Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 172 The Confused Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor

Chapter 172: The Confused Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor

Upon hearing the words of the Daoist in the green robe, Zhou Tianfeng immediately felt relieved. Indeed, he was a Heavenly Venerable! He was quite efficient in handling matters.

In just a short amount of time, he had dealt with an Immortal Emperor and a Heavenly Empress.

"Is everything settled?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Elder, rest assured. If anything goes wrong in the future, you can hold me accountable," the Daoist in the green robe replied.

What else could he do? He had already resurrected the Daoist's descendant, passed on a cultivation technique, and even bestowed a divine weapon upon him. If he still couldn't defeat the Immortal Emperor who had killed him, then it would be a bit unreasonable.

At that time, it wouldn't be appropriate for this elder to hold him responsible. After all, he had done everything he could. What else could he do?

He couldn't just ignore his reputation and go down to the mortal realm to cause trouble for a mere Immortal Emperor as a Heavenly Venerable.

If his colleagues were to find out, even if he usually kept a low profile, he would have no face left! He was a Heavenly Venerable who cultivated the laws of time and space.

He had already provided the divine weapon and the cultivation technique. He had even resurrected the person. He couldn't do anything more about what would happen next.

"Well! Since you have already taken care of it, I can rest assured. By the way, I want you to take a look at something. What do you think of this new Immortal World?" Zhou Tianfeng took out the new Immortal World that the black-robed person had given him earlier and asked.

He really wanted to hear the Daoist's evaluation of this new Immortal World. Was it worth anything?

A new Immortal World? This thing could be easily refined by anyone at the Great Principle Dao Fruit realm. Not to mention him, even his disciples wouldn't find much use for it.

But what did this elder mean? Could it be that he wanted to give this new Immortal World to his disciple as an extra insurance?

Or was he implying something to him? This elder really favored his disciple! Alright, I understand. It's just a new Immortal World, right? I'll refine one for him casually.

With a new Immortal World in hand, he could mobilize the power of its origin. Even if the other party was stronger, they would have no way to fight back. This elder wanted to ensure there was no way out for the other party.

"Well, it's an interesting little toy. Does the elder want me to refine one?" the Daoist in the green robe asked.

Cough cough! Can a Heavenly Venerable directly refine an Immortal World? That's quite impressive, damn it!

Are all the big shots at this level outside the realm of the Dao? Can they casually refine a new Immortal World?

"But elder, there seems to be a problem with this new Immortal World. The Dark God Sovereign has placed some means on it, allowing him to locate the user," the Daoist in the green robe said.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now he realized that there was some kind of tracking seal on this new Immortal World.

"I know. The Dark God Sovereign intended to use this to threaten one of my disciples," Zhou Tianfeng said.

He didn't ask the Daoist in the green robe to remove this tracking mark because he couldn't be sure if the other party would do something else.

"Elder, do you need me to refine some small toys for you?" the Daoist in the green robe asked.

"No need. They are just some insignificant toys," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Even if you refine them, I can't use them. The minimum requirement for using these things is to be an Immortal Emperor. Moreover, as my cultivation improves, the power of the Virus Space to purify this new Immortal World will also increase. By then, I can use it myself.

The Daoist in the green robe nodded. His true body silently sent a complete new Immortal World to the mortal realm and handed it over to the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, along with a set of instructions.

Elder, I understand! You are hinting at me, and I have no problem understanding. Since you value this disciple so much, I will naturally help him to the end.

"Well, now that your matter has been taken care of, it's time for me to fulfill my promise. From now on, for the next 20,000 years, you can cultivate here. And you have the right to enter and leave at any time," Zhou Tianfeng used the power of the Dao Lord to grant the Daoist in the green robe the freedom to enter and leave.

"Elder, if you have any small matters in the future, feel free to assign them to me. Even if I don't have the time, I can order those younger disciples to help you," the Daoist in the green robe said.

After obtaining the permission to freely enter and leave the Virus Space, the Daoist in the green robe couldn't help but smile. This elder was indeed trustworthy. He hadn't helped the wrong person!

He had gained such a generous reward for just a small benefit. This deal was really profitable.

After chatting with the Daoist in the green robe for a while, Zhou Tianfeng let him go into seclusion in the Virus Space, where he could comprehend or leave at any time. He also allowed the Virus Space to provide him with a small amount of origin energy for cultivation, only one-tenth.

After completing all of this, Zhou Tianfeng directly left the Virus Space. The Daoist in the green robe, who had been in seclusion and comprehending, immediately felt delighted when he sensed the one-tenth origin spiritual energy.

This was the origin spiritual energy of the space of the Dao. It had given him such a good thing!

This elder was truly generous. I had just sent out the things, and he immediately gave me two-tenths of the origin spiritual energy.

Senior, rest assured, I have taken care of your junior disciple. With me around, no one dares to bully him. I won't say much, but I am quite confident that he can cultivate into a Great Principle Dao Fruit.

There's no rush now, I will first comprehend this new path.

After coming out of the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng had a refreshed look on his face! The big stone that had been weighing on his heart was finally gone. To hell with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, to hell with Desolate Immortal Emperor, let them all go to hell!

You two didn't expect this, did you! I can produce a Heavenly Venerable to deal with you. This Heavenly Venerable probably never dreamed that the one commanding him would be a Celestial Immortal, an ordinary Celestial Immortal.

Haha, just thinking about it is interesting.

Calculating the time, Zhou Tianfeng spent close to a day in the Origin Space, while more than a year has passed outside.

Now I can request the two Kirin Ancestors to help me see how my two senior sisters are doing.

"Have I come out so quickly? I thought you would be in seclusion for decades, but it's only been a little over a year," Zhou Tianfeng encountered Mo Yunqi as soon as he came out.

"Yes! My cultivation has stabilized, and my cultivation base has been rapidly advancing like riding a rocket. So it's not suitable for me to be in seclusion for too long. As long as my cultivation can stabilize, it's enough, so I came out of seclusion," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I always feel that you have changed a lot today. Is there something good that made you so happy?" Mo Yunqi asked.

Today, Zhou Tianfeng looked radiant and full of energy! It seemed like he had encountered something very joyful.

"It's nothing! It's just that I'm naturally happy after stabilizing my cultivation, and I haven't seen the Queen for a long time. I miss her very much." Zhou Tianfeng stepped forward, lifted Mo Yunqi around her waist with both hands, and said.

"You, don't be silly, there are still many maidservants watching," Mo Yunqi blushed and said. After coming out of seclusion, he became less serious, or rather, he had never been serious before.

"Haha! I am the Kirin King, all of you can leave," Zhou Tianfeng said domineeringly.

"Yes, we, the maidservants, take our leave." The maidservants of the Kirin Clan covered their mouths and giggled, quietly leaving the room and closing the door.

"Alright! Come, my beloved, the King will help you change clothes."

"Such a show-off!"

In the Heavenly Net World, a middle-aged man in a blue robe appeared out of thin air. He looked at the divine sword in his hand and the techniques in his mind, feeling confused.

My name is Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. I come from an Immortal Dao family and have achieved great success in cultivation. After ascending to the Heavenly Net World, I endured tens of thousands of years of hard cultivation and finally became an Immortal Emperor in this realm.

I governed diligently and loved the people like my own children. My Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is also virtuous and kind.

Originally, my life was very fulfilling, but one day, everything changed. My Queen said she was tired of the boring life in the Heavenly Palace and wanted to reincarnate and experience life in the mortal realm.

Naturally, I, who loved my Queen dearly, had no objections and immediately agreed to her request.

But who would have known that after ten thousand years, the Queen returned, but she brought along a young boyfriend.

Where should I, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, put my face as the ruler of the Heavenly Net World? Even if I have a good temper and am benevolent in the Heavenly Net World, I can't tolerate this!

But a mere little immortal is not worth my, an Immortal Emperor's, personal intervention, so I sent my subordinates to kill him.

The first two times, he was saved by my Queen, and in the end, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi promised me that she would never see him again and cut off all contact with him, so I agreed to spare him.

But who could have imagined that in just ten thousand years, he would cultivate to become an Immortal Emperor like me and come back for revenge. We fought a great battle, and the result was my defeat and the dissipation of my life force.

But sometimes fate is unpredictable. After twenty thousand years, I was resurrected by an extraordinary being, who told me that I have a powerful ancestor who was very dissatisfied with my fate. So he came to resurrect me and bestowed upon me an extraordinary divine weapon and taught me divine techniques.

He allowed me to be resurrected and reclaim everything that originally belonged to me.

At this moment, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's brain was in a state of confusion. Before he could react, another item was delivered to him, accompanied by instructions.

"A new Immortal World? Similar to the Heavenly Net World, the Flying Immortal World, and the Heavenly Monster World, an upper realm? What cultivation level does my master have? What about my ancestor?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor muttered to himself.

Helpless, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor sighed and decided to first return to his immortal palace to see what it had become after twenty thousand years.

And what about his old subordinates? How are they now?

Where are you, my Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi? Did you go to the mortal realm?

(End of this chapter)

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