Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 183 Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, Not Human Race

Chapter 183: Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, Not Human Race

My own mother! She actually created such a terrifying technique. This is basically impossible, and she can guarantee it with her status as an Immortal King.

Even a Demon Emperor, Immortal Emperor, or Monster Emperor would never be able to create such a bizarre technique that can turn others into puppets and clones. It's truly unimaginable.

There is only one possibility at the moment! That is, my mother is not actually of the Human Race. The Human Race is just a disguise for her, or perhaps she possesses an unknown constitution within the Human Race. She used her own constitution or racial abilities to create such a strange and mysterious technique.

Could it be that my mother is not actually of the Human Race?

This ability is simply a racial talent! Or perhaps it is an alternative, undiscovered Human Race constitution.

Just like Zhou Tianfeng, he also possesses an undiscovered Human Race constitution. The Heavenly Rage Battle Body is just a bestowed ability, even the bloodline of the Qilin Clan is only an acquired enhancement.

Wait a minute! Something seems a little off!

Why is my mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, so similar to Zhou Tianfeng?

This guy, Zhou Tianfeng, when he was still a mortal, used his own blood to successfully create four Blood Monster ancestors and transformed his second senior brother's disciple into a half-human, half-demon being.

These are just the things I know, there should be many more that I don't know!

When my mother was in the Heavenly World, she also created many strange races, and each time she would add a bit of her essence or something else. The newly created species would be exceptionally close to my mother.

Because of this, my mother obtained several bestowed constitutions, even she herself is not clear about them!

This guy, Zhou Tianfeng, can indirectly pull people into a strange space using his blood and exert a certain kind of suppression on the target, like me.

In the previous strange space, she even discovered two sealed peerless powerhouses, whose cultivation levels she couldn't even see through.

Di Honglei suddenly shivered all over.

Why does she feel that Zhou Tianfeng and her mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, have so many similarities?

Both of them can create new species, both have obtained bestowed constitutions, and even help others obtain bestowed constitutions. They can control others through unheard-of methods.

Di Honglei can be very certain that he, including the four Blood Monster ancestors, will be suppressed by Zhou Tianfeng.

And now, his mother can actually make others her puppets with a set of techniques, which is too similar, isn't it?

And the one who discovered this is Zhou Tianfeng himself, which made him suspicious. Could it be that Zhou Tianfeng and his mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, are of the same race?

His mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, and Zhou Tianfeng are likely a completely new and unknown race, which is why Zhou Tianfeng is so wary of his mother and why his mother values Zhou Tianfeng so much!

After some speculation, Di Honglei seems to have discovered a terrifying truth.

"In any case, seal my two senior sisters for now, and absolutely do not let them continue their cultivation, understood?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

What's wrong with this girl? Why is she suddenly silent? And Zhou Tianfeng can clearly feel that her emotions are fluctuating greatly, as if she is very surprised, even fearful?

What are you surprised about? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of?

"Okay! I understand, I will stop my two senior sisters from cultivating and seal them first," Di Honglei replied fearfully, absent-mindedly nodding.

"Di Honglei, what's wrong with you? Do you have something to tell me, or have you discovered something about your mother?" Zhou Tianfeng asked with great suspicion.

This girl, has she discovered some secret about Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi?

"No! No! How could I possibly discover my mother's secret? You're thinking too much," Di Honglei said.

"Believe me, your mother is definitely not as kind as you imagine! Although I haven't met her in person, from her way of doing things, I bet she is a ruthless person! Will do anything to achieve her goals," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand, it's just a bit hard to accept for a moment, that my mother is actually such a person," Di Honglei said.

His mother, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, and Zhou Tianfeng are actually of the same race! This is really surprising. Although it's just speculation, Di Honglei feels that his guess is almost certain.

"Alright, let me send you out first! After a while, I will find a way to go to the Heavenly World. Before that, you take care of my two senior sisters," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Originally, he planned to cultivate to the Golden Immortal level and then ascend to the Heavenly Net World or the Flying Immortal World. But now there is not enough time. His two senior sisters have been manipulated by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, so he must quickly resolve the issues on them.

Although it is said that only when one cultivates to the Immortal King realm will they become complete puppets of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, or even another Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, it is better to remove them as early as possible before any hidden dangers arise in the future.

This move is really terrifying! Cultivate to the Immortal King realm, then transform into her appearance. Become her puppet, I'm afraid it's still her spare body!

After sending Di Honglei out of the Virus Space, Zhou Tianfeng also fell into contemplation. Should he directly ascend? Or should he cultivate another Celestial Immortal Qilin King from the Qilin clan?

Now that he has only been the Qilin King for a little over 100 years, it wouldn't be good for the Qilin clan if he were to leave like this!

Both the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin Ancestors, have treated him well, giving him techniques and spirit medicine, and storing a large amount of immortal energy in his cultivation place.

The entire Qilin clan also looks up to him.

If he were to suddenly leave like this, it would have a great impact on the Qilin clan!

The Qilin clan currently does not have two Elders in the Celestial Immortal Realm. Within the Qilin clan, there are only some True Immortals of varying sizes.

If he, the Qilin King, were to suddenly leave, then the deterrent power would be lost!

It's a bit difficult. Should he seal the two junior sisters first? Then, when his cultivation is higher, he can go to the Heavenly Net World and work hard to cultivate another Celestial Immortal Qilin King. Then he can leave with peace of mind during this period.

"Virus Space, I have something I want to ask you. How can I have offspring with the life in this world?" Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment and asked.

This is a question he has always been concerned about. Is it possible for him, a human, to have offspring with the life in this world?

Master! You can have some kind of offspring with the creatures of this world, but it's different from what you imagine. Your life structure is not the same.

Your little tadpole! (Those two words can't be said, so let's use this as a substitute!) It cannot find a true egg cell to form a fertilized egg.

But the life in this world does not reproduce offspring in the way you think. It relies on the power of both bloodlines.

You have the bloodline of the Qilin clan and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body of the Human Race, so you can pass on these two bloodlines to your offspring.

But your own true infinite possibilities cannot be inherited. Your offspring can only receive your gifts.

I see! So, that's why humans and demons can have offspring without reproductive barriers, giving birth to half-demons!

"So, does that mean my offspring will only inherit the Heavenly Rage Battle Body or the Qilin bloodline?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Yes, Lord Master! However, because of the existence of the Virus Space, you can optimize all the bloodline powers collected in the Virus Space.

Even some characteristics of the Blood Monster can be added to your offspring, which, according to your understanding in your previous life, is called genetic fine-tuning.

"If that's the case, can I let Moyun Qi give birth to a true Fire Qilin?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Virus Space, you're awesome! This fucking works.

Yes! Not only that, you can also give them the power of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. But if you do that, they will have some Human Race bloodline, so they won't be pure Fire Qilins. However, in terms of bloodline, they will be even stronger than true Fire Qilins.

"I understand how to do it. I plan to let Moyun Qi give birth to a true Fire Qilin without that Heavenly Rage Battle Body thing," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Then! We can adjust the Qilin bloodline to the maximum extent. I will use the power of the Virus Space to optimize the bloodline of the Fire Qilin to the highest level.

"That's how it's done. By the way, can we have twins? Have another child who inherits half of the Fire Qilin physique and my Heavenly Rage Battle Body, similar to my current state."

Yes! It can be done by consuming the Qi of the Origin.

"Well! How do I do it specifically? Do I need to bring her in?"

No need! You just need to have normal intercourse with her!

Master, from now on, as long as a woman enters the Virus Space, you can use this method to have them bear your offspring. You can decide their bloodline purity and bloodline talent, and even their gender.

Damn, you're so overpowered.

Let's forget about deciding the gender! It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

Zhou Tianfeng left the Virus Space and then plunged into the Qilin King's palace. Now, my dear husband, I will give you a pure Fire Qilin.

A few months later, Moyun Qi's belly began to bulge slightly! Two new lives began to gestate!

One possesses the purest Fire Qilin bloodline, with bloodline purity even stronger than the two Fire Qilin Ancestors.

The other one has half Fire Qilin bloodline and the other half is the Human Race Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

These two children were conceived by Zhou Tianfeng using the power of the Virus Space and Moyun Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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