Chapter 188: Hatching the Fire Qilin

In these past few years, many things have happened in the Heavenly Net World! They have received very reliable intelligence that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor might not have actually died.

So now, the old members of the Southern Heaven faction have started to gather. All of them hope that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor can come forward and bring a bright future to the Heavenly Net World.

"Two seniors, what has happened in the Upper Realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I won't hide it from you. We have received intelligence that Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, he might not have died. 20,000 years ago, he was severely injured by Desolate Immortal Emperor and then faked his death to escape," Mo Tian Sheng said.

"So, we old folks have to gather again. In these years, each of us has cultivated many outstanding successors. When everyone comes together, the new Southern Celestial Immortal Palace we establish will not be much worse than before," Black Tortoise Sheng said.

Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor actually faked his death! Can you believe it? These Immortal Emperors are all so cunning!

"I see. Senior, may I know when I can ascend to the Upper Realm?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

The situation of the two junior sisters is not optimistic. If possible, he wants to ascend immediately.

"At least when your cultivation reaches the level of Golden Immortal! Then, cultivate a new Qilin King, and now you have a more important task. Take good care of the new divine beast, the Fire Qilin. You must feed it with your purest Qilin True Fire," Mo Tian Sheng said.

"Enough talk. Bring the child your wife gave birth to, let us see," Black Tortoise Sheng said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and immediately ordered someone to bring the firstborn son of the Qilin Queen Mo Yunqi, along with the red giant egg, to the ancestral temple of the Qilin clan.

Soon, Mo Yunqi was holding her newborn child, with two maids carrying the red giant egg behind her.

"Younger disciple Mo Yunqi greets the two seniors," she said.

The two divine beast Fire Qilin ancestors glanced at the child in Mo Yunqi's arms and nodded. The purity of the bloodline was good. Moreover, there was the Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, which was exactly like his father. As for the other one, it excited them.

Upon seeing the red giant egg, they instantly became spirited. It had been tens of thousands of years since they last saw an unhatched Qilin egg.

In the instant they saw the red giant egg, the two divine beast Fire Qilin recognized what it was. This was the egg of their Qilin clan.

And the bloodline aura inside is extremely pure, even surpassing the two of them. This little guy will be extraordinary once born!

Finally, the third divine beast, the Fire Qilin, is about to be born in this world. Their plan has finally succeeded at this moment, after they were excited about Zhou Tianfeng for a while.

But now, this unborn little Fire Qilin is their true hope, the hope for the revival of the Fire Qilin clan.

"Hahaha! Not bad, not bad, indeed a pure divine beast, the Fire Qilin. Take good care of him." Mo Tian Sheng said.

"When the divine beast, the Fire Qilin, is not yet born, the parents will use their own Qilin True Fire to roast the unhatched Fire Qilin egg, allowing the young Fire Qilin inside to absorb enough Qilin True Fire to ensure its birth.

The two of you will take turns supplying Qilin True Fire to this Qilin egg for the next thousand years. After a thousand years, it should be able to hatch. The Fire Qilin will be at the Golden Immortal level as soon as it is born, and its cultivation after adulthood can reach the Profound Immortal level." Black Tortoise Sheng said.

"Disciple will obey the orders of the two ancestors and take good care of this child." Mo Yun Qi said with a happy expression.

As a member of the Qilin clan, she is the one who truly gave birth to a divine beast, the Fire Qilin. It's a matter of face to say it out loud!

Unfortunately, her words did not catch the attention of the two Qilin ancestors. Both of them fell silent and looked at Mo Yun Qi with slightly furrowed brows.

Then they looked at Zhou Tianfeng, as if they remembered something very important.

"Is there a problem, elders? What's wrong with my child?" Mo Yun Qi asked.

"Big brother! Although this little girl has given birth to a true divine beast, the Fire Qilin, her own cultivation is only at the True Immortal level. The power of the Qilin True Fire may not be enough to hatch the Qilin egg." Black Tortoise Sheng said with a furrowed brow.

"Ah! I was so happy just now that I forgot about this ordinary divine beast, the Fire Qilin. Their parents have the lowest cultivation, only at the Profound Immortal realm, and some are even at the Immortal King realm. Hatching a Qilin egg is a piece of cake for them, but these two children, one is a Celestial Immortal and the other is a True Immortal, there is a big difference in their cultivation!" Mo Tian Sheng said.

Only then did they realize that it is not so easy for the young Fire Qilin to hatch and leave the Qilin egg!

It requires the parents of the divine beast, the Fire Qilin, to persistently roast them with Qilin True Fire for a thousand years.

As a divine beast, the hatching time of the Fire Qilin is ridiculously long! It is not even in the same league as the Human Race.

This young couple! They simply cannot bear the task of hatching a Qilin egg! If Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation were a bit higher, perhaps there would be hope.

But now, even if he immediately breaks through to the Golden Immortal Realm, it won't work. He must be at least a Profound Immortal.

If we don't use the Qilin True Fire to roast the Qilin egg, this young Fire Qilin might die in the egg.

"This! Two ancestors, what should we do?" Mo Yunqi said.

"It's alright! You two can't do it, but we two old guys can! Your Qilin True Fire won't work, but ours will. You can rest assured.

Wait for a while, until we finish our current tasks, and then we will go down to the mortal realm to bring your child to the immortal realm. We will incubate him for a thousand years. Before he is born, we will send him back." Mo Tiansheng said.

Zhou Tianfeng frowned on the side. This divine beast Fire Qilin is really particular. It's just hatching a Qilin egg.

There are so many restrictions. It's really worthy of being a divine beast Fire Qilin. My eldest son doesn't have such requirements! After all, he has half of the Human Race bloodline, and he can survive anywhere in the Human Race.

But this is difficult! Do we really have to send this child away? Let the two divine beast Fire Qilins incubate him. Although they will return after a thousand years, Zhou Tianfeng still feels a little uncomfortable.

"Two ancestors, my Qilin True Fire should not be inferior to an ordinary Fire Qilin. Can't we find any solution?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"If it were possible, we wouldn't help you incubate it. The divine beast Fire Qilin is very delicate. Neither of you are pure divine beasts, and the Fire Qilin can't take care of him when he is born." If it were so easy for the divine beast Fire Qilin to be born, it wouldn't be a divine beast.

"Is there really no other way?" Zhou Tianfeng still couldn't give up and asked.

The two divine beast Fire Qilins looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. If there were other methods, why would we be so anxious?

"In fact, there is another way. If my divine beast, the Sacred Land of our Qilin clan, still existed, the Qilin True Fire inside would be enough to incubate offspring. There would be no need for parents to provide Qilin True Fire for thousands of years." Mo Tiansheng said.

"Two ancestors, may I ask where the ancestral land of the Qilin clan is?"

"The ancestral land of the Qilin clan no longer exists. Otherwise, the Qilin clan would not have split into many different branches." Mo Tiansheng sighed and said.

If their Qilin clan's ancestral land still existed, their divine beast Qilin clan would not have fallen to its current state.

In the past, the Jade Qilin, Fire Qilin, Water Qilin, Thunder Qilin, Wind Qilin, and the most noble Holy Qilin all lived in the Qilin ancestral land. And their hometown was the Ancient Immortal Domain.

But later, due to some events, the Qilin clan withdrew from the Ancient Immortal Domain. And from then on, it split and fragmented into several different branch races.

However, the specific reason why their divine beast Qilin clan left the Ancient Immortal Domain is unknown. There is no record of it even within their Fire Qilin clan.

What if? After sending the two Qilin ancestors away, he enters the Virus Space and asks if there is any good method.

Let's do that. If Virus Space has a better solution, then he can keep the child with him.

After chatting with the two divine beast Fire Qilin's avatars for a while, Zhou Tianfeng ended the communication and the consciousness of the two divine beast Fire Qilins returned to the Heavenly World.

"Husband! Are we really going to send our child away?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"Don't worry for now. Maybe there will be a turning point. Do you remember the strange space I took you to before? Maybe there is a way to hatch our child there, so don't worry. I will explain everything to the two ancestors when the time comes." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, husband, I believe in you." Mo Yunqi said with a pleasantly surprised expression.

It's good to have a solution! After all, which mother wants her newborn child to be separated from her, even if he is still an egg.

In a dark space, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is talking to a group of mysterious figures.

"Haha, how embarrassing, Ruo Xi. You came back looking so downcast." One of the mysterious figures said mockingly.

"He has already reached half of the Immortal Emperor realm. Is it wrong for me to retreat?" Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi said.

"Failure! It's a failure. Our clan's face has been lost."

"Alright, stop arguing. We don't want to interfere in your personal matters, but is your mission completed?"

"Of course it's completed. We can start planning anytime now."

(End of this chapter)

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