Chapter 18: Lady Snow Moon Fox

"Why are you crying, my lady? It's not like it's a matter of life and death. Do you really think I'll be risking my life going to the Heavenly Universe Imperial Capital?" Cheng Ji said with an unhappy expression.

I have already overcome the last hurdle in my heart and will soon be able to advance to the Soul Cultivation level. As long as I act low-key and develop some influence from the Blood Shadow Sect in the capital, it will be easy.

Once things stabilize, I can bring our daughter over and be a family together.

"Hmph! It's still dangerous. Any place with the Heaven Inspiring Army is not safe," the woman's tail behind her quickly wagged a few times as she spoke.

She had a psychological shadow when it came to the Heaven Inspiring Army. When she was young, she had been hunted down by the Heaven Inspiring Army, leaving a deep psychological scar.

Even though she is now married and has become a Great Monster at the millennium level.

But she still has lingering fear of this terrifying Heaven Inspiring Army. And this time, she and her husband are going to the headquarters of the Heaven Inspiring Army!

"It's alright! I have always been cautious and will never do anything without certainty. As long as we act carefully this time, nothing will happen. Besides, I have you, a millennium-level Great Monster, protecting me! If I can't handle it, don't I still have you?" Cheng Ji said.

His wife is not from the Human Race, but a Snow Moon Fox Clan from the Snow Domain Spirit Mountain.

She has been cultivating for a thousand years, equivalent to the peak level of Soul Cultivation in the Human Race.

In terms of strength, his fox spirit wife can completely overpower him! A millennium-level Great Monster is not to be underestimated.

When he was young, it was by chance that he captured her heart. Otherwise, with his Middle Grade spiritual root aptitude, how could he have reached the Harmonious Spirit Late Stage?

His millennium-level Great Monster wife has helped him a lot. He was able to stand out among the outer disciples and be accepted as a disciple by the Blood Shadow Ancestor, largely because of his wife.

"Get lost! Aren't you ashamed? Other sisters rely on their men, but you rely on me," Snow Moon Fox gave her husband a disdainful look and said.

"Cough! You know my aptitude. This time, I will definitely be able to achieve Soul Cultivation and become a Yin God," Cheng Ji said.

Don't I understand your Fox Clan's affairs? How many of your Fox Clan rely on men? They are all strong women!

"That's about right. I didn't give you so many Spirit Medicines from our clan for nothing. But you have to work harder. If you can't become a Transcending Mortality-level cultivator in the future, then be prepared to wear a hat! I won't be a widow for you. If you die, I'll immediately find a few young pretty faces," Snow Moon Fox said.

She is now a Great Monster with over a thousand years of cultivation, equivalent to the level of a Human Race cultivator who has just entered Transcending Mortality, not the Soul Cultivation level that her husband thinks. The reason she didn't tell him the truth and only said she was at the Soul Cultivation level is because she was afraid of discouraging him. Besides, Fox Monster Race has a long lifespan.

She can live for thousands of years without any problem, but even if her husband becomes a Soul Cultivation-level cultivator, his lifespan will not exceed a thousand years. So if they want to be together forever, he must become a Transcending Mortality cultivator.

Therefore, she must occasionally stimulate him. The restriction of his Middle Grade spiritual root on him is too great.

But there's nothing she can do. Aptitude and spiritual roots are innate.

"Cough! In the future, I will rely on you even more, my lady!" In fact, he would be very happy if he could cultivate to the Soul Cultivation level. He never even thought about reaching the Transcending Mortality level.

Madam, this time it's up to you. Although the Heaven Inspiring Army sounds fierce, it shouldn't be a problem for my wife to deal with a Big Dipper Seven Star General.

"Hmph! Let's make it clear, Heavenly Guardian and Earthly Fiend level Heaven Inspiring Army can be easily dealt with by me. But when it comes to a Big Dipper Seven Star General, it becomes dangerous. However, as long as your cultivation reaches the Soul Cultivation stage and you use the blood soul knife given by your master, killing a Big Dipper Seven Star General should still be possible." Snow Moon Fox glanced at her husband and said.

In fact, even if the Three Evil Stars were to come, she would have the confidence to escape with her people. The treasure bestowed upon her by the Heavenly Fox Empress is quite powerful!

"Alright, I'll listen to you, Madam. Remember, after we arrive in the capital, you need to hide your tail and ears. With your appearance, anyone can guess your true identity." Cheng Ji smiled and said.

With white fox ears on her head and a large, fluffy white tail behind her, her appearance is so beautiful that anyone can guess her true identity, right?

"Hmph! I know, don't worry. I have the emerald spirit jade hairpin bestowed upon me by the empress. It can prevent my Monster Qi from leaking out. The empress told me that unless a master at the Immortal Transformation realm actively investigates me, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to discover my true identity." The woman said nonchalantly.

How could those rough Heaven Inspiring Army men see through my Fox Clan's Law Treasure?

"Madam, I'm talking about your ears and tail." Cheng Ji smiled and said.

Do you think I don't know about the jade hairpin? It is a Law Treasure that combines offense and defense, much better than my own blood soul knife.

"I know, I know. It's troublesome to hide my ears and tail, you know? And it's uncomfortable. When we're almost there, I'll hide them myself." The woman turned her head and said.

"My goodness, we must be low-key and cautious this time. We absolutely cannot make any mistakes! Hurry up and hide them!" Having a wife who is one realm stronger than himself is not necessarily a good thing.

"Hmph! In the end, it's all because of your Fourth Junior Brother. You even took our precious daughter's blood to refine pills for him. But instead of being grateful, your little junior brother turned against you." The woman said.

"Cough cough! Madam, you missed a few words." It was actually a trap set by myself.

It's just ordinary blood, how can it be called precious blood? If I really took your precious daughter's blood, you would definitely beat me up.

As the descendant of a thousand-year-old Great Monster, even if it's just ordinary blood, it can rival the blood of a high-level Demonic Beast.

"By the way, Madam, what do you think of my Fourth Junior Brother? It seems like our master values him a lot." Cheng Ji said.

"He seems to have a special physique. If I'm not mistaken, he should have a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and it's even a High Grade spiritual root." Snow Moon Fox said.

"Really? If his talent is really that good, if he really has the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body, why don't we match him with our daughter?" Cheng Ji said.

Strange! Wasn't he a Middle Grade spiritual root when our master brought him back?

But a Middle Grade spiritual root, that was what our master said. Maybe it was just to protect this High Grade spiritual root with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. No wonder our master values him so much.

"Don't you have a grudge against him? Why are you talking about marrying our daughter?" Snow Moon Fox asked.

But it's not impossible. The legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body is extremely terrifying when it grows up.

"What deep grudge can there be between brothers? With a High Grade spiritual root and a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, I think it's worth investing in him in advance."

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