Chapter 187: Giving Birth to a Red Sphere

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the room, a heart-wrenching scream could be heard. The high-ranking members of the Qilin Clan, including Zhou Tianfeng, anxiously waited outside.

Today was the day the Qilin Queen was due to give birth! After ten years of pregnancy, the Qilin Queen was finally going to give birth.

For the Qilin Clan, this was a major event because, if nothing unexpected happened today, a pure-blooded king with Qilin lineage was about to be born.

"The Qilin King doesn't need to worry. The Queen is a True Immortal cultivator. There shouldn't be any major problems with giving birth to our king's offspring," an elder of the Qilin Clan said to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Hmm! I, the king, am not worried," Zhou Tianfeng said calmly.

Of course, I'm not worried. With the Virus Space guarantee, I know everything about these two children, their current situation, and their future growth potential.

Seeing that the Qilin King was not worried at all about his wife giving birth, the elder of the Qilin Clan didn't say anything more and patiently waited on the side.

But something seemed off! According to reason, a powerful True Immortal cultivator, even if selfish, wouldn't scream so miserably like an ordinary mortal woman.

What exactly is happening now?

After a while, a loud cry of a baby could be heard from the room, along with the screams of the maidservants.

Immediately, the high-ranking members of the Qilin Clan waiting outside frowned. What's going on? Why are the maidservants screaming?

"Oh no, oh no, the Queen, the Queen has given birth to a monster," a little maid rushed out in a panic and said to Zhou Tianfeng.

She looked extremely frightened, as if she had seen something extraordinary. There were severe burns on her palms, with blood oozing out.

"Why are you panicking? What kind of manner is this? And how dare you speak like that?" the elder of the Qilin Clan glared at her.

How dare this maid speak like that? How could she say that my daughter gave birth to a monster?

"What's going on? Don't be in a hurry, take your time and explain," Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Reporting to the Qilin King! The first child born to the Queen is normal, with pure Qilin bloodline and your Heavenly Rage Battle Body. But the second child, the second one is not a child at all, it's a red sphere," the little maid gasped for breath and said.

The situation inside was extremely strange. The first eldest son was born fine, a child with a very pure Qilin bloodline who also inherited the Qilin King's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, showing exceptional talent.

But the second child was more bizarre. Wang Fei unexpectedly gave birth to a strange, fiery red giant egg that emitted scorching high temperatures. Several maidservants were accidentally burned by the intense heat.

You see, even the most ordinary maidservants are descendants of the Divine Beast Fire Qilin. They have a natural immunity to flames, and ordinary fires would never harm them, not even the spiritual fires used by cultivators.

But when they came into contact with that fiery red giant egg, they were burned, and the Qilin Queen screamed so miserably because of the intense pain caused by the birth of the second child. Otherwise, a powerful True Immortal giving birth to offspring wouldn't scream like that.

It seems that giving birth to a pure Divine Beast Fire Qilin is indeed a huge burden for Mo Yunqi, but I really can't help with this matter!

At this time, the midwife in charge of delivering the baby and a few other attendants also came out, with severe burn marks on their bodies.

"What's the situation over there?" Mo Yunqi's father, the clan leader of the Mo Clan, anxiously asked.

"Reporting to the clan leader, the first young master is fine, but the second one, the second one, for some reason, the Queen gave birth to a giant egg, and it emits scorching high temperatures."

"You all just came out like this? Leaving the Queen and the baby inside, do you want her to get hurt?"

"No, clan leader, and also the Qilin King. That fiery red giant egg only burned us, the attendants. As for the Qilin Queen and the first young master, they are fine," one of the midwives said helplessly.

What kind of situation is this? The burns caused by this fiery red giant egg vary from person to person. These attendants who were responsible for delivering the baby were the unfortunate ones. As for the newborn prince and the Queen, they were completely unharmed.

Today's events are really bizarre. The Qilin Clan has been established for over ten thousand years, and I have never heard of any Queen giving birth to a red giant egg!

"Let's go in and take a look!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

A pure divine beast, the Fire Qilin, its birth method is certainly different from your ordinary Qilin clan.

Mo Yunqi's father and Zhou Tianfeng nodded at each other and entered the room together.

At this moment, Mo Yunqi's face was a bit pale. Holding her child, she timidly hid to the side, while beside her, there was a basin-sized giant red egg.

This giant egg emitted scorching high temperatures, even melting some items in the room.

"Husband! Father! Sob sob sob! I, I gave birth to a... I don't know what kind of monster it is. It... it's an egg!" Mo Yunqi held her newborn child, her face full of fear.

This matter was a huge blow to her, even causing her to be somewhat frightened!

"Don't worry, good daughter. Don't worry! Everything is under your father's control. I will give orders that no one is allowed to speak of what happened today. You just gave birth to a great prince, that's all." The patriarch of the Mo clan hugged his little daughter and said.

"Your Majesty sob sob!" Seeing Zhou Tianfeng not speaking, Mo Yunqi thought he was angry and immediately burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, this is a scandal of our Qilin clan. It must be strictly controlled. What do you think?" Mo Yunqi's father looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Lord Father-in-law! What do you think this giant egg is?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What else could it be? Just a calamity. Let's quickly dispose of it!"

"No, no! This egg is not simple. Feel carefully, how pure is the Fire Qilin bloodline on it. Although my bloodline grade is very high, it is different from the two ancestors. I am half Human Race and half Fire Qilin. But the child incubating inside this giant egg is very likely a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Your Majesty, are you saying that this is not a calamity at all, but... but a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin?" The patriarch of the Mo clan asked in astonishment.

Even Mo Yunqi beside him brightened her eyes. If that's the case, what she gave birth to is not a calamity at all.

It is the true divine beast, the Fire Qilin, that both ancestors of the Fire Qilin clan have longed for.

This seems to be possible. Everyone knows the purity of Zhou Tianfeng's bloodline, which is not inferior to the two ancestors. It is indeed possible that he and his offspring are a pure divine beast, the Fire Qilin.

"Your Majesty means that this... this is a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin? My grandson is a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin!" Mo Yunqi's father suddenly said with ecstatic expression.

When I first came in, I was only concerned about my daughter's situation and didn't pay much attention. But now, feeling the sensation coming from this fiery red giant egg, it is indeed exceptionally peculiar. It is the true bloodline of the divine beast, the Fire Qilin, and the sensing cannot be wrong.

"It shouldn't be wrong. You can also feel the Qilin bloodline emanating from it, right? We can ask the two senior ancestors in the upper realm to know for sure," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Of course, I can be sure. Isn't this child my masterpiece?

"Yes! We can ask the two senior ancestors about this. As true divine beasts, the Fire Qilin must know," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Husband! We shouldn't delay. You should quickly ask the two senior ancestors," Mo Yunqi also spoke up.

If she gives birth to a monster, it would be a completely different treatment from giving birth to a pure divine beast like the Fire Qilin.

"Yes! Don't worry, you go and appease the clan members first, tell them that what's left of Wang Fei is not some strange thing, but very likely a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin. I will inform the two senior ancestors in the upper realm about this matter," Zhou Tianfeng said.

After calming the situation a little, Zhou Tianfeng immediately went to the ancestral temple of the Qilin Clan and used the Immortal Weapon to contact the two Qilin senior ancestors who were still in the upper realm.

After a moment, two huge Qilin shadows appeared in the palace.

"Tianfeng! What do you need us for?" they asked.

"Senior ancestors, the situation is like this," Zhou Tianfeng showed them the fiery red giant egg and explained its characteristics. "This! This! Wait a minute! Are you saying that your wife, that little girl, has given birth to a Qilin egg?" the two Qilin senior ancestors looked at each other and asked together.

"Yes, the aura emanating from this fiery red giant egg is very familiar to me, it belongs to the two senior ancestors. So, I dare to guess that it should be a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Big brother! Let's go down and take a look!" Black Tortoise Saint looked at his older brother with an anxious expression.

"Not now! We have important matters to attend to in the Heavenly Net World. But based on your description, it should be a true Qilin egg. Hatching a true Qilin egg is very troublesome, it must be continuously nourished with Qilin True Fire. I will tell you the specific method now. Once things settle down a bit up there, we will immediately go down to the mortal realm," Mo Tian Saint said.

If it were a normal time, the two of them would immediately go down to see this newly born divine beast, the Fire Qilin. But now, they really couldn't leave!

(End of this chapter)

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