Chapter 167: Awakening Di Honglei

In fact, she understood the situation of these four Blood Monster ancestors better than anyone else, but the two true founders would not come out to refute her.

So when she claimed that she created them herself, no one would doubt it.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was very skilled at creating various strange and weak races, and this was not a secret in the entire Heavenly Net World.

Moreover, these four Blood Monster ancestors were brought to the Demon Realm space by her daughter. If what she said was true, that the Blood Monster race was her creation, then it made sense and could be explained.

"Good! Your Majesty, rest assured, I will handle this matter well."

"Okay! You may go!" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a whole year had passed, with two Qilin ancestors guarding the Qilin Clan's royal city.

There were no major events happening within the Qilin Clan's royal city. Li Xuan was still in seclusion in his room, not going out or taking a step outside.

Zhou Tianfeng also took advantage of this time to consolidate his cultivation and occasionally entered the Virus Space to check on Di Honglei's condition.

He also kept an eye on the situation of Gao Tiancheng and Mu Lanzhou, the two brothers. Their actions were so slow that Zhou Tianfeng was speechless.

It had been a year, damn it, a whole year, and these two idiots hadn't even crossed the Star Domain they were originally in, let alone return to the Star Domain where Purple Sun Sect and Jade Water Heavenly Palace were located.

But Zhou Tianfeng couldn't blame them. After all, it was within reason. The journey across several Star Domains was bound to be difficult and dangerous.

The Spirit World space was not much smaller than the Demon Realm space, and even a cultivator at the Heavenly Ascension realm couldn't cross several Star Domains in a short period of time.

Not to mention that these two guys were at the Transcending Mortality and Soul Cultivation realms. Even though their combat power was much stronger than others at the same realm, the result was the same.

During this period, they encountered countless life-threatening crises, such as being robbed by other Independent Cultivators or being chased in some disputes.

In short, they hadn't had a peaceful day, but they were still moving forward. Zhou Tianfeng occasionally entered the Virus Space to observe their situation.

During this time, Zhou Tianfeng also wanted to wake up Di Honglei and tell her about his current situation, urging her to go to the Spirit World to take a look.

But with the presence of the two Qilin ancestors, he couldn't fully devote himself to the Virus Space, so he could only occasionally observe the situation.

"What are you doing, my king? Why are you so absent-minded?" Mo Yunqi came to Zhou Tianfeng and sat down, asking.

"It's nothing! The two ancestors have been in the mortal realm for over a year, but the thief still hasn't been found. I'm a little worried, that's all," Zhou Tianfeng said.

In this year, there had been no movement from the other side. The entire Demon Realm space had been searched by two Immortal King-level experts, but they hadn't found anything beyond the Celestial Immortal level.

"Why are you worrying about this? Just be a good Qilin King. Even if the other party is an Immortal King, we have Senior Li and the two ancestors to deal with it. As a Celestial Immortal, you don't need to get involved in these matters," Mo Yunqi said.

"You, a Celestial Immortal, why are you worrying about it? The power struggle between Immortal Kings is not something a small Celestial Immortal like you can meddle in."

"I plan to go into seclusion for a period of time. It may take several years," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He planned to find an excuse to go into seclusion recently, deeply enter the Virus Space, and find a way to rescue Di Honglei. At the very least, he wanted her to wake up first.

"Seclusion? Why do you suddenly want to go into seclusion?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"You know, my cultivation was originally only at the Heavenly Ascension realm. It was because I inherited the cultivation of the previous Qilin King that I was able to advance to the Celestial Immortal realm. Recently, I found that my cultivation is not very stable, so I want to go into seclusion for a period of time to stabilize it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He had already prepared the excuse of going into seclusion for cultivation.

"Indeed, your cultivation at the Celestial Immortal realm is not very stable. After all, it was obtained through inheritance. It's good to go into seclusion and consolidate your cultivation, but this is not the right time," Mo Yunqi said.

"I have no choice. If it weren't for the unexpected situation in the Qilin Clan, I would have gone into seclusion as soon as I took over as the Qilin King. I wouldn't have waited until now. Now that there are two ancestors in the Qilin Clan, there shouldn't be any problems. It's just the right time for me, the Qilin King, to go into seclusion for a while," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright, I understand. Just go and inform the two ancestors," Mo Yunqi said.

"Okay!" After chatting with Mo Yunqi for a while, Zhou Tianfeng got up and left.

"Two ancestors! Tianfeng is here to pay his respects," Zhou Tianfeng said as he stood in front of the door of the two Qilin ancestors' room.

"Come in! What brings you here, Tianfeng?" Mo Tiansheng asked.

"It's like this..." Zhou Tianfeng repeated the prepared excuse.

"I see. You can go into seclusion to consolidate your cultivation. You don't need to worry about other matters. We, the two of us, will take care of the Qilin Clan,"

"Taking advantage of this opportunity during our seclusion, let's also practice the secret techniques of our Qilin clan that we have given you. It will be beneficial for you in the future when you go to Heavenly World," said Black Tortoise Saint.

"Tianfeng already knows," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes! Go! You don't need to worry about the Immortal King's affairs. The two of us old folks will handle it," said the Qilin Ancestor.

Qilin Anger is the fundamental spell of the Fire Qilin clan, and it happens to be able to be practiced in the Celestial Immortal Realm. Some of the Qilin clan's spells above this level can only be practiced after mastering Qilin Anger.

"Yes! Disciple understands. If the two ancestors have no further instructions, disciple will take his leave," Zhou Tianfeng said.


After bidding farewell to the two ancestors, Zhou Tianfeng gave some instructions to the two Elders and then arrived at the seclusion place of the Qilin clan, activating the protective formation.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he directly entered the hole of the Virus Space, and this time, Zhou Tianfeng could finally use the power of the Virus Space with full confidence.

First, he sensed Di Honglei's location. After successfully locating the other party, Zhou Tianfeng began to fully mobilize all the Dao powers of the Virus Space, slowly pulling the other party towards him.

If it were before, even an unconscious Immortal King, Zhou Tianfeng would not be able to remotely pull the other party into the Virus Space.

But Di Honglei's current situation was indeed a bit special. This girl had completely abandoned her previous cultivation in order to cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

Her current cultivation was only at the Celestial Immortal Realm, just like Zhou Tianfeng. So as long as he located her, he could effortlessly pull her consciousness over.

Before doing this, Zhou Tianfeng had already thoroughly tested the two Qilin ancestors with the Virus Space. Although their cultivation was at the level of Immortal King, the Virus Space could not be detected by them at all.

This was why Zhou Tianfeng dared to seclude himself under the watchful eyes of the three Immortal Kings.

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng's Virus Space successfully pulled Di Honglei's consciousness into it.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately used the original power of the Virus Space to awaken Di Honglei, who was still in a deep sleep.

"Where am I?" Di Honglei, who had awakened, asked.

"You are currently in a consciousness space. I call it the Virus Space. I found that your consciousness seemed to be sealed. What is your situation now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I... I have been sealed by my mother. How did you bring me in? My mother's cultivation is only one step away from becoming an Immortal Emperor. She can be said to be the pinnacle among Immortal Kings. Yet you managed to break through her seal, awaken my consciousness, and bring me to this strange space?" Di Honglei observed the Virus Space and asked.

Indeed, she was a reincarnation of a top-notch powerhouse. Her mother's seal was unexpectedly easily broken, and her consciousness was brought here.

Speaking of which, this place is a bit strange. Where exactly is it?

It always gave her a peculiar feeling, as if it was filled with an indescribable Dao Rhyme.

"So it was your mother who sealed you. What exactly happened? Weren't you and your mother planning to kill the Desolate Immortal? Where is your mother now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"How would I know? I am the one who was sealed. As for why my mother sealed me, that's my business, and I have nothing to say about it," Di Honglei rolled her eyes and said.

Should I tell you that I don't want to carry out my mother's plan anymore, so she sealed me?

We haven't reached that level of familiarity yet!

"Never mind! What is your current situation?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

I was completely sealed, and if you hadn't brought me here, I would still be sleeping," Di Honglei said.

"I can only awaken your consciousness at most, but I can't help you escape. Can you save yourself?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No! Although my consciousness has awakened, my true essence and mana are still sealed. Moreover, because of cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, my current cultivation is only at the Celestial Immortal Realm. So it is impossible to forcefully break the seal," Di Honglei said.

"Then let me ask you, does your mother know about me? Will she come looking for me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Of course she knows about you, and she will indeed come looking for you. After all, you are her only hope to defeat the Desolate Immortal Emperor," Di Honglei said.

"Okay! I understand."

Now Zhou Tianfeng could be 100% sure that the person who handed the token of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor to the Blood Monster Ancestor was Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi in disguise.

And the person who sent Gao Tiancheng Mulanzhou and his two junior sisters to the Spirit World was most likely her as well. Even if it wasn't, she was still involved.

(End of this chapter)

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