Chapter 17: Tong Lei's Blood Feud

"What?" Blood Shadow Ancestor sat up abruptly.

Third Senior Brother? The one called Tong Lei, the Ice Block Guy, right? What happened to his disappearance?

"What exactly happened? Report to me immediately," Blood Shadow Ancestor said with an unpleasant expression.

What is going on? I just sent my eldest disciple away in pain, and now this third senior brother has disappeared without a trace.

"Ancestor, today I went to deliver spiritual stones for cultivation to Third Master. I knocked on the door for a long time but received no response. I waited for a while, but still no response. So, I boldly pushed the door open and found that the room was empty. There was only a letter left behind. I didn't dare to open it, so I brought it to show Ancestor," the outer disciple explained.

Within the entire Blood Shadow Sect, only Blood Shadow Ancestor's four direct disciples could address him as Master. Other disciples must address him as Ancestor.

"Bring it here."

The outer disciple didn't dare to delay and handed a white letter to Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Blood Shadow Ancestor opened the letter and as he read its contents, his face gradually turned from red to white, and finally from white to blue. After finishing reading the letter, his face became terrifyingly gloomy.

"You may leave," Blood Shadow Ancestor glanced at the outer disciple kneeling on the ground and said coldly.

"Yes, Ancestor. This disciple will take his leave." The pitiful outer disciple wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly ran out.

"What happened to Master? What happened to Third Senior Brother?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Hmph! What else could it be? He must have followed his eldest senior brother and gone to the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty. This kid dreams of going there," Blood Shadow Ancestor sighed helplessly.

Are the disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect so affectionate towards each other? The eldest senior brother was just sent away, and now the third senior brother is chasing after him!

But based on what I've seen these past few days, the atmosphere within the Blood Shadow Sect shouldn't be so amicable, right?

"Third Senior Brother carries a deep blood feud. His parents and clan members were all killed by the Heaven Inspiring Army. This child has always wanted to avenge this blood feud. Unexpectedly, he secretly followed his eldest senior brother this time," Blood Shadow Ancestor explained.

"Master, Third Senior Brother hasn't been gone for too long. Shouldn't you go and bring him back?" Zhou Tianfeng suggested.

"Hmm!" Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded, about to get up, but then seemed to remember something and sat back down.


"Let it be! Those who can be kept are not the ones whose hearts can be kept. Eldest Senior Brother acts very cautiously. With him watching over Third Senior Brother, nothing should go wrong. Besides, this can be considered as a form of experience," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Just when I wanted to go after him, now he stops and says that his heart cannot be kept. Eldest Senior Brother acts very cautiously? With him watching, nothing should go wrong. Could there be a part of me in this?

It's tough! Sometimes, having high expectations from my master doesn't seem like a good thing either! Actually, I wanted to develop sneakily and not be so high-profile. It's only been two months since I became his disciple, and I've already had two senior brothers leave.

"Ah! My good disciple, today I am a bit tired. You should go back to your room and rest!" Blood Shadow Ancestor said with great sadness.

Ahem! Alright, let me relieve this tense atmosphere now. Otherwise, my kind master might be sad for a long time.

"Master, please take care of yourself. When I achieve success in my cultivation, I will definitely avenge our two senior brothers," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Upon hearing this, Blood Shadow Ancestor instantly appeared in front of Zhou Tianfeng and slapped him on the head.

However, this slap was not very forceful.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You're making it seem like your two senior brothers are going to die in Heavenly Universe City! They're just going there to expand our influence. I didn't send them to fight head-on with the Heaven Inspiring Army, and besides, your eldest senior brother has the Law Treasure bestowed by me," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master! I didn't curse our two senior brothers to die! What I meant was that once I have achieved a certain level of cultivation, I will take on all the grievances of our Blood Shadow Sect brothers and seek retribution from the Heaven Inspiring Army. The Three Evil Stars, the Big Dipper Seven Star General, I will personally take their heads," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! You might actually have the ability to do that in the future. Alright, I'll be waiting," Blood Shadow Ancestor finally eased his expression and said.

With the cautious nature of the eldest senior brother, there shouldn't be any problems even in the imperial capital.

Even if he encounters the Big Dipper Seven Star General with the blood soul knife bestowed upon him, he should be able to protect himself. If he can break through to the level of Soul Cultivation, then it is possible for him to kill a Big Dipper Seven Star General with the blood soul knife.

He is actually more worried about the third senior brother. This guy bears a deep grudge, and his arrival will inevitably cause a great slaughter.

But killing some ordinary members of the Heaven Inspiring Army, or the Earthly Fiend General, Heavenly Guardian General, would be enough. Hopefully, the eldest senior brother can keep an eye on him and prevent him from provoking the Big Dipper Seven Star General.

"Please rest assured, Master. I will fulfill my promise," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Good! Wait! Someone!" Blood Shadow Ancestor suddenly seemed to remember something and immediately called for a disciple from the outer sect.

"Disciple pays respects to Ancestor. What instructions do you have?" the disciple asked.

"That little girl is still here, right? She didn't run away from her father, did she?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"Please rest assured, Ancestor. Before the Patriarch left, he specifically instructed us to take care of the young miss. Although she has run away a few times, we have always managed to catch her and bring her back," the outer sect disciple said.

"Good! Increase the number of people watching over that girl. Starting tomorrow, have her come over to learn from me. Let her cultivate together with her Fourth Senior Uncle," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes, Ancestor. I will go and inform the young miss," the disciple said.

"Good! You may leave," Blood Shadow Ancestor waved his hand and dismissed the disciple.

Young miss? Patriarch? From the way they address her, it seems like she is my eldest senior brother's daughter!

"That's right, she is your eldest senior brother's only daughter. Since she couldn't follow him to the Heavenly Universe Empire's capital this time, and her father is not here, as her sect ancestor, it is only natural for me to take care of her. Starting from tomorrow, she will learn the path of poison together with you," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes, Master." Well, having a cute companion to study with is not bad at all. At least it can add a bit of fun to my learning life.

Outside the city of Luanchuan, hundreds of miles away from the Blood Shadow Sect, the eldest senior brother Cheng Ji and his group were disguised as a merchant caravan, resting at a tea stall.

In the middle of the group sat Cheng Ji, my eldest senior brother, and a stunningly beautiful woman in a purple palace dress. This woman had a seductive face and a pair of snow-white furry fox ears on her head, as well as a snow-white tail on her buttocks.

Clearly, this woman was not a Human Race cultivator, but a member of the Monster Race.

"Hmph! Husband, your master is really heartless. You've followed him for over two hundred years, and he just kicked you out like that, causing us mother and daughter to be separated," the woman said indignantly.

Cheng Ji glanced at his wife but didn't say anything.

Seeing that her husband didn't scold her, the woman burst into tears.

"Wuwu! Who knows when I'll be able to see my poor daughter again after leaving like this, wuwu."

(End of this chapter)

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