Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 185 The Weird Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi

Chapter 185: Mysterious Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor looked at the beautiful woman before him, who had captivated his soul and dreams. His lips twitched imperceptibly, unable to express the thousands of words he had in his heart.

He had so much to say, so many questions to ask! And he missed her so much. But her actions...

They had hurt him deeply!

He recalled the time they first met, when he had just become an immortal, full of spirit and encountered Ruo Xi. They fell in love, cultivated together, and made a name for themselves in the Heavenly Net World.

They became Golden Immortals together, then Profound Immortals, venturing into countless secret realms.

In the end, they both became Immortal Kings, and with Ruo Xi's help, he earned enough heavenly merits, breaking through to become the Supreme Immortal Emperor of the Heavenly Net World.

He even subjugated a group of subordinates and established the mighty Southern Celestial Immortal Palace.

But it was her, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, who, after spending hundreds of thousands of years together, grew tired of the life in the heavenly palace, finding the unchanging life boring.

As a result, she reincarnated and descended to the mortal realm.

This led him to encounter his strongest enemy in his lifetime, Desolate Immortal Emperor.

And 20,000 years ago, he died on the battlefield at the hands of Desolate Immortal Emperor.

Seeing his heavenly queen again, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor felt a mix of emotions, unsure of what to do or say.

Thousands of words turned into a sigh.

"Ah! Is it really you, Ruo Xi? It's been so long," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke.

"You didn't die back then, you weren't killed by Desolate Immortal Emperor. Where have you been hiding all these years? Why? Why didn't you come to see me?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said with a bitter expression.

"I... I didn't hide. Something happened to me, something that might be hard for you to believe. Everything that happened 20,000 years ago feels like yesterday to me," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor replied.

"Hahaha! Feels like yesterday to you? Then why didn't you come to find me when you went to seek Desolate Immortal Emperor a hundred years ago?

I sacrificed everything to help you seek revenge, even bore his child, raised her to become a killing tool, my own daughter.

But in the end, you, you bastard, didn't die. You're still alive and well. You're really cunning, Southern Heaven, deceiving everyone, even making me believe that you were dead," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said excitedly.

"Ruo Xi! If you hadn't gotten involved with Desolate Immortal Emperor back then, if you hadn't been entangled with him, none of these things would have happened," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

The cause of all this, everything, isn't it all related to you? If it weren't for you! I wouldn't have ended up in this situation, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Palace wouldn't have been destroyed.

Countless members of the Southern Heaven's old faction wouldn't have died or been injured.

At this moment, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's face was filled with anger and helplessness! Even his final battle with Desolate Immortal Emperor in his territory, wasn't it all for you?

"But you have indeed become much stronger. After 20,000 years, you can actually fight Desolate Immortal Emperor on equal footing, even severely injuring him. Southern Heaven, in these 20,000 years, what level of cultivation have you reached?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi asked.

"I've had some fortuitous encounters, received help from a mysterious and powerful being, became their disciple, and gained some opportunities," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor pondered for a moment before speaking.

He didn't mention the unbelievable fact of his death and resurrection, of being reversed in time and space. He even kept his powerful and mysterious ancestor a secret.

After dying once, he now understood many things. Sometimes, you must keep some cards hidden.

Even the person you trust the most might stab you in the back. You must keep some cards that others don't know about.

"Hmph! You really have great opportunities! Who is your master? Has their cultivation surpassed that of an Immortal Emperor? Have they reached the realm that these Emperor-level powerhouses dream of?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi asked.

"I don't know either. My master didn't say, but I believe their strength should be formidable," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor replied.

He had only briefly interacted with his master, and they hadn't spoken more than a hundred words. Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor felt speechless about this cheap master, only knowing that they were called Time Heavenly Venerable.

So he was also helpless!

But even if he knew the whole truth, he didn't plan to tell Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

After the earth-shattering battle in the Vast Desolation Domain with Desolate Immortal Emperor, many doubts arose in his mind. He had to find out.

"Is that so? If you don't want to say, then forget it," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's expression turned cold as she spoke.

In the past, whenever she used this trick, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor would definitely fall for it and come running to please her. But this time, to her disappointment, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor stood still in his place, not moving at all, and even looked at her coldly.

There was absolutely no intention of coming to please her, which greatly disappointed Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. This guy actually remained indifferent, indifferent to himself!

"Ruo Xi, I want to ask you something, and I hope you can answer truthfully," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spoke up.

"Ask whatever you want! If I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi replied, turning her head away.

"Desolate Immortal Emperor said something strange to me. He said, he said, he doesn't even know who Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

That's right, when he was on his way to the Vast Desolation Domain, he had a few words with Desolate Immortal Emperor, but what Desolate Immortal Emperor said shocked him. The other party actually claimed to not know Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi at all.

You don't know Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, how can you not know him? If you don't know him, then why did we have a major battle back then, and why did you even annihilate my Heavenly Net World?

He could accept any explanation from Desolate Immortal Emperor, such as the other party also liking Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and killing him out of love and hatred.

But to say that he doesn't know Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, what kind of situation is this? Then what about everything I've done? What happened to my death 20,000 years ago?

"When I was reincarnated back then, my name was indeed not Ruo Xi. Maybe that's why he said he doesn't know Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi! And he doesn't think I'm your queen, but his own. Maybe he just can't understand what you're saying," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's expression changed slightly as she spoke.

"Someone who has cultivated to our level should be able to understand. The question I asked, he can understand and comprehend. Moreover, in these years, the affairs of the three of us in the Heavenly Net World have been widely known. He can't possibly not know," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, her own affairs with Desolate Immortal Emperor, let alone the Heavenly Net World, even the Heavenly Monster World, the Flying Immortal World, and the Black Demon World, any random Independent Cultivator would know some details.

It seemed as if someone deliberately caused this.

Desolate Immortal Emperor actually said he doesn't know Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, so he shouldn't be lying? A powerful cultivator who has reached the Immortal Emperor realm would never tell lies.

And some of the things Desolate Immortal Emperor said afterwards caught his attention greatly.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, she calculated everyone, we are all just pawns to her!

But at that time, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor couldn't listen. So he had a major battle with Desolate Immortal Emperor, and both of them were heavily injured, and he took the opportunity to escape.

In the hundred years since then, he had thought a lot, and he was particularly concerned about the sentence Desolate Immortal Emperor said. What does it mean? Why did he say that Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi calculated all of them, that everyone was just her pawn?

"You're doubting me, your Heavenly Queen? After all these years, I've done so much for you, and as soon as we meet, you doubt me?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's face turned cold as she spoke.

"I just want to know the truth. Tell me the truth about all of this. Why would the Desolate Immortal Emperor say he doesn't even know you? And that you took away his daughter. The child I found in your palace, although she looks like you, she is not your daughter." Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor shouted.

The reason he and the Desolate Immortal Emperor started fighting was completely incomprehensible! There was also another important matter.

That was the Desolate Immortal Emperor's interrogation! He actually questioned himself about where he had hidden his daughter.

20,000 years ago, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi stole her own daughter. At that time, he went to the Heavenly Net World just to retrieve his daughter!

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor began to understand some things. The Desolate Immortal Emperor may not have gone to the Heavenly Net World and engaged in a great battle with him because he liked Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. He even killed two other Immortal Emperors from the Heavenly Net World.

He didn't care about Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi at all, or maybe he didn't even know her! He was just a father who wanted to save his daughter!

"Did he deceive you with just a few words? Think about it. After I reincarnated and ascended to the Heavenly Net World with him, you know what happened. Afterward, you pursued him. I intervened and saved him, even allowing him to enter the Vast Desolation Domain. You know all of this. Now, with just a few words, you actually don't believe me?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's expression changed as she spoke.

"But from beginning to end! You told me everything. Before he and I had our decisive battle, I hadn't even seen him. Your reincarnation, ascending to the Heavenly Net World with him, leaving him, and then coming back to tell me that you hurt his heart and sent him to the Vast Desolation Domain. You told me all of this," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said.

Why? Why did you provoke a great battle between the two of us? Using him to kill me, but now you want revenge for me?

And you even spread the news of the three of us throughout the world!

This time, after meeting with the Desolate Immortal Emperor, I learned a lot of things, and even saw the tombstone of his true wife.

"I don't understand what you're saying, Southern Heaven! You actually came to question me based on his words alone. After hundreds of thousands of years of love, you actually don't believe me?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said coldly.

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's expression became somewhat agitated. He grabbed Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's shoulder and loudly questioned her.

"What is all of this? Ruo Xi, tell me, you tell me, me!" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's voice suddenly choked.

A pure white jade hand pierced through his chest.

"You asked too many questions."

(End of this chapter)

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