus Space again and find a way to wake up Di Honglei.

If the two Qilin ancestors at the Immortal King level come, I dare not casually enter the Virus Space.

"Elders, how long will it take for the two ancestors to descend to the mortal realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked the two elders.

"For a master at the Immortal King level, tearing through space is only a matter of an instant, two..."

Before the elder could finish speaking, the entire territory of the Qilin clan was filled with turbulence, and a huge rift suddenly tore open in the sky above the royal city.

Two deafening roars resounded.

Two Fire Qilins, each a hundred meters tall, with fiery red bodies, lion heads, deer antlers, tiger eyes, elk bodies, dragon scales, and ox tails, burst out.

These two ancestors are truly decisive! They are quite fast! I can't enter the Virus Space now.

Di Honglei, you'll have to wait for a while!

The two giant Fire Qilins ran around the entire Qilin clan's royal city, releasing their divine senses.

The two divine beast Fire Qilins transformed into two fiery red human figures in the sky, appearing to be middle-aged men in their forties or fifties, and then they both let out a roar.

"Who dares to intrude into the territory of our juniors? Don't bother hiding, show yourself and get out."

The sound waves reverberated, and a figure rushed out from an ordinary house in the Qilin clan and flew in front of the two Fire Qilin ancestors.

"How did you discover me? I shouldn't have revealed any flaws."

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