Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 169 You Can Go To Vast Desolation Domain

Chapter 169: You can go to the Vast Desolation Domain.

Right now, I am in a difficult situation myself! Are you kidding me, asking me to save you? Besides, I don't even know where your mother sealed you, and do you think I, a mere Celestial Immortal, can break the seal of an Immortal King?

If you don't have any deep grudges with the two Qilin ancestors, I can ask them for help. But the problem is, they would rather kill you on sight. So Zhou Tianfeng can't help with this matter. Waking you up using the Virus Space is already the most help I can offer.

"Wait! If you can't save me in time, my mother will definitely play with you to death. My mother knows about all the plans I executed in the mortal realm, including your second senior brother and his disciple Wang Xiaobao. Don't you care about them?" Di Honglei said.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng's expression turned cold as he turned around and spoke.

"Are you threatening me?"

As soon as Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, Di Honglei felt a tremendous pressure on herself. Her soul was being squeezed, and it felt like her life and death were in someone else's hands.

She was instantly terrified. She was an Immortal King, even if her cultivation was crippled and she had to start over, her soul was still at the level of an Immortal King!

What kind of method is this? What kind of method is this?

Zhou Tianfeng lightly grasped his palm, and Di Honglei's transparent soul was lifted into the sky. Under the power of the Virus Space, her life and death were completely under his control.

"Let me go! What do you want to do? Let me go," Di Honglei struggled to say.

"Hmph! Where are my second senior brother and his disciple?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Cough cough! They are both safe and in the Demon Realm space. One of them has a half-demon bloodline, and his bloodline is constantly evolving. It's not suitable for them to stay in the Spirit World, so I sent them away for their own good," Di Honglei said in extreme fear.

"Di Honglei! Let me tell you, even though I am a reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, I still have the means and the killing intent. If you want to try me, go ahead. It's easy for me to destroy your soul," Zhou Tianfeng said coldly.

At the same time, Zhou Tianfeng mobilized all the power of the Virus Space. His aura became incredibly powerful, pressing down on Di Honglei.

"I understand, spare me, senior!" At this moment, Di Honglei looked at Zhou Tianfeng with extreme fear, her voice trembling. She even changed the way she addressed Zhou Tianfeng.

This is the might of an ancient powerhouse, this is the strength of an ancient powerhouse!

"Hmph! Are you saying that your mother, in order to force me to fight against the Desolate Immortal Emperor, would use everyone around me, including my loved ones and friends?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

He could tolerate other small matters, but he absolutely couldn't tolerate anyone harming the people around him, including his master, Master's Wife, his two senior sisters, and his second senior brother.

"That's for sure. My mother has fallen into a state of madness. In order to deal with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, she would do anything, even sacrificing her own daughter. So she is capable of anything. If she can do this to her own flesh and blood, what about someone like you who has no blood ties with her?" Di Honglei said.

"If I tell the two Fire Qilin ancestors about your mother, and ask them to take action, do you think your mother can escape?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

If all else fails, he can only take advantage of the situation. The strength of the two Fire Qilin ancestors is indeed very formidable.

Before he successfully instigates their relationship, he can have the two Fire Qilin ancestors take action against Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

"They can indeed defeat my mother when they join forces, but these two Fire Qilin ancestors can't find any evidence against my mother. My mother has been hiding from them for over ten thousand years. If they could catch my mother, they would have done it long ago," Di Honglei said.

This is indeed a difficult problem. The most troublesome thing now is finding a way to lure out Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, the mastermind behind all this. As long as he can lure her out, he can have the two Fire Qilin ancestors deal with her.

But as Di Honglei said, it's not that easy to lure out her mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi!

"Senior, actually! Actually, I have another method," Di Honglei cautiously said.

She was really scared by the power that Zhou Tianfeng just displayed. Now she is extremely afraid of Zhou Tianfeng.


"Ascension. Your cultivation has already reached the level of a Celestial Immortal. As long as you ascend, my mother won't be able to find you or easily deal with you. It's actually dangerous for you to stay in the Qilin Clan," Di Honglei said.

"Your mother is an Immortal King. Even if I ascend to the Upper Realm, she can still find me. It would just take a little time," Zhou Tianfeng said.

These mother and daughter must have left some kind of backhand on themselves, something like a mark. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to find me and carry out various plans within just a few years of being transported to the Demon Realm space.

So Zhou Tianfeng had already considered the idea of leaving this matter behind, but it wouldn't work. If the Heavenly Empress wanted to find him, it would only take a little time, and it would be even more troublesome then.

Staying within the territory of the Qilin Clan, there were at least two Immortal Kings with the same cultivation level as her, giving him a little sense of security.

"You have guessed that there is a mark left by my mother on you. You are right. If you were in the Heavenly Net World, the Fei Immortal World, the Black Demon World, or the Heavenly Monster World, no matter where you were, she would be able to find you as long as she spent some time. But what if you were in the Vast Desolation Domain?" Di Honglei blinked and said.

"What do you mean? I also know a little about the situation in the upper realms. The only places where immortals can ascend are the Black Demon World, the Heavenly Net World, the Fei Immortal World, and the Heavenly Monster World. The Vast Desolation Domain and the Ancient Immortal Domain are impossible to ascend to," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Moreover, ascending was not an easy task. Zhou Tianfeng could only ascend with the help of the Qilin Clan's power. Other cultivators who ascended had to pass through the heavenly tribulation and be guided from the upper realms.

But he was different. He didn't have a heavenly tribulation, or rather, he didn't have such a thing before reaching the Dao Lord realm.

Virus Space had told him that in the future, when he achieved the true Dao Lord status, he would need to undergo the tribulation. Although he didn't know what the tribulation was.

So the ordinary way of ascension for cultivators did not apply to him. The special passage used by the Qilin Clan's Qilin King during ascension was the most suitable for him.

Or there could be an Immortal King from another realm who could help him ascend to the upper realms.

"You have cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, and the power of desolation generated by the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture is the key to entering the Vast Desolation Domain. As long as you enter the Vast Desolation Domain, even if my mother wants to plot against you, she won't succeed because she can't enter the Vast Desolation Domain. The Vast Desolation Domain is a very special place, forbidden to all immortals and demons. Once you can enter it, my mother's mark won't be able to lock onto you, and she won't be able to enter either," Di Honglei said.

"Oh! The power of desolation generated by the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture is the key to entering the Vast Desolation Domain? You didn't tell me about this before," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng was now considering whether to use the power of the Virus Space to view all of Di Honglei's memories and see if she was lying to him.

But as soon as this thought arose, Virus Space immediately issued a danger warning to Zhou Tianfeng and conveyed a message.

Zhou Tianfeng was indeed a Dao Lord, but both his cultivation and state of mind were not up to par. He only had the title.

If he were to view the memories of someone who had lived for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, it would have serious consequences.

The memories of tens of thousands of years for someone who had less than a hundred years of memories would be a definite shock and could make him lose himself and cause serious problems.

"Alright, I understand," Zhou Tianfeng said with a shudder.

Fortunately, Virus Space reminded him. Otherwise, if he really observed this girl's memories, her tens of thousands of years of memories would definitely overwhelm his less than a hundred years of memories.

Even with the protection of Virus Space, his brain might suffer some irreversible damage, which would not be worth it.

"What should I do to go to the Vast Desolation Domain?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's simple. Fully activate the power of desolation within you, and then, in the depths of your mind, you will feel a slight spatial crack. Find that crack, and you can ascend to the Vast Desolation Domain," Di Honglei said.

The method was indeed simple, but would it really work for him? The power of desolation he cultivated was stronger than it should be, as it had incorporated some of the origins of the Virus Space.

But would this girl have any ulterior motives for sending him to the Vast Desolation Domain?

"If you are so eager to induce me to go to the Vast Desolation Domain, there must be a purpose behind it. It's best to tell the truth. Otherwise, I will personally check your memories," Zhou Tianfeng threatened.

"I dare not hide anything from you, Senior. My father, the Desolate Immortal Emperor, does not know of my existence. I want you to go to the Vast Desolation Domain and tell him about this. As long as you explain it clearly to him, my mother's plan to deal with you will naturally fall apart," Di Honglei said.

More importantly, once Desolate Immortal Emperor knew about the existence of his daughter, he would definitely come to save her.

"I understand," Zhou Tianfeng said, without giving Di Honglei a chance to react, and directly sent her out of the Virus Space.

I didn't pay attention and set it to send at 12 o'clock last night. I didn't expect it to be 12 o'clock noon.

(End of this chapter)

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