Chapter 184: Sealing the Two Women

In the Heavenly Net World, within the former immortal palace of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

Di Honglei's expression was very serious as he called Lin Wan and Cai Ling, Zhou Tianfeng's two senior sisters. At this point, the two women had already reached the Heavenly Ascension realm, only one step away from crossing the heavenly tribulation and becoming true immortals.

Of course, being able to make such great progress within a hundred years was inseparable from the abundant immortal energy in the Heavenly Net World and the guidance of a senior at the Immortal King realm.

Their experiences were extremely bizarre. They were originally cultivating in a newly opened Cave Mansion, but suddenly, they were transported to a very luxurious and majestic immortal palace.

The abundant immortal energy almost caused the two cultivators to explode, but fortunately, the mysterious woman set up a barrier that transformed the dense immortal energy into the spiritual energy of the cultivation realm, allowing them to absorb it.

Then, a mysterious female immortal appeared in front of them and said that their aptitude was good. She wanted to take them as disciples and didn't even care whether they were willing or not. She directly transmitted the cultivation technique to them, allowing them to cultivate a peculiar technique called Spirit Partitioning.

The experiences of the past hundred years made them both unable to believe it. With their aptitude, it would already be considered fortunate to break through to the Immortal Transformation realm within a hundred years. But who could have expected that here, they would actually break through to the Heavenly Ascension realm and even soon pass the heavenly tribulation, becoming true immortals, the ultimate goal of cultivators.

It was simply like a dream, unbelievable! Their master and others had cultivated for five to six hundred years just to barely reach the Immortal Transformation realm. But they themselves, in just a short hundred years, had reached the realm of Heavenly Ascension.

Sigh! They didn't know if they could still return to the Spirit World, if they could still see their master! And their junior brother, they didn't know how he was doing in the Demon Realm space.

Could that mysterious woman who transmitted the technique to them have ulterior motives towards their junior brother?

"Elder, may we ask why you called the two of us here?" Lin Wan cautiously asked.

"This is how it is. Your junior brother, Zhou Tianfeng, contacted me not long ago and told me something. The specific situation is that there is a problem with the cultivation technique you are currently practicing. So, you must be sealed first, and in the future, your junior brother will come to rescue you and resolve the problem on your bodies," Di Honglei told the two women about the serious consequences of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi transmitting the technique.

"Elder! Are you really going to seal the two of us at the request of our junior brother?" Cai Ling asked.

"How is that possible? Elder, didn't you say that the one who transmitted the technique to us was Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi from the Heavenly Net World? Why would she create such a malicious technique?" Lin Wan asked.

You said you knew our junior brother and said you would take care of us. You also said that if the technique given by the Heavenly Queen, we could become immortals in the Heavenly Net World in the future.

But now you suddenly come and tell us that there is a problem with the technique we are cultivating and want to seal us! What is going on?

And is there really such a terrifying technique in this world? Just by cultivating it, one would transform into that person?

This is too unbelievable! Moreover, you say you know our junior brother, but how can we be sure that you are not deceiving us?

To seal the two of us like this! Who can accept it?

"I know you two don't believe it, and to be honest, I don't believe it much either. If it weren't for your junior brother being very certain, I would suspect that she was deceiving me," Di Honglei said.

Zhou Tianfeng's race is likely exactly the same as his own mother, possessing a strange creativity, which is why Zhou Tianfeng was able to discover his mother's secret.

And Zhou Tianfeng also has another identity, that of a reincarnation of an extremely powerful being. What he said should be mostly true.

"Alright! If you don't believe it, I have a way to verify it. From now on, you don't actively cultivate this technique and see if it will operate on its own within your bodies, as I said," Di Honglei said.

To verify her statement was actually very simple! And she also had a bit of curiosity and doubt about this statement! So, letting these two girls verify it would be the best result.

Lin Wan and Cai Ling glanced at each other, then nodded and said, "Elder, we agree with what you said. We won't actively cultivate this technique for now and see if it will operate on its own within our bodies. If it really does, then please seal us and wait for our junior brother to come and rescue us."

"Alright! That's settled!" Di Honglei said.

In the following months, the three women began to verify Zhou Tianfeng's statement, and the results surprised them. The technique transmitted by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi did indeed operate on its own within their bodies, even if they didn't actively cultivate it. It absorbed the external spiritual energy and converted it into cultivation.

Even if they tried to stop cultivating this technique and forget about it in their minds, they couldn't stop it.

Their bodies have formed an instinct! They will continue to cultivate this strange technique! No matter what method is used, it cannot be stopped.

"Sister Cai Ling, what that senior said is true, this technique really has a problem! It actually operates within our bodies on its own, and we can't control it at all, we can't even make it stop." Lin Wan said with a frightened expression.

Anyone who finds out that there is such a mysterious technique operating within their bodies, no matter what they do, they can't make it stop. In the end, it will completely transform them into another person, turning them into a walking corpse, completely terrifying.

"Sister, don't worry! That senior said that our junior brother has a way to solve the hidden dangers of this technique. Now we can only trust him." Cai Ling sighed and said.

These two women are just ordinary cultivators in the mortal realm. How could they, with no merits or abilities, be captured by a powerful Immortal King and taught such a strange and bizarre technique?

Come on, you're Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. As a powerful Immortal King, just stomping your foot would make the entire Spirit World tremble!

Do you, as such an existence, need to bother with the two of us who haven't even become immortals yet?

Or is it that the goal of this Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is her own junior brother?

"His goal should be the wetland. In any case, we can't make the decision now, let Senior Di seal us away!" Cai Ling said.

"For now, we can only trust that our junior brother will come to save us. He will definitely not abandon us." Lin Wan said.

After discussing, the two of them came to the place where Di Honglei was cultivating.

"Greetings, senior."

"No need to be polite, it seems that you have already verified it. This technique does indeed have a problem, right?" Di Honglei asked.

"Indeed, as senior said, this technique has a problem. The two of us haven't actively cultivated for the past few months, but this technique still operates on its own. Even if we try to forget about it and not cultivate, or even consider starting over, we can't make it stop." Cai Ling said.

"Ah! It's my fault, after all, it was my mother who passed on such a strange technique to you. If you want to blame someone, blame me." Di Honglei sighed and said.

Mother, oh mother, what exactly do you want to do? You're not just having him deal with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, you're completely offending him.

You want to have an endless battle with him! For a moment, Di Honglei was a bit confused about what his mother really wanted to do.

Your previous plan was clearly to use this kid to deal with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, but now you're scheming against him everywhere, even wanting to turn all his intimate women into your External Incarnation puppets. What exactly do you want to do?

"Senior! The two of us don't mean to blame you." Cai Ling said.

This senior is also forced, just like them. Before Senior Nantian arrived, she was also in a sealed state. If she can do this to her own biological daughter, let alone them?

"Don't worry! I promise you that you will be safe. I will hand you over to Zhoutian, the center of the separation. You can rest assured." Di Honglei said very seriously.

"Then we thank senior, please proceed, senior." Lin Wan and Cai Ling said together.

The three of them nodded at each other, and Di Honglei used her Golden Immortal level cultivation, combined with the power of desolation, to completely seal the cultivation and divine souls of the two.

However, he felt that this kind of seal was not secure. This technique created by his mother is very strange and will cultivate involuntarily.

Even if it is sealed, it is only a temporary solution. This technique will still slowly operate. Zhou Tianfeng, you have to come quickly.

Now he is becoming more and more unable to see through his mother, what exactly does she want to do?

At this time, in a valley full of birdsong and fragrance in the Heavenly Net World.

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor is healing here! His abdomen was torn open by the Desolate Immortal Emperor, leaving a huge wound, and the power of desolation remaining on it delayed the recovery of his immortal yuan.

"I didn't expect that after 20,000 years, your cultivation would actually reach such a level. With the help of that senior and such a divine weapon in hand, I still got injured by you." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said with a pale face.

A hundred years ago, it was he who intruded into the Vast Desolation Domain and had a fierce conflict with the Desolate Immortal Emperor. The two fought as soon as they met.

He thought that with the divine weapon bestowed by that senior and the techniques passed down, he should be able to crush the Desolate Immortal Emperor.

But in the end, the other party suppressed him.

"So you really are here, Nantian! Did you really hide for 20,000 years?" A voice that haunted him sounded in his ears.

"Ruo Xi!!"

(End of this chapter)

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