Chapter 173: Southern Heaven Sees Rainbow Lei

After resurrection, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor transformed into a stream of light and flew towards his own Immortal Palace.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Palace used to be his base, where he and his followers established a force that could dominate the entire Heavenly Net World.

During the peak of the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace, it occupied more than half of the Heavenly Net World's territory, and its strength was much stronger than the other two Immortal Emperors.

But now, everything seemed to have disappeared in the blink of an eye. The once glorious Southern Celestial Immortal Palace was nowhere to be seen, and it had become a ruin.

The once magnificent Southern Celestial Immortal Palace had turned into floating ruins in the sky. Many palaces had even fallen from the clouds, and it was unknown where they had landed.

It seemed that after Desolate Immortal Emperor killed him, he did not spare the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. Or perhaps, other forces from the Heavenly Net World came and completely destroyed it?

The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor began to patrol around the Immortal Palace.

"This Fellow Daoist looks unfamiliar! Are you here to search for treasures in the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace?" An Independent Cultivator from the Celestial Immortal Realm flew over and asked after seeing the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

Most of the Independent Cultivators who came to the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace now were searching for treasures left behind in the previous battle. However, after so many years, the good treasures had already been picked, and what remained were just some damaged Immortal Weapons.

But even those damaged Immortal Weapons were precious to these newly ascended Celestial Immortals.

If they found the remains of a few broken Immortal Weapons, they could possibly refine a new one. It was much more cost-effective than collecting materials themselves.

"Just feeling a bit emotional. The once powerful Southern Celestial Immortal Palace is now nothing but a fleeting memory," the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

At this moment, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor concealed his cultivation level to that of an ordinary Celestial Immortal in order to hide his tracks.

Even if he faced an Immortal King-level expert, they would only see him as a Celestial Immortal and wouldn't be able to see anything else.

"Haha! Are you saying that you have seen the former Southern Celestial Immortal Palace? You know, it has been destroyed for 20,000 years. Have you ascended for more than 20,000 years?" the Celestial Immortal said.

Generally, when someone ascended to the Heavenly Net World, they would have the cultivation level of a True Immortal. After cultivating for about a thousand years, they could reach the Celestial Immortal realm. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, even if their aptitude was poor, they could still reach the Golden Immortal realm.

But this person expressed such emotions, yet his cultivation level was only that of a Celestial Immortal. Could it be that after more than 20,000 years, his cultivation hadn't improved at all?

If your aptitude is really that poor, then you wouldn't have the ability to ascend to the Heavenly Net World, right?

"I have been trapped in a place for 20,000 years for some reasons, so during these 20,000 years, what has happened in the Heavenly Net World? Can you tell me, brother?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke in a very gentle tone.

"Being trapped in a place for 20,000 years, I wonder why your cultivation is still at the level of a Celestial Immortal? So that's the reason, you really have had a tough time," Independent Cultivator replied.

"Haha, it's fortunate enough that I can come out. Brother, can you tell me what happened 20,000 years ago? Was the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace destroyed by the Desolate Immortal Emperor?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor asked.

"After killing the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, the Desolate Immortal Emperor went on to kill two other Immortal Emperors of the Heavenly Net World. Then, he destroyed the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace with a single sword strike and launched a pursuit against the former subordinates of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, resulting in the deaths of many Immortal Kings," Independent Cultivator explained.

"What? The other two Immortal Emperors were also killed? They had nothing to do with this. Why did the Desolate Immortal Emperor kill them?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's expression changed as he asked.

It was one thing to destroy his own immortal palace and pursue his former subordinates, but it seemed unnecessary to involve the other two Immortal Emperors of the Heavenly Net World. It all seemed to be because of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. The Desolate Immortal Emperor was only seeking revenge against him, so there was no need to implicate so many others.

"Who knows? This is a matter between Immortal Emperors, and at that time, I hadn't ascended yet. It was just hearsay. If I had known that the Heavenly Net World would become so chaotic, I would have ascended to the Immortal World long ago," Independent Cultivator sighed.

"What's wrong? Is the current Heavenly Net World not good?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor frowned and asked.

The Heavenly Net World 20,000 years ago was extremely prosperous, not much inferior to the Immortal World, under the rule of the three Immortal Emperors.

"Isn't it? The current Heavenly Net World is in a state of warlords. The Immortal Kings who were once under the command of the three Immortal Emperors are now fighting for territory. Several powerful Immortal Kings are competing with each other to expand their influence in the Heavenly Net World and become the new Immortal Emperor."

"This chaotic war has been going on for thousands of years. I'm afraid that it will take the appearance of another Immortal Emperor for the Heavenly Net World to regain its former prosperity," Independent Cultivator explained.

To think that it has fallen into a state of war, no wonder the Heavenly Net World is so desolate! Along the way, I have discovered many ruins similar to the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace, and even the Independent Cultivators I have encountered are scarce.

Desolate Immortal Emperor, you have gone too far! Killing me is one thing, but why did you disturb my Heavenly Net World so much?

Ruo Xi, where are you?

"Well, I understand. Farewell, brother. By the way, beneath the ruins on the left, there should be a High Grade Immortal Weapon that hasn't been discovered yet. You can take it out and take it with you," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said, then turned into a stream of light and left.

Leaving behind a confused Independent Cultivator, in the current Celestial Immortal Realm, he felt a sense of fear. When that person left just now, he didn't feel anything at all? This guy's cultivation is definitely not that of a Celestial Immortal, he might even be a Golden Immortal! Maybe even a Profound Immortal!

I have encountered a senior! Really. I am so blind, I should have flattered the other party earlier.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Palace has been destroyed, so I should go somewhere else to take a look. Back in the Heavenly Net World, I and the Heavenly Queen established a very private palace, the location of which only the two of us know.

In just a moment, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor arrived in a very remote valley. This is a palace he and Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi built together.

Arranged personally by him, even experts at the Immortal King level cannot detect it, and even existences at the Immortal Emperor level cannot discover it without careful investigation.

He snapped his fingers and cast a spell, and a blue light curtain appeared. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor entered it.

The palace at this time seems unchanged from before he left, but it is much quieter.

"Ruo Xi, are you here?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor released his divine sense and searched, finding three living beings.

Three little girls, one of them actually possesses the power of desolation? And the other two are even more peculiar, they are actually ordinary mortal cultivators.

Could they have been brought back by Ruo Xi?

No! That little girl with the power of desolation seems to be sealed!

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's mind moved, and he appeared in a hidden room that was protected by a powerful barrier. However, in front of him, as an Immortal Emperor, nothing is impossible to break.

Breaking through the restrictions all the way, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor arrived at the inner hall. A girl wearing purple battle armor, with a face that resembles Ruo Xi by seventy percent, is sealed here, looking at him with her violet eyes wide open, looking confused.

"Who are you? Why did you come here? No, how did you get in?" Di Honglei looked at the Celestial Immortal in front of her, feeling a bit at a loss.

You, a Celestial Immortal, can enter the territory of a peak Immortal King and break through his restrictions all the way. Are you kidding me?

"You have cultivated the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture?"

"You actually know the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture? You are definitely not an ordinary Celestial Immortal, who are you?" Di Honglei frowned and asked.

"What is your relationship with Ruo Xi? You look a lot like her, but there is a different kind of aura in your eyebrows, lacking Ruo Xi's softness," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

"You are asking me now? You intruded into my mother's territory without permission, and you dare to interrogate me. Let me tell you, my mother will be back soon. If you know what's good for you, leave quickly," Di Honglei said nervously.

This person in front of her gives her a very dangerous feeling! Even when facing her mother, she didn't have this feeling.

"Are you Ruo Xi's daughter? Who is your father?" The man in front of her seemed a bit nervous.

"What does it matter to you who my father is?"

"The way you speak is quite similar to that guy. Is your father Desolate?"

"Who are you? Stop beating around the bush," Di Honglei said.

"I am the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor."

"Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? Hahaha! Hey hey, this joke is not funny at all. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor was killed by Desolate Immortal Emperor 20,000 years ago," Di Honglei rolled her eyes.

"Desolate Immortal Emperor is your father, how can you call him by his name? Shouldn't you address him as father?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor asked.

At this moment, his heart is very complicated. This little girl is the enemy of his enemy and the child of his wife. According to reason, he should kill her and be done with it.

But as an Immortal Emperor, he really can't bring himself to harm a little girl.

Moreover, although she is the daughter of Desolate Immortal Emperor, she is also the daughter of Ruo Xi!

"What's it to you? You dare to intrude into my mother's territory and pretend to be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and even come to Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's palace," Di Honglei said.

This should be some Immortal King, right? But what does it mean to impersonate the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor? Fortunately, my mother is not here. If she were here, she would have beaten you to a pulp.

"Where did your mother go? If you tell me her whereabouts, I will release you from your seal," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

"You can release my seal? Then release it first, and I will tell you," Di Honglei said.

"Okay!" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor waved his hand and completely lifted the seal set by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

"Hmm! What else can my mother do? Of course, she is trying to kill Desolate Immortal Emperor and avenge Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor," Di Honglei said.

"??? Ruo Xi, didn't she marry Desolate Immortal Emperor? And she wants to avenge me!"

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