Chapter 174: Battle of the Black Tortoise Saint

Within the Qilin clan, two enormous Qilin Law Manifestations are engaged in a fierce battle, accompanied by the sound of thunder in the sky.

The Qilin True Fire dances in the sky! The roar of the giant beasts echoes through the clouds as two hundred-meter tall giant Qilins compete against each other.

One emits a golden-red light from its body, while the other emits a pure red light and possesses a more robust and fierce physique.

In the battle between the two divine beasts, ordinary Qilin True Fire is unable to harm the other. They can only rely on their terrifying brute strength to fight. Any spells or secret techniques are completely ineffective against such terrifying Fire Qilins.

The Qilin True Fire burning on the bodies of the divine beasts can render most secret techniques useless.

The formidable physical qualities of the Fire Qilin clan make them invincible in close combat. Unless they face a divine beast of the same level, no other body cultivator can match them.

The two hundred-meter tall giant Fire Qilins fiercely battle in the sky, and for a moment, victory or defeat is difficult to determine.

The intense clash of the battle shakes the entire Qilin King City. The Qilin people below the city watch the lively spectacle in the sky with great admiration.

Their Qilin King unexpectedly possesses such terrifying strength.

"Not bad, not bad. Although I have suppressed my cultivation to the Celestial Immortal level, you kid can actually withstand my attacks. You indeed have some skills," said the Black Tortoise Saint, who had transformed into the appearance of a divine beast Fire Qilin.

The two giant Fire Qilins battling in the sky are Zhou Tianfeng and one of the Qilin ancestors, the Black Tortoise Saint.

Zhou Tianfeng has condensed into a Qilin Law Manifestation, while the Qilin ancestor has transformed back into his true form, the divine beast Five Qilins.

"Ancestor, you overpraise me! My cultivation is still far from sufficient! If it weren't for the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, I would definitely not be your match," Zhou Tianfeng humbly replied.

Indeed, the strength of these two Qilin ancestors is terrifying to the extreme. They have suppressed their cultivation to the Celestial Immortal Realm and are fighting against themselves.

Zhou Tianfeng has activated the Qilin Law Manifestation, Qilin True Fire, and even the Adrenaline Mode, along with the extraordinary power of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Yet, he can only barely keep up.

It should be noted that this is already Zhou Tianfeng's state with all his firepower unleashed. He has not used the mutated power of the Chaos within his Dantian and the gravitational magnetic field.

Even so, an ordinary Celestial Immortal is definitely not Zhou Tianfeng's match. Yet, this Qilin ancestor is able to withstand all his attacks solely with the physical strength of the Fire Qilin.

Moreover, the ancestor is even stronger in terms of endurance. At this point, Zhou Tianfeng is starting to feel physically exhausted.

After all, he cannot use the mutated version of the power of Chaos within himself, and relying solely on Qilin True Yuan for battle still consumes some energy.

Furthermore, the combination of the Adrenaline Mode and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body places a tremendous burden on his body.

"You've done well, kid. None of the previous Qilin Kings could fight us to this extent. They were all defeated with a single collision from our Fire Qilin bodies. You, on the other hand, have been able to fight me for so long without showing any signs of defeat," said the Black Tortoise Saint.

Indeed, this kid has already surprised the two of them. Previous Qilin Kings were indeed able to manifest the Fire Qilin in their Law Manifestation battles, but the Law Manifestation is still just a Law Manifestation, far inferior to a true divine beast Fire Qilin.

"The two ancestors are correct. It's just a matter of control, right? Such tricks are insignificant in front of the two ancestors. I estimate that they won't affect you," Zhou Tianfeng said, immediately using his gravitational magnetic field to impose gravity restrictions on the two Qilin ancestors.

The two Qilin ancestors suddenly felt an indescribable force appearing on their bodies. Their movements became somewhat sluggish, but apart from that, there were no other changes.

This is the drawback of the gravitational magnetic field. It is a piece of cake to deal with beings with much lower cultivation levels. It requires no effort at all.

But if it's dealing with someone whose cultivation level is much higher, or even someone whose cultivation level is similar to their own, then the gravitational magnetic field will be at a disadvantage.

When the cultivation level is similar to their own, it can at most affect the opponent's speed, but if the opponent's cultivation level is much higher, it is purely a harassment and basically useless. However, if it's dealing with someone whose cultivation level is much lower, it's a one-hit kill, completely overwhelming.

Zhou Tianfeng had used the gravitational magnetic field against the four Blood Monster ancestors before, in front of all the Great Monster clans and the Qilin clan, so he didn't plan to keep this move hidden.

"I feel a bit heavy, this move of yours is quite impressive," Black Tortoise Saint moved his body and spoke.

"This move is very effective against those whose cultivation level is much weaker than yours, it can instantly immobilize them. However, it's not useful for us Immortal King experts. But this power has great potential for development, so you should cultivate it well," Mo Tian Saint said.

"Understood, I have learned my lesson from the two seniors," Zhou Tianfeng said respectfully.

"By the way, how is your cultivation of the Qilin Fury that we passed on to you? This move is the specialty of our Fire Qilin, so you should cultivate it well," Black Tortoise Saint asked.

Indeed, from the beginning to the end of the battle, Zhou Tianfeng hadn't used the Qilin Fury, the signature move of the divine beast Fire Qilin, making him feel embarrassed to use it.

Zhou Tianfeng felt a bit speechless upon hearing this. He also wanted to use the Qilin Fury, and he had successfully cultivated it. But the problem was that after activating the adrenaline mode and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, using this move would put too much strain on his body.

Both were techniques that stimulated one's own potential and enhanced explosive power. After using the Qilin Fury, the burden on his body was not much less than that of activating the adrenaline mode.

After using the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and activating the adrenaline mode, if he were to use the Qilin Fury and the Qilin Law Manifestation, Zhou Tianfeng estimated that he would collapse before the enemy even arrived.

It wasn't that he couldn't defeat the enemy, but rather that he would be too exhausted. Unless he gave up the Qilin True Essence and used the mutated power of the Wilderness within his body to drive it. Otherwise, he simply couldn't use the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, adrenaline, and Qilin Fury all at the same time.

"After I activate the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, using the Qilin Fury would cause some damage to my body, that's why I didn't use it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Heavenly Rage Battle Body! I noticed that besides the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, you have another skill that can instantly boost your combat power. It seems like you can even anticipate my attacks. When you fought against me, I could tell that at the beginning, your combat experience was lacking, but later on, I don't know what happened, you immediately became as experienced as someone who had been through countless battles," Black Tortoise Saint said.

As an experienced Immortal King, if he couldn't even see through these little tricks, then he would be too cheap. When this kid first fought against him, his combat experience was extremely lacking, even clumsy.

Obviously, there hasn't been a true transformation into a Qilin form. After fighting with the enemy, but using that kind of instant power boost, this kid seemed to have an epiphany, and his combat experience skyrocketed, even to the point of having extremely sharp insight.

Often, before he even made a move, this kid would already detect his own motives and even anticipate his moves in advance.

At first, I could suppress this kid with my abundant combat experience, but later, my abundant combat experience actually became nourishment for this kid, and he turned it around on me.

"This is another special ability of my disciple's body. Just like the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, it can greatly enhance combat power and allow me to see through the opponent's moves and even predict them in advance," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The adrenaline mode is not the most terrifying thing. It's not just enhancing one's physical body, but it's a comprehensive enhancement, including vision, hearing, and the computational power of the brain, all of which will be elevated to an unimaginable level.

This is a comprehensive enhancement.

"You really are gifted, and you have this kind of enhancement method. Is this also a special physique of the Human Race? But the Qilin Rage cannot be abandoned. In the future, when your cultivation level is high, our Qilin clan still has many secret techniques that can only be performed with the Qilin Rage," Mo Tiansheng said.

The Human Race is truly a unique race! They possess various talents and even various strange abilities. Moreover, they have the Innate cultivation physique, which can be said to be unparalleled.

Other races, such as the Demon Spirit clan, Monster Race, Divine Beast clan, and Immortal Beast clan, cannot intermarry with other races and reproduce offspring. Only the Human Race does not have this restriction. The Human Race can produce half-demons with other Monster Races and even give birth to Qilin descendants with their divine beast, the Fire Qilin.

And after inheriting these bloodlines, their own bloodline will not disappear, but will become even stronger through the union.

This kid's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, along with their Qilin clan's Law Manifestation and Qilin True Fire, truly gives him an extra edge. His talent is not weaker than an ordinary divine beast Fire Qilin, and may even be stronger.

The two divine beast Fire Qilins can only suppress this kid with their Immortal King-level cultivation.

An existence at the Immortal King realm, even if they suppress their cultivation to the Celestial Immortal Realm, is definitely not something a Celestial Immortal can withstand, and even an ordinary Golden Immortal cannot stop them.

Just as Zhou Tianfeng was conversing with the two Qilin ancestors, a Qilin clan guard hurriedly rushed in and knelt before Zhou Tianfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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