Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 168: Provoke Me To Fight With The Desolate Immortal Emperor?

Chapter 168: Instigating a Fight Between Me and Desolate Immortal Emperor?

The only reason for someone to attack me would be her alone.

"From what you're saying, it seems like my mother came to find you. Have you seen her?" Di Honglei asked.

"I'm not sure if it was her, but do you remember those four Blood Monster ancestors? You had them sent to the Demon Realm space, and now I'm here in the Demon Realm space and I've seen them," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's right, those four guys were indeed sent to the Demon Realm space by me. The cultivation techniques they practiced didn't fare well in the Spirit World. It was fine when their cultivation was low, but once it reached a high level... It could attract the attention of the Immortal World, and they would send real immortals to kill them. After all, even if these four guys ascend, they would go to the Heavenly Monster World or the Black Demon World."

"And these four Blood Monster ancestors possess such terrifying potential. They also cultivated a mutated version of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, which can be said to be extremely powerful. The people of the Immortal World absolutely won't allow the Heavenly Monster World or the Black Demon World to obtain these four talents, so they will definitely send real immortals to kill them. That's why I sent them to the Demon Realm space to develop. But how did you end up in the Demon Realm space?" Di Honglei asked.

"There was a little accident. We were having a sect competition in the Spirit World space, and as a result, a reckless guy used a teleportation spell to send me to the Demon Realm space. My two senior sisters and two disciples from other sects also came with me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I see. It seems like you've reached the Celestial Immortal level in your cultivation now, and I have a very familiar feeling about you. Have you also cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture?" Di Honglei said.

Cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, he could understand the special spiritual energy required for it, as well as having the complete scripture. He had already given all of that to Zhou Tianfeng. But how did he suddenly reach the Celestial Immortal Realm in such a short time? It hadn't even been ten years since he left.

As a master at the Immortal King level, it was reasonable for him to quickly reach the Celestial Immortal Realm after re-cultivating. But for this kid to cultivate to the Celestial Immortal Realm in such a short time was truly speechless.

Although you are a reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, you have already reincarnated, so your cultivation from your past life cannot be used. It's completely different from us Immortal Kings who have re-cultivated. You are truly starting from scratch!

"How should I put it? After I arrived in the Demon Realm space, I found that I couldn't absorb the special demonic spiritual energy here, so I wanted to cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture that you taught me."

I decided to seclude myself for a period of time and successfully cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture.

After coming out of seclusion, I inquired everywhere about how to return to the Spirit World. Coincidentally, I encountered the Qilin Clan recruiting new members, so I decided to give it a try.

I wanted to harness the power of the Qilin Clan and see if there was a way to return to the Spirit World.

As a result, I joined the Qilin Clan in a confused manner and underwent the baptism of Qilin bloodline, resulting in a very high concentration of Qilin bloodline in me.

As a result, I was possessed by the current Qilin King, but I managed to kill him in return. It was also because of this that my cultivation soared to the Celestial Immortal Realm." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You joined the Qilin Clan and were possessed by the Qilin King? What on earth did you do? What's wrong with the Qilin King? Why did he want to possess you?" Di Honglei asked in disbelief.

This is too bizarre. Ordinary Human Race can indeed join the Qilin Clan, but they have to undergo the baptism of Qilin blood. Even after undergoing the baptism, their Qilin bloodline purity may not be as good as an ordinary Qilin clan member. So, is the Qilin King out of his mind? Why did he insist on possessing you, and you managed to kill him in return!

Each generation of Qilin Kings has at least the cultivation level of Celestial Immortal. Moreover, they are among the top in the Celestial Immortal realm. You, who haven't even become an immortal, were able to resist his possession?

"You know that I am the reincarnation of an ancient being. I have many means. Dealing with a mere Qilin King in the Celestial Immortal Realm, even if my cultivation is much weaker than his, it is an easy task." Zhou Tianfeng said calmly.

In your eyes, I am the reincarnation of an ancient being, and it is normal for an ancient being to do some earth-shattering things, right?

"But that's not right! Even if you are an ancient being and can easily deal with his possession, your Qilin bloodline, no matter how high, cannot compare to the Qilin King's! And you already have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, so didn't your Heavenly Rage Battle Body conflict with the Qilin bloodline? The bloodline of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is quite domineering." Di Honglei said.

The bloodline of the Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body is not much worse than the bloodline of the Qilin King. Both are at the apex level of Body Refining. The Heavenly Rage Battle Body is very popular even in the Heavenly Net World and the Immortal World.

Unless it is the bloodline of a true divine beast like the Fire Qilin, the bloodline of an ordinary Qilin King is actually on par with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. The Heavenly Rage Battle Body possesses extremely terrifying dominance and strongly rejects other bloodlines.

This kid underwent the baptism of the Qilin King's blood, which shouldn't have been successful at all. Once the Qilin bloodline enters the body, it should have been rejected by the Heavenly Rage Battle Body!

"You have so many questions. The concentration of my Qilin bloodline is very high, approaching that of a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin. It is even higher than the bloodline of the Qilin King. That's why he wanted to possess me. And don't forget, my Heavenly Rage Battle Body is a gift from heaven," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Approaching a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin? My goodness! You! You! You are truly a complete monster. The divine beast, Fire Qilin, combined with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the cultivation of the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, it shouldn't take you too long to become an Immortal Emperor," Di Honglei said.

Um, can you come and save me? You are now in the Celestial Immortal Realm, so why don't you come directly to the Heavenly Net World and save me?" Di Honglei said.

There's no other way. She can only hope that Zhou Tianfeng will come and save her now.

"I am now the newly appointed Qilin King of the Qilin Clan. And because of your mother's situation, two true divine beasts, the Fire Qilins, have also been attracted here. Now, two Immortal King-level divine beasts are guarding this place. Do you think I can just ascend casually?" Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said.

"You, you joined the Qilin Clan? And became the Qilin King? Those two Qilin ancestors from the lower realm, the true divine beasts, they must be the guys from the Mo Tian Sheng and Black Tortoise Saints, right?" Di Honglei immediately became nervous and asked.

These two guys are true old-school Immortal Kings. Any one of them can fight her mother to a draw. When the two of them are together, she used to have to bow her head in front of them.

Moreover, their attitude towards her and her mother has always been very bad. Before she awakened the Desolate Immortal Emperor's imprint, these two Fire Qilins were kind uncles to her.

They played with her every day, taught her cultivation, and protected her.

But ever since she awakened the Desolate Immortal Emperor's imprint, these two guys have been hunting her down with terrifying intensity!

"You and your family are really unique. I've realized that your personality is just like your mother's. Her current actions are no different from what you did to me back then. Do you know what she wants to do?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I can guess a little bit. It's about the matter of you being the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, which my mother also guessed.

I think she probably wants to provoke a conflict between you and the Desolate Immortal Emperor, and then make you both fight each other to the death, or use your hand to kill the Desolate Immortal Emperor," Di Honglei pondered for a moment and said.

Combining Zhou Tianfeng's previous words and the situation he encountered, Di Honglei can be 100% sure that her mother has targeted Zhou Tianfeng.

And her mother's only goal is to seek revenge against the Desolate Immortal Emperor, so the answer is obvious.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng had a splitting headache. Damn it, it's really a case of trouble coming from home. This damn woman actually wants to provoke a war between me and the Heavenly Desolate World.

Are you kidding me? I'm just a cultivator in the Celestial Immortal Realm, even with all kinds of buffs. But I'm still just a Celestial Immortal. You actually want an Immortal Emperor, and one of the strongest Immortal Emperors at that, to deal with me?

"What can you do? If the Desolate Immortal Emperor comes after me now, I'm as good as dead!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

These two Qilin Kings can't stop the Desolate Immortal Emperor's sword! Even their master, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, couldn't stop him.

"What can I do? I'm currently sealed! I was counting on you to save me!" Di Honglei rolled her eyes and said.

"In that case, there's no way. I'm doomed," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Damn it! This is such a trap. If you want me to deal with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, at least wait until my strength is comparable to an Immortal Emperor! I'm just a cultivator in the Celestial Immortal Realm now. You want me to go up against an Immortal Emperor?

"Don't worry, my mother doesn't want your life, and she won't do something so brainless. Before your strength reaches the level of an Immortal Emperor, she won't let you meet the Desolate Immortal Emperor. She will only try to provoke the relationship between you," Di Honglei said.

"So what you mean is that I'm temporarily safe until my strength reaches the level of an Immortal Emperor? Your mother won't actively provoke the Desolate Immortal Emperor to come after me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

That's right! That's it. So you're safe for now. Why don't you find a way to come and save me?

When we're together, we'll be safer. When we both reach a certain level of cultivation, you won't need to carry out the plan to deal with my father. I've already given up on that plan," Di Honglei said.

"Di Honglei, sometimes people have to rely on themselves," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"???" Di Honglei.

"Look, your current situation is much better than before, isn't it? Your divine soul has already awakened, and escaping from confinement is just a matter of time. Why don't you think of a way to make an effort yourself?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

What are you thinking, asking me to come to the Heavenly Net World to save you?

(End of this chapter)

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