Chapter 164: Immortal King Li Xuan

What's going on? I just arrived at the territory of the Qilin Clan, and these two divine beasts, the Fire Qilins, are already chasing after me. Could it be that they have been keeping an eye on me all along? How did they discover me?

The person discovered by the two Qilin ancestors is a young man in his twenties, with a handsome face and a tall figure, wearing a green robe.

"Hmph, how dare a coward like you hide in the territory of our Qilin Clan and cause trouble for no reason? Who are you?" one of the Fire Qilins asked.

After receiving the news from the lower realm, he and his younger brother didn't dare to be negligent and immediately tore through space to arrive in the Demon Realm.

After all, this matter involves the Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, his illegitimate daughter, and even a conspiracy against the Qilin Clan. They take it very seriously.

Just as they arrived at the royal city of the Qilin Clan, they felt a very unfamiliar aura, and the owner of this aura was an Immortal King. Although the other party was hiding it to some extent, they couldn't be deceived by the two of them.

"Hey hey hey, can't you speak more politely? What coward? I came to the royal city of your Qilin Clan, and I didn't even intend to hide my aura, okay? Otherwise, you two old guys wouldn't have been able to find me," the young man rolled his eyes and said.

I'm just here to travel around. Is it really that serious as you two are making it out to be?

"Thief, how dare you argue? You secretly came to the royal city of our Qilin Clan and did those things, don't you admit it?" one of the Qilin ancestors angrily shouted.

"That's enough! You two bastards, calling me a coward and a thief, do you really think I'm made of clay? I'm just here to travel in the lower realm, and I haven't done anything out of line," the young man's face changed, and he said coldly.

I already have a good temper, but after all, I am an Immortal King-level expert. Being called a rat and a thief, I can't just let it slide!

"Two elders, immediately evacuate the ordinary civilians around here. If the two ancestors and that person start fighting later, it's afraid that innocent people will be harmed," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Well, if the three Immortal King-level powerhouses really start fighting, Zhou Tianfeng can't imagine what will happen. With his cultivation at the Celestial Immortal Realm, he can destroy the Qilin City, let alone the existence of Immortal King-level.

"It's useless, Your Majesty. Even if we run far away, it won't help if the two ancestors and that mysterious man really fight here. However, if they do fight, it will definitely attract an Immortal Emperor, but it may not be the Immortal Emperor of the Heavenly Net World," one of the elders said with a worried expression.

Two Immortal King-level beings, if they were to fight in the mortal realm, they might end up shattering the entire mortal realm and causing devastation in the entire Demon Realm.

Not to mention, the direct upper realm of the Demon Realm is the Black Demon World, and the several Demon Emperors of the Black Demon World would definitely not sit idly by!

"Shouldn't we stay further away from them?" Zhou Tianfeng suddenly felt a bit scared.

"Your Majesty, you should take the Queen and the two royal members and leave here first!" A senior elder pondered for a moment before speaking.

If a real fight were to break out, their ordinary Qilin clan members would definitely be doomed, but as long as this Qilin King and the two royal bloodlines did not perish, their Qilin clan would not be greatly affected.

As long as there are places where the Human Race exists, their Qilin clan can reproduce new members through bloodlines. The most fundamental aspect of the Qilin clan is the Qilin King and the two royal bloodlines.

"Forget it, where can we go if we leave? The entire Demon Realm is not safe now. If three Immortal King-level experts really engage in a death battle, it won't be safe anywhere. However, we can still gather the royal members together. If anything unexpected happens to those who have not yet become immortals, we can tear open spatial rifts and transfer them to the Spirit World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He himself had a means of self-preservation, which was the Virus Space. As for the remaining people, including most of the royal members, including the Queen, they were all not yet immortals, so it would be good to send them to the Spirit World.

"Let's see first! The probability of a fight breaking out is still very small. After all, no one wants to be punished by an Emperor Realm powerhouse," another senior elder said.

The three nodded at each other and continued to observe the situation above the Qilin City.

"Are you two sure you want to fight me here? Your descendants will all be doomed," the young man said.

If a battle were to occur between Immortal Kings, unless it was in the upper realm, they could easily shatter a mortal realm.

Therefore, there is an agreement among the Demon Emperor, Immortal Emperor, and Magic Emperor that Immortal King-level beings are absolutely not allowed to fight in the mortal realm. If they do, an Immortal Emperor will come to punish them.

After all, the mortal realm is the foundation of the upper realm, and shattering one means one less.

"Hmph! It was you who came to my juniors' territory and caused trouble without any regard for face," a divine beast, the Fire Qilin, said.

He didn't care too much about the other clan members, as long as the royal bloodline was not extinguished. But that young man had a bloodline purity equivalent to an ordinary Qilin. Something must not happen to him, as he was equivalent to the third Fire Qilin.

If a real fight were to break out later, he would let his elder brother take him and leave first, while he would personally engage this person.

"Second brother, don't speak yet, this esteemed guest. We received reports from the lower realm that there is an Immortal King-level expert targeting our Qilin clan. That's why the two of us old folks came down. What do you have to say?" Another fire Qilin stopped the hot-tempered second brother and spoke up.

"First of all, let's make it clear that I'm not afraid of you two. First, it's a rule for Emperor Realm experts, and second, I really haven't done anything to bully the younger generation of your Qilin clan. I just arrived here not long ago, okay? I was planning to leave tomorrow, but who knew you two would suddenly appear." The mysterious man at the Immortal King realm spoke.

He had just recently advanced to the Immortal King realm. Compared to the veteran Immortal Kings, he was indeed somewhat inferior. Moreover, the other party was the divine beast fire Qilin, possessing the Qilin Law Manifestation. They were even stronger than the veteran Immortal Kings, and there were two of them. Even if he could win, it would be a thankless task. If he lost, he might be torn apart by these two divine beast fire Qilins. Even if he won, he would still have to face the existence of Immortal Emperor Mo Di.

"Oh! May I ask, Fellow Daoist, when did you arrive at our Qilin King City in the lower realm?" The leader, Mo Tian Sheng, asked.

"Two days ago, I arrived at your Qilin clan's King City two days ago. I was planning to leave tomorrow. During this time, I just strolled around and appreciated your Qilin clan's King City." The mysterious Immortal King man said.

It seems like there is a misunderstanding. Could it be that before this, there was another Immortal King-level expert who came to the Qilin King City and did something bad to the Qilin clan, resulting in me being blamed now?

The two fire Qilin ancestors glanced at each other. The timing indeed didn't match up.

"Fellow Daoist, please follow us to the palace for a discussion." The two divine beast fire birds spoke.

They decided to keep the man first and clarify the situation. This man was a newly advanced Immortal King, and his strength was not that strong. Either of the two brothers could easily deal with him.

As veteran Immortal Kings in the Black Demon World, Heavenly Monster World, Heavenly Net World, and the Flying Immortal World, they knew quite a bit. They even recognized many Immortal Kings belonging to the Vast Desolation Domain, which was under the jurisdiction of the Desolate Immortal Emperor. After all, they were old rivals.

"Then I'll trouble you, nobles."

The three nodded at each other and landed in the Qilin clan's palace.

Zhou Tianfeng and the two elders also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this situation. It seemed that they could still resolve the issue peacefully.

"Ancestors!" The two elders said.

"Child, you come with us, and you two stay outside." One of the divine beast fire Qilins spoke.

The meaning was clear: Zhou Tianfeng would go in, and the two elders would guard outside.

"I will obey the orders of the two ancestors." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You juniors are quite good. Your bloodline purity is extremely high, and you even have my Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body. You are a good seedling with qualifications at the Immortal King, or even Immortal Emperor level." The mysterious man looked at Zhou Tianfeng and nodded, praising him.

This kid has such good qualifications! I didn't expect the Qilin clan to have such a talented disciple! If it weren't for the Qilin bloodline, he would have wanted to take this kid away and accept him as a disciple.

"Senior overpraises. Please follow me!" Zhou Tianfeng quickly spoke.

Hmph, what Immortal Emperor? I am a Dao Lord, does a Dao Lord understand?

After the four entered the Qilin King Palace, they each took their seats.

"I haven't asked for the name and surname of this Fellow Daoist yet. I am Mo Tian Sheng, and this is my second brother, Black Tortoise Sheng." The two divine beast fire Qilins introduced themselves.

"I am Li Xuan. I just advanced to the Immortal King realm a thousand years ago." Li Xuan spoke.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Li. Tianfeng, explain the ins and outs of the matter to Fellow Daoist Li." Mo Tian Sheng said.

Then Zhou Tianfeng stepped forward and explained everything that had happened to the Qilin clan, including the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's token, the four Blood Monster ancestors, and the matter of sending his several friends to the Spirit World.

"Cough cough! So, you suspect that it's the Heavenly Queen of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor or someone from the Vast Desolation Domain causing trouble, right?" Li Xuan said.

Damn it! I really got framed!

No wonder these two Qilin kings were so furious. The matter of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, his Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, and the Desolate Immortal Emperor was known to anyone at the Immortal King realm or even above the Profound Immortal realm.

In summary, it was a conflict caused by a woman that involved two Emperor Realm experts. One became a stepping stone for the other, and in the end, the remaining two Immortal Emperors from the Heavenly Net World were also killed, establishing the illustrious reputation of the Desolate Immortal Emperor in the Vast Desolation Domain.

After all, it was a Transcendent Level event, a big event for Emperor Realm experts.

Back then, he was just a Profound Immortal, but he enjoyed it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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