Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 186 I Have A Sword, Please Review It By Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist

Chapter 186: I Have a Sword, Please Evaluate, Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist

"You! You're also an Immortal Emperor?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor couldn't believe it!

Even if he was heavily injured, it was absolutely impossible for an Immortal King to injure him. Even if this Immortal King had already stepped half a foot into the realm of Immortal Emperor, it still wouldn't be possible.

Only those at the Emperor Level, who were also strong, could harm or even kill him.

But he didn't expect that Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi would make such a deadly move against him! Were all these years of seeking revenge for me just a lie?

Or is it that there was never any hatred between me and Desolate Immortal Emperor? Ruo Xi! Ruo Xi!

What is your true purpose?

Just let me hear it from your own mouth!

Looking at the pure white jade hand piercing through his chest, the beautiful woman in front of him had an icy expression, emitting a sinister aura, calmly piercing through his chest.

"Southern Heaven! Southern Heaven! I've done so much for you, but you don't believe me. Since that's the case, then we have nothing more to say, and you're also useless." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi grabbed Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and spoke.

At the moment when she pierced Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's chest, she also crushed his Immortal Pill and used her own power to seal his soul.

Killing an Immortal Emperor was not so easy. If an Immortal Emperor's soul were to escape, they could rely on the aura of immortality to reform their physical body.

To kill an Immortal Emperor, not only did their body need to be completely destroyed, but more importantly, their soul needed to be annihilated, and their foundation of the Emperor's Dao needed to be destroyed.

"Why did you do this? What benefit do you gain from killing me? After 20,000 years of not seeing each other, when you finally see me again, is it just to kill me?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor calmly asked, as if being pierced through the chest and having his soul imprisoned didn't affect him.

"Do you know, Southern Heaven, in my plan, you should have exited the stage 20,000 years ago. You shouldn't have appeared again. You shouldn't have appeared in front of Desolate Immortal Emperor, and you shouldn't have appeared in this world. Dying honorably in battle would have been the correct choice." Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi withdrew her pure white jade hand and licked the Immortal Emperor's blood on it, speaking calmly.

At this moment, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi had lost the sacred and vibrant beauty she once had. Instead, she emitted an extremely sinister aura.

This Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi gave Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor a feeling of extreme unfamiliarity.

"In that case, the maid in our palace is not your daughter at all, but the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor. You don't know how you managed to steal her away and make her appearance and aura resemble yours, creating the illusion that she is your daughter, right?" asked the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I am already a dying man. Before I die, let me be a clear-minded ghost. What harm is there in that? You already have control over my life, and whether I live or die is entirely up to you!" said the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"Hmph! Indeed, 20,000 years ago, I secretly infiltrated the Vast Desolation Domain and stole the daughter of the Desolate Immortal Emperor. I also killed his wife and took on the name of the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor. It is because of this that the Desolate Immortal Emperor came looking for you, madly seeking a battle," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi finally revealed the answer that had been hidden in her heart.

"Why did you do this? Why did you provoke a battle between two Immortal Emperors?" asked the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

"Why? Why did I do this? Because I want the Heavenly Emperor to die. Only when he dies can my hatred be extinguished! You were useless 20,000 years ago. I thought you were also an unparalleled Immortal Emperor, having achieved enlightenment tens of thousands of years before him. I thought killing him would be easy for you, but I never expected that he would be the one to kill you," said Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, looking at the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor with a face full of resentment.

"Why did you kill him?"

"Why? I am the Heavenly Queen of the Heavenly World, the most beautiful woman in the six realms! When I was reincarnated and met him, he didn't even give me a second glance! What does his wife have that is better than me? How is she worthy of him?" said Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, full of anger.

"Hahaha! So that's it, such a ridiculous reason! Just because he didn't look at you directly, or didn't accept your love, right?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood and said with a miserable face.

"Hmph! I, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, have been famous for so many years. Among all the realms, which man doesn't immediately become infatuated when they see me? No one is exempt," said Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

"Hahaha! Ridiculous! Pitiful! Regrettable! I, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, was truly blind to fall in love with you. It is only today that I see your true face. You are not worthy of being the Heavenly Queen," said Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, and with a wave of his hand, he pushed away Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. Her chest, which had been pierced by the Heavenly Queen, quickly healed, and even her imprisoned soul instantly broke free from control.

"You deceived me. You were tricking me with your words. You weren't really injured that badly, were you?" A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's mouth as she looked at Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor and questioned him.

"Hehe! If not for that, how could I know the whole truth? Knowing this truth, I am even more helpless!"

Alas, Southern Heaven! This phrase describes me perfectly. "Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor" is not appropriate at all. It should be "Alas, Southern Heaven."

"What is the matter with your cultivation level?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi asked.

An Immortal Emperor who was ambushed by her once would definitely not be able to escape from her instantly and then turn around and injure her.

"Twenty thousand years ago, I did die. I died under the sword of the Desolate Immortal Emperor, died because of your ridiculous reasons! I was a complete failure! But now, I no longer care about you, Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said with closed eyes.

He obtained a new Immortal World and, with the help of the origin energy within the new Immortal World, an ordinary Immortal Emperor would find it difficult to kill him, as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

The reason he was injured by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi was also to ask her some questions and learn the answers he had always wanted.

At this moment, he completely let go of all his obsession with Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi! He let go of all his longing for her.

His entire being underwent a transformation! His Dao heart became even more stable, seeing through emotional attachments, seeing through all personal relationships.

The technique passed down by his mysterious master automatically operated within Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's body, allowing his cultivation level to surpass that of an Immortal Emperor.

"You! You! You actually broke through, you actually broke through the cultivation level of an Immortal Emperor," Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said as if she had witnessed something unbelievable.

For millions of years, for several million years, finally, there was an existence that broke through the Immortal Emperor level!

"I have to thank you, Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist. I wish for success in my breakthrough. I no longer have any feelings of love in my heart for you," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor said calmly as he looked at the woman who was once his beloved.

At this moment, he completely severed all his longing and affection for Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi! His gaze began to turn cold and heartless, and his entire demeanor underwent a tremendous change.

Sharp and mighty!

"Southern Heaven, as long as you kill the Desolate Immortal Emperor, I will return to your side and help you establish a new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace. How about that?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi slowly stepped back and said.

"I have a sword. Please, Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist, have a taste," Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor smiled faintly and said calmly.

"No! Southern Heaven, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, how can you do this?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi screamed frantically.

But the answer to her was an unmatched sword light unleashed by Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor.

This sword light seemed to span across the ages! It seemed capable of sweeping through the six realms!

Slashing towards her body.

This unmatched sword light shattered Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's physical body and shattered her divine soul! This sword would completely annihilate her.

"Do you think you have me figured out? Southern Heaven! Southern Heaven! How much do you really know about my secrets?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

In the time it took to speak, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi seemed to activate some kind of special secret technique.

At the same time in the Heavenly Net World, Heavenly Monster World, Black Demon World, and Flying Immortal World! Several stunning women at the Immortal King realm suddenly lost control of their bodies.

The Heavenly Demon of the Black Demon World, the master of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace in the Flying Immortal World, Yu Rui Immortal King of the Heavenly Net World, and the Demon Queen of the Heavenly Monster World, their bodies all began to act beyond their control.

They all had one common feature, which was that they looked exactly like Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

Their bodies suddenly burst open, and their entire beings, including their flesh, essence, and even their divine souls, turned into pure energy. Through an unknown connection, they entered Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's body and blocked this unmatched sword light for her.

"Ruo Xi Fellow Daoist, you indeed cultivate such sinister arts. It is indeed impressive. However, you only managed to block the first strike. How will you block the second, third, and fourth strikes?" Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor swung his divine sword towards Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

With half a foot already stepping into the realm of an Immortal Emperor, his combat power far surpassed that of an ordinary Immortal Emperor. Previously, in the Vast Desolation Domain, he could only fight on par with the Desolate Immortal Emperor with the help of this divine sword.

But now, his cultivation level had reached the same realm as the Desolate Immortal Emperor. With half a foot stepping into the Emperor Realm, if the two were to fight again now, he had confidence that it would be the Desolate Immortal Emperor who would be defeated.

As for Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, an ordinary Immortal Emperor, even if she cultivated extremely bizarre and sinister arts, she still did not concern him.

Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi's body suddenly turned into a blood-red sphere. The bodies of the several Immortal King realm women were completely devoured by the Heavenly Queen, their flesh and essence, and even their divine souls.

"Hmph! It won't end like this, Southern Heaven! You still have the Desolate Immortal Emperor. Your entire plane is our target! We will meet again," a purple crack appeared behind Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and slowly sucked her in.

Seeing this, Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor immediately raised his divine sword and slashed towards the crack. However, a purple giant hand appeared, blocking Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor's sword, allowing Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi to safely escape.

(End of this chapter)

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